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自由女性主义和激进女性主义是西方女性主义体育理论的两大流派。自由女性主义力图实现女性在运动中的平等参与机会,但未触及体育结构的根本。激进女性主义对性别结构和父权制展开激烈批评,并将女性解放的可能路径诉诸于跨性别运动和放弃家庭。激进女性主义的方案在现实中给许多女性体育参与者造成实践困境,而解决此需要从生态女性主义寻求知识营养。生态女性主义强调女性与自然的关联,并呼吁女性重新思考其在私人领域中的角色,为女性体育指明的道路是休闲体育和家庭体育。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, there have been a number of sociological investigations of participation by women in sports that had previously appeared to have been played exclusively by men. These investigations have rightly celebrated this participation as examples of greater physical empowerment, choice and freedom for women in sport. Several of these investigations have gone further by utilizing McCaughey’s notion of physical feminism to argue that participation in these sports is indicative of a broader feminist political challenge. This paper contends that this characterization of the broader political challenge is a misinterpretation of McCaughey’s physical feminism. Further, this misinterpretation is indicative of the theoretical underpinnings of the shift from a second wave radical feminism to a third wave celebrity feminism. This paper proposes a set of commitments that would be necessary, although not sufficient, to see these women’s leagues as feminist organizations that politically challenge patriarchal power.  相似文献   

社会性别、体育和21世纪第三浪潮女性主义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
董进霞 《体育与科学》2006,27(2):17-18,21
在法律的支撑下,男女参加体育活动的机会和使用器材设备上的差异正在明显缩小。许多学科和女子体育组织对体育中的社会性别问题十分关注,帮助人们更深刻地认识社会性别构成和体育之间的复杂关系。体育女权主义者为确保女性能参与更多的体育项目、得到更加平等的资助和奖励、得到高水平的教练指导和寻求男女平等的决策发言权而奋斗。变化着的社会环境、经济环境和体育图景使得社会性别和体育史研究能成为一个重要的领域。21世纪流行的第三浪潮女权主义认为20世纪60、70年代出现的第二浪潮女权主义所赖以生存的历史和政治环境已不复存在。她们讨厌‘牺牲品’女性主义的看法和对抗性途径,选择全球性视角,接受多元性。  相似文献   

Shame in sport     

To date, there has been little philosophical consideration of the concept of shame in sport, yet sport seems to be an environment conducive to the experience of shame due to its public and unequivocal nature demonstrating failure and success. Whilst much of the philosophical commentary of shame in sport suggests it acts as a quasi-virtue that holds the spirit of sport together and prevents cheating and other bad behaviour, I will argue that the real experience of shame (in contrast to embarrassment or guilt) is an adverse emotion, that undermines athlete well being and a good sports experience. This paper will provide an analysis of the concept of shame and its relation to other similar emotions, consider its ethical function, and evaluate its effect upon elite athletes in sport. I will conclude by arguing that those involved in sport need to recognise the destructive effect that shame can have upon individuals, how it can manifest itself in other negative emotions such as anger and depression and how sports authorities need to work harder to counter the pervasive and negative effects of shame in sport.  相似文献   

章以世界体育发展趋势的学术立场为出发点,以当代世界体育发展所赋予的那种不同于中国传统体育化的观念框架、范畴体系和意义网络为视角,以当代体育所提供的价值标准为理论依据,力图探索中国传统体育观念向现代体育观念的“转型”和演变,中国传统体育体制向现代体育体制的“转型”和演变的历史过程和发展机理。章认为:将传统的集中型国家行政垂直协调体制的体育发展模式,改为有宏观控制的社会自我协调体制的发展模式,是我国体育体制改革所需要达到的目标模式。  相似文献   

运动中专家表现的研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在回顾运动专家表现研究的基础上, 指出了运动专家表现研究的发展趋势, 即运动专家表现研究将更加重视纵向研究和性别差异研究; 研究内容将关注专家表现的保持; 运动专家表现的评估将转向模拟运动情境或真实运动情境。此外, 运动专家表现的研究有必要从操作方法上弥补专家———新手研究范式不足, 探索新的研究范式, 并对运动专家表现的获得作重新解释。  相似文献   

Given sport has been largely absent from U.S. public health policies and discourse, the author suggests ways that sport can be better managed to promote health. Using a critical perspective and grounded theory approach, the author examined the experiences of 14 men in the grassroots recreational program, F3. Data were collected through observation and semi-structured interviews. Based on the results, a conceptual model that suggests how sport should be managed to address illnesses related to physical inactivity is put forth. The resulting Sport as Medicine model indicates that Creating a Team Structure, Providing a Place to Be Accountable, and Ensuring No One is Left Out, led to meaningful Health Outcomes, including Physical Health, Mental Toughness, and Social Connections. As the distinctiveness of sport continues to emerge, the author provides a framework to consider how sport can be part of public health efforts to address physical inactivity. Thus, this work positions sport as medicine by pinpointing how sport can be managed so that holistic health outcomes are more likely achieved.  相似文献   

体育法治全球化的典型例证与法理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜熙 《体育学刊》2012,(3):30-36
以体育法治全球化何以可能着手,对反兴奋剂法治的全球化和国际体育仲裁实践两个体育法治全球化的典型例证进行考察,并针对两者进行法理分析。研究认为世界反兴奋剂法治和国际体育仲裁实践直接推动了体育法治全球化的发展;体育法治全球化将催生全球体育法治体系,这一体系已经演变成一种新的全球法律治理模式,并将为其它领域的国际法律和司法制度发展提供重要的范例。  相似文献   

学校体育与我国体育社会化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过学校体育在体育社会化中地位及作用的分析,阐明了学校体育社会化进程中任务的长期性、艰巨性。学校体育如何在当前形势下更好地适应与促进体育社会化的发展,笔者认为只有将学校体育与社会体育相结合,打破传统的学术体育教学模式,借鉴国外先进经验,开创一条适合我国国情,对贯彻实施全民健身计划具有推动力的道路。  相似文献   

采用文献资料等方法,对高技术的人文评价成为影响高技术未来走向进行分析,意欲为我国未来体育高技术的发展进行定位。主要结论:对体育高技术全然没有人文反思是不可取的,那样就会使体育成为脱缰的野马,失去了体育本有的价值,同样,对体育高技术的过度的人文忧思也是不可取的,那样就会走向体育技术的悲观主义,失去了体育的活力。积极的人文忧思,可以转化为一种积极的人文关怀,转化为人类体育运动发展的动力。建议:体育高技术应当是:适应社会环境、符合人文环境、创造和谐环境。体育高技术与人文评价应当是:"生"与"养"的融合、"才"与"德"的融合、"批"与"赞"的融合。  相似文献   


‘What an absurdity’: thus railed ‘P. Barnsby, Male Coach’ in the Letters page of Rowing magazine in August 1973, on the appointment of Penny Chuter as professional rowing coach for the Amateur Rowing Association (ARA). The flurry of responses prompted by his letter suggest that his views were not aligned with the majority of the rowing community; yet women’s role and position in the sport was still highly contested. Chuter’s appointment as an ARA National Coach, an elite level role with responsibility for the national squad as well as coach education in clubs, complicated and extended this polemic. Situated at the intersection of societal fears around female athleticism, employment and leadership – and the ideological conflict within the conservative Amateur Rowing Association about professional coaches regardless of gender – it provoked the rowing community to express some of its most profound uncertainties and anxieties about gender, and about the sport itself and the manner in which it should be undertaken. This paper explores these anxieties within the social context of second wave feminism and related shifts in gender norms, and the sporting context of British amateur rowing in the late 1960s and the early 1970s.  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会背景下我国农村体育的发展战略   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
通过调查与分析,揭示总体小康与全面建设小康社会农村体育地位发生了重大变化,农村体育将成为新时期我国群众体育的工作重点。广大农民不仅需要体育,而且热爱具有乡土特点的体育活动;尽管农村经济相对落后,但农村也具备了一些可以利用的必要发展条件。发展农村体育要着眼广大农村而不必以小城镇为重点,政府要承担起发展农村体育的主要责任。  相似文献   

我国体育产业立法的完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨洪云  张杰 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):12-14
体育产业在我国兴起的时间较晚,发展时间较短,体育产业立法在内容和形式方面存在不少缺陷,必须予以完善。在完善我国体育产业立法时应遵循适应社会与体育产业发展的原则、完整统一的原则和协调均衡的原则,并对体育中介服务业、竞赛表演业、健身娱乐业、咨询培训业方面的立法完善等予以阐述。  相似文献   

网络时代与体育   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
本文分3部分:网络与网络时代;我国网络的发展现状和趋势;网络和体育.作者在第一部分试图从8个方面说明网络的特征并以实例说明网络的社会功能;第二部分作者对我国网络现状做了分析并介绍了国外学者对世界网络发展前景的描述;第三部分作者论述了网络与体育的关系,并认为“网络体育“将是体育现代化的鲜明标志.本文着重从体育的决策管理、体育教育、运动训练和竞赛、体育锻炼、体育科学和体育产业等几个方面论述网络与体育的关系.最后作者坚信体育事业在网络时代必将取得更加辉煌的成就.  相似文献   

覃明路 《体育科技》2004,25(3):87-89
随着人类社会、经济、科技的发展 ,2 1世纪学校体育教育将发生巨大的变化。体育教育正在向健康教育转轨。学校体育教育必须培养学生的身心的全面健康与具有较强的社会适应性 ,贯彻落实《全民健身计划纲要》 ,从而实施高校体育与终身体育接轨。民族体育是我国传统文化璀璨的瑰宝 ,具有光辉而悠久的历史。因而高校民族体育教学应如何充分利用高校有利的资源 ,提高教学质量 ,更好地培养民族体育的专门人才 ,将我国这块文化瑰宝发扬光大 ,是高校必然要考虑的问题。本文试图在高校建立教学、训练、竞赛的网络系统 ,以促进高校民族体育向高层次方向发展  相似文献   

体育人文研究存在哲学思维多样化和理论体系的不足、传统体育文化研究缺乏深义、学科研究方法也显得相对单一等问题。哲学思维及理论缺失,将导致终极价值观偏离本位;传统文化的缺失,会导致民族符号、象征的消失;研究方法不足,会使学科发展缓慢。以人文学母学科——人类学的观点和研究经验,对体育人文理论的发展进行思考,体育文化现象不是随机创造或者抽样参照的结果,发展体育人文理论要有自己的哲学体系和民族文化自觉、文化自信。  相似文献   

从目前体育院校学生英语学习的现状入手,分析了2008北京奥运对体育院校学生英语学习产生的影响。进而认为,2008北京奥运提高了体育院校学生对英语学习重要性的认识、加强了英语学习的兴趣、改善了英语学习的环境以及促使英语学习与专业的结合等,以新的视角阐述了2008北京奥运对体育院校学生英语学习所产生的积极影响。  相似文献   

资本市场下我国职业体育俱乐部融资路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料和调查研究方法,阐述中国职业体育俱乐部的发展和资本市场改革的现状,分析资本市场促进体育产业发展的机制,提出职业体育俱乐部的融资方式,指出:中国职业体育俱乐部在经济全球化的背景下要抓住我国资本市场改革和不断完善的契机,充分发挥资本市场的融资功能,促进俱乐部投资主体多元化,加快俱乐部的自身发展,提高应对国际体育组织挑战的竞争力。  相似文献   

对改善农村初中体育现状的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
农村学校尤其是经济欠发达的地区,由于经费紧张等诸多因素,体育设施和师资匮乏已成为制约学校体育发展的“瓶颈”。通过文献研究及对全国最富裕农村浙江省农村初中体育现状的调查,提出建设性意见,试图为农村学校体育的改革发展提供点滴借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper draws on research that aimed to explore the construction of gender relations in sport and physical education (PE) through a national study of Spanish university degree curricula. Spain is a useful case study through which to explore gender knowledge within sport and PE degrees, because, unlike many other countries, it has a common, national curriculum framework for its Physical Activity and Sport Science (PASS) degrees. In addition, it has recently passed a new law concerning the introduction of gender knowledge in higher education (HE). Drawing on Bernstein’s (1990) framework of the pedagogic device, this paper examines how this HE gender policy becomes recontextualised as universities and lecturers interpret and translate this into the pedagogical texts that make up the PASS curricula. Purposive sampling was used to select 16 of the 37 universities offering PASS degrees in 2012/2013. The research analysed 16 PASS documents at the degree level and 763 individual subject handbooks. Using discourse analysis, the results showed where and how gender knowledge was incorporated and the extent to which the topic was presented coherently throughout the documents. The analysis revealed five categories of the (in)visibility of gender knowledge within the universities’ instructional discourse. Gender knowledge is largely ignored in PASS curricular documentation, appearing, at best, in highly superficial ways. Despite a national policy requirement on universities to incorporate gender knowledge, this study shows how recontextualisation processes within specific universities’ pedagogic devices operate to marginalise such perspectives within PASS curricula. The research also revealed the significance of individual agents committed to gender equity being situated, and having influence, throughout the pedagogic device. The paper concludes that without a much wider, critical engagement in knowledge about gender equity, PASS degrees will continue to reproduce rather than disrupt the gender relations that have traditionally characterised the field.  相似文献   

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