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闽东霍童溪淡水鱼类资源调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
霍童溪淡水鱼类资源调查表明,该溪有淡水鱼54种,分属9目16科39属.其中鲤形目鱼类有3科25属35种,占鱼类总种数的64.81%;鲶形目有4科5属7种,占总种数的12.96%;鲈形目有3科3属3种,占总种数的5.56%;鳗鲡目有1科1属4种,占总种数的7.41%.中华倒刺鲤.大斑花鳅、黄尾鲴等种类.福建鱼类志尚未记录.在54种淡水鱼中常见种25种,占鱼类总种数的46.30%;稀有种5种,占9.26%;偶见种23种,占42.59%;琵琶鱼是外来种.霍童溪淡水鱼类以底栖生活种类和穴居生活类型为主.  相似文献   

绿头鸭是野鸭的一种,我国的家鸭就是由这种野鸭长期驯养而来。所以,我们称它为家鸭的祖先。 野鸭的种类很多,在湖北的洪湖,有“九雁十八鸭”之说。为适应生活环境,它们都是游泳、潜泳、上树的能手。 在繁殖期间,它们显得比狡猾的狐狸更聪明。野鸭做巢,大多在水边的坡地的凹处。每窝最多能生14个  相似文献   

2002年5月、7~8月和2003年7月分三次对九寨沟自然保护区四条主沟的底栖无脊椎动物多样性进行了调查。结果表明:九寨沟主要水体底栖无脊椎动物由4门、5纲、10目、30科、40属、45种组成。区系特点以昆虫纲种类最丰富,有31种.占总种数的68.89%,其次为腹足纲种类10种,占总种数的22.22%;甲壳纲和寡毛纲种类最少.各仅1种,各占总种数的2.22%;涡虫纲种类2种,占总种数的4.44%。分布以箭竹海、五花海、珍珠滩、犀牛海、老虎海及芦苇海种类最多,数量最大。  相似文献   

根据《中国植物红皮书》(第1册)和《国家重点保护野生植物资源名录》,白马山自然保护区有珍稀濒危植物共计37科44属49种(不重复计算,包括归化种),其中蕨类植物3科3属3种,裸子植物6科6属7种,被子植物28科35属39种,占四川省珍稀濒危植物总数的46.67%,占全国珍稀濒危植物总种数的12.63%.按生活型划分有木本植物29种,草本20种.本区珍稀濒危植物具有古老孑遗性,单型科(属)、少型属占绝大多数,中国特有属比例较大,占总属22.73%.白马山自然保护区也是银杉生态研究的理想基础。  相似文献   

<正> 关于爬行动物染色体的研究,国外60年代就有较多的报道,国内起步较晚。80年代初才陆续开展这方面的研究工作。自1980年至1996年,我国已研究的爬行动物染色体的种类共60种(包括亚种),约占全国种数的16%,分属于4目12科33属。其中龟鳖目3科8属11种,约占全国种数的39%,蜥蜴目5科10属24种,约占全国种数的18%,蛇目3科14属24种,约占全国种数的11%,鳄目1科1属1种(本目我国只产此一种)。  相似文献   

宝天曼自然保护区藓类植物初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道宝天曼自然保护区鲜类植物25科、75属、238种。分别占河南省总科、属、种数的62.5%、44.3%和43.5%,其中河南新记录科5个,新记录属23个,新记录种98个;该地区主要藓类群落分属于石生、土生、树生和腐木生四个群落类型。  相似文献   

爱国主义教育是学校德育的永恒主题。农业技术学校农业技术教材中,有许多爱国主义教育的素材,教师要善于抓住有利时机,以饱满的爱国热情对学生进行爱国主义教育。 1.我国生物和农业资源十分丰富我国的陆地面积不到世界的3%,有种子植物近3万种,其中珍贵稀有的树种居世界之首。如珙桐、金钱松、银杏和银杉等。同时,我国还占有世界总数13%的鸟类资源和10.5%的哺乳动物资源。其中珍贵稀有的有大熊猫、扬子鳄、白鳍豚、麋鹿、大鲵等。此外,我国鱼类有2000多种,占世界鱼类种数的10%左右;兽类400多种,占世界上陆…  相似文献   

甘肃省湿地鸟类的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了甘肃省的湿地鸟类共130种及亚种,隶属于9目19科58属,占甘肃省鸟类总种数的约23%.根据对86种繁殖鸟的研究分析:古北界种类有56种及亚种,东洋界种类 有6种及亚种,其余24种为广布种.在这些鸟类中,被列为国家一、二级重点保护野生动物的 分别有 4种和 6种。  相似文献   

四川省剑阁县已知分布有17种两栖爬行动物,对该县两栖爬行动物的多样性现状及多样性的成胁因子进行了调查,结果表明:两栖爬行动物分别以蛙科和游蛇科为主,其属、种数分别占该县两栖动物属、种总数的50%和66.67%,占该县爬行动物属、种总数的44.44%、50%。该县两栖爬行动物的垂直分布以及水平分布格局均不明显,存在较严重的威胁两栖爬行动物生存的人为干扰。并提出了保护该县生物多样性的对策。  相似文献   

商丘种子植物区系组成计117科,506属,854种,其中裸子植物所占比值偏低;木本植物占商丘总种数的31.5%;区系地理成分复杂,归15个分布区类型,其中以温带成分为主,热带成分比较丰富,与周围地区联系广泛并且有明显的过渡性,人类活动在一定程度上降低了本区植物区系的丰富程度并影响了其种类组成,但没有改变本区植物区系以温带成分为主这一根本性质。  相似文献   

在传统农业时期,太湖地区生态系统良好,动植物资源丰富,给野鸭提供了良好的栖居条件。野鸭每飞则千百成群,遮天蔽日。野鸭群落里不仅有鸭科动物,还有其它一些鸟类。捕鸭作为一种副业,成为农业的补充。更有以捕鸭为业者。捕鸭的方式也是很多,古代的主要工具是网、媒鸭、弓箭,近代以后銃、枪等工具也逐渐被用来捕鸭。野鸭有较高的经济价值,作为野味食用对身体大有裨益。  相似文献   

东昌湖轮虫群落结构及种群分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对东昌湖轮虫群落结构、种群分布和丰度进行了初步研究。在湖区共检出8种轮虫,隶属于5属,其中优势种群为萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)、角突臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis)和壶状臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis),平均丰度为618ind./L。轮虫的种群分布及生物多样性在东昌湖三个湖区因污染程度的不同而存在着较大的差别。  相似文献   

2007年来的调查研究结果显示,梵净山及其周边地区野菜共记录401种,隶属275属125科,占贵州省野菜科、属、种的百分比分别为85.03%、67.73%和48.31%,且珍稀名贵种类丰富.梵净山及其周边地区野菜利用的现状具有民族特色,资源受到较好地保护,但长期保护和科学利用是一个综合的工程,需要继续深入研究,且亟待投资.  相似文献   

通过野外实地考察、室内标本鉴定和查阅整理资料相结合的方法,对太白山自然保护区有毒蕨类植物的种类、分布、有毒成分及其利用状况进行研究。结果表明:太白山自然保护区有毒蕨类植物有5科5属7种,均为小毒,占蕨类总数的6.4%,有药用、食用、观赏等多种用途。本研究可为合理开发和利用太白山有毒蕨类植物提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The effects of different fatty acid (FA) contents in diet on serum parameters, FA compositions of eggs and meat, and liver morphological changes were studied in Shaoxing laying ducks. A total of 264 ducks at 17 weeks were fed a control diet or a diet containing 30 g/kg fish oil (FO), 25 g/kg sunflower oil (SO), or 30 g/kg palm oil with 20 g/kg beef tallow (PBO). Malondialdehyde (MDA) content in the liver and the serum of ducks fed the PBO diet was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of ducks fed the other diets. Triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) levels were significantly lower (P<0.05) in ducks fed the FO diet. Serum TC also was lower in ducks fed the SO diet. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was also affected by diets. The contents of polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) in eggs and meat were significantly higher (P<0.001) in ducks fed the FO and SO diets than in ducks fed the control diet. The level of C22:6 (n-3) FA in ducks fed the FO diet was significantly higher than that in ducks fed the other diets. However, the conversion efficiency of the longer-chain C20:5 (n-3) FA was higher than that of C22:6 (n-3). Ducks fed the PBO diet exhibited lipid droplet accumulation in the liver. These results demonstrate that a diet enriched with different FAs has strong effects on serum lipid levels and the deposition of PUFAs into tissue lipids.  相似文献   

“江湖”与“庙堂”:湖湘文化的历史吊诡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖湘文化对湖南文学产生了巨大的影响,既有积极的,也有消极的。透过二千多年来湖湘文化的发展嬗变,不难发现,湖湘文化有着一种江湖文化的特质,近代以前,湖湘文化的发展得益于流寓湖南的一批文人;近代以来,湖湘文化的每一次发展都与中国社会大变革有关。在20世纪40年代至70年代初,湖湘文化发展曾经辉煌一时,达到一个新的高度。然而,经过毛泽东时期的一起一落之后,离开了庙堂的湖湘文化应如何发展下去便成为一大课题。  相似文献   

粤、桂、琼、湘四省区灵长类动物分布及地理生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东、广西、海南、湖南等四省区,地处热带、亚热带区域,本区域分布有8~9种灵长类动物,是我国灵长类主要分布区之一.在本区所分布的灵长类动物中有6种是国家一级保护动物,有一种及两个亚种为本区所特有,在这9种灵长类动物中现存数量最少的是黑长臂猿,仅约20只左右,现存数量最多的是猕猴,大约10000只,其它几种的数量都为几千只本文根据80年代以来在华南地区开展的猕猴、叶猴、长臂猿等研究及其它野生动物调查结果,对本区内的灵长类动物分布等综述报道,为制定本地区灵长类动物整体保护策略提供基础资料.  相似文献   

During Jan. 1995 to Dec. 1996, monthly investigations on the zoobenthic communities of West Lake, samples were collected from six sampling stations. A total of 26 species of macrozoobenthos were identified. The seasonal changes in density and biomass of zoobenthos in this lake were analyzed. The annual mean densities were 980∼2751 ind/m2 and mean biomass was 19.69–122.80 g/m2. The densities in winter and early spring were higher than those in summer and autumn. Comparative study of theprevious data (1982 to 1983) collected by the authors, showed that the succession of zoobenthic communities, dominated byProcludius choreus in density andBellamya purificata in biomass, had been occurred in Xiaonan sub-lake after Qiantang River water was drawn into it; and that the species and biomass of zoobenthos were then increased and the density was decreased. In other sub-lakes, the dominant species wereLimnodrilus hoffmeisteri andTokunagayusurika akamusi in density andBranchiura sowerbyi andTokunagayusurika akamusi in biomass. The water quality was bad in these sub-lakes because these dominant species are indicators of eutrophication. According to the Margalef index and Goodnight index, West Lake is still an eutrophic lake. Only the water quality of Xiaonan sub-lake was improved after water drawn from the Qiantang River was introduced into it. Project supported by the Evironmental Protection Bureau of Hangzhou, China.  相似文献   

To understand the potential impact of the Three Gorges Reservoir on the aquatic ecosystem after the damming of the Yangtze River, we studied the community composition and temporal abundance distribution of algae in two types of water bodies: a segment of the Jialing River near its confluence with the Yangtze River as an example of the river-lake type, and Shuanglong Lake in Chongqing as an example of the lake type. In total, 107 species belonging to 58 genera of 7 phyla were identified in the study area of the Jialing River, dominated by three groups with 49.5% diatoms, 29.0% chlorophytes, and 11.4% cyanobacteria in the community composition. There were 122 species belonging to 66 genera of 8 phyla in Shuanglong Lake, dominated by the same three groups with 19.7% diatoms, 48.4% chlorophytes, and 22.2% cyanobacteria. The densities of total algae and individual dominant groups were all much higher in the lake. More species of diatoms were found in the river-lake segment; whereas more chlorophyte species and cyanobacteriaum species were in the lake. There were 17 dominant species including 8 diatoms, 4 chlorophytes, 3 cyanobacteria and 2 cryptophytes in the river-lake segment, and 21 species in the lake, including 2 diatoms, 9 chlorophytes, 6 cyanobacteria, 3 cryptophytes and a dinoflagellate. In eutrophic conditions, chlorophytes and cyanobacteria may proliferate in a lake-type area and diatoms may cause algal bloom in a relatively faster-flow lake-river type area.  相似文献   

在缺苞箭竹紫果云杉原始林下选取3个密度的缺苞箭竹,研究了密度对缺苞箭竹生物学特性的影响.结果表明,箭竹各年龄株高、基径、节数和平均单株地上生物量随密度增大逐渐增高,1~6龄幼竹数量所占比例均较高,表明三个密度均属于增长型种群,但老龄竹所占比例随密度增大不断增大.在空间层次上,各密度枝、叶在100~200cm,竹杆在100cm以下空间占有较大比例的生物量,地上/地下生物量比率总体随密度增大而增大.(140±8)株/m ^2和(220±11)株/m^2密度箭竹各构件器官生物量排序均为竹杆〉竹鞭〉根系〉枝〉叶,而低密度(80±5)株/m^2则为竹鞭〉竹杆〉根系〉枝〉叶.总之,密度变化对缺苞箭竹生物学特性产生了影响.  相似文献   

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