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早在20世纪30年代,张岱年就提出了"综合创造论",并建构自成体系的"天人新论".<易传>是"天人新论"的思想基础,其中"天行健,君子以自强不息"蕴含了"日新"的要素;"地势坤,君子以厚德载物"蕴含了"兼和" 的要素,"天地交,君子以辅相天宜"蕴含了"创造"的要素."天行健"、"地势坤"、"天地交"三位一体,共同构成了中国哲学与文化创新思想的重要源泉.  相似文献   

20世纪20年代末30年代初,唯物史观在中国学术思想界风行一时。用唯物史观来解释中国历史成为其时中国学术思想界的一种新倾向。与此同时,国民革命的失败使得中国社会各界格外注意于对中国社会性质的探讨,并引发中国社会史大论战。在论战中,唯物史观大行其道,从而促使了中国经济史研究的兴起。但论战中大多数人的研究因政治上的干扰于中国经济史研究不但贡献殊少,且反使中国经济史研究一时偏离了学术研究的正轨。一些学者意识到问题所在,起而矫偏救弊,在一定程度上促使了这一因社会革命运动而起的学问的学术规范化。厘清这一段历史,有助于理解、认清近现代思想、政治与学术之间的纠葛关系。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the prominence of rationalism in the major Western pedagogical theories of Plato, Rousseau, and Dewey, all of whom conceptualize formal teaching, as the inculcation of rationality in individual learners. After each of their theories has been described, the argument turns against the tradition of pedagogical rationalism to question what happens in the education of artists, quasi-artists, and creative designers. The answer given is that imagination must be paramount and strongly encouraged in the education of such students, despite the problematic fact that imagination – seeing the truth – cannot be taught the way that rationality can, relying instead on the analysis of successful works of art and design as exemplary and allowing students to freely pursue their own individual inspirations.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代,章乃器发表大量文章阐述独具特色的经济思想,其信用统制思想开近代中国系统阐发信用思想之先河。他从民族立场出发论述统制经济思想,强调中国进行信用统制的必要性。在货币信用与信用制度变迁关系方面,主张以信用工具的改良和发展,去切实推进中国信用状况的改善。章乃器的信用统制经济思想对促进近代上海社会信用发展发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

陈斌  何世英 《教育学报》2001,(12):19-23
教育是国家创新体系的支柱和基础,担负母语教育的语文教学,又是教育中最基础的学科,因此为民族和国家培养出时代需要的富有创新精神和创造能力的人才,是我们责无旁贷的使命.语文教学中应注重培养学生的创造品格,即对问题的敏锐洞察力,对问题的钻研意志力,对问题的深刻思考力.  相似文献   

广泛、深入开展中国梦的宣传教育,帮助在校大学生深刻理解中国梦的内涵,引导他们坚定理想信念、实现中国梦想,是高校《中国近现代史纲要》实践教学的重点工作,结合中国梦开展《纲要》课实践教学不仅对大力推进中国梦的宣传教育意义重大,而且对高校《纲要》课实践教学模式的创新具有现实价值。  相似文献   

中国三十年代现代诗派带有鲜明的象征美学特征,用象征美学追求主观世界的客观化和思想的知觉化,在实践品格中,从对诗歌意象的选择中去诠释象征性意蕴,在纷繁的意象的汲取中去建构中国化的象征诗学,呈现出独有的美学风范和审美思路。  相似文献   

本在介绍美国心理学家斯滕伯格1991年提出的创造力投资理论的基础上,结合我国幼儿教育的实际,提出了应从以下6个方面来培养幼儿的创造力;(1)不要局限于发散思维的培养;(2)培养幼儿的智力;(3)培养幼儿灵活运用知识的能力;(4)尊重幼儿的智力方式;(5)培养幼儿创造的人格和内有动机;(6)提供有利于幼儿创造力发展的环境。  相似文献   

Teachers play a crucial role in the development of primary school students’ creative potential in either a positive or a negative way. This paper aims to draw attention to in-service and prospective teachers’ conceptions of creativity and answer three main research questions: “What are the teachers’ conceptions and implicit theories of creativity in general?”, “What are the teachers’ conceptions and implicit theories of creativity in the context of primary education?”, and “How well-trained and equipped do teachers feel to play their key role in the development of students’ creative potential?” A self-report questionnaire was used as an instrument to gather qualitative and quantitative data from 132 Greek in-service and prospective teachers. According to the selected quantitative data we present in this study, the majority of the participants reported that the facilitation of students’ creativity is included in the teachers’ role, but they (teachers themselves) do not feel well-trained and confident enough to realise this particular expectation. The authors conclude that further research is needed in order to: (i) reveal more on teachers’ conceptions on creativity and (ii) understand and classify teachers’ particular needs to facilitate the creative potential of primary school students.  相似文献   

培养学生创新意识是学校的重要任务。需要校长具有创新精神,激发教师的创新性,有创造性集体气氛,使学生产生最佳的创造力。学校应将培养学生创新意识渗透于教育教学活动中。  相似文献   

目前对马克思主义的理解持实践唯物主义的居多,虽然在实践唯物主义内部还没有达成一致,但在总体上这种理解方式还是被大多数人认同的,他们认为应该把马克思主义哲学理解为实践唯物主义。之所以这种理解能被多数人所认同,是因为这种理解形态具有合理性,它对哲学文本的理解最大限度的符合了马克思主义哲学本身。这种最大限度的符合就涉及到了理解的限度问题。文章剖析了各种理解形态的差异,从中引伸出实践唯物主义理解形态的合理性,进而从实践唯物主义理解的限度谈其合理的原因。  相似文献   

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