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李清照和勃朗宁夫人分别为中英两国文学史上杰出女诗人。在两人留下的众多诗作中,爱情诗是其中重要的一部分。尽管两人时代相差七百多年,国度不同,爱情诗风格不同,选取爱情主题不同,但两人都对爱情充满向往,并且在其诗歌中都有超乎于同时代的思想性体现,试对这几方面做一个比较,通过爱情这一主题,引起共鸣,带来对于两种诗歌文学的共同理解。  相似文献   

爱情是狄金森和李清照创作的共同主题。但在这一共同主题下,她们的爱情诗在内容和表述方法上又有所不同。狄金森的爱情诗,常写到在死后与爱人作永久的结合。而李清照的作品表现的多是深闺少妇思念远方丈夫的离情别绪。再者,由于她们生活在完全不同的文化背景之下,所以表达爱情的方式也不同。狄金森大胆直率,而李清照委婉含蓄。  相似文献   

李白与徐志摩都是浪漫主义诗人。他们爱情诗内容具有相同点:都表达对爱的赞美和憧憬;都关注女性的现状和命运;斥责薄情无义的负心人。二者爱情诗内容也存在不同点:封建思想观念不同;情感范围的不同。研究两人爱情诗内容的对比分析具有深远意义:珍爱生命,珍惜爱情;爱情交流中精神层面的追求;体会他们写作的美感与技巧。  相似文献   

《诗经》最早摄取了先民自然纯朴的爱情画面,内容丰富多彩,已至情景交融的艺术境界。屈原以大自然为背景,描绘了人、神之间超越现实的爱情幻想。魏晋南北朝乐府民歌,感情真挚,风格鲜明,文人爱情诗,侧重女性体貌、服饰描写,注重辞藻与声律。唐代爱情诗汲取民间情歌营养,走向生活化、世俗化和经典化,晚唐爱情诗笼罩着浓郁的感伤色彩。爱情诗至宋代被新兴词体取代而渐趋衰微。宋初强调锤炼字句,重视形式华美,北宋后受词体影响而转趋婉丽典雅。  相似文献   

爱情是人类最动人的感情之一,也是世界文学永恒主题之一。这种魅力最深刻的哲学背景是爱情克服了人类对死亡的恐惧。普希金的爱情诗歌就是这种思想的诗意显现。他早期爱情诗偏重肉体的满足,是自我意识的激情飞扬;后期爱情诗专注于精神的契合,是在对“永恒女性”即普遍精神的追求中完成个体的超越和拯救。  相似文献   

李清照的爱情词与封建文人的爱情词不同,封建文人是借爱情词抒发人生不得志的郁闷或从男性角度对女性的狎玩,李清照的爱情词是真正的男女情歌,李清照的词所描写的女性微情感是任何男性文人无法做到的。所以,李清照在我国词史上的地位是其他作家无法替代的,李清照词所表现出的美学物质一方面渊于个人的文学修养,一方面则直接归于其作为女性“得天性之近”的创作优势。  相似文献   

唐代作为我国古代诗歌最为繁盛的时期,诗人群体汹涌庞大,而女性诗人的女性意识也开始散发出蓬勃的生命力。其中以薛涛和鱼玄机为代表,她们凭借自身独特的情感体验和审美方式,展现出爱情中女性细腻的生活图景,为后世女性意识的发展产生巨大影响。女性意识的觉醒引发了女性诗人自主抒发爱情的社会契机和自身要求,薛涛和鱼玄机的爱情诗创作中蕴含着二人不同的女性意识,表现了唐代女性诗人爱情诗中女性意识的觉醒和转换。  相似文献   

描写爱情和婚姻的诗在《诗经》中占有很大比重。其中的爱情诗是中国现存最古老的爱情诗,但同时又是开先河的、令人惊讶的、成熟的爱情诗。浪漫是这些爱情诗的共同特征。这里面又以意境朦胧的爱情诗最为优美,以大胆表白的爱情诗最具时代风气,而被失败的婚姻所摧残的爱情更是使人痛心。《诗经》中的这些涉及爱情和婚姻的诗篇,一方面反映了恰似奴隶社会向封建社会转型的历史时期已经不太自由的恋爱状况,另一方面又表现了夫权至上的不平等观念给婚姻带来的危害、给女性带来的痛苦。  相似文献   

中英两国不同的政治、宗教和文化背景使两国爱情诗既有共同之处,又各有千秋。本文主要从诗歌内容和表现手法分析二者的诗学差异。内容的不同表现在,中国古典爱情诗描写的对象多为女性,而英国古典爱情诗诗中的主角多为男性;中国古典爱情诗注重对婚后生活的回顾和反思,诗中的宗教色彩淡漠;而英国古典爱情诗则注重婚前爱情的追求,宗教色彩相当浓厚。描写手法的不同则表现在:中诗委婉含蓄,而英诗直率。  相似文献   

爱情是人类生活永恒的主题,《诗经》中的爱情诗表现了诗经时代爱情生活的方方面面。其中,对爱情理想的执着追求,对爱人品貌学识的质朴要求,女性对爱情的大胆主动,婚恋由开放转向保守,在诗经的爱情诗中得到了突出而形象的表现。这种最纯美、最本真的表现至今仍让我们心神激荡。  相似文献   

Disliked children may experience unhappiness, loneliness, and considerable frustration during their early involvement in preschool centers and the early years of school. Teachers of young children, realizing the effects of being disliked on self-esteen and academic, social, and personal growth, must work toward either changing the causes of the problem or attempting to change peer and teacher behaviour toward the disliked child.M. Lee Manning is Assistant Professor of Elementary Education of Columbia College in South Carolina.  相似文献   

Lu Ben is a student in Class Four of Grade Three. His father is a manager. He doesn't have breakfast at home. He goes to work early. He comes back very late after he has dinner in a restaurant. His mother is a businesswoman. She is busy making money all day. She leaves home in the morning and comes back in the evening. They don't care(关心 ) about Lu Ben's studies.  相似文献   

说明:小学生喜欢听故事,喜欢表演。根据这一特点,我把《爱嘟嘴巴的小女孩》改编成英语剧本,让学生在故事的表演中体验到学英语的乐趣。此剧语言难度适中,适合中高年级的小学生表演。  相似文献   

Teacher expectations are associated with student academic achievement, but no research has generated new theory that explains how teacher expectation effects occur from students' perspectives. A substantive theory explaining the process through which students reconcile with their teachers' expectations is presented in this paper, emphasising the role of caring student-teacher relationships in teacher expectation effects on academic achievement. The theory was constructed with 25 grade 10 participants across three Western Australian secondary schools, with data including 100 interviews and 175 classroom observations. The analysis and synthesis of the data confirmed that the students acted in ways that they reflected improved their academic attainment when their teachers communicated high expectations of them. Noddings' enduring philosophy of the ‘ethic of care’ is used as a discussion framework, emphasising implications for how teachers practise and learn to interact with their students so that they can initiate positive teacher expectation effects on student learning.  相似文献   


While leisure writing may help children to acquire writing skills, it can also be considered as an inherently valuable cultural activity. This study explores how children’s beliefs may explain to what extent children are inclined to leisure writing and if there are any gender differences. Building on preliminary scale development work, we analysed data from 963 third-graders. Variables included (a) the intrinsic value attached to leisure writing (b) preceding behavioural, normative, and control beliefs related to these activities, and (c) the level of leisure writing. In a structural equation model, the preceding beliefs were applied as explanatory variables for the intrinsic value. Intrinsic value, in turn, explained a large proportion of variance in children’s leisure-writing activities. Gender differences in leisure writing were mediated by intrinsic value. Significance of intrinsic value and preceding beliefs regarding leisure-writing activities are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过对灯与飞蛾这对文学原型的古代文学,特别是在20世纪文学中象征意蕴的解读,分析其意义变迁及其文化背景。  相似文献   

The benefits of regular recreational reading for literacy development have been widely acknowledged, and as such, encouraging children to be life‐long readers is an educational imperative. Teachers who are models of keen recreational reading can play an important role in fostering a keen love of reading in children, so that they regularly engage in the practice. However, it is not known if all teachers have the time, inclination and awareness to actively model a love of reading in their classrooms. This article explores data from the 2016 Western Australian Study in Children's Book Reading to ascertain which teacher behaviours and attitudes children deem indicative of a love of reading. While many children did not know if their teachers liked reading or not, teachers who were perceived to be readers talked about books in the context of pleasure, were seen to read independently at school, and read aloud to the class with expression and emotional connection.  相似文献   


This paper, which includes data derived from two larger DfES and Scottish Executive funded studies, offers a consideration of working class gender norms as they pertain to the desire (or not) to attempt, and to successfully complete once attempted, a course of higher study in a British university. Consideration is given to attitudinal and behavioural norms for both sexes within the working class and an exploration is made of reasons for gender differentiated attitudes towards both studying itself and the capacity to successfully complete a course. For both males and females the capacity to be a 'good parent' was their first priority. However, males and females appeared to interpret the 'good parent' role differently. For males the ability to be an effective breadwinner was paramount, and any subsequent availability of paid work was often enough to trigger the desire to discontinue their studies. However, for females the desire to be an effective and visible role model for their communities was also important, and this acted as an encouragement (a 'pull') to them even in their worst moments of self-doubt. For a small number of females the 'push' factor of a significant (and often traumatic) 'life changing event', such as a divorce or a separation, acted as a 'push' towards learning. This is discussed in the light of Mezirow's 'perspective transformation' model.  相似文献   


This paper explores how middle-class distinction is produced in a primary school by focusing on four different ‘scenes’. Using Bourdieu’s notion of distinction, this paper shows how children are educated on matters of middle-class taste. I argue that privilege is produced through food education in different formats. This taste education goes beyond what one should merely eat and consume. It is situated within a middle-class nostalgia for rural ‘villageness’. While this type of distinction is not in and of itself problematic, this paper discusses the implications for when these ideas are taken up in policy, and expected of all schools. I argue educators need to be aware of how these values are being rolled out as universal values, expected of schools in diverse areas. Educators should pay attention to how middle-class distinction and privilege is produced and reproduced in schools, in order to create a more inclusive food education.  相似文献   

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