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Nigeria developed a national policy for information technology (IT), which is a general policy for the development of IT (or more broadly, information and communication technologies (ICTs)) in Nigeria. It was formulated by the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology and published in March 2001. The policy represents the perceptions of the Federal Government of Nigeria of what ICTs are, what they do and can do, how they can be developed and applied, and the time frame within which to achieve ICT capability in Nigeria. This paper analyzes the Nigerian national information policy for IT and the process of its formulation within this context. It concludes that many of the specific questions raised in the discussion were not considered in the policy formulation process under discussion. The questions, or at least most of them, raised in this discussion remain valid and continue to beg for answers, irrespective of any success or failure that may be attributed to the existence or operation of the policy.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(20):89-103
This paper explores the role of the reference librarian in an interdisciplinary field bridging scholarly and policy information, and in a library that serves the public, academic, business and policy communities. After considering the nature of women's studies and policy studies, the author reviews recent literature on the changing role of the librarian in providing specialized research and reference services, finding the emergence of a proactive, client-centered, multifunction model. Through an examination of the diverse activities in women's policy issues in Washington DC, the author shows the ability of the librarian to merge reference service, research consultation, outreach, collection development, and bibliographic instruction. In monitoring the field within and outside the library, the librarian becomes established as an independent authority and can offer well-informed service to policymakers, analysts, students, the media and political groups. The paper summarizes the benefits and problems for the librarian and the patrons in this individual approach to public service.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the influence of visualizations and the technologies used to create and distribute them on the process and outcome of public policymaking. We will analyze nine qualitative case studies, three on agenda setting, three on policy design and decision making and three on policy evaluation. We find that the choice of the technologies used to create a visual event increases transparency and impacts policy greatly. Also we find that the type of story which is told affects the way policy is created or changed.  相似文献   

Much of information policy is focused on establishing the parameters of information access—ensuring or limiting access to certain types of information. Given how central information access is to virtually every aspect of society, policy can be seen as one of the most significant forces influencing the information society. Recent events, however, have fueled changes in the ways that some governments use policy to shape access, none more significantly than the United States. This paper examines the meanings of and relationships between policy and access, as well as their key roles in society and democratic participation. Following an examination of the historical and social impacts of policies about access, the article analyzes the perspectives of the Bush administration on how policy should shape information access as an illustration of the relationships between policy and access. The paper examines the issues raised by the Bush administration’s views on access and policy and the implications of their policies for the United States, for the global information society, and for research related to information. Ultimately, the paper raises questions about the extent to which information policies about access can be used for overtly political purposes, what might be described as “information politics,” without significantly altering the meaning of information access in a society.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 《图书馆权利法案》是图书馆权利、图书馆智识自由这一核心政策群之灵魂,对其制定与修订过程的微观研究不但有益于图书馆权利问题的探讨,亦可为图书馆政策的制定和修订提供参考。[方法/过程] 采用政策分析、历史研究的视角,从8个《图书馆权利法案》版本的文本异同出发,结合相应的政策信息和文献资料进行分析。[结果/结论] 总结单一调整、综合调整、条款增删和反复调整4类文本修订方式和效果,并结合大规模修订、小规模修订、被否定的修订3种场景还原政策修订过程、参与者的角色地位,进行修订程序的分析,发现ALA在政策制定过程中体现了回应社会环境变迁与守护职业立场的功能。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]文章对科技政策隐性扩散路径自组织方法进行研究,挖掘科技政策文本包含深层语义信息,将隐性知识显性化,为科研人员拓展和丰富政策扩散路径研究提供参考。[方法/过程]本文结合科技政策篇章文本的形式语义和内容语义两个方面对政策文本结构化处理和深度挖掘,对政策文本资源全解析,抽取科技政策文本中包含的特征,其中包括概念和关系自动获取与标引技术、网络表示学习,挖掘科技政策文本中的隐含结构信息,利用BiLSTM-CRF模型的深度学习方法实现概念的自动获取和自动标引关系。将得到多篇科技政策文本的概念和关系组成概念关系对的形式,借助于表示学习的方法发现每个节点稠密的向量表示。[结果/结论]通过实验验证,证明了本文借助隐性路径特征的科技政策扩散隐性路径自组织方法的有效性,在一定程度上拓展了政策研究的方法,为科研人员在政策扩散研究上提供了参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对大数据背景下数据挖掘所面临的版权政策问题,作为高校科研院所文献信息中心的研究型图书馆应当构建灵活的数据挖掘版权政策。[方法/过程]综合分析研究型图书馆面临的版权政策环境,从国家立法和出版商政策两个角度,分析版权许可和法定例外这两种政策构建方式。[结果/结论]我国研究型图书馆应该积极推动建立数据挖掘版权例外制度,同时完善内容采购的版权许可机制,提高与出版商的谈判能力;从宏观和微观的角度为科研人员开展数据挖掘提供灵活全面的政策支持。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]大数据政策是大数据应用和发展的推动力量,其价值取向分析可以为我国政府大数据政策的制定、执行和评估提供借鉴,为大数据政策未来的发展方向提供依据。[方法/过程]收集国务院及其各部门门户网站发布的政务大数据政策文本共计58份,运用主题分析方法对政策文本中表达政务大数据价值取向的主题进行编码分析,编码过程以NVivo12软件为辅助工具。[结果/结论]通过主题分析,构建大数据政策价值取向总体框架,框架总结政治、经济、社会、生态与科技5个维度的价值取向,并探讨各维度及其具体价值取向间的交互关系。  相似文献   

国际上主要国家开放存取政策及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种创新、高效的学术交流模式,“开放存取”提倡学术信息共享和免费获取。文章全面展示了西方发达国家美国、英国以及发展中国家印度开放存取政策的历史背景、制定过程、实施方式以及阶段性成效,并由此提出建议,即我国政府及相关机构需要制定出适合我国国情的开放存取政策,建立完善的保障制度,确定有效的政策形式,开展多样的资金支持,以实现我国学术信息在更大范围更长时间内的交流、传播和获取。该文为《数字图书馆论坛》2009年第11期本期话题“Open Access”的文章之一。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]面向“十四五”的高校图书馆文献信息资源建设既是整体规划的重要组成部分,又是图书馆的服务保障与基础条件。明确编制过程、调研重点、发展思路与实施措施,对于高校图书馆中长期的文献信息资源建设战略有重要的指导作用和现实意义。[方法/过程]结合文献调研与行业观察和分析,采取案例研究、政策文本解读、比较研究等方法,总结高校图书馆制订文献信息资源建设“十四五”规划的策略与发展思路。[结果/结论]文献信息资源建设的总体思路是赋能存量、做优增量和把握变量,针对新发展阶段高校图书馆的目标与任务,提出具体的实施策略。  相似文献   

我国科研诚信政策变迁计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]对我国中央发布的科研诚信政策和地方响应情况的现状及变迁作了分析,以求把握政策发展态势与阶段重点,为科研诚信建设提供支撑,为我国科研诚信政策发展研究提供帮助。[方法/过程]搜集整理108份与科研诚信相关的中央政策及80份参照落实中央政策的地方政策,使用政策文本计算与政策文献量化方法,对政策发布时间、发布机构、政策内容及政策响应情况的现状及其变迁进行分析梳理,得到了政策发布的时间特征、重要机构特征、内容侧重点变化以及政策响应的特征。[结果/结论]①科研诚信相关治理措施早在1980年就有涉及,近年来围绕国家创新建设的需求发文数量骤增,治理的态度更坚决,措施办法也更加具体。②科研诚信的治理由中央政府领导,教育部与科技部是各个阶段的主要管理部门,相关部门逐渐加入进行共同治理,目前已形成合力的格局。③各部门的科研诚信治理着力点、对象与方法略有差异,但总体而言,从方法与目标上来看,逐渐从自我约束、道德教育转变到制度建设与道德建设齐抓共管。④全国范围内绝大多数的地方省市都积极响应了中央政策,采取措施进行科研诚信治理,但相对而言有一定的时滞。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 图书馆政策制定过程中面临多重制度逻辑的冲突,图书馆政策制定者只有采取适应性策略来平衡利益相关者的诉求,才能实现图书馆的可持续发展。从多重制度逻辑冲突的视角来审视美国图书馆政策制定的过程,为我国图书馆政策制定和执行过程提供有益启示。[方法/过程] 通过对美国伊利诺伊州图书馆绩效拨款政策背景与过程的分析,阐述多重制度逻辑冲突(社会逻辑、图书馆运行逻辑以及市场化政府逻辑)下,图书馆政策制定者为平衡利益相关者所采取的应对策略。[结果/结论] 研究结果表明,在制定图书馆政策过程中,政策制定者为化解制度逻辑冲突及其合法性危机,可采取建立广泛的政策网络、多层次渐进式协商、充分运用策略空间、变更政策类型、构建政策修正机制等行为来平衡政策参与者的利益。  相似文献   

Nigeria developed a national policy for information technology (IT), which is a general policy for the development of IT (or more broadly, information and communication technologies (ICTs)) in Nigeria. It was formulated by the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology and published in March 2001. The policy represents the perceptions of the Federal Government of Nigeria of what ICTs are, what they do and can do, how they can be developed and applied, and the time frame within which to achieve ICT capability in Nigeria. This paper analyzes the Nigerian national information policy for IT and the process of its formulation within this context. It concludes that many of the specific questions raised in the discussion were not considered in the policy formulation process under discussion. The questions, or at least most of them, raised in this discussion remain valid and continue to beg for answers, irrespective of any success or failure that may be attributed to the existence or operation of the policy.  相似文献   

Research in the field of risk communication, the study of communication about uncertain physical hazards, has chiefly focused on enhancing understanding of risk concepts or making the development of risk management policy more democratic. For risk communication to be effective, a third focus is also necessary: risk communicators need an understanding of communication as a problem solving process. To facilitate this understanding, this paper offers a framework for analyzing risk communication situations and developing messages to use in those situations. The paper discusses four goals frequently pursued by risk communicators: creating awareness about the existence of important phenomena, enhancing understanding of complicated ideas, developing agreement about policy options, and motivating action. Obstacles to these goals and strategies for achieving them are identified in a diverse set of literatures.  相似文献   

介绍了山东省实施科技创新券政策推动大型科学仪器资源开放共享的典型做法、具体措施,分析了山东省 科技创新券具体运作流程,总结了政策实施效果以及执行中存在的主要问题。基于山东省科技创新券政策的实践与管 理工作,从省级层面、国家层面提出进一步做好科技创新券相关工作的建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 随着国际组织、国家和科研及基金资助机构对开放获取(OA)运动的支持力度进一步加强,开放获取政策不仅在数量上不断增加,其强制力度也在加深,促进了全球科研交流的发展。总结梳理强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的实践进展,可为我国相关政策主体制定与改进相应的OA政策提供借鉴和参考。[方法/过程] 首先通过文献调研及网站调研强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的制定现状,分别概括基金资助机构与科研机构的此类政策所包含的激励措施的特点;其次,以科研机构为例,利用机构WOS论文在机构指定的存储库中的存储情况来反映机构OA政策的执行效果,对比分析此类政策与未制定激励措施的强制性OA政策、鼓励性OA政策实施效果的差异。[结果/结论] 目前制定强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的机构较少,基金资助机构主要采取削减项目资助资金或取消受资助者再次申请基金资格的惩罚性措施来督促科研人员遵守其OA政策,科研机构则将科研人员遵守OA政策的情况与其绩效评估相挂钩,借以激励机构成员实现研究产出的开放获取;实证分析发现强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策相比于另外两类OA政策执行力度更强、实施效果更好。  相似文献   

探讨三层结构的用户信息素养教育工作流系统结构模型,研究工作流技术控制教学过程,针对分离用户学习流程和学习内容的目标,提出一种独立目标节点的工作流过程定义策略。基于开源软件搭建信息素养教育平台,通过该平台可以有效地通过完成学习任务,提高用户信息素养能力。  相似文献   

Research documents the existence of racial and ethnic health disparities. As a result, policy makers are seeking to address these disparities. This list is a starting point for building or updating a collection that supports this policy development process. It is written for health policy librarians and researchers and includes annotated recommendations for books, periodicals, government publications, and Websites. Entries for print publications are primarily from 1998 to 2003.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the development and testing of a self-guided, library-based materials and methods manual that complements a course in social work research at the undergraduate level and graduate level. The paper outlines the content of the manual and discusses its interface with the content in social work research design coursework. The manual guides the student though the process of selecting a topic for research, identifying library reference resources to support the topic area selected and developing a bibliography of reference material relevant to the topic. A special selection of the manual addresses computer-based references. The manual is also designed to complement other courses in the social work curriculum such as policy analysis and other special topic courses.  相似文献   

This research investigated the role of a public interest group, Canada's Coalition for Public Information, in the federal information policy-making process for the information highway. The investigation followed the example of naturalistic methods described in grounded theory and extended case methodologies. Two public policy models that explore the policy-making process and policy community were used as the framework for building an understanding of events, context, stakeholders, strategies, and influence. The researcher concluded that CPI exercised little influence over policy outcomes. CPI remained outside the decision-making network of government officials and private sector representatives owing to its limited resources, limited political experience, and its late entry into the policy process. However, CPI did succeed in helping to bring a perspective other than the market agenda to the public and to the policy community.  相似文献   

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