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There has been considerable theoretical work on the role of information systems (IS) in creating competitive advantage and enhancing organizational performance. The literature identifies a consistent lack of success by organizations in achieving business benefits from their IS investments and in particular their difficulties in obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage. A great deal of debate appears to exist nowadays related to the participation of information technology (IT) risks to organizational performance. Previous research has dealt with the examination of the existing relationships between the implemented information technology and firm's performance variables. This research focuses on the IT impact on firm's non-financial IT risk. The research was conducted using questionnaires that were sent to world's five hundred largest corporations as they were published in the fortune magazine (European edition, No. 14, 2003) and to Greek companies. The results indicate that IT risk factors affect mainly coordination and partially information ability but not productivity. Furthermore, the most significant risk factors affecting business performance are management ability, information integrity, controllability and exclusivity.  相似文献   

This study investigates the antecedents and consequences of team learning, which is composed of information acquisition, dissemination, and implementation, in information technology (IT) implementation projects. By investigating 129 IT implementation project teams, we found that (1) information acquisition and information dissemination have a positive impact on project outcomes, such as speed-to-users, lower implementation cost, and operational effectiveness, and (2) team behavior and enabler variables, such as teamwork, team communication, interpersonal trust between team members, team commitment, and senior manager support, positively influence team learning. We also found that team anxiety moderates the relationship between team learning and project outcomes.  相似文献   

大科学工程对科技发展具有不可替代的支撑作用,把握大科学装置的建设方向,是中国站在向创新型国家转变的关键转折点这一特殊时期的必然选择。文章以索罗模型为基础,构建了知识在经济中传递的模型,并通过多期迭代计算证明了①与增加应用研究投入相比,基础研究投资增加对经济产出有更显著的促进作用;②当研发产出结构与应用研究的产出存在相关性时,基础研究比重过低会导致长期的应用研究产出增长乏力,对经济增长有负面影响。基于此,对大科学工程的建设方向做如下建议:大科学装置的投资建设应该更加重视对基础研究领域的支持;对应用研究层面的大科学装置的立项更为审慎,当缺乏相关基础知识的支撑时,应该暂缓对应用研究层面大科学装置的建设。  相似文献   

Knowledge Management Research & Practice - In important areas of the public sector, client service depends on cooperation and collaboration among workers in different organizations or agencies....  相似文献   

Immigration is a hotly debated and politicized policy area, one in which governments confront fierce opposition from populist parties and negative media narratives altering citizens’ perceptions of the issue. There is also growing scholarly interest in migration; new migrant integration research advocates for a conceptual shift away from focusing on migrant populations and towards rethinking host communities. At the same time, public sector innovation research is developing new approaches for how governments and public organizations can be innovative in dealing with grand challenges such as migration. The aim of this article is to merge these two subfields in order to answer a guiding research question: how can public organizations be innovative to promote integration for migrants? We suggest a typology of different innovation strategies that governments can adopt regarding integration, and we present five illustrative cases from European nations to examine how governments can innovate in order to integrate migrants. We find that governments can use multiple tools to promote integration and respond to grand challenges; governments can use various sources of innovation to address major barriers to migrant integration (e.g. language barriers, negative media and public opinion, and the difficulties of providing concrete assistance).  相似文献   

Innovation in the public sector plays an important role in improving the quality of public services and addressing economic and societal challenges. Most of the previous research on innovations has focused on the private sector. How organizations may achieve ambidexterity for innovations in the public sector characterized by unique constraints has been largely underexplored. Platforms have emerged as key components in organizations’ approaches to innovation. Using an empirical study in a public sector organization, this study identifies a platform-based approach that can be used to achieve ambidexterity in balancing exploitative and exploratory innovations in the public sector. Organizations facing constraints pertaining to structure, risk, and value may benefit from considering their product/service development, process management, and value formulation through this approach. This study also identifies practices in platform development, appropriation, and control that contributed to the success of the platform-based approach.  相似文献   

This conceptual paper explores the impact of blockchain technology on public sector processes through the lens of information security. It includes an overview of the evolution of e-government, a synopsis of existing applications of blockchain technology, and innovative blockchain developments. We utilize the Confidentiality-Integrity-Accessibility (CIA) triad to guide our discussion of the security, governance, and regulatory implications of this technology. Leveraging the CIA triad model, we provide context for public managers who may consider blockchain technologies, and we highlight certain advantages arising from the “non-reputability” of distributed ledgers.In particular, we highlight the advantages of blockchain technologies with regards to non-reputability to help public managers understand how to best leverage blockchain technology to transform operations.  相似文献   

Shared services have been embraced by the private, and increasingly, the public sectors. Yet implementation has often proved to be difficult and the factors which are critical to success are not yet well understood. In this paper existing research in the area of critical success factors (CSFs) is examined and it is suggested that that research actually covers two distinct phenomena. One approach is focused on identifying the factors required for a specific individual to achieve their outcomes. The second on determining the general success factors for implementing a project of a certain type. A reconciliation of the two approaches is proposed within a framework that distinguishes between three different types of CSF – outcome, implementation process and operating environment characteristic. A case study of a project to implement shared services in the Australian public sector is examined using the reconciled framework. The case shows that the reconciled approach by including, and differentiating between, outcome, process and operating environment characteristic factors provides a richer and more complete picture of requirements. Further benefits from the synthesis are also highlighted including that factors are a mix of universal and context specific, different perspectives on factors exist and not all environmental factors perceived to be critical have to necessarily be present.  相似文献   

There is sufficient evidence, drawn from surveys of innovation in the public sector and cognitive testing interviews with public sector managers, to develop a framework for measuring public sector innovation. Although many questions that are covered in the Oslo Manual guidelines for measuring innovation in the private sector can be applied with some modifications to the public sector, public sector innovation surveys need to meet policy needs that require collecting additional types of data. Policy to support public sector innovation requires data on how public sector organizations innovate and how a strategic management approach to innovation can influence the types of innovations that are developed. Both issues require innovations surveys to delve deeply into the innovation processes and strategies that are used by public sector managers. Implementation of the measurement framework proposed in this paper would open up opportunities for a new, policy-relevant research program on public sector innovation.  相似文献   

This article reports an ethnographic study that investigates the ways in which time was experienced and managed in an information systems (IS) development project. The study is based on 6 months of intensive overt participant observation of the development of Executive Information Systems in a large multinational company. Drawing on time geography, this article discusses a social perspective of time and social dynamics of time management in IS development project teams and outlines its implications for formal approaches to time management.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104768
Traits that predict whether an employee will generate promising new ideas do not necessarily predict that they will also implement those ideas. This is especially relevant within the public sector, which is typically more risk averse than the private sector, and where barriers to innovation include staff resistance, rigid organizational structures, and a lack of shared innovation goals. To shed light on why some public sector employees are better intrapreneurs than others, we examine the role of risk-taking, emotional empathy, and cognitive empathy on the likelihood of innovation implementation. Using a sample of public sector employees who attended a prominent design thinking bootcamp run by the Bangladeshi Prime Ministers Office, results indicate that individuals are more likely to implement their innovative ideas if they have higher cognitive empathy and risk-taking propensity, but lower emotional empathy. We find evidence for the ‘empathy divergence thesis’ within a public sector setting, extending growing evidence from neuroscience and psychology that cognitive and emotional empathy are distinct processes with divergent effects on behavior. In sum, we provide a nuanced understanding of the overall effect of three important individual level traits on the likelihood of innovation implementation among public sector employees.  相似文献   

张熠  徐艺玲  程慧平  金玲 《现代情报》2018,38(11):123-129
[目的/意义]对UTAUT模型在国内IT/IS采纳中的应用现状进行归纳总结,指出UTAUT模型应用中存在的不足、发现可能的发展趋势,以期启发国内应用UTAUT模型进行IT/IS采纳的未来研究。[方法/过程]选用中国知网学术期刊数据库,以UTAUT为检索词进行全文检索,采用文献计量法和内容分析法从研究主题、理论或模型应用方式、调查对象、采纳行为影响因素4个方面对筛选出的实证研究文献进行归纳整理总结。[结果/结论]国内应用UTAUT模型进行IT/IS采纳研究主要围绕互联网+"X"、移动服务领域展开,大部分文献通过扩展UTAUT模型方式,以学生为调查对象借助结构方程模型进行分析,实证研究中萃取的影响因素除UTAUT模型常规变量外,更多关注的是风险、成本、信任。UTAUT模型应用方式主要分为:单一模型、模型扩展、模型组合、模型整合4种方式;按影响因素属性不同可以分为:技术因素、经济因素、个人因素、环境因素和质量因素;按影响因素的作用原理分为:直接因素、间接因素、两栖性因素、调节变量。最后,对未来研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Business analytics (BA) becomes increasingly important under rapidly changing business environment. A research challenge is that BA use is not fully understood. We tackle this challenge from the perspective of dynamic capability by using an empirical model with the emphasis on BA use in customer relationship management (CRM). Based on 170 samples from firm-level survey, we analyze the nomological linkage from IT competence to CRM performance. The results show data management capability fully mediates between IT competence and BA use, while customer response capability partially mediates between BA use and CRM performance.  相似文献   

陈媛媛  齐中英 《科研管理》2011,32(11):139-147
企业IT投资过程中,组织冗余究竟发生了怎样的变化?组织冗余与企业绩效之间存在着怎样的关系?文章对此进行理论研究,分析并假设IT投资的不同时期,企业未吸收冗余和已吸收冗余的水平发生变化,并与企业绩效之间呈相关关系。然后利用中国制造行业196家上市公司1994-2008年度的财务数据进行实证检验,发现六个假设中五个得到证实:IT投资初期企业未吸收冗余水平较高,未吸收冗余与企业绩效正相关,已吸收冗余与企业绩效负相关;IT磨合期企业已吸收冗余水平较高,未吸收冗余与企业绩效正相关。研究结果揭示了组织冗余作为IT投资与企业绩效之间的中介变量,能够反映IT对企业内部运作的影响。  相似文献   

尚虎平  叶杰  赵盼盼 《科学学研究》2012,30(10):1476-1487,1475
由公共财政支持的科研项目必须承担公共受托责任,保证财政效率。我们依照科学程序选取了各29项以"政府"为研究对象的国家社科基金与自然科学基金项目,通过对结项成果的"论文数量"、"论文丰满度"、"他引频次"、"复合影响因子"和"下载频次"等5个指标财政效率的测算,发现科研项目是消耗公共资金的"巨兽",存在"边际效率递减"的和"低效、无效与挥霍"的不良现象。这启示我们:我国公共财政资助的科研经费利用水平低,相关部门对项目经费缺乏有效监管,科研资助单位之间缺乏必要的竞争与公共资金追责机制,科研资助的制度设计对"道德人"期望过高。要解决这些问题,需要改变"课题拜物教",树立结果导向的基本理念;实行成果公开,经费去向公示制度;改变政府既当"赞助商"、又当"裁判员"的现状,并成立科研项目评价事务所等。  相似文献   

以IT企业研发人员为研究对象,利用spss软件进行数据分析,研究一个优秀的研发人员应具备哪些胜任特征、胜任特征与创新绩效之间的关系,同时引入具体人力资源策略作为调节变量研究胜任特征与绩效的关系,以此为IT企业管理者在企业甄选、培训等工作中提供参考。  相似文献   

While the importance of knowledge management is increasingly acknowledged, many firms do not fully understand the significance of innovativeness in relation to knowledge management and firm performance. Consequently, the objective of this article is to investigate innovativeness and its relationship with knowledge management and organizational performance in an under-examined industry sector and country context. The study methodology was survey-based and took place in the hospitality industry sector in Lesotho, Africa. Findings highlight the importance of knowledge management practices as an important driver of firm performance, where the results emphasize the positive mediating effect of innovativeness on the relationship between knowledge management and firm performance. The study has important practitioner and policy implications, where it is recommended that knowledge management be utilized in conjunction with innovativeness so as to positively influence firm performance. The article delivers a novel contribution to the literature in terms of establishing empirical associations between knowledge management, innovativeness and firm performance in an emerging country context.  相似文献   

Little is known about how human resource practices contribute towards the competitiveness of people based-knowledge intensive organisations in developing countries. This paper examines the role of human resource practices in developing knowledge and learning capabilities for innovation in the Indian information technology services sector. The study draws from the experience of a sample of 11 of the largest information technology service providers (ITSPs) in India and is based on in-depth interviews. The main finding suggests that the talent management architecture of ITSPs that comprises human resource practices and the development of knowledge and learning capabilities is the main drivers of innovation. A conceptual framework showing the link between human resource practices, knowledge and learning capabilities and innovation of ITSPs is developed followed by the limitations of the study and avenues for future research.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) technology provides a lot of possibilities to develop IT projects that offer to the citizens platform of services for better conditions of living and transporting. Our study contributes to the topical subject of smart cities analysing the performance of an IoT-platform based solution. It evaluates if an IoT platform project can achieve business, environmental and social objectives all together. We select and test a project developed in Nice (France) where 5.000+ sensors are deployed on parking slots to improve the urban transport. The benefits of the IT project are determined comparing data extracting from Nice and compared with two other similar cities (Marseille and Toulon) which play the role of control group. The analysis of the value creation and value capture suggest a governance model for a private and public collaboration. Our findings help public managers to understand better private-public partnership and then prepare the future cities development.  相似文献   

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