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石盛林  陈圻  张静 《科学学研究》2011,29(8):1251-1257
 以289家中国制造企业为研究样本,探讨高管团队认知风格对技术创新的影响。研究发现,高管团队分析型认知风格偏好工艺创新,并通过工艺创新影响企业绩效;创造型认知风格偏好产品创新,并通过产品创新影响企业绩效。研究发现为促进中国制造企业产品创新提供了战略指导,要实现从“中国制造”向“中国创造”转型,从全球产业链的低利润区向高利润区的升级,关键在高管团队认知风格的转变,在感知和处理信息能够更具灵活性和创造性,不受已有框架的束缚。最后分析了局限性和未来建议。  相似文献   

方阳春  金杨华 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):546-552
根据薪酬制度的权变观点,探讨薪酬制度与组织文化的匹配关系。从是否采用能力工资、有否长期激励以及可变薪酬比例三个方面分析薪酬制度与组织文化对员工的薪酬满意度和离职倾向的影响,研究结果表明,采用能力工资的企业与没有采用能力工资的企业相比,其组织的创新、目标、支持、规则导向都比较强;可变薪酬的比例与企业的规则导向有显著的负相关;与没有提供长期激励的企业相比,具有长期激励的企业目标导向更强。薪酬制度与企业文化联合作用,能显著影响员工的薪酬满意度。薪酬满意度与组织的目标导向及支持导向交互作用,共同影响员工的离职倾向。  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between a firm’s compensation structure and the extent to which its innovation is more exploration versus exploitation oriented. Specifically, we assess two aspects of a firm’s compensation design—horizontal dispersion within job levels and vertical tournament incentives between job levels. A six-year panel of compensation records of 671,028 employees working at 81 U.S.-based high technology firms between 1997 and 2002 are used to construct measures that characterize a firm's pay structure, which are linked to these firms’ patents filed in the U.S. We find that firms with higher-powered tournament incentives in vertical compensation structure report higher fraction of innovation directed towards exploration. Horizontal pay dispersion, on the other hand, shows a negative relationship with the exploration in firms where R&D employees’ age variance is low. In firms where R&D employees’ age variance is high, the negative relationship between horizontal pay dispersion and exploration is muted.  相似文献   

A natural challenge for firms seeking to implement knowledge management systems is accounting for the interplay of incentives among workers and supervisors. This paper studies this interaction, focusing on the dynamics arising from joint projects, task evaluation, and knowledge sharing, in the framework of a game-theoretic model. We identify conditions under which a firm can minimize the costs of implementing an incentives-based system for knowledge sharing, taking into account the firm’s ability to monitor individual performance. We show that an employer in our framework has a stronger incentive to monitor tasks when relative-performance pay is small and when higher-paid agents are more likely to generate new knowledge.  相似文献   

TMT异质性对企业协同创新绩效的影响机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于431家长三角制造业企业问卷数据,运用多元线性回归,探究TMT异质性对企业协同创新绩效的影响机理。研究结果表明:TMT异质性不仅对协同创新具有直接影响,还通过战略导向和协同学习的中介效应产生间接影响;TMT异质性有助于企业制定战略导向,促进企业进行高效的协同学习;环境动态性对战略导向、协同学习与协同创新绩效的调节效应显著。由此,企业应构建异质性的TMT,以提升其协同创新能力。  相似文献   

潘鹏杰  周方召  范德成 《预测》2012,31(3):30-35
基于2002~2007年沪深A股上市公司数据,本文发现最终控股股东的现金流权能够起到促进公司经理人薪酬—绩效敏感性的作用。进一步的分析表明,国有控股上市公司中现金流权对公司经理薪酬—财务绩效的影响较大;而民营上市公司中,现金流权对于公司经理薪酬—市场绩效的影响更大。此外,投资者法律保护和公司绩效交互项变量对于经理人薪酬影响是正向的,但不显著,这说明投资者法律保护对于促进经理人薪酬—绩效激励机制的作用还没有完全发挥。  相似文献   

孙凯  刘祥  谢波 《科研管理》2019,40(2):116-125
高管团队通过制定战略决策来决定企业的战略方向。近年来,高管团队特征、薪酬差距等影响高管团队决策效率的因素也成为高管团队研究领域的热点问题。本文以2012-2014年部分创业板上市公司的高管数据为样本,运用回归分析方法分别实证了高管团队特征和薪酬差距对创业企业绩效的影响,以及薪酬差距在高管团队特征对创业企业绩效影响中所起的调节作用。研究结果表明:高管团队平均教育水平、社会资本、海外背景、薪酬差距分别对创业企业绩效具有正向影响;而高管团队平均年龄、专业背景异质性分别对创业企业绩效具有负向影响;高管团队薪酬差距分别在平均教育水平和专业背景异质性对创业企业绩效影响中起调节作用。  相似文献   

“混改”背景下,融合多方主体高管团队(TMT)的心理和认知行为对战略决策绩效的影响机制是亟待回答的问题。基于混改科技型企业TMT的301份有效问卷样本数据,分析了TMT交互记忆系统对战略决策绩效的影响机制,并检验了团队过程和团队自反在上述关系中所起的中介和调节作用。结果发现:TMT交互记忆系统对团队过程和决策绩效具有显著的正向影响; 团队过程在交互记忆系统和决策绩效之间发挥了部分中介作用;团队自反性程度越高,混改科技型企业TMT交互记忆系统通过团队过程对战略决策绩效产生的间接影响效应就越强。  相似文献   

高新企业薪酬制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
方阳春  姚先国 《科研管理》2007,28(5):115-120
人力资本是高新企业的关键资源,薪酬是发挥其人力资本优势的主要激励手段。"制度重于技术",薪酬制度对高新企业的生存和发展至关重要。本文在以往研究的基础上,根据高新企业的特征和人力资本的特征,提出科学合理的高新企业薪酬制度是一个采用高薪酬水平、能力工资、宽带工资结构,推行股权激励等剩余分享制,实施全面薪酬,引入竞争机制的体系。本文还利用调查数据对高新企业薪酬制度的效应进行了实证研究,为高新企业薪酬制度安排提供数据支持。文章最后对我国高新企业薪酬制度改革提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

How does openness affect the importance of incentives for innovation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xiaolan Fu 《Research Policy》2012,41(3):512-523
When firms open up to external resources for innovation, do internal incentives still matter? This paper investigates the moderating effect of open innovation on the relationship between incentives and innovation using a survey database of British firms. Whilst both openness and incentives are positively associated with innovation efficiency, a substitution effect is found between openness and incentives. Whilst long-term incentives appear to enhance efficiency to a greater extent than short-term incentives, the substitution effect of openness is stronger regarding long-term incentives.  相似文献   

杨林  杨倩 《科研管理》2012,33(11):57-67
本文选取我国信息技术行业2005-2010年沪、深A股上市公司作为研究样本,实证考察了高管团队结构差异性(包括高管团队背景特征以及高管团队与董事长垂直对差异性)是否以及如何影响企业并购发生的概率与模式。Logistic回归模型分析结果表明:其一,高管团队背景特征会对企业并购发生概率和模式产生显著影响效应,其中,高管团队平均年龄和任期会对并购发生概率与模式产生显著负相关影响,而高管团队男性占比会对并购发生概率和模式产生显著正相关影响。其二,高管团队与董事长的垂直对差异性会对并购发生概率产生显著影响效应,即高管团队的年龄差异和性别差异会对并购发生概率产生显著正相关效应。本文的研究结论对于高管团队结构优化、公司内部治理环境完善及企业发展战略设计等均具有积极的理论和现实启示作用。  相似文献   

许春 《科研管理》2016,37(7):62-70
国内外一些研究认为多元化战略特别是非相关多元化战略的实施会损害企业的价值和核心竞争力。但是在技术迅速变化的年代,传统的以资源为基础的核心竞争优势理论受到了挑战。固守企业的核心竞争力也会给企业带来组织惰性。非相关多元化意味着企业将拓展新的产品领域并投资新的技术。非相关多元化有利于企业发展一种动态能力从而适应不断变化的外部环境。 本文通过文献梳理探索了企业非相关多元化战略影响企业创新投入的内在机理。非相关多元化战略的实施扩大了企业的规模从而改变了企业创新的力度;非相关多元化战略实施企业建立的多事业部组织机构中部门经理面临的短期财务业绩考核约束了企业创新投入的力度;企业实施非相关多元化战略使用企业内部资本市场替代外部不发达资本市场增加了研发项目获得资金支持的机会;实施非相关多元化战略的企业在高度不确定环境下通过投入不同于原有产品技术的创新增强了自身适应动态变化环境的能力。 本文利用世界银行对中国12400个企业的调查数据实证研究发现总体上中国企业的非相关多元化显著促进了企业研发投入的增加。根据中国企业非相关多元化程度分类回归发现,超过90%的企业的非相关多元化程度低于5%,在0到5%区间范围内,非相关多元化与企业的创新投入显著正相关。这意味着对于绝大多数中国企业而言,由于大举进入一个完全陌生的新产品会遭遇较高的风险,这些企业只是尝试进入一个新的产业。由于新的产业与原来的产业所需要技术完全不同,新旧技术之间不存在协同效应,因此进入新领域的初期这些企业加大了研发投入。非相关多元化程度超过5%之后,非相关多元化与企业创新投入力度的相关系数为负,但是并不显著。研究还发现企业历史、企业高学历员工比例及其代表的企业所处行业的技术机会等因素都显著促进了企业创新投入,总经理短期激励则显著减少了企业创新投入。 本文还根据中国企业的制度背景进行了分类分析。无论对于国有企业还是非国有企业,非相关多元化都促进了企业的创新投入。非国有企业非相关多元化战略对创新投入的促进效果略高于国有企业。国有企业相比非国有企业更偏好非相关多元化经营和研发创新。国有企业总经理短期经济激励对企业创新投入的负面影响力度要超过非国有企业。非国有企业的历史促进了创新投入。国有企业负债率、企业经营利润率以及获利的不确定性与研发力度呈现正的联系。无论是国有企业还是非国有企业,企业所在产业的外部技术机会对企业的研发投入起到促进作用。  相似文献   

基于双元冲突的视角构建理论模型,聚焦于高管团队冲突过程,动态分析了CEO特征整合情境下的高管团队职能背景多样性对企业创新绩效的影响机理。以2009年至2016年沪深A股上市公司为样本,运用泊松回归模型实证研究高管团队职能背景多样性对企业创新绩效的影响以及CEO能力、权力和关系三个维度特征所发挥的情境作用。研究结果表明:在企业创新过程中,高管团队职能背景多样性引起的情感冲突相比于认知冲突发挥更为主导性的作用,对企业创新绩效具有破坏作用;CEO职能背景丰富性和CEO与高管团队成员共同经历减弱了高管团队职能背景多样性对企业创新绩效的破坏效应;CEO权力增强了这种破坏效应。基于双元冲突视角聚焦冲突过程动态剖析高管团队职能背景多样性对企业创新绩效的影响机理突破了原有研究静态的分析框架,有助于打开“团队多样性—企业经营后果”的“黑匣子”,同时对企业有效提升创新绩效具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

In producing news stories, journalists depend on information obtained from sources. This paper reviews the literature on journalists’ information seeking. The 90 studies included in the review cover how journalists identify sources, interact with sources, interpret information, and manage sources. In addition to quality and accessibility, balance in the group of sources selected is an important criterion in journalists’ identification of sources. However, the importance journalists assign to balance stands in contrast to the frequent finding of bias in their source selections. In interactions with sources, the sources frequently provide ideas for new stories in addition to information for current ones. This finding shows how multiple instances of information seeking coexist and combine into a mesh of intersecting information-seeking processes. In interpreting information, journalists are acutely aware that sources may have an agenda or be misinformed. While journalists praise information checking, they regularly bypass it or replace direct checks for information quality with indirect checks, such as whether the source appears trustworthy. In managing sources, journalists engage in boundary work to regulate their relationship with sources. They also cultivate long-term relationships with selected sources. The review findings are discussed with respect to how journalism shapes journalists’ information seeking and what implications the findings have for information-behavior research in other domains.  相似文献   

Sectoral patterns of technical change: Towards a taxonomy and a theory   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The purpose of the paper is to describe and explain sectoral patterns of technical change as revealed by data on about 2000 significant innovations in Britain since 1945. Most technological knowledge turns out not to be “information” that is generally applicable and easily reproducible, but specific to firms and applications, cumulative in development and varied amongst sectors in source and direction. Innovating firms principally in electronics and chemicals, are relatively big, and they develop innovations over a wide range of specific product groups within their principal sector, but relatively few outside. Firms principally in mechanical and instrument engineering are relatively small and specialised, and they exist in symbiosis with large firms, in scale intensive sectors like metal manufacture and vehicles, who make a significant contribution to their own process technology. In textile firms, on the other hand. most process innovations come from suppliers.These characteristics and variations can be classified in a three part taxonomy based on firms: (1) supplier dominated; (2) production intensive; (3) science based. They can be explained by sources of technology, requirements of users, and possibilities for appropriation. This explanation has implications for our understanding of the sources and directions of technical change, firms' diversification behaviour, the dynamic relationship between technology and industrial structure, and the formation of technological skills and advantages at the level of the firm. the region and the country.  相似文献   

考虑到政府不同的财税激励政策会对企业创新产生不同的影响,本文将财税政策划分为直接资金资助和间接减免税两种形式,创新产出区分为非市场化导向的创新产出和市场化导向的创新产出。基于中关村2777家高技术企业的数据,本文就企业年龄和企业规模对政府财税政策与企业创新的调节作用进行了实证研究。研究发现政府的直接资金资助对高技术企业非市场化导向的创新产出作用更为显著,而间接的减免税政策更有助于企业市场化导向的创新活动。此外,研究也表明政府直接资金资助对初创期企业创新产出的作用更强,而减免税对促进新创企业创新的经济绩效的作用并不显著,甚至有时候作用为负。研究还发现企业规模并不能有效调节政府财税政策与创新产出之间的关系。研究结论为政府优化对高技术企业的政策系统提供了实证支持依据,有助于促进高技术产业的持续创新和健康发展。  相似文献   

本文以2010-2015年A股上市公司为研究对象,分析了TMT外部社会资本对企业技术创新的影响及高管激励在这一关系中的调节作用。研究发现:(1)TMT政治资本对企业技术创新有负向影响,TMT商业资本和学术资本对企业技术创新有正向影响;(2)货币薪酬激励正向调节TMT政治资本与企业技术创新之间的关系,负向调节TMT商业资本和学术资本与企业技术创新之间的关系;(3)股权薪酬激励和声誉激励正向调节TMT政治资本、商业资本和学术资本与企业技术创新之间的关系;(4)控制权激励正向调节TMT商业资本和学术资本与企业技术创新之间的关系,对于TMT政治资本与企业技术创新关系不具有调节作用。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104786
We study how technology upgrading through investment in information and communication technologies (IT henceforth) influences firm performance in the context of a developing country. We rely on a novel firm-level data set covering a large sample of Mexican manufacturing companies with detailed information on IT. We show that the impact of IT investment is only positive for firms that were exposed to an exogenous competitive shock due to the increase in competition from China after its WTO accession. We argue that incentives provided by competition are key in leading firms to make more effective use of the new information technologies. We also find evidence that these results are driven by the complementarity between IT investments and organizational or process changes within firms, specifically under the incentives of heightened international competitive pressures.  相似文献   

We analyse 446 location decisions of R&D activities by multinational firms incorporated in the European Union over 1999–2006. Our results suggest that on average, the location probability of a representative R&D foreign affiliate increased with agglomeration economies from foreign R&D activities, human capital, proximity to centres of research excellence and the research and innovation capacity of the region. Further, our evidence suggests that in comparison to European multinational firms, the effects of patents intensity and proximity to centres of research excellence were stronger in the case of North American multinational firms. While government R&D expenditure intensity increased the probability of location of R&D activities by European multinational firms in the region, it did not have a significant effect on the probability of location of R&D activities by North American multinational firms.  相似文献   

王宗军  蒋振宇 《科研管理》2006,41(1):274-284
通过对257家新兴企业中高层管理者和研发人员的调查数据,本文研究了员工信息素养对外部知识效应的影响,重点分析了员工信息素养对外部知识获取与内部创新能力之间关系的调节效应,并运用模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)技术探讨了企业规模对员工信息素养的制约效应。结果表明:员工信息素养对技术知识和市场知识的吸收效果均有促进作用;此外,企业规模越大,员工信息素养对技术知识与创新能力之间关系的促进作用越小。本研究结论不仅丰富了员工素养与企业创新等领域的理论空间,同时也为战略性新兴产业企业在开放式创新环境下有效提高员工信息素养、增强外部知识吸收、提升创新能力和创新绩效提供了实践指导。  相似文献   

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