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通过统计《常熟理工学院学报》(自然科学)2005—2010年6年间的基金论文情况,重点分析了学报的基金论文比,基金论文在各学科研究论文及内、外稿中的分布情况。结果表明,学报的基金论文率呈快速上升趋势,基金论文在学校优势学科中所占比重较大,外稿基金论文在总基金论文中占有相当大的比例。这一结果从一个侧面说明,学报的学术质量在迅速提高,并具有了较大的社会影响力。  相似文献   

Forty anatomy articles were sampled from English Wikipedia and assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitatively, each article’s edit history was analyzed by Wikipedia X-tools, references and media were counted manually, and two readability indices were used to evaluate article readability. This analysis revealed that each article was updated 8.3 ± 6.8 times per month, and referenced with 33.5 ± 24.3 sources, such as journal articles and textbooks. Each article contained on average 14.0 ± 7.6 media items. The readability indices including: (1) Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level Readability Test and (2) Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula demonstrated that the articles had low readability and were more appropriate for college students and above. Qualitatively, the sampled articles were evaluated by experts using a modified DISCERN survey. According to the modified DISCERN, 13 articles (32.5%), 24 articles (60%), 3 articles (7.5%), were rated as “good,” “moderate,” and “poor,” respectively. There were positive correlations between the DISCERN score and the number of edits (r = 0.537), number of editors (r = 0.560), and article length (r = 0.536). Strengths reported by the panel included completeness and coverage in 11 articles (27.5%), anatomical details in 10 articles (25%), and clinical details in 5 articles (12.5%). The panel also noted areas which could be improved, such as providing missing information in 28 articles (70%), inaccuracies in 10 articles (25%), and lack or poor use of images in 17 articles (42.5%). In conclusion, this study revealed that many Wikipedia anatomy articles were difficult to read. Each article’s quality was dependent on edit frequency and article length. Learners and students should be cautious when using Wikipedia articles for anatomy education due to these limitations.  相似文献   

This study investigates the distribution of technical and substantive structural equation modeling articles (SEM) that were published in psychological journals from 1987 to 1994. An inspection of more than 1050 abstracts on PsycLit 1987–1995 (PsycINFO, 1973–1995) revealed a number of clear trends: (a) an increase by year of articles concerned with SEM, (b) an increase in the number of journals that publish structural equation modeling articles, (c) a relatively stable output of technical articles across years, and (d) an increase of substantive articles across years. Furthermore, when the substantive articles are classified as either causal models or confirmatory factor analyses, a similar “growth” trend across years occurs for both categories. We further inspected the growth trend by considering the ratio of SEM articles to the total number of psychology articles and by comparing these results to distributions of analysis of variance, multivariate analysis of variance, regression, and factor analyses articles for the period of 1973 to 1994.  相似文献   

对贵州教育学院人文社会科学研究人员2000~2006年发表的期刊论文,从论文年代分布、核心期刊发文率、各学科领域论文分布、论文被引频次分布、作者被引频次分布、高被引论文、高被引作者、《人大复印报刊资料》系列转载等方面进行了全面的统计分析,比较客观地揭示和描述了新世纪初贵州教育学院人文社会科学研究与发展的基本状况。  相似文献   

新《公司法》中公司章程的规定,赋予了更多的股东自治和公司自治的空间。公司章程是股东自治与公司自治的联结点,分析股东自治与公司自治的内涵以及两者的相互关系。从法律条文上和具体内容上分析新《公司法》中的公司章程,新《公司法》强化了公司章程在公司法中的地位,扩大了公司章程自治的范围,更好地实现了股东自治和公司自治。  相似文献   

通过对"冠词+名词(形容词)"表示类指的特征进行分类研究,深入探讨冠词在名词词组中表达类别功能的作用。冠词的指类特征与其基本属性有着密切的关系,特别是在"the+形容词"结构中,冠词促使形容词名词化并赋予其类别语义特征。  相似文献   

近来,关于语文教科书选文的几种观点在社会上引起极大争议,主要围绕篇目增删、语句改造、故事杜撰三个话题展开论争,但这些激烈的论争大都未站在"语文"的角度关注语文教材。评价语文教材,必须从语文本身工具性与人文性结合的基本属性出发,必须从语文教学培养学生读写听说能力的基本任务出发,必须从语文教材作为"例子"的基本功能出发。语文教材选文的原则是:"文质兼美";适合教与学;有开放意识;能体现时代特色。因此,逐步删除一些不适合教与学的篇目,增添一些适合教与学的篇目,是教材编选的必需;为了教与学的需要,对被选的文本做一些"吹毛求疵"、精益求精的语句修改,也是教材编选不可或缺的环节;为了适应某一个目标的教与学,在一时找不到相应文本的前提下"量身定制",也无可厚非。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: To identify possible gaps in the child maltreatment literature the present study examined the development of the child maltreatment literature over a 22-year period, including temporal trends for child maltreatment types, the characteristics of the research participants, and sources of participant recruitment. METHOD: Child maltreatment articles (N=2090) published from 1977 to 1998 (inclusive) in six specialty journals were coded on type of article, type of child maltreatment, gender and parental status of participants, abuse role of participants, and recruitment source of participants. RESULTS: Across the period studied the annual percentage of quantitative articles (articles with inferential statistics) increased, whereas the annual percentage of theoretical articles decreased. The annual percentage of articles examining child physical abuse (CPA) decreased, whereas the annual percentage of articles examining child sexual abuse (CSA) increased. The percentages of articles examining child neglect (CN) or child emotional abuse (CEA) remained consistently low. Distinguishing child maltreatment types in research articles increased. Males were underrepresented in CPA perpetration and CPA adult victimization articles, but adequately represented in CSA perpetration and CPA child victimization articles. Females were adequately represented in CPA perpetration and CSA child and adult victimization articles. Recruitment from universities and outpatient mental health facilities increased; recruitment from medical settings decreased. CONCLUSIONS: CN and CEA literatures need to be developed first by theoretical, then by quantitative works. In addition, the publication of more research on male subjects for CPA perpetration and adult CPA victimization is needed.  相似文献   

运用文献计量学方法,对《赣南师范学院学报》2008-2010年共18期刊载论文的载文量、基金论文量、作者情况、出版时滞、引文情况等进行统计分析,结果显示《赣南师范学院学报》近3年来载文量基本保持稳定,基金论文逐年增加,期刊作者职称及学历多为高级职称,出版时滞逐年缩短,表明该刊学术质量不断提高,保证了学术研究的先进性和新颖性.  相似文献   

教育学 CSSCI 期刊高被引论文的学术特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究教育学高被引论文的学术特征,对33种教育学CSSCI期刊进行分析,选取1998—2015年发表的被引频次≧50的4711篇高被引论文作为研究对象,从宏观、微观两个层面,运用科学知识图谱法与内容分析法,对高被引论文从发表年份、研究者和研究机构、研究内容、研究方法四个方面进行定量和定性研究。发现教育类高被引论文具有被持续引用的特征,高被引论文的作者多来自高校、教育研究机构,在教育学各分支领域具有高影响力;研究内容具有把握经典,聚焦热点,关注焦点的特征;研究方法以思辨为主,具有介绍、综述(述评)、实证、行动研究等多元发展的趋势。  相似文献   

《商洛学院学报》2000~2005年载文信息分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用文献计量学方法,以《商洛学院学报》2000~2005年发表的844篇论文为统计样本,统计结果显示,期均发文量32、5篇,篇密度为0.295篇,篇均页数3.39页;自然科学类论文350篇,占总发文量的41.47%,社会科学类论文494篇,占总发文量的58,53%;刊发获得各级各类基金资助论文数量呈逐年递增趋势,平均有15.0S%的论文获得基金资助(其中获得基助的自然科学类论文占自然科学类论文总发文的24.0%,获得基助的社会科学类论文占社会科学类论文总发文的8、7%);特色栏目共发文128篇,占总发文量的15,17%。分析了学报的优势与特色及其存在的问题与不足.为刊物进一步发展提供科学的量化依据。  相似文献   

本研究以高中生课堂写作语料为基础,分析了高中生写作中冠词的错误类型和倾向,发现学生的冠词掌握较差,冠词缺失是其最主要的错误,定冠词的习得是其冠词习得的难点。在高中生冠词习得中,产生错误的原因主要有母语的负迁移、对相关名词(短语)可数性的错误判断、中介语输入量不够导致冠词使用意识的缺失和对冠词的用法掌握不牢等,合理的教学方法和学习策略会促进其习得。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an updated content analysis of articles published in major journals of school psychology spanning the years 2010–2014, with an emphasis on intervention research (including intervention and participant characteristics). Six journals—School Psychology Review, School Psychology Quarterly, Journal of School Psychology, Psychology in the Schools, School Psychology International, and Journal of Applied School Psychology—were selected for the analysis. Over the 5‐year period, 1,196 articles were published in the selected journals. A total of 65.8% of the articles were empirical articles; intervention studies with school‐age samples comprised 11.1% of all articles. Within the intervention studies, single subject represented the most frequently used research design (40.6%). Further, 58.6% of the intervention studies did not provide sufficient information to discern participants’ disability status. Although the proportion of empirically based articles has increased in recent years, that of intervention articles has remained low.  相似文献   

学校教育类期刊面向教师或学生,刊物质量不仅关系到期刊社的生存与发展,而且与培养祖国建设者有着重大关系。教育类期刊办得好坏与发排文章关系密切。因此,发排文章应遵循实用性、时效性、时序性、均衡性、重点优先、对刊物发表意见的文稿优先的原则,同时,还要遵守国家期刊出版的有关规定。  相似文献   

《数学教育学报》2008—2010年18期共载文482篇,平均每期发文26.78篇,载文量比较稳定,篇均值较大,基金论文率逐年显著提升.载文量最多的栏目是调查与实验,占27.39%,实证研究方法处于主导地位.98.55%的第一作者来自全国31个地区,作者地区分布广但不平衡.作者年龄在30~49岁之间的占71.13%.篇均引文量为9.36条,期刊引文占引文总量的52.68%,自引率为30.40%.中文引文占引文总量的79.46%,外文引文比例明显提升,语种日趋丰富.  相似文献   

The present research was designed to investigate the reaction of secondary school students to the communication code that the press uses in science articles: it attempts to trace which communication techniques can be of potential use in science education. The sample of the research consists of 351 secondary school students. The research instrument is a questionnaire, which attempts to trace students’ preferences regarding newspaper science articles, to explore students’ attitudes towards the science articles published in the press and to investigate students’ reactions towards four newspaper science articles. These articles deal with different aspects of science and reflect different communication strategies. The results of the research reveal that secondary school students view the communication codes used in press science articles as being more interesting and comprehensible than those of their science textbooks. Predominantly, they do not select science articles that present their data in a scientific way (diagrams and abstract graphs). On the contrary, they do select science articles and passages in them, which use an emotional/‘poetic’ language with a lot of metaphors and analogies to introduce complex science concepts. It also seems that the narrative elements found in popularized science articles attract students’ interest and motivate them towards further reading.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the research literature in the field of K-12 online learning to identify the leading scholars, journals, top cited articles, research methods, and topics in this field of inquiry. Our research process involved collecting a corpus of journal articles focused on K-12 online and distance learning; categorizing these articles according to their research methodologies; analyzing trends not only in methodologies employed but also in authorship, citations, journals, and topics addressed. We found the field of K-12 online learning to be growing rapidly in recent years with acceleration not only of new articles but especially of new authors. We also found the field began primarily with emphasizing theoretical articles but is now maturing and emphasizing increasingly more data-based articles. We found K-12 online learning scholarship is scattered among many journals, providing rich opportunities for scholars while also making it more difficult to discern trends across the discipline.  相似文献   

著名大报属知识读物和重要的纸面文化,它是文化的体现;大报是国民"亲文化平台",是获得有质量、有价值信息的孔道。推进文化大发展和提高生活品质需要大报及其正能量,资深大报理当保持高文化品质,其各种信息都不能粗糙。大报科普、文章等常有差池,会降低其影响力,也将失去读者。誉满中外的大报,必须完善细节、有"文化",要名副其实。  相似文献   

采用文献计量学的分析方法,对《岳阳职业技术学院学报》“应用技术研究”栏目2009—2010年的载文、作者等情况进行统计。结果表明:该刊12期“应用技术研究”栏目共载文75篇.平均每期载文6.25篇;共有作者159人,平均每篇约2.12人;基金项目论文占37.3%;论文合著率54.67%。合作度2.12:第一作者高级职称占41.3%;论文时滞较短;校内外稿件录用比例在6:4左右浮动。作者群体合作力度不够大、基金论文率不足,建议通过提高载文量,建立作者信息库,拓宽稿源渠道,充分发挥编委作用等方面来进一步提高刊物质量。  相似文献   

公司章程作为充分体现公司与股东自治的法律文件,在公司运行过程中发挥着及其重要的作用;公司章程有实质意义与形式意义之分;在分析了关于公司章程性质的各种学说基础上。认为公司章程性质具有两个层面的内容:其一,公司章程具有强制性或法定性。其二,公司章程在本质上讲是意思自治的产物。  相似文献   

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