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传播学基础研究和学科生命力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础研究是传播学学科发展的前提,是学科生命力的重要保证。我国传播学研究目前存在的主要问题恰恰是基础研究的薄弱,一些急功近利的、为学术行政服务的选题成为本学科的主体,而属于传播学本体的基础研究被严重忽视了。独立的学术精神缺失所导致的学术研究的实用化和功利化影响了传播学在学术研究领域的地位和影响力。  相似文献   

媒介与传播研究领域在北欧是一个相对年轻的学科。国内学界对这一学科在北欧各国的产生、确立以及最新的变动知之甚少。本文在介绍该学科在北欧的产生历史与发展现状的基础上,着重描述了学科存在的问题与北欧学者的反思,问题及其反思或将促进我们对中国媒介与大众传播研究的进一步思考。  相似文献   

The undergraduate Communication Research Methods course is a foundational course offered by a majority of departments across the country. Despite its ubiquity and importance, the course is often seen as a difficult pedagogical experience for students and instructors alike. To more completely understand student learning in this course, this study examined relationships between perceptions of course topic understanding, course topic difficulty, and their relationship with students’ level of math anxiety. Results revealed that statistical topics emerged as the most difficult for students to learn. Significant and strong negative correlations were observed between perceived difficulty and understanding for each of the 19 course topics. Self-reported math anxiety was positively related to both perceived difficulty and understanding of the topics. Suggestions are offered to enhance course instruction.  相似文献   

传播学教学的“热”与“难”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传播学研究和教学的热潮过去后进入了“冷思考”阶段。传播学的本体到底是什么,传播学在新闻传播类专业中的地位如何确定,传播学与新闻学的区别是什么,传播学研究和教学的发展方向是什么,目前都在困扰我国的学界和教育界。  相似文献   

美国新闻与传播教育的认证标准,经过多年的变迁、发展,逐步趋于规范和完善。其现行的认证指标,基本上设定了目前美国新闻与传播教育的价值取向、教育宗旨、教育的思路及实现的路径。美国的新闻与传播教育,从“二战”开始即提倡通才教育,并确定了核心价值目标,在此基础上设定认证指标。在认证中,业界拥有的50%的投票权,保证了学界与实务界的目标的一致性。新实施的认证指标加强了对学生学习效果的评估,更明确了新闻与传播教育的服务性方向。  相似文献   

拉斯韦尔的《社会传播的结构与功能》是传播学史上的一篇经典之作,对这一学科的形成与发展产生了深远影响。本文结合拉斯韦尔的政治理论和思想背景,揭示了他对两种意识形态对立以及由此引发战争可能性的强调,认为该文堪称美国传播学的冷战宣言。  相似文献   

As part of the tradition of outgoing Central States Communication Association Presidents and Executive Directors providing a spotlight column in Communication Studies, I focus on the practical value of academic conferences for the development of knowledge, enhancement of teaching and mentoring practices, and as an outlet for learning about and doing service. Communication is a practical discipline where the research has a potential to make profound and positive differences. The interaction that is allowed at conferences presents an opportunity for communication pedagogy, research, and service to transform in meaningful ways. In addition to practical advice for making the most of a conference experience, some of the most recent developments for CSCA are highlighted. The essay then ends with a personal note.  相似文献   

本文分析了镜式、灯式、神话式等三种传播研究方式,认为我国传播学研究存在三种态势,建议我国的传播学研究走“学术趣味”+“现实关怀”的道路。  相似文献   

本文以国外传播理论教材的译介作为视角,考察了欧美传播理论话语在中国的诠释和变异,研究了西方客观经验主义的大众传播理论如何被潜移默化地等同于传播学的过程,同时以《传播理论导引:分析与应用》为例,对我国目前传播学的教学与研究中存在的一些问题进行了探讨,提出应该进一步开阔视野、注重研究范式、重新思考传播理论的教学与应用。  相似文献   

Drawing on components of agenda-setting theory and the two-step flow of information from mass media to news audiences, this study examines the effects of mass and interpersonal communication on breast cancer screening practices among college- and middle-aged women (n = 284). We theorized that screening behaviors among younger women would be influenced more by interpersonal sources of information while screening among middle-aged women would be more influenced by exposure to mass-mediated information. Findings supported anticipated patterns, revealing important and varying roles for both mass and interpersonal communication in the health behaviors of women. Implications for health practitioners and campaign planners, as well as recommendations for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

本文对十年来中国主要新闻传播学学术期刊的发展传播学研究成果进行了梳理,对发展传播学研究在中国的进展情况进行了归纳总结和审慎展望。发现中国目前的发展传播学研究主要集中在媒介效果、媒介与社会变迁、媒介参与三个大的领域,媒介素养、健康传播作为发展传播学的重要专题在本文中也被单列专门讨论。同时我们也发现,中国的发展传播学研究的内容、方法、立场都发生了重大转变。发展传播学本身也从更深更广的社会维度关照中国在社会转型时期的问题,其中弱势群体和媒介素养将成为发展传播学的核心问题。  相似文献   

本文对2010年中国新闻传播学理论研究方面做了扼要的梳理。划分为新传播科技、新闻理论、新闻史,传播学理论等四部分。文章认为,传播科技带来的新的媒介生态和未来发展的趋势,是这年新闻传播学界宏观思考的最大问题;在中观层面,对各二级学科存在的主要问题,已经有所反思。  相似文献   

以SCI和SSCI收录的13种高影响力外文源刊在2006-2010年五年间所刊载的论文为研究对象,引入CiteSpaceⅡ工具,并结合传统的文献计量方法,从高影响力作者、高频关键词以及突变专业术语三个方面,对国际范围内图书情报学领域的研究热点和前沿进行辨识和追踪.研究发现,近年来国际范围内的图书情报学呈现出计量、管理、技术三大研究维度,图书情报学定量化研究的趋势不断加强.在Glanzel、Leydesdorff、Egghe 等国际知名计量学家的推动之下,图书情报学将以引文分析、h指数等主题为研究前沿,进入新一轮的繁荣阶段.与此同时,图书情报学的学科发展也将随之进入成熟期和完善期.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):414-425
This study investigated the relationships between acculturation and communication traits. One hundred and seventy-five Chinese across from the United States participated in this study. Participants received a battery of questionnaires in the mail, including the measures of communication apprehension, willingness to communicate, communication competence, argumentativeness, general disclosiveness and cultural identity. Results indicated that as proportion of life in America increased, Chinese identified more with American culture; in turn, they became less fearful, more willing and competent in communication. Their self-disclosure also became less frequent and intimate, but more positive, with longer time living in America. These findings suggest that culture shapes communication traits through exposure to and identification with the host culture to some extent.  相似文献   

2008年我国的新闻传播学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文回顾了2008年我国新闻传播学研究的整体情况,选择其中较为新鲜的话题、观点进行阐述。内容涉及新闻传播学基本理论研究和现实问题研究两方面。现实问题研究主要讨论了国家层面的传媒公关、国家信息公开政策,以及对公共关系学的认识等。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):540-575
A meta-analysis of 30 observational studies compares abused, neglected, and nonmaltreated children's behavior during interactions with their parents. Drawing on the relational communication literature, children's behaviors from various coding schemes were grouped into those communicating positivity (e.g., affection, approval), aversiveness (e.g., anger, resistance), and involvement (e.g., attention, interest). Results reveal that abused and neglected children are distinguished from nonmaltreated children on all three behavioral clusters, with overall mean weighted effect sizes ranging from d=.29 to .55. Several moderators qualify the magnitude though not the direction of these differences, including maltreatment type, child/parent age, and observation length and setting. These findings have implications for understanding the etiology and outcomes of child maltreatment as well as for intervention and prevention efforts.  相似文献   

网络舆情的传播机制研究——以央视新台址大火为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以央视新台址大火为研究个案,采用内容分析法探讨了新浪网上央视新台址大火相关新闻的网民评论各类维度,进而初步勾勒出网络舆情传播机制。  相似文献   

文章选择图书馆学领域影响力较高的两种期刊《中国图书馆学报》和《大学图书馆学报》为分析对象,对两刊2000—2019年间登载的主题词中含有“图书馆”的文章进行统计分析,借以梳理20年间的研究热点,划分研究阶段,并对21世纪以来“图书馆”主题研究的特征进行总结。同时,在此基础上,对本领域未来的发展方向提出建议。  相似文献   

Parents play a pivotal role in the gender development and sex-typing of children. It is important to discover whether gender role communication differences exist based on the sex of the child or parent. The present study aimed to discover differences in gender role messages communicated between mother-daughter, mother-son, father-daughter, and father-son dyads. Participants (n = 630) completed a modified version of Bem's Sex Role Inventory. Two key results were discovered: mothers communicate significantly more feminine messages to children, regardless of child sex; and the modified BSRI identifies respondents as weak vs. strong gender identity rather than masculine, feminine, androgynous, or undifferentiated.  相似文献   

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