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The relationship between flavor evaluative conditioning and contingency awareness was examined in two experiments using flavored drinks. In Experiment 1, one flavor was always paired with sugar and the other with bitter tween (polysorbate20) during conditioning. In a subsequent test phase, participants tasted the two flavors, and their evaluative ratings indicated an overall preference for the sugar-paired flavor. Moreover, participants were generally able to report which flavor had been paired with sugar and which with tween. This finding was replicated and confirmed in Experiment 2A. Furthermore, in both experiments, evaluative conditioning was seen only in those participants who were aware of the contingencies. Experiment 2B demonstrated that evaluative conditioning does not occur to colors, although participants are contingency aware. The differences between the present findings and prior studies, in which apparently unaware flavor conditioning has been found, are discussed.  相似文献   

The acquisition of conditioned taste aversion was assessed relative to five control procedures. That is, forward conditioning using multiple-trial, brief-duration taste CSs and weak USs over a 30-min CS-US delay was compared to backward, CS alone, US alone, sham CS and sham US, and random control procedures. The outcome supported an associative conditioning interpretation of the learned aversion. While there were no differences between the various control procedures, all were different from the forward conditioning group. The argument was made that some of the distinctive associative and nonassociative phenomena attributed to taste aversion conditioning (but not seen in the present study) may in part be due to the duration and intensity of both the CS and US events.  相似文献   

In two experiments, participants inspected and drank a series of drinks, half of which contained sugar and half unpalatable Tween20 (tween). Each sugar and tween drink had a particular flavor and color. Following this training, the flavors of the sugar drinks were assigned higher hedonic evaluations than were those of the tween drinks, even though the participants did not reliably report which flavors had been present in the sugar and tween drinks during training. Moreover, the evaluative conditioning of the flavors was unaffected by whether or not the colors alone had been pretrained to predict the presence of sugar or tween in the drinks. In accord with Baeyens, Eelen, van den Bergh, and Crombez (1990), we conclude that flavor-evaluative conditioning is not mediated by contingency learning.  相似文献   

Six experiments with color-odor compounds failed to produce convincing evidence of blocking in honeybees even when the possibility of masking by within-compound association could be discounted. The parsimonious assumption that the components of a compound stimulus gain and lose associative strength independently with reinforcement and nonreinforcement of the compounds (which the experiments were designed to challenge) remains tenable for color-odor compounds, although perhaps not for intramodal compounds.  相似文献   

In three experiments using rats as subjects, we investigated the degree to which a conditioned flavor aversion transfers from one context to another. Experiment 1, using a one-trial conditioning procedure, found no effect of a change of context on a conditioned aversion. Experiment 2 employed a multitrial procedure and demonstrated that a conditioned aversion was extinguished more rapidly after a change of context. Experiment 3 showed that context change decreased the effectiveness with which a conditioned flavor could block acquisition of an aversion by a second flavor. It is argued that these data cannot be explained in associative terms, and that they constitute evidence of conditionality in a simple aversive conditioning procedure.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of contingent variables on the relationship between four predictors and students' satisfaction with e‐learning. Five hundred and twenty‐two university students from 10 intact classes engaging in online instruction were asked to answer questionnaires about their learning styles, perceptions of the quality of the proposed predictors and satisfaction with e‐learning systems. The results of analysis of variance and structural equation modelling analyses showed that two contingent variables, gender and job status, significantly influenced the perceptions of predictors and students' satisfaction with the e‐learning system. This study also found a statistically significant moderating effect of two contingent variables, student job status and learning styles, on the relationship between predictors and e‐learning system satisfaction. The results suggest that a serious consideration of contingent variables is crucial for improving e‐learning system satisfaction. The implications of these results for the management of e‐learning systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Second-order conditioning has been frequently observed with the fear response but not with the eyelid response. The present experiments manipulated the temporal relationship between the second-order and first-order stimulus on second-order conditioning trials. Our results indicated that a trace second-order procedure is not effective with either response system. Second-order fear conditioning was most prominent when the second-order CS terminated at the onset of the first-order CS. This arrangement, however, did not produce second-order eyelid CRs. In eyelid conditioning, the second-order CS appears to inhibit responding to the first-order CS which immediately follows it.  相似文献   

We present an algebraic model of resistance to extinction that is consistent with research on resistance to change. The model assumes that response strength is a power function of reinforcer rate and that extinction involves two additive, decremental processes: (1) the termination of the reinforcement contingency and (2) generalization decrement resulting from reinforcer omission. The model was supported by three experiments. In Experiment 1, 4 pigeons were trained on two-component multiple variable-interval (VI) 60-sec, VI 240-sec schedules. In two conditions, resistance to change was tested by terminating the response-reinforcer contingency and presenting response-independent reinforcers at the same rate as in training. In two further conditions, resistance to change was tested by prefeeding and by extinction. In Experiment 2, 6 pigeons were trained on two-component multiple VI 150-sec schedules with 8-sec or 2-sec reinforcers, and resistance to change was tested by terminating the response-reinforcer contingency in three conditions. In two of those conditions, brief delays were interposed between responses and response-independent reinforcers. In both Experiments 1 and 2, response rate was more resistant to change in the richer component, except for extinction in Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, 8 pigeons were trained on multiple VI 30-sec, VI 120-sec schedules. During extinction, half of the presentations of each component were accompanied by a novel stimulus to produce generalization decrement. The extinction data of Experiments 1 and 3 were well described by our model. The value of the exponent relating response strength and reinforcement was similar in all three experiments.  相似文献   

Qualitative data often need analysis using log-linear models, as pointed out by Liu and Sanders. In this article, references to the state-of-the-art literature and software packages for analyzing such data are presented. We also illustrate the two types of log-linear models and present procedures for investigating both types.  相似文献   

The contingency rules theory of persuasion, as alternative to the traditional laws model, assumes that: (1) persuasive behaviors, including compliance‐gaining and responding activities, are governed antecedently by five varieties of self‐evaluative and adaptive behavioral contingency rules; and (2) the context where persuasive communicators interact determines the particular configuration of rules governing their persuasive choices. This research assessed the power of the proposed five‐part rule structure to predict subjects’ responses to messages as functions of the context variables, ego‐involvement, schematic complexity, and affective orientation toward a persuasive issue. Results supported the contingency rules model, in that a significant proportion of the variance in subjects’ behavioral intentions was explained by self‐evaluative and adaptive rules in each context examined in the research. Moreover, the particular mix of rules accounting for intended actions varied sharply as a function of subjects’ levels of ego‐involvement with the persuasive issues, the complexity of their cognitions regarding the issues, and their affective stances toward the issues. The advantages and limitations of the contingency rules theory vis‐a‐vis the laws paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the scarcity of scaffolding in classrooms, we developed a professional development program (PDP) focusing on scaffolding. The PDP was based on a model of contingent teaching consisting of three steps: diagnostic strategies, checking the diagnosis and intervention strategies. The development of four social studies teachers’ scaffolding knowledge, use of scaffolding in practice and reflections on practice were analyzed. Insights regarding openness, students’ understanding, and co-construction - that occurred while reflecting with the model of contingent teaching - appeared to foster teachers’ scaffolding development. A fourth step, checking students’ learning, is suggested as an additional step in contingent teaching.  相似文献   

An appetitive-ayersive transfer experiment with rabbits determined that prior paired and unpaired tone CS and water US presentations, given in jaw-movement (JM) conditioning, respectively facilitated and retarded the acquisition of the nictitating membrane (NM) CR when the tone was subsequently paired with a shock US. In addition, the unpaired tone and water deliveries reduced the level of JM conditioning that was undertaken following the completion of NM CR acquisition. Finally, the reacquisition of the NM CR was accompanied by a large savings effect in contrast to the failure of the JM CR to display reacquisition savings. When the present findings are compared to the results of previous work addressing the influence of prior NM conditioning procedures upon subsequent JM CR acquisition, an asymmetry in appetitive-aversive interactions is indicated. This asymmetry encourages a reinterpretation of the opponent-process explanation of appetitive-aversive interactions. Moreover, the observed effects of the unpaired CS suggest the operation of a salience factor.  相似文献   

从安全性行为到"性纯洁"——论美国性教育策略的变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从美国性教育的缘起、内容、意义入手,论述了发生于美国的“性革命”在抛弃了传统道德对性的约束后所引发的雪崩般的卫生和社会问题以及面对这一危机美国性教育策略的变革过程,即由以避孕措施为基点的安全性行为教育转向以人格为基点的“性纯洁”。  相似文献   

Models of associative learning differ in their predictions concerning the symmetry of generalization decrements. Whereas Pearce’s (1994) configural model predicts the same response decrement after adding elements to and after removing elements from a previously trained stimulus, elemental models, such as the replaced elements model and Harris’s (2006) model, anticipate more of a decrement for removing than for adding elements. In three contingency learning experiments, we manipulated the motion and the spatial arrangement of colored dots in order to induce configural or elemental processing by perceptual grouping. The results reliably showed symmetrical decrements for the added and removed groups. The manipulations of the stimuli had no effect on stimulus processing. This is in line with Pearce’s configural model, but it is at variance with the elemental models and previous studies.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys were given either forward pairings of a bite-tube CS and shock US or backward pairings of these stimuli. Backward pairings produced stronger control of biting by the bite tube alone than did forward pairings. In a second experiment, subjects received backward pairings of US and CS with either a fixed ITI or a random ITI. Conditioned biting was obtained only when trials were presented with a fixed ITI. The magnitude of unconditioned biting was also significantly greater with the fixed ITI. It was argued that these results demonstrate that conditioning in this situation depends upon the degree to which biting predicts a relatively long shock-free period. When trials occur randomly in time, biting predicts no definite shock-free period; hence, it is not learned.  相似文献   

We compared acquisition and performance accounts of human contingency learning. After solving a discrimination in Phase 1, in which Cue A predicted the occurrence of the outcome and Cue B predicted its nonoccurrence (A+/B−), a new discrimination (X+/Y−) was superimposed in Phase 2 (AX+/BY−). The participants were finally trained in Phase 3 with the added discrimination, which either maintained the same contingencies as those in Phase 2 (X+/Y−; Experiment 1) or reversed the contingencies (X−/Y+; Experiment 2). According to competitive-learning theories (e.g., Rescorla & Wagner, 1972), there should be no learning of the added discrimination in Phase 2, so that no advantage or disadvantage for this discrimination should be observed in Phase 3. In contrast, performance theories, such as the comparator hypothesis (Miller & Matzel, 1988), contend that learning of the added discrimination in Phase 2 should proceed normally; so, in Phase 3, an advantage for the added discrimination should be observed in Experiment 1, but a disadvantage should be observed in Experiment 2. Our participants learned about the added discrimination and generally showed the effects predicted by the comparator hypothesis.  相似文献   

Governance proposals for higher education in the United States are often promulgated on the basis of some utopian goal or on the assumption that a given proposal is the panacea for multifaceted problems or that it is equally applicable to diverse institutional settings. This paper, rather than promulgating a single proposal, takes a more analytic approach and develops a contingency model for identifying appropriate decision-making structures. First, emergent conditions in American higher education's external environment, in the internal social environment of its colleges and universities, and in the development of higher education management systems are analyzed to establish some long-range criteria for evaluating decision-making effectiveness. Second, a typology of institutional decisions categorized as policy, managerial, and operating decisions is presented. An analysis of the nature and content of each major type of decision suggests divergent patterns of formal and informal decision-making structures and patterns, and differing content and functions for the supporting management information technology which might be appropriate to each of the decision types or categories. Finally, the analysis relates the contingency notions of decision structure and type to the criteria for evaluating the decision-making process and suggests how they are compatible or might be modified to be more compatible. The model is a general conceptual one which the author suggests can be used on either an institution-wide basis or with particular subunits of a college or university.
Types de decision, structures et evaluation des processus: un modele de contingence
Résumé Les projets officiels pour l'enseignement supérieur sont souvent formulés aux Etats-Unis par référence à un objectif idéal ou en supposant qu'un projet déterminé est susceptible de représenter la solution universelle de problèmes multidimensionnels et qu'il est également réalisable dans les différents contextes institutionnels. L'article ne vise pas à présenter un projet particulier; il se place au point de vue analytique et présente un modèle à éventualités multiples capable de déterminer les structures les plus appropriées à la prise de décision. En premier lieu, les caractéristiques nouvelles du milieu social dans lequel fonctionne aux Etats-Unis l'enseignement supérieur, les caractéristiques du milieu interne constitué par les collèges et les universités et les caractéristiques des systèmes de gestion pour l'Université sont soumises à l'examen afin de déterminer une large gamme de critères capables de s'appliquer à l'évaluation de l'efficacité des décisions. En second lieu, on présente une typologie des décisions institutionnelles dont les catégories sont celles de la détermination d'une politique, de la gestion et de l'application. L'analyse de la nature et du contenu de chacun des principaux types de décisions conduit à concevoir des structures et des formes différentes pour les prises de décision, tant explicites que diffuses, ainsi que des caractéristiques et des fonctions différentes pour la technologie de l'information sur laquelle repose la gestion, cela par référence aux différentes catégories de décision. En dernier lieu, l'analyse met en relations les notions variables de structure et de type de décision avec les critères retenus pour évaluer le processus de la prise de décision et examine jusqu'à quel point ils sont compatibles ou pourraient être modifiés afin de devenir plus compatibles. Le modèle présenté est un modèle théorique très général dont l'auteur suggère qu'il pourrait être utilisé tant pour une institution de large envergure que pour les sous-ensembles d'un collège ou d'une université.

How have contemporary social changes affected the problem of child sexual abuse? The rapid rise of this problem to public attention in the United States is in part due to the mobilization around the problem by the women's movement and the child welfare movement there. But factors shown by research to be associated with the problem—social isolation and patriarchal authority—are so widespread as to suggest that this is a problem of international proportions, as well. The rising divorce rate in the U.S. and worldwide, would appear to put more children at risk at the same time that it has also made it easier for children and their mothers to escape from the most oppressive and intolerable family situations. The sexual revolution and the erosion of external controls on sexual behavior have also in all likelihood aggravated the problem, too. Sexual abuse needs to be seen as a problem distinct from physical child abuse—characterized by the preponderance of offenders who are males. This suggests searching for the sources of the problem in male sexual socialization rather than in problems of inadequate and disaffected parenting.  相似文献   

This study combines minority stress and ecological perspectives to theorize the associations between adolescents’ sexual orientation and time use. Hypotheses are tested using data from a national sample of Australian adolescents aged 14–15 years (Longitudinal Study of Australian Children;= 3,060). Compared to heterosexual adolescents, sexual minority adolescents spent less time with their siblings and fathers, more time alone, less time in active leisure- and school-based activities, and more time in nonactive leisure. There were no differences between sexual minority and heterosexual adolescents in time spent with mothers, peers, and in screen-based leisure. Some associations were gendered. Collectively, the results suggest that sexual minority adolescents may withdraw or be excluded from critical developmental activities and the company of key social partners.  相似文献   

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