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Two experiments are described in which pigeons were trained in a simultaneous conditioning procedure to discriminate small arrays of dots that differed in numerosity. The birds successfully learned to choose the array of each pair that contained fewer dots when these choices were reinforced and choices of the array with more dots led to timeout. For the majority of numerosity values tested, discrimination performance for a fixed S+ value was better when the numerical difference between S+ and S-values was larger rather than smaller. This effect was seen in the first experiment when the numerical difference value was shifted between training trials and novel test trials. In the second experiment, too, performance level depended on the size of the numerosity difference when the birds were concurrently trained with two difference values that varied across trials within sessions. However, discrimination accuracy was influenced secondarily by variations in the density, or interdot spacing, of the stimulus arrays. In order to explain the latter finding, it is suggested that a tendency to “scan” a lowdensity array incompletely might alter the probability of accepting it as the smaller numerosity (S+) stimulus. This would increase error rates with S? arrays in which the dots are more widely spaced.  相似文献   

In three experiments, pigeons were trained to discriminate between uniform arrays of two elements that differed in color, form, or size. They were then tested with arrays that contained different proportions of the two elements on these dimensions. In all cases, orderly discrimination gradients reflected these proportions. The discrimination readily transferred to new arrays with similar stimuli, but with different total numbers of elements. In Experiment 4, the pigeons were taught to discriminate between two groups of categorical stimuli: pictures of birds and pictures of flowers. A test with different proportions of each again produced a gradient based on relative numerosity. Experiment 5 demonstrated transfer of stimulus control on the numerosity dimension when pigeons were trained with one set of instances from two categories, and then were tested with new instances from the same categories.  相似文献   

Conditioned attention theory (CAT) of latent inhibition (LI) states that parallel learning processes occur during reinforced and nonreinforced stimulus presentation. The present experiments investigated the effects of nonreinforced preexposure of either a compound CS or elements of that compound which differed in salience. Three predictions were advanced: (1) Both the compound and its elements will show an increase in LI as a function of the number of preexposures; (2) the two elements will show different levels of LI, with more LI accruing to the more salient element; (3) overshadowing will occur during compound preexposure. Two experiments, using rats as subjects and a conditioned suppression test, are reported. In Experiment 1, groups received 0, 20, 40, or 80 nonreinforced preexposures to a compound whose elements differed in salience. The results of the subsequent test confirmed predictions 1 and 2. Experiment 2, in which groups were preexposed to either the elements or the compound, provided evidence for an overshadowing effect, confirming prediction 3 from CAT.  相似文献   

We taught 8 pigeons to discriminate 16-icon arrays that differed in their visual variability or “entropy” to see whether the relationship between entropy and discriminative behavior is linear (in which equivalent differences in entropy should produce equivalent changes in behavior) or logarithmic (in which higher entropy values should be less discriminable from one another than lower entropy values). Pigeons received a go/no-go task in which the lower entropy arrays were reinforced for one group and the higher entropy arrays were reinforced for a second group. The superior discrimination of the second group was predicted by a theoretical analysis in which excitatory and inhibitory stimulus generalization gradients fall along a logarithmic, but not a linear scale. Reanalysis of previously published data also yielded results consistent with a logarithmic relationship between entropy and discriminative behavior.  相似文献   

Two groups of four pigeons each were trained on a discrimination between two intensities of white noise. The low-intensity group had a 60-dB intensity as the negative discriminative stimulus (S?) and a 70-dB intensity as the positive discriminative stimulus (S+): the high-intensity group had a 95-dB intensity as S? and an 85-dB intensity as S+. Generalization stimuli were all of higher intensity than S+ for the former group and all of lower intensity than S+ for the latter group. The rate of acquisition of the discrimination was faster for the Ss in the high-intensity group. In both groups, the maximum of the generalization function was shifted toward the middle values of the set of test stimuli, away from the training stimuli. Responding showed a decline at the far end of the range of test stimuli. Responding to the positive training stimulus was initially as great as it had been on the preceding training sessions, but became markedly depressed relative to responding to the other stimuli as the test progressed.  相似文献   

We report the first successful demonstration of a simultaneous, two-itemsame-different (S/D) discrimination by 6 pigeons, in which nonpictorial color and shape stimuli were used. This study was conducted because the majority of recently successful demonstrations of S/D discrimination in pigeons have employed displays with more than two items. Two pairs of stimulus items were simultaneously presented on a touch screen equipped computer monitor. Pigeons were reinforced for consistently pecking at either thesame (i.e., identical) or thedifferent (i.e., nonidentical) pair of items. These pairs were created from combinations of simple colored shapes drawn from a pool of six colors and six shapes. After acquiring the discrimination with item pairs that differed redundantly in both the shape and the color dimensions, the pigeons were tested for transfer to items that varied in only one of these dimensions. Although both dimensions contributed to the discrimination, greater control was exhibited by the color dimension. Most important, the discrimination transferred in tests with novel colored, shaped, and sized items, suggesting that the mechanisms involved were not stimulus specific but were more generalized in nature. These results suggest that the capacity to judge S/D relations is present in pigeons even when only two stimuli are used to implement this contrast.  相似文献   

These experiments examined one way in which the allocation of attentional resources can change performance during a visual discrimination task. Pigeons were trained to discriminate visual forms under conditions that produced dimensional contrast. In three experiments, negative training stimuli differed from positive stimuli either along a primary physical dimension alone or along both a primary dimension and an orthogonal dimension. When a negative stimulus differed from positive stimuli along two dimensions, discrimination of that negative stimulus improved. For one type of visual form, discrimination of the positive stimuli declined with orthogonal variation in a negative stimulus, whereas for other visual forms, there was no decline in performance. These results are consistent with a model of dimensional contrast that suggests that differences in the allocation of attentional resources determine discrimination performance. The results also indicate that the organization of stimulus dimensions plays a crucial role in the allocation of attentional resources in these settings.  相似文献   

When pigeons are trained on a discrete-trial simultaneous discrimination, some of the value associated with the positive stimulus appears to transfer to the negative stimulus (Zentall & Sherburne, 1994). Pigeons preferred a negative stimulus that had been discriminated from an always-positive stimulus (S+) over a negative stimulus that had been discriminated from a sometimes-positive stimulus (S±). A very different finding (suggestive of transitivity of preference or contrast) was reported by Belke (1992). On concurrent probe tests of stimuli associated with equal variable interval (VI) schedules but originally trained in alternative concurrent pairs (one with a richer schedule, the other with a poorer schedule—VI 20 sec vs. VI 40 sec and VI 40 sec vs. VI 80 sec), the stimulus originally paired with the poorer schedule was preferred. But Belke’s results may have been obtained because the pigeons had been trained to peck the VI 40 sec paired with the poorer schedule and they had been trained not to peck the VI 40 sec paired with the richer schedule. In the present experiment, we avoided this bias by training pigeons on two concurrent schedules in which the tested stimuli both had been associated with the poorer schedule of the pair [A(VI 20 sec) vs. B(VI 80 sec) and C(VI 40 sec) vs. D(VI 80 sec)]. Evidence for value transfer was demonstrated when on probe trials pigeons preferred B over D.  相似文献   

How does the effectiveness of guiding cues influence the development of motor skill autonomy? We utilized two sets of guiding cues (lights vs. reversed-lights conditions) that differed in their effectiveness to control a left–right leverpress sequence in rats. We separately measured the development of stimulus control by panel lights on guiding-cues trials and the development of stimulus control by practice cues on no-cue probe trials within the same sessions. Accuracy in the presence of the guiding cues was acquired faster in the lights condition than in the reversed-lights condition, but subjects in the reversed-lights condition were more able to complete the skill autonomously than those in the lights condition. Throughout acquisition, control by guiding cues and practice cues developed at the same rate in the reversed-lights condition, but control by practice cues (autonomy) developed at a slower rate than did control by guiding cues in the lights condition. At the end of training, subjects that had been exposed to the reversed-lights condition displayed higher levels of autonomy than did those exposed to the lights condition. The less effective guiding cue (reversed-lights) produced greater levels of autonomy than did the more effective cue (lights), even though control by this guiding cue developed more slowly. Thus, guiding your child by the hand too much may reduce his or her ability to complete the task independently. We discuss the similarity to prompt dependence in children with learning disabilities and transfer of stimulus control.  相似文献   

The effect of training a positive discriminative stimulus (S+ ) as a signal for the nonreinforcement of an instrumental response (S?) on the ability of that stimulus to evoke its original instrumental response was examined in three experiments using rats. In all three experiments, two different stimuli were established as S+s for different response-outcome relations. In Experiment 1, an S+ was less effective in controlling its original response after it had undergone training as an S? for a new response that earned the same outcome than it was after training as an S? for a response that earned a different outcome. Experiment 2 established that this effect was not mediated by Pavlovian inhibitory conditioning produced by the negative correlation between the S+ and the outcome during S? training. Simply arranging a negative correlation between S+ and the outcome whose occurrence it had previously signaled did not impair the ability of that S+ to elicit its original response. In Experiment 3, the response-evoking properties of an S+ were found to be undermined by using the S+ as a signal for the simple extinction of a new response trained with the same outcome, but not with a different outcome. These results suggest that positive discriminative stimuli use their associations with the outcomes earned in their presence to control the responses that earned those outcomes.  相似文献   

Capuchin monkeys were trained on a series of learning-set problems which required discrimination between stimulus arrays having ABA and BBA configurations. Transposition was later tested by presenting training configurations with CCC or ABC configurations. Considerable negative transposition and a small amount of positive transposition occurred, a result suggesting that the original learning set was based at least partly on perceived differences in the homogeneity of the ABA and BBA configurations. Fast-learning subjects manifested more persistent random responding and less position responding than did slow-learning subjects. This difference suggests that random responding during the initial stages of learning may be used as an index of attention.  相似文献   

In a test of safety signal and preparatory response explanations of the preference for signaled vs. unsignaled shock, three groups of rats were exposed to a different light-tone-shock contingency on each of the two sides of a shuttlebox. One contingency (S/P) provided both a safety signal and a warning stimulus, another (NS/NP) provided neither, and a third (S/NP) provided a safety period but no warning stimulus. Rats preferred either the S/P or the S/NP side of the shuttlebox when the alternate side provided neither safety signal nor warning stimulus. When the safety signal was available on both sides, the side without the warning stimulus was preferred. Results are interpreted as supporting the safety signal hypothesis.  相似文献   

Pigeon subjects received Pavlovian conditioning with stimulus elements and were then tested with compounds of those elements. Experiments 1–3 used localized keylight elements and found no evidence for greater responding to the compound than to the elements. Experiments 4A–4D found evidence for greater second-order conditioning by a compound of two elements than by the elements themselves when the elements consisted of two diffuse stimuli or one diffuse stimulus and one localized keylight. No greater second-order conditioning resulted from a compound of two localized keylight elements, suggesting the possibility of perceptual interactions that reduce identification of the elements in the compound. Experiment 6 found evidence of summation when that interaction was reduced by sequential presentation. However, one attempt to capture this interaction in terms of configural conditioning (Pearce, 1987) failed to receive confirmation. These results suggest that the localized stimuli conventionally employed in autoshaping experiments may show such substantial perceptual interaction as to recommend against their routine use for studying conditioning in compounds.  相似文献   

Three rats were trained under a discrimination procedure in which responding was reinforced only following the repeated presentation of three bursts of white noise (S+). S? consisted of presentations of either two or four bursts of noise. All animals responded significantly more in the presence of S+ and, in two cases, showed lower response rates to both “2” and “4” stimuli. Responding by the third animal revealed differentiation between S+ and the stimulus “2,” but no reliable suppression to stimulus “4.” The present instances of discriminative control by the stimulus “3” replicate Fernandes and Church’s (1982) demonstration of control by sequential auditory stimuli in the rat. Moreover, because the present procedure involves adjacent S? values both greater as well as less than S+, these results extend our knowledge of the rat’s abilities with sequential auditory stimuli: Rats are capable of making intermediate numerical discriminations based upon something other than a simple many-versus-few dichotomy.  相似文献   

Two pigeons matched to sample in a three-key operant conditioning chamber. In Experiment I, two different kinds of samples were presented on the center key.Element samples were members of one of two sample sets — colors (a red or blue disk) or lines (a vertical or horizontal orientation of a set of white lines). These samples were followed by their respective sample sets on the side keys as comparison stimuli.Compound samples consisted of a set of lines superimposed on a colored disk. Following these samples, either sample set could appear as comparison stimuli. Matching to compound samples was less accurate than matching to element samples. One interpretation is that sharing of attention among elements of a compound sample weakened stimulus control by each element. A different interpretation is that an element sample controlled matching better because it was physically identical to a comparison stimulus whereas a compound sample was not. Experiments II–IV evaluated this “generalization decrement” alternative by testing element- vs. compound sample control with both element and compound comparison stimuli. Irrelevant elements were added to form compound comparison stimuli, some of which were physically identical to a preceding compound sample, but never identical to an element sample. In all experiments, the addition of irrelevant elements of comparison stimuli reduced sample control. However, the generalization decrement hypothesis failed to predict how differences in performance maintained by element and compound samples were affected by different tests of sample control. Matching accuracy appeared to be independently determined by the number of elements in a sample and whether irrelevant elements were present during tests of sample control.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, six groups of pigeons (n=8) were tested for wavelength generalization either immediately or 24 h after learning a successive discrimination, with 550 nm reinforced and a black vertical line extinguished. The groups differed in the stimulus present during single stimulus pretraining, which was 550 nm (pretrain S+), the vertical Une (pretrain S?), or a neutral dim white light (pretrain Sn), respectively. The three immediate generalization gradients were steep and indistinguishable, reflecting only the immediately preceding discrimination training condition. The three delay gradients were flatter, with the flattening particularly marked in the pretrain S? group. This was interpreted as proactive interference (PI) resulting from the memory that both the 550-nm and the line stimuli had previously been reinforced. In Experiment 2, two (TD) groups of pigeons (n=16) were given single stimulus training with a 555-nm keylight followed by eight sessions of discrimination training with two line angles, then one session of non-differential (ND) training with the same two lines, and then a wavelength generalization test either immediately or after a 24-h delay. Two other (hold) groups (n=16) received similar training, except for the TD Une angle training sessions, in these hold groups, the wavelength gradient was flatter in a delayed test; in the TD groups it was steeper, indicating PI from the prior TD training. These two experiments suggest that the “attentional sets,” which purportedly result from TD and ND training, may fruitfully be viewed as target memories subject to the principles of interference theory.  相似文献   

In this study participants were asked to describe pictured events in one type-written sentence, containing one of two different syntactic structures (subordinated vs. coordinated subject noun phrases). According to the hypothesis, the larger subordinated structure (one noun phrase including a second, subordinated, one) should be cognitively more costly and will be planned before the start of the production, whereas the coordinated structure, consisting of two syntactically equal noun phrases, can be planned locally in an incremental fashion. The hypothesis was confirmed by the analysis of the word-initial keystroke latencies as well as the eye movements towards the stimulus, indicating a stronger tendency to incremental planning in case of the coordinated structure.  相似文献   

The study compared preferred homework styles of Chinese students-who were characterized by (a) high vs low self-perceived homework achievement and attitude; (b) high vs low teacher-rated homework completion and quality; and (c) high vs low academic achievement in mathematics-and examined gender differences of homework styles in these students. The participants were 329 5th graders (172 boys and 157 girls) and 244 7th graders (130 boys and 114 girls). More distinguishing homework style elements were found with the self-perceived homework achievement and attitude levels than in the teacher-rated achievement levels. Neither gender differences nor gender-achievement interaction effects were indicated. As expected, the motivational elements distinguished the high/low levels of all types of achievement and attitude towards homework. While high teacher-rated achievement was more closely associated with high scores of the teacher-motivated element, the self-perception of work accomplishment at home was more positive in those students who were highly motivated by parents as well as teachers. A number of environmental and organisational elements also distinguished the high from low achievers. The importance of the teacher and parent role in student achievement was discussed.  相似文献   

Four groups of 16 rats were trained in a go-no go discrimination with symmetrical negative reinforcement (active-passive avoidance task). A 2 by 2 design was used with stimulus combinations as one factor [light-go, noise/light-no go, (L+ NL?) vs noise-go, light/noise-no go (N+ LN?)] and noise intensity as the other factor (90 dB, high, vs 70 dB, low). The two N+ LN? groups learned both active and passive avoidance responses much more rapidly than the L+ NL? groups. In later phases of training, high noise intensity facilitated passive avoidance in the L+ NL? condition and exerted a slight effect in the opposite direction in the other condition. While the differences in active avoidance learning were the same as in previous work on light and noise CSs, the interactions between stimuli of different modalities appeared to be more important than stimulus modality or stimulus intensity per se in determining rate of passive avoidance learning.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys were trained to press panels to escape or avoid shock. Escape and avoidance training were combined factorially with feature-positive (FP) and feature-negative (FN) discriminations. In the FP situation, S+ trials were characterized by one red and two green panel displays and S? consisted of an all green panel array. In the FN arrangement, S+ and S? arrays were reversed. When compared properly, FP discriminations were learned more readily than FN discriminations in both escape and avoidance training conditions. Positive tracking was associated with FP discriminations, and feature avoidance characterized the FN tasks. These data suggest that in primates, feature responses (i.e., tracking behaviors) are more a function of the operant contingency than of the Pavlovian correlation.  相似文献   

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