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June 14 marks China's 9th annual Cultural Heritage Day. This year's theme is “Cultural Heritage: a Living Property”. Various celebration activities were held across the country to boost people's awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

<正>In celebration of the Chinese lunar New Year of the Rabbit,the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC)recently held an exhibition displaying its collection of a...  相似文献   

Miao people is an ethnic group with a long history and mainly dwell in Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. China is the birthplace of Miao ethnic group. They originally dwelled in north China but later moved to the depth of mountains in southwest China in order to escape wars. Today Miao people are mostly distributed in mountainous areas in Hunan,  相似文献   

<正>The 11th "Meet in Beijing" Arts Festival, an annual celebration of culture and arts, was recently concluded  相似文献   

Exhibition of Calligraphic Couplets in Thailand
On January 18, the Chinese New Year Calligraphic Couplets Exhibition celebrated its grand opening in China Cultural Center in Bangkok, Thailand  相似文献   

<正>During the Spring Festival of 2010, or Chinese New Year, the Ministry of Culture of China launched a variety of events in celebration of this traditional festival of Chinese people.——From the editor  相似文献   

<正>In celebration of Tsinghua University’s100th anniversary,an international sculpture exhibition was recently on view in the university’s campus.This exhibitio...  相似文献   

每年4月13日~15日(或14日~16日),是老挝传统的佛历“新年”。也是老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、缅甸和我国云南傣族的共同节日。新年,也叫宋千节或泼水节,是上述国家和地区最重大的节日。在老挝,新年庆祝活动一般要进行3天,其主要活动有浴佛、斋僧、拴线、泼水和跳南旺舞等。新年期间,人们见面时,总是双手合十,说一声“萨巴依迪碧麻依”(新年好)。  相似文献   

Capital Museum launches Spring Festival celebrations every year. In the advent of Chinese lunar year of ox, the museum held two exhibitions entitled "An Auspicious Ox Year" and "Talk about Ox in the Ox Year", sending new year greetings to local viewers of Beijing.  相似文献   

The Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, is the most important celebration for Chinese people. Reflecting solar and lunar movement, the Spring Festival is fundamentally associated to astronomical calculations of Chinese ancestors that date back to more than 2000 years. Today, the Spring Festival has evolved into an integral part of Chinese traditions that bears the emotional pursuit of Chinese people.  相似文献   

From January 23 to February 4, "Cultural Series in Celebration of Chinese Spring Festival" was launched in Thailand, coorganized by Chinese Cultural Ministry, Chinese Embassy in Thailand and departments of the Thai Government concerned. It was the fifth session of the event and the largest Spring Festival celebration that China held overseas in 2009.  相似文献   

<正>Shangsi Festival,also known as the Double Third Festival,is an ancient Chinese festival celebrated on the third day of the third month of the Chinese lunar c...  相似文献   

2011年,上海广播电影电视工作以贯彻党的十七届六中全会和上海市委各次全会精神为契机,全面落实科学发展观,坚持先进文化的前进方向,坚持社会主义核心价值体系的引领作用,紧扣主题主线,抓好重大宣传,始终坚持昂扬向上的舆论导向,大力加强安全播出工作,持续提升广电公共服务,推动广播影视产业发展,广播影视事业和产业均呈现出持续发展的良好势头。  相似文献   

《东广聚焦》新闻类,1992年10月28日开办,每周一至周日7:00~9:00,在都市生活频率(AM792/FM89.9),新闻资讯频率(AM1296/FM90.9)播出。《东广聚焦》关注热点话题,以受众最想“点击进入”的新闻事件为出发点,进行事件陈述、背景介绍、前景展望、影响分析、媒体评论等,力图全面展示或深入分析一个话题。凡是引起社会关注的问题,如重要法规政策出台引起的变化或反应,突发的、进行中的新闻事件,值得思考的社会现象等,都会成为《东广聚焦》的话题。该栏目2008年获上海新闻奖名专栏奖。  相似文献   

In celebration of the Chinese lunar year of the snake, a great variety of cultural events have been presented in scenic spots managed by Qujiang Culture and Tourism Group. During the Spring Festival holidays, these places of interest have attracted nearly 1.3 million visitors and registered a revenue of 16.58 million RMB  相似文献   

由上海广播电视台和上海市公安局联合制作的大型系列广播剧《刑警803》自1990年8月10日开播,已走过了整整21年,成为中国广播剧史上时间跨度最长、播出量最大的一部广播剧。该剧以传奇的刑警故事、鲜活的人物形象、生动的播音艺术和精致的制作水平受到广大听众的欢迎,获得了包括“五个一”工程奖在内的全国和上海等各类政府奖、  相似文献   

In celebration of the Cultural Heritage Day 2010, Superb Craftsmanship: China Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition was on display at Beijing Exhibition Hall from June 9 to 17, showcasing 318 handicraft masterpieces by 100 master artists.  相似文献   

“Experience the Heritage: Digital Exhibition on China's Intangible Cultural Heritage” was recentlyheld in the Capital Museum in Beijing, as part of the celebrations to mark the 6fth annual Cultural Heritage Day.  相似文献   

本文从广播作用于人的听觉系统,是一门声音的艺术这个概念出发,广泛分析了声音所具有的“模糊”特质,正是这种“模糊”和不确定性,调动了人的想象力和联想功能,使广播及其相关门类(音乐、语言等)为人们提供了一个虚拟化广阔的想象空间,更加丰富了人的本质和创造性功能。  相似文献   

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