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研究选取了广东省广州市多所普通中学共867名初中学生,采用相关量表让他们进行自我报告,之后进行数据分析验证理论模型,结果如下:父母行为控制越多,青少年的内外化问题越少;父母心理控制越多,青少年内化问题越多。可见,父母的行为控制对青少年发展起积极作用,父母心理控制对青少年发展则起消极作用。因此,教育工作者在对青少年进行心理健康知识普及的过程中,也不能忽略对家长进行教育观念的辅导。  相似文献   

文章旨在探讨父母控制与村镇初中学生行为的关系,采用问卷调查的方式,完成父母心理控制量表、行为控制量表、青少年行为量表等相关资料的调查研究,经过统计得出结论:初中学生的父母控制有显著的地区类型、独生子女/非独生子女差异;初中学生社会行为总分与父亲心理控制、母亲心理控制呈显著正相关,与父亲行为控制、母亲行为控制呈显著负相关;初中学生反社会行为得分与父亲心理控制、母亲心理控制呈显著正相关,与父亲行为控制、母亲行为控制呈显著负相关;初中学生亲社会行为得分与父亲行为控制、母亲行为控制呈显著正相关.一方面为村镇家庭教育的研究提供了新的视角,另一方面丰富了父母控制和青少年行为的研究,进而为教育管理部门和相关教育机构在制定政策和开展工作时提供参考.  相似文献   

目的:探讨父母心理控制、行为控制对青少年网络成瘾的影响。方法:从济南市某中学选取初一、初二、高一、高二402名中学生为样本,采用Shek等编制的父母心理控制、行为控制量表、陈淑惠等编制的青少年网络成瘾量表进行测查。结果:(1)1年之后,父母的心理控制、行为控制均有显著增加。(2)前测心理控制与后测青少年网络成瘾倾向显著正相关,前测行为控制与后测青少年网络成瘾倾向显著负相关;前测心理控制与后测男生的网络成瘾倾向显著正相关,前测行为控制与后测女生的网络成瘾倾向显著负相关。(3)心理控制显著正向预测青少年1年后的网络成瘾倾向,行为控制显著负向预测1年后的青少年网络成瘾倾向。心理控制显著正向预测男生1年后的网络成瘾倾向;行为控制显著负向预测女生1年后的网络成瘾倾向。结论:父母心理控制、行为控制能够显著预测青少年的网络成瘾,预测模式存在性别差异。  相似文献   

父母控制是指父母在对子女实施教养活动的过程中,用以控制、管理子女的较为稳定的行为方式,对儿童青少年的心理发展和社会适应具有重要且直接的影响。本研究使用初中生的两年追踪数据,基于以个体为中心的研究方法,探讨我国父母控制的亚型、转变特点及其对青少年适应的影响。主要发现如下:(1)父母控制可以分成三种亚型:低心理控制-中行为控制(低-中控制)、中心理控制-中行为控制(中-中控制)和高心理控制-高行为控制(高-高控制),在两个时间点都是中-中控制亚型的家长比例最多,分别约占六成和五成。(2)父母控制亚型会随着时间产生转变,从初一到初二,近七成的父母控制亚型保持稳定,约有三成出现转变。初一的中-中控制亚型约有三分之二在初二时没有变化,约两成在初二时变成高-高控制亚型。(3)父母控制亚型对主观幸福感、网络成瘾、亲子冲突等适应结果有显著影响,其中高-高控制亚型最不利于青少年适应的发展,低-中控制亚型最有利于青少年适应的发展。本研究为不同类型的父母控制进行精准干预奠定了实证研究基础。  相似文献   

为了解我国青少年感知父母心理控制的现状及其特征,本研究对国内外关于我国青少年父母心理控制的文献进行了系统检索,将目前使用父母控制量表(PCQ)评估青少年父母心理控制的研究进行筛选与编码,运用SPSS 26.0和CMA 3.0软件对数据进行统计与Meta分析。结果表明,我国青少年感知父母心理控制水平整体较低,有利于青少年个体的发展。同时,研究发现,青少年感知父母心理控制的水平在不同群体中存在显著差异,具体表现为青少年感知母亲心理控制的水平高于父亲,男生感知父母心理控制的水平高于女生,且青少年感知父母心理控制水平在初中二年级尤其显著,被称为“初二现象”。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步和发展,互联网正在深刻地改变着人们的生活方式。但互联网是一柄双刃剑,互联网的不当使用对青少年的生活、学习、身体和心理等各个方面造成了负面影响。在青少年问题性网络使用的诸多影响因素中,父母控制所起的作用具有重要意义。父母控制包括行为控制和心理控制,适度的行为控制有助于青少年合理控制上网时间,心理控制会导致青少年产生非适应性认知,进而引发网络成瘾。家校协同,改善教育方式,加强沟通,有助于预防青少年网络成瘾。  相似文献   

青少年焦虑与子女教育心理控制源及应对方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者随机抽取保定市265名18岁-20岁青少年,探讨了家长子女教育心理控制源与青少年焦虑障碍及应对方式的关系。研究表明,青少年焦虑检出率为29.85%,焦虑组与非焦虑组在家长子女教育心理控制源五个因子中差异显著,焦虑组与非焦虑组青少年的应付方式问卷测定结果差异显著。教育成效、父母的责任、子女对父母生活的控制、父母的教育方式与青少年焦虑情绪有关,因此从家庭角度进行青少年心理干预很有必要。  相似文献   

为研究父母教育焦虑对青少年人际关系的影响及父母心理控制在二者之间的中介作用,本研究对619名高中生进行了问卷调查。结果表明:父母教育焦虑与父母心理控制呈显著正相关、与青少年人际关系质量呈显著负相关,父母心理控制与青少年人际关系质量呈显著负相关;父母心理控制在父母教育焦虑与青少年人际关系质量之间发挥部分中介作用。本研究为预防父母教育焦虑对子女不同方面的影响提供了新思路:父母应积极培养自身的情绪管理能力,避免自身的教育焦虑影响子女的人际关系质量;相关机构在促进青少年身心健康的实践中,应把家庭教育环境作为重要的干预维度之一。  相似文献   

该研究选取30名3岁儿童作为研究对象,采用情境观察的方法检测儿童努力控制和母亲教养方式的水平,采用问卷法检测儿童外显问题行为水平,并使用方差分析和回归分析的方法对儿童努力控制、母亲教养方式与儿童外显问题行为之间的关系进行探讨。结果表明:(1)儿童的努力控制和外显问题行为呈显著负相关;(2)教养方式中的消极控制和儿童的外显问题行为呈显著正相关;教养方式中的积极控制和儿童的活跃过度问题行为呈显著负相关;(3)努力控制和家庭教养方式中的积极控制交互作用影响儿童外显问题行为———对于高努力控制水平的儿童,家长干涉过多反而会增加儿童发展出外显问题行为的可能性。  相似文献   

父母心理控制是指父母入侵子女的思想和情感,对子女的需求没有反应,并通过过度实施控制性的父母教养策略来给子女施加压力。从四个方面对父母心理控制的研究现状进行综述:(1)父母心理控制的概述,包括父母心理控制的概念、与父母行为控制的关系和自我决定理论框架下的父母心理控制;(2)父母心理控制的不良后果,包括内部化问题、外部化问题、学业相关问题、人际关系问题和机制研究;(3)父母心理控制的影响因素,包括父母的特征、子女的特征和环境因素;(4)父母心理控制的文化差异。最后,提出了未来研究的方向,希望父母心理控制能够得到更多的重视和本土化的研究。  相似文献   

This research examined the effects of domain-differentiated beliefs about legitimate parental authority and ratings of restrictive parental control on adolescent- and mother-reported psychological and behavioral control. The influence of parenting beliefs and practices regarding socially regulated (moral and conventional) and ambiguously personal (multifaceted and personal) issues was examined in 93 middle-class African American early adolescents (M = 13.11 years, SD = 1.29) and their mothers, who were followed longitudinally for 2 years. Domain-specific parenting beliefs and ratings predicted adolescent-reported maternal psychological control and parental monitoring, but the nature and direction of the relations differed. Adolescents who rated parents as more restrictive in their control of personal issues and who believed that parents should have less legitimate authority over these issues rated their mothers as higher in psychological control. In contrast, more adolescent-reported parental monitoring was associated with gender (being female) and adolescents' beliefs that parents have more legitimate authority to regulate personal issues. As expected, adolescent age and gender influenced mother-reported monitoring and psychological control; in addition, the effects of mothers' ratings of restrictive control on both psychological control and monitoring were moderated by gender. The results indicate that psychological control and monitoring can be understood in terms of the particular behaviors that are controlled, as well as the style in which control is exercised.  相似文献   

Changes in the patterning of adolescents' beliefs about the legitimate domains of parental authority were modeled in 2,611 Chilean adolescents, 11–16 years old. Transitions in adolescents' belief patterns were studied over 3 years. Latent transition analysis (LTA) revealed 3 distinct patterns of beliefs— parent control , shared control , and personal control— that differed in the extent to which adolescents believed that parents had legitimate authority over personal, prudential, and multidomain issues. Younger adolescents with fewer problem behaviors, higher self-efficacy, and more parental rules were more likely to espouse the parent control belief pattern. Adolescents' patterning of beliefs was relatively stable over time. Older adolescents with more problem behaviors and fewer parental rules were most likely to move away from the parental control status.  相似文献   

To determine whether adolescents interpret parental behavioral and psychological control differently, type, level, and domain of control were manipulated across 3 interpretations (adolescents’ competence, mattering to parents, and parental intrusiveness). As expected, adolescents (N = 67, M = 14.25 years) generally interpreted high levels of behavioral control more negatively than moderate behavioral control. At high levels, however, adolescents did not differentiate behavioral control and psychological control, interpreting both as indicating less mattering and more intrusiveness. Furthermore, high levels of control over personal domain issues, regardless of type, tended to be interpreted most negatively. In conclusion, adolescents construe control in ways that may have import for their adjustment and this should be accounted for in theoretical models of parental control.  相似文献   

This study examined the relative influence of three parenting behaviors (support, behavioral control, and psychological control) and deviant peers on trajectories of externalizing and internalizing problems in early adolescence. A white, working-to-middle-class sample of adolescents and their mothers and fathers in two-earner families participated in a 32-year longitudinal study (N = 109 families). The study began when the adolescents were in sixth grade (M age = 11.5 years). Analyses showed that parents' firm behavioral control seemed to halt the upward trajectory in externalizing problems among adolescents with deviant peers. Initial levels of internalizing problems were higher among adolescents with parents who reported lower levels of behavioral control and among adolescents with deviant peers. This study suggests that parenting exerts an important influence in adolescents' lives and may do so even in the face of potentially negative peer influence.  相似文献   

Disclosure and secrecy in adolescent-parent relationships   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Beliefs about parents' legitimate authority and adolescents' obligations to disclose to parents and actual disclosure and secrecy in different domains were examined in 276 ethnically diverse, lower middle-class 9th and 12th graders (Ms=14.62 and 17.40 years) and their parents (n=249). Adolescents were seen as more obligated to disclose prudential issues and less obligated to disclose personal than moral, conventional, and multifaceted issues; parents viewed adolescents as more obligated to disclose to parents than adolescents perceived themselves to be. Adolescents disclosed more to mothers than to fathers, particularly regarding personal issues, but mothers overestimated girls' disclosure. Greater trust, perceived obligations to disclose, and, for personal issues, more parental acceptance and psychological control predicted more disclosure and less secrecy.  相似文献   

This study examined links between processes of establishing autonomy and relatedness in adolescent-family interactions and adolescents' psychosocial development. Adolescents in 2-parent families and their parents were observed in a revealed-differences interaction task when adolescents were 14, and adolescents' ego development and self-esteem were assessed at both 14 and 16. Developmental indices were strongly related to autonomy and relatedness displayed by both parents and adolescents. Significant variance was explained even after accounting for the number and quality of speeches of each family member as rated by a different, well-validated family coding system. Increases in adolescents' ego development and self-esteem over time were predicted by fathers' behaviors challenging adolescents' autonomy and relatedness, but only when these occurred in the context of fathers' overall display of autonomous-relatedness with the adolescent. The importance of the mutually negotiated process of adolescents' exploration from the secure base of parental relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations among parenting, sibling relationship, peer group, and adolescent externalizing behaviors. With data obtained from a sample of 341 male and 313 female adolescents (M age = 14.4 years) and their parents and siblings from nonstepfamilies and stepfather families, cross-sectional analyses supported the hypothesis that the contributions of parental negativity, parental monitoring, and sibling negativity to adolescents' externalizing behaviors would operate directly and also indirectly through deviant peer associations. The findings of multigroup comparison analyses suggested that the relationships between family and peer correlates and adolescent externalizing behaviors vary as a function of family type and adolescent gender.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the intertwining relationships among the concepts of parental autonomy support, parental control, and cultural values for Mexican American families. The study was guided by the following questions: (1) What elements of parental autonomy support are identified in Mexican American parents’ involvement in their children’s academic performance? (2) How do Mexican American parents conceptualize “autonomy support” and “parental control”? Sixteen Mexican American mothers expressed their own goals and strategies for home-based parental involvement to support their adolescents’ academic performance, and responded to the prototypes of autonomy support parenting and use of psychological control. Four themes emerged from the data to explain the participants’ practice: (1) Explain the expectations for behavioral and academic pursuit through persistent “telling” and “reminding”; (2) Respond to children’s feelings from parents’ perspectives; (3) Encourage with provisions, praises, and criticisms; and (4) Allow choices upon trust in child’s sense of responsibility. Discussion is focused on how Mexican-American mothers’ conceptualization of “autonomy support” and “parental control” is influenced by the cultural values of educación and respeto. Culturally appropriate autonomy support training is suggested for effective intervention programs for Mexican-American parents.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the relative impact of family background, parental attitudes, peer support, and adolescents' won attitudes and behaviors on the academic achievement of students from immigrant families. Approximately 1,100 adolescents with Latino, East Asian, Filipino, and European backgrounds reported on their own academic attitudes and behaviors as well as those of their parents and peers. In addition, students' course grades were obtained from their official school records. Results indicated that first and second generation students received higher grades in mathematics and English than their peers from native families. Only a small portion of their success could be attributed to their socioeconomic background; a more significant correlate of their achievement was a strong emphasis on education that was shared by the students, their parents, and their peers. These demographic and psychosocial factors were also important in understanding the variation in academic performance among the immigrant students themselves.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The study had two aims. First, it sought to examine the incidence of interparental psychological aggression and physical violence witnessed by Arab adolescents. Second, it sought to assess the implications of such exposure on adolescents' feelings of hopelessness, psychological adjustment problems, and self-esteem. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among a sample of 1640 Arab adolescents from Israel. Different forms of the Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS) were utilized to measure the extent of interparental psychological aggression and physical violence witnessed by adolescents. The Hopelessness Scale for Children (HSC), the Psychological Adjustment Scale (PAS), and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) were used to measure the above-mentioned psychological states. RESULTS: The results indicate that Arab adolescents witness high rates of psychological aggression and physical violence between their parents. Furthermore, regression and multiple regression analyses revealed that significant amounts of the variance in adolescents' hopelessness, psychological adjustment problems, and low self-esteem are explained by witnessing different patterns of interparental psychological aggression and physical violence, beyond the amounts of variance in these criterion variables that can be attributed to some sociodemographic characteristics of the adolescents, their parents, and families. CONCLUSIONS: The results provided strong support for the hypothesis that witnessing interparental aggression and violence has a strong detrimental impact on adolescents' psychological states. Furthermore, the results emphasize the need for further research into the effects of witnessing other patterns of psychological aggression and physical violence in adolescents' nuclear and extended families. It would also be worthwhile to investigate the risk factors that predispose violence in the family and the consequences of those factors.  相似文献   

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