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Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned. Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich. Be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy. Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy. --Franklin 专业上勤于学习,你就会博学。勤劳俭省,你就会富裕。宁静节制,你就会健康。凡事讲德性,你就会幸福。——富兰克林  相似文献   

Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted. R. Peters, American jurist 人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费。  相似文献   

Summer Vacation     
It's very hot in summer. Let's go swimming in the swimming pool! What will you do for your summer vacation (假期)?I will go to the swimming pool to play! What will you do for your summer vacation? I will go swimming every day! In the month of June and in July and August, Each day I will play in the swimming pool!  相似文献   

Sn0OPy ‘J产“杏 勺‘洲z“武2争z召砂‘卜l 一1 以后这就是你的差事……你就坐在这 里等报童来,然后把报纸拿进屋…… 显誉 This will be your job…you wait here for the paperboy⑤ to conleby,and then you bnng in the pa详r…3 这下我可知道··一千万 不能训练它拿食品回来! :h k flow Ing二 one !一/l尸飞成慈IP甲 摄,泣暴e 叮 LO ,二I’ train brulg 彗 grocerles⑦ 犯 l耀… 箕亥 rl I’ve deeided①that you should do someth加9 to eam②your keep…… It’5 sort③of traditional④for a dog to bring in the newsPape…  相似文献   

近年来,高考英语试题中考查倒装句的题目多了起来。考查主要集中在“部分倒装”的知识上,这其中有八大考查热点。下面,笔者以这些考查热点为例,讲一讲“部分倒装”的用法。热点1:与only有关的倒装句。往年高考试题:1.(MET1984)Only in this way___progress in your English.A.you make B.can you make C.you be able to make D.will you able to make.2.(2003上海)Only when your identity has been checked.A.you are allowed in B.you will beallowed in C.will you allow in D.will you be allowed in.  相似文献   

1.Don't sell yourself short.不要看轻自己。2.You are in great shape.你身材很好。3.You bet your life I would.我肯定会的。4.God bless me.上帝保佑。5.Don蒺t let me down.可别让我失望哦。6.One word will suffice.一句话就足够了。  相似文献   

You are not feeling full no matter how much you eat?Here are some ways to fool your storoach.无论吃多少你都不觉得饱?这里教你几招来“欺骗”你的胃。Drink Milk喝牛奶This creamy liquid turns semi—solid in the stomach,soit takes a lot more work to digest and send satiety sig-nals to your brain.这孔脂状的液体会在胃里变化成半固体,于是你就需更多的时间来消化及向脑部发送饱食的信号。Eat Slow缓慢的进食Taking time to savor each bite and chew each mouth-ful means there will be time for satiety signal to travelfrom your stomach to your brain before you stuff your-self.  相似文献   

When your will is ready,your feet are light.—Herbert当你决心已下,马上就要踏上征程,你前进的脚步就轻快了起来。——赫伯特  相似文献   

你是一棵树,有根,有叶。谁也剥夺不了你生活的权利。尽管暴风雨侵蚀了你的快乐。可春天依然会回到你的身边。用温柔阳光的丝绢,擦你的泪痕。要坚信:岁月不会因你的痛苦而停留。太阳每天都是新的。只要不失去应有的热情和力量。生命的鲜花使整个世界美艳。you are a tree witj roots and leaves. nobody can divest you ofyour living power though a windstorm may corrode your happiness, spring will be with you wipe your ters away with a gentle towel-sunshine . fimal believe timrwon'tlinger long over your sorrw, blossom in …  相似文献   

在寒冷的日子(cold days),让我们一起学习这些由"cold"组成的成语,让你因为这些收获而热血沸腾! 1.get/have cold feet临阵胆怯;畏缩A:Have you told your parents the truth?你告诉你父母真相了吗? B:I wanted to,but every time I was really going to walk in their room and told them about it,I just got cold feet.我想来着,但是每次我想要走进他们的房间告诉他们的时候,我就腿软了。  相似文献   

<正>条件状语从句条件状语从句通常由if, unless, as long as等词来引导。注意:在条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来,即遵循“主将从现”原则。如:You won’t pass the PE exam successfully unless you exercise every day.除非你每天都锻炼,否则你不会顺利通过体育考试。If you treat others with your heart, you will get friendship in return.如果你用心对待别人,你会得到友谊作为回报。  相似文献   

When you're weary, feeling smallWhen tears are in your eyes, I will dry them allI'm on your sideWhen times get roughAnd friends just can't be found  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.ability n. 1)能力;本领(power to do something;cleverness) He shows considerable ability in (for) or- ganization.他很有组织能力。I do not doubt your ability to do the work.我不怀疑你有担任这项工作的能力。Bruce has the ability to score a goal,but will he do it?布鲁斯有踢进一球的能力,但他会不会去做呢?  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.consider [用法]consider作“考虑(think carefully about)”讲时,后接名词、动词ing形式或从句。例如: Before you decide to leave your job, consider the effect it will have on your family. 你在决定辞职以前,应考虑到这会对你的家庭造成的影响。I’m considering changing my job. 我在考虑转换工作。You must consider what you should do. 你必须考虑下一步做什么。  相似文献   

1.all the time一直,始终I looked all over the house for that letter,and it was in my pocketall the time.我在屋里到处寻找那封信,而它却一直在我的口袋里。2.as time goes on随着时间的推移Old personal grudges will be forgotten as time goes on.旧日的恩怨会随着时间的推移而被忘掉。3.in due course of time在适当的时候The book will be off the press in due course of time.这本书在适当的时候就会出版。4.make time腾出时间I think I can make time to fix up your recorder.我想我会抽出时间来修理你的收音机。5.take(on…  相似文献   

1.M y nam e is Jenny.我叫詹妮。这是对“What’s your name?你叫什么名字?”的答语。也是用于两人初次见面自我介绍的常用语。其中“my”意思为“我的”,是物主代词,修饰名词name,这里不可用“I,me”等修饰。例如:—What’s your name?你叫什么名字?—My name is Tom.我叫汤姆。【特别提醒】常用的物主代词:my我的;your你的;你们的;his他的;her她的;our我们的;their他们的2.I’m G ina.我是吉娜。两人初次见面相互自我介绍时的一个常用句式,其结构为“I’m 姓名”。I’m是Iam的缩写形式。例如:I’m Jim Green.我叫吉姆·格林。I’m…  相似文献   

I’ve been dying to meet you.我非常非常想见到你。Every time I see you,you leave me out inthe cold.每次我见到你,你都不睬我。I only have eyes for you.我只在意你。If you don’t want to lose me,you’d betterlay it on the line.如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告诉我吧。Tell me your story,I’m all ears.告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听。Someday,when your ship come in,you’llbuild your dream house.总有一天,当你有钱时,你会建造你梦想的家。I hope your idea takes wing.我希望你的想法成真。I wish that you would …  相似文献   

Get your butt In gear. 动作快点儿. Hogan:Hey,David.We're running late.Get your butt in gear. David:What?My butt?What do you mean? Hogan:Gosh!You idiot! Hogan:嘿,戴维.我们快晚了.Get your butt in gear. David:什么?我的屁股?你什么意思? Hogan:天呀!你这个傻瓜!  相似文献   

“我”的一次不经意的关爱与帮助不仅使得凯尔打消了轻生的念头,有了为自己美好人生继续奋斗的勇气和信心,还让他们成为最要好的朋友。所以,请注意你对他人的每一个微不足道的行为。它所产生的影响有时是你远远想不到的。  相似文献   

将来时的表示是一个很复杂的问题,它涉及到文体、修辞、口气和习惯用法等,其中最容易混淆的是shall,will和be going to。 下面七句就有这类错误,请想一想,它们错在哪里,应该如何改正。 1.She is going to know in a minute. 她一会儿就知道了。 2.You are taking your medicine everythree hours. 你每隔三小时要吃一次药。 3.I'm going to have a talk with you if youlike. 如果你喜欢,我将和你谈谈。  相似文献   

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