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Piperno, a Late Quaternary magmatic rock cropping out on the eastern side of the Campi Flegrei (Italy), is probably the most important building stone of Naples, used over a time-span from at least the Roman age until the beginning of the 20th century. Despite its wide diffusion in the monumental architecture of Naples, very little is known about this rock, as regards its technical features, as well as the geological aspects. This paper aims at providing a first overall contribution towards a rediscovery of this long-time-used material, in view of careful restoration works, which nowadays at Naples only take into account the proper geological features of the stone in a few peculiar cases. Thus, it seems of extreme importance to understand the basic parameters of Piperno and, above all, its response to weathering agents. Main mineralogical, petrographical and engineering–geological properties are presented here for the first time, with specific reference to two sampling areas, located at Pianura and Soccavo, in the western sector of the Neapolitan urban area. As far as many of its physico–mechanical features are concerned, Piperno extends over a wide range of values, which allow different varieties of the rock to be identified. This preliminary result is seemingly in accordance with data from old historical literature, which stated the existence of six horizons in the Piperno formation.  相似文献   

The analysis of environmental risk in historical cities facilitates the development of conservation strategies that can minimize the deterioration of historical heritage sites. Risk maps built with GIS software provide information about the probability of the main hazards in a region, and is a very useful tool to identify, evaluate and prioritize the restoration budget of a city in order to manage preventive conservation. In this paper, new methodologies are applied based on the vulnerability matrix and its relationship with static and structural factors, climate conditions, air quality and social agents. This technique has some obvious advantages in the application of risk analysis for cultural heritage conservation, such as the capability of simultaneous risk assessment and geographical references. The vulnerability study implies an on-site diagnosis analysis and requires an adapted protocol for archaeological heritage. The validation of this methodology was carried out in the historical town of Merida (Spain) with a GIS application (ArcGIS software), where the main monuments of this UNESCO World Heritage site were studied.  相似文献   

Exhibition of objects such as paintings or historical artefacts often involves a common problem: the objects presented are unique, delicate and, therefore, very valuable. On the other hand, these objects should be made accessible to scholars and educators. We present an application of modern 3D computer graphics in the field of reconstructing ancient scientific instruments. The first-four-species calculator of Wilhelm Schickard is made accessible to the public in the World Wide Web using Java 3D.  相似文献   

The work is focused on identification of lead tin yellow types I and II, Naples yellow, and also on discrimination of a less common, distinct yellow pigment, the ternary Pb-Sb-Sn oxide.The knowledge about all those Pb-based yellows was in fact forgotten after introduction of modern synthetic yellows in 19th century. As late as in the last decade of the 20th century, the existence of Pb-Sb-Sn yellow and its production have been rediscovered, and only then it has been identified in colour layer of artworks.Pb-Sb-Sn yellow has recently been identified in colour layer of 17th century Italian paintings by Sandalinas and Ruiz-Moreno [C. Sandalinas, S. Ruiz-Moreno, Lead tin-antimony yellow, historical manufacture, molecular characterization and identification in seventeenth-century Italian paintings, Stud. Conserv. 49 (2003) 41–52], and here we report the finding of this pigment in Mid-European painting of the 18th and 19th centuries. Lead tin yellows, lead antimony yellow (Naples yellow), and lead antimony tin yellow were synthesized in laboratory following historical recipes, their colour was analyzed, and their structure was confirmed to provide a basis for their routine identification in microsamples of artworks by X-ray microdiffraction. Unequivocal identification of Pb-based yellows could help in authentication of traditional European paintings, because their use was temporally and also geographically specific. Combination of elemental microanalysis (X-ray fluorescence electron microanalysis) and X-ray powder microdiffraction were found very efficient in the microanalysis of colour layers of artworks with Pb-based yellows and their unequivocal identification.  相似文献   

城市废墟既是城市过往发出的遥远呼唤,承载民族伤痛、灿烂文明的文化象征,也是面向现实和未来,散发独特美学意义、怀旧情绪的公共空间.而现实情况中,历史废墟陷入了情感脱离、价值输出有限的困境,现代废墟遗址、空间仍在拆与建中徘徊.废墟需要现代科技、当代媒介、政策规划、多元化功能利用等保护手段的综合作用,才有机会呈现其文化、美学...  相似文献   

Various authors have stressed the need for an adequate archiving and preservation policy of audiovisual material, given its cultural, historical, juridical, social and economic value. In view of the sustainable preservation of audiovisual material, the opening up of the archive is seen as a real challenge. Various aspects, such as requirements concerning formats, metadata standards and legal implications, need to be taken into account. Furthermore, different types of users should be able to consult the archive in a user-friendly way, a factor which should not be neglected. This article studies and discusses the current situation in Flanders regarding the digitisation and disclosure of the Flemish audiovisual cultural heritage, comprising the audiovisual material in the archives of different Flemish institutions, including broadcasters, (post-) production companies, government institutions and cultural organizations. Based on 45 qualitative interviews, a SWOT analysis is created to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats concerning the digitisation and disclosure of the audiovisual archive. Moreover, this environmental analysis includes some recommendations concerning the future preservation of this audiovisual cultural heritage.  相似文献   

For the last 60 years, varnishes of ancient musical instruments, particularly stringed instruments of the violin family dating 17th and 18th centuries, have been analysed to establish their chemical composition and multi-layered structure. The objective was to rediscover the technology for making the varnish of esteemed Italian violins and to reconstitute it. This paper reviews the physico-chemical studies published on such varnishes and also focuses on a research project carried out since 2002 at the Musée de la musique in Paris. It aims to apply in a comprehensive way different non-destructive or micro destructive methods (Py-GC/MS, IR microscopy, SEM/EDX, EDXRF, synchrotron radiation-based techniques, …) to the study of a large and representative number of ancient varnished musical instruments from a museum collection.  相似文献   

大运河作为世界上开凿时间最早、流程最长的人工运河,在漫长的历史发展中,对所流经区域的景观和城市的发展产生了深刻影响。大运河本体的遗产价值以及运河生态环境,都是沿线区域和城市发展过程中重要的考量要素。现阶段,大运河文化遗产保护与利用理论研究整体滞后于实践发展,保护和利用的规划、实施管控和文旅发展等方面在实践中也因为价值理念的认知、缺乏科学系统理论指导和健全法规与机制支撑等等困境而出现了诸多问题,在一定程度上,影响了世界遗产这一重要资源的保护和利用成效。在梳理现有文献和分析基础上,结合实践现状,揭示了大运河的保护和利用面临的挑战和现实困境,为科学保护大运河遗产的原真性、整体性,以及动态连贯性提供基础性理论支撑。  相似文献   

面对不断增长的开发压力,越来越多的历史城镇空间景观遭到新建项目的威胁与破坏,历史性城镇景观(HUL)方法尝试以景观视角解读当前发展对于历史城镇的影响。借由当前快速城镇化背景下历史城镇的保护与发展问题,阐述HUL方法形成过程与内涵,明确其特点与进步所在,并在研究黎巴嫩提尔古城保护案例的基础上,详细介绍了HUL方法所提出的工作手段,即知识和规划手段、公众参与手段、监管制度与财务手段,进而针对我国历史城镇的问题与诉求,从重视历史城镇整体性保护、强调历史层积、协调发展历史城镇和文化旅游、加强公众参与等四个方面探讨基于历史性城镇景观视角的规划方法,以期更好地促进我国历史城镇的保护和发展。  相似文献   

Assessment of multi-leaf stone masonry in earthquake-prone areas is mostly related to the evaluation of its texture, morphology, leaf detachment and structural cracking due to previous seismic activity, as well as disintegration due to material deterioration. For the plastered masonry with heritage or artistic value (paintings, frescoes etc.), both the type of structure and the extent of damage should be characterized with minimal interference to the structure, which could be overcome solely by non-destructive testing (NDT). However, due to the complexity of plastered multi-leaf masonry structure, the performance of well-known NDT methods could be significantly worsened. Therefore, as a prerequisite for applying NDT on multi-leaf stone masonry in practice, a validation process should be carried out. In this study, complementary ground penetrating radar (GPR) and infrared (IR) thermography measurements on plastered laboratory three-leaf stone masonry walls were performed. Apart from assessing the wall texture and morphology with the type of connection between the leaves, detection of gradual plaster delamination and crack propagation while subjecting the walls to an in-plane cyclic shear test was taken into account. The results showed that GPR could successfully visualize header stones passing through the whole depth of the specimen. The masonry texture behind the plaster could be well resolved by both methods, although GPR near-field effects worsened its localisation. For the detection of plaster delamination, IR thermography outperformed GPR by detecting delamination as small as 2 mm as well as structural crack patterns, whereas GPR only detected delamination larger than 8 mm. It was shown that the performance of both methods for defect detection could be further improved by image fusion based on unsupervised clustering methods.  相似文献   

在国际化程度越来越高的今天,建筑的地域性特征被逐渐淡化,民族传统文化和地方特色建筑的收集整理、保护传承、展示利用显得日趋重要.黄淮交汇文化区乡土石砌民居作为一种极具地方特色的民居形式,自身营造技艺和其风俗特征,都是当地的宝贵历史财富.对于文化区乡土石砌民居的研究,以历史资料和实地走访为基础,系统梳理该区域乡土石砌民居的...  相似文献   

This paper reports petrographic and chemical data and magnetic susceptibility values for trachytes of quarries recognizable within the Euganean Hills and sets out diagnostic parameters for these rocks. The diagnostic scheme proposed is basic for the definition of provenance of trachytes used in ancient artefacts spread over northern Italy. Trachytes were extensively used by the Romans for paving Via Aemilia, the most important road in the Po Plains connecting Ariminum (present-day Rimini on the Adriatic sea) to Placentia (present-day Piacenza on the Po river). Remains of the trachytic flagstones (basoli) used for paving segments of Via Aemilia crossing Regium Lepidi (present-day Reggio Emilia) and Bononia (present-day Bologna) have been characterised petrographically, chemically and also using magnetic susceptibility data. The discriminating scheme proposed here for the Euganean trachytes has been applied to the data obtained for basoli and thus the provenance of each investigated block has been inferred. The rocks sampled at Regium Lepidi mostly come from Monselice (only a few blocks from Monte Oliveto and Monte Merlo) and those of Bononia come mostly from Monte Merlo and, subordinately, from Monte Oliveto and Monselice (only one sample from Monte San Daniele). The dominant provenance of blocks, which is different in the two colonies distant by less than 50 km, suggests that the two segments of Via Aemilia were not built simultaneously.  相似文献   

目前学界尚缺乏关于旅游活动对世界文化遗产地社区可持续发展影响的研究。在对我国9处世界遗产地社区调查的基础上,利用模糊综合评价法对旅游活动对我国世界文化遗产地社区可持续发展影响进行了评价。研究结果表明:旅游活动不仅没有给我国世界文化遗产地社区可持续发展带来显著的促进作用,反而产生了不利影响。亟需解决的问题有:(1)旅游活动给工艺品地域特色、本地文化认同感等带来的不利社会文化影响。(2)旅游活动给自然植被、空气质量、水体质量等造成的不利生态环境影响。(3)旅游活动未给五台山、平遥古城、武当山社区居民就业带来预期的有利经济影响。(4)旅游活动对我国世界文化遗产地社区经济、社会文化和生态环境的影响失衡。  相似文献   

近年来,在遗产保护与可持续发展整合成为国际焦点的背景下,欧洲强调多部门、多尺度、跨区域协调空间发展的空间规划被视为助力保护与发展整合的有力工具.荷兰作为欧洲空间规划的先行者,在21世纪成为欧洲推动遗产政策融入空间规划的先驱之一,20多年来面向空间规划的遗产政策实践体现出3大趋势,即面向"文化空间"的多样遗产整合,从"部...  相似文献   

山东地区文化遗产保护过程中,社区内外民众积极参与、通力合作已经成为文化遗产保护中必不可少的力量。社区内部民众的主动参与,从确立社区民众的文化自觉、完善社区民众的参与机制、注重对社区传承人的保护和拓展文化遗产产业链来实现。社区外部民众的积极参与,从提高外部民众参与积极性、保障外部民众知情权力、创新外部民众参与合作手段和注重外部民众的教育效果来实现。  相似文献   

In November 20th 2007 Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality confirmed its list of buildings earmarked for conservation. The confirmation was related only to Tel Aviv cultural heritage, the city that was founded in 1909, along the Mediterranean seashore, next to old Jaffa. The list was published 4 years after part of the old urban center of Tel Aviv was nominated as World Heritage Site for its architectural uniqueness (Tel Aviv the White City). The list and the nomination were focused on architectural styles, which are based on building material, the silicate brick, used in Israel throughout the years 1918–1948. This building material and technology left its imprint on Tel Aviv's landscape and is also a part of Tel Aviv's history and development. In spite of its importance, all concerned in Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality and urban planning, have totally ignored this phenomenon.The thrust of this discussion is that the silicate bricks phenomenon, a building material and technology, due to its importance to Tel Aviv heritage and its vast distribution in Tel Aviv landscape, should be integrated into the current urban renewal development process in the old city of Tel Aviv. The discovery of its history and its role in Tel Aviv cultural heritage will change the attitudes of Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality to this building material; instead of a vernacular phenomena, a common brick or a frequent building technology, it will get a better appreciation. Urban landscapes of many cities around the world are based on vernacular phenomena, which are ignored by the urban municipalities. The silicate case should serve as an example of the role of a vernacular heritage, and in this case a common building material, in the urban renewal and conservation process.  相似文献   

在信息技术和现代社交网络转型的社会背景下,具有悠久历史文脉的著名大学已成为所在名城的文化遗产和景观资源。新时代的教育模式正转型为文化教育社区。提炼了国内外高等教育新的理论实践,以清华大学"苏世民书院"为研究对象,探讨文化教育综合体设计实践思路,即新型社交生态系统的文教社区模式。  相似文献   

李响 《中国名城》2021,(5):71-79
保护以北京为代表的国家历史文化名城需要与时俱进,如何以法治思维和法治方式对历史文化名城的保护工作固本强基,是当下面临的一项重要使命与重大课题.近年来全国多地的实践结果显示,公益诉讼为将历史文化名城保护纳入法治轨道提供了有效抓手,其不仅有利于激发社会公众的参与热情,而且也有助于发挥司法机关的监督力量.然而,将公益诉讼机制...  相似文献   

中国古代的民居建筑往往会迎合主人的心理追求,凭借环境要素,构建建筑与文化的空间关联性,匾额便是这种人居意识的物化体现.江西丰城白马寨明清古建筑群现存大量匾额,具有丰富的文化内涵和鲜明的地域特色,是赣中地区民居建筑匾额文化的突出代表.以白马寨为例,从横向和纵向两个维度展开,横向维度进行文化释义和类型分析,纵向维度探究匾额...  相似文献   

从评价目的、评价主体与客体、评价体系的构建三方面系统回顾梳理国内历史文化名镇名村的价值评价体系研究.针对评价主客体单一、评价因子不全面、评价指标体系不完善等问题,最后从多方参与、差异化指标、多样化评价体系、动态监测机制、评价技术创新5个方面提出价值评价的趋势与展望,期待对完善价值评价体系有所启示.  相似文献   

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