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以《海峡都市报》与泉州沃尔德营销研究咨询公司“泉州大学生就业期待”调查问卷为基础,从泉州大学生就业期待视角研究和分析了泉州民企的雇主品牌建设问题,并就泉州民企今后的雇主品牌建设问题提出了四点建议。  相似文献   

挪威学者布约克沃尔德对艺术本能在儿童艺术能力乃至整体发展中的作用进行了深入研究,由此发现缪斯式学习是人类童年早期最自然的学习方式,儿童文化是人类童年早期最适宜的发展背景;从学校文化与儿童文化的冲突中,布约克沃尔德发现由于儿童发展背景转变导致的学习窒息,并由此揭示儿童入学后艺术本能被压抑的现实,进而通过教育实验和系统思考寻求激发儿童艺术本能的可能路径。布约克沃尔德有关艺术本能和儿童教育的深刻见解,对于我们怎样看待本能与儿童教育问题提供了启示。  相似文献   

辛亥革命后,中国出现了南北军阀、中央和地方军阀的反动统治。袁世凯垮台以后,北洋军阀内部形成了以段祺瑞为首的皖系,以冯国璋为首的直系和以张作霖为首的奉系。南方各派军阀集团,在云贵有以唐继尧为首的滇系,两广则有以陆荣廷为首的桂系。此外,北方还有晋系阎锡山,等等。他们各自占据地盘,投靠不同的帝国主义,使  相似文献   

普通高校开展成人教育的理论研究戴玲李兆金一、优势论普通高等学校有雄厚的师资力量作后盾,为成人教育聘用学术水平、业务素质、讲课质量均较高的一流教师任教提供了有利条件。美国达肯沃尔德博士(GordonG.Darkenwald)和梅里安博士(SharanB...  相似文献   

自信心与成人教学实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自信心与成人教学实践山东张怀春许多从事成人教育工作和成人教育理论研究的专家通过实践和研究发现:除外部因素(环境、时间)外.自信心是影响成人学习取得成功的重要心理因素。在国外,美国达肯沃尔德教授指出,有些成人学习者由于缺乏自信和对学习不感兴趣,就借回时...  相似文献   

基于已有的话语标记语研究,介绍了以Schiffrin和Fraser等为首的连贯派和以Blakemore和Jucker等为首的关联派两种理论对话语标记语的不同阐释及各自的不足之处,并提出分析话语标记语的语用功能时应把连贯理论和关联理论相结合,不能过分地强调其中某一种理论。  相似文献   

在一次语言国际学术会议上 ,一位与会专家向举办会议的陈道主致谢 ,说了“向以某某教授为首的东道主表示衷心的感谢”这类的话 ,会后引起议论。议论者不乏知名的语言学家 ,议论的内容是“以某某教授为首”听起来似乎有贬义色彩 ,用得不合适。“以某某人为首”真的是贬义的吗 ?不妨调查一下 ,研究一下 ,再下结论。《现代汉语词典》(商务印书馆 ,1996 )收有“为首”条 ,意思是“作为领头人” ,所举的例子是 :在某某~的代表团 |犯罪团伙的~分子已被抓获。从词典的解释和例子看 ,“以某某人为首”是中性的。我们考察了当代长篇小说《李自成》 …  相似文献   

引言对于先秦诸派,我们知道更多的是以孔子为首的以"仁"为思想核心的儒家学派和以老子为首的以"道"为思想核心的道家学派,而往往忽视了以墨子为首的以"兼爱"为思想核心的墨家学派。由于墨子和墨家学派代表的是社会下层小生产劳动者的利益和思想,而这恰恰是与封建时代专制集权的统治思想相悖的,所以在两千多年的帝制时期墨家失去了先秦那种"孔席不暖,墨突不黔"的显学风光,被弃之如敝屣。导致对墨家的研究越来越少,并且对墨家思想的理  相似文献   

坚持“德育为首,智育为主,面向全体,全面发展”是我们坚持不懈的办学思想。自1988年建校,我们就围绕以德育为首,全面提高学生素质这个课题进行了大量地探索和研究,形成了具有我校特色的“133”德育管理体系,促进了学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

扎西会议包括水田会议、大河滩会议和扎西会议,它们解决了遵义会议来不及解决的一系列重大问题;改组了中央领导,确立了以洛甫为首的中央领导和以毛泽东为首的军事指挥,对红军进行了整编。  相似文献   

孔令会 《海外英语》2012,(13):176-177
The paper analyses aesthetic message at phonological level of Zhu Ziqing’s lyric prose Transient Days and explores how such message is represented in English versions respectively translated by Zhang Peiji and Zhu Chunshen.  相似文献   

This article analyses the school exclusion and subsequent educational inclusion of pregnant young women participating in a course of antenatal and key skills education at an alternative educational setting. It examines the young women's transitions from ‘failure’ in school to ‘success’ in motherhood and re-engagement with education. This article draws on participant observation- and interview-based research carried out with pregnant young women and staff at an alternative educational setting in London in 2007–2008. The young women's participation in the course represented a severing of past negative experiences in mainstream education, allowing a renewed focus on education alongside a positive maternal identity. The setting represented a form of inclusion, and the young women appreciated the focus on their social and emotional well-being, yet the limited academic provision in some cases continued to reinforce an educational exclusion.  相似文献   

The OECD’s PISA programme has been portrayed as central to the emergence of a regime of global educational governance and the subsequent convergence of policies towards a standardised model. Whilst there is an extensive literature describing PISA’s impact on education policies, there is a paucity of analysis of how PISA data is presented to the public within nations by three main actors which interpret the results; namely the OECD itself, politicians, and the media. This study analyses how England’s 2012 PISA results were interpreted by those actors, focusing particularly on the role of the media. We demonstrate that the OECD’s original messages were significantly distorted by the UK Government and show how the media, driven by its own logic, framed the results in terms of a narrative of decline, crisis and the need for urgent reform, while, significantly, giving little coverage to either the recommended policy actions or the contrasting interpretations of the PISA results by politicians and the OECD. We argue that a form of ‘mediatised governance’ shaped and limited the overall frame within which the results were debated and had a powerful influence on how local politicians represented the PISA results and advocated their own policy actions.  相似文献   

钢琴《抒情小品》是爱德华.格里格最杰出的作品之一,鲜明地体现着其创作手法和个人风格。作曲家在音乐中并没有刻意强调高超的演奏技巧,但其丰富的音乐内涵和表现力需要通过演奏者的合理演绎来充分展现。  相似文献   

研究型教学是在教师以课程内容和学生的学识积累为基础,引导学生创造性地运用知识,自主地发现问题、研究问题和解决问题,并在研究中积累知识、培养能力和锻炼思维的新型教学模式.在研究型教学的实施中,要:改变教学观念,转变老师角色;开放教学内容,激发学生的求知欲;改变教学方法,提高学生学习质量;改变教学手段,提高学生学习能力;改变考试方式和方法。  相似文献   

This article analyses a selection of contemporary children’s visual texts (for economy and specificity ‘contemporary’ is taken to mean the current century), covering a cross-section of age demographics to better understand how the texts depict female characters suffering with mental illness. It examines these primary texts not only to see how such characters are represented but also to see whether they either bolster or challenge the idea of the female being viewed as the male's ‘Other’. A brief historical and cultural contextualisation of the relationship between mentally ill females and the male-centric profession of modern psychiatry is followed by a close analysis of four primary texts, analysing visual narratives of mentally ill female characters in two picture books, an illustrated book and a graphic novel, noting how contemporary visual depictions contrast with early ideas and images supporting the nineteenth-century feminisation of madness. The conclusion is that, from the limited selection of texts analysed, contemporary children’s visual texts represent a clear contrast to the historical image of the frail and winsome madwoman. The findings are that they do not uphold the image of the female madwoman as Other.  相似文献   


This paper raises some critical issues concerning ‘competency’ as represented, today, by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications and, earlier, by the Manpower Services Commission. It is argued that the narrowly behaviouristic model supported by the ‘competency movement’ is only one of the many ways in which competence has been approached within the social sciences. The issue of why those agencies should have promoted this particular model of competence is explored, using Bernstein's concept of ‘pedagogic discourse’. It is argued that competency should be located within the political context of the policies with which it is associated. The promotion of competency can be understood in terms of political aspirations of the New Right to change the culture of British institutions and economic life in the direction of a neo‐liberal market ideology. The problems of competency are explored with reference to its methodology and the manner in which it represents ‘the world of work’ and competence within it.  相似文献   

This paper contextualises the UK Foundation Degree within competing economic and democratic agendas. In tracing the development within these ideological and discursive priorities it analyses how they are textually represented in policy speeches, and in particular in ‘New Labour’ consultation documents. The purpose of this is to critically evaluate New Labour's attempt to offer, through the Foundation Degree, a ‘Third Way’ synthesis of these traditionally competing agendas, facilitating a neat discursive synchronisation of utilitarian and progressive objectives—democratising access to higher education and empowering the individual, while tooling up ‘UK PLC’ (public limited company) to compete in a global economy. The paper, however, sees significant potential, provided by the discourses of the Foundation Degree experience, for further democratisation of higher education. It is argued that this provides opportunities to facilitate diversity and differentiation by involving the further education sector through partnerships with higher education, and providing opportunities to stem and reverse academic drift.  相似文献   

加拿大产学合作教育项目是全球合作教育的典范。以滑铁卢大学为代表的合作教育具有强大的办学优势,其工学交替的教育模式、严格规范的管理体系以及为学生、学校和企业各方带来的收益,都值得我国的产学合作教育深入学习。借鉴加拿大产学合作教育的优势,坚定我国产学合作教育的方向,建立刚性规章制度,赢得政府的扶持与引导,以及建立利益共同体等,都是促进我国产学合作教育发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

Many studies into learners’ ideas in science have reported that aspects of learners’ thinking can be represented in terms of entities described in such terms as alternative conceptions or conceptual frameworks, which are considered to describe relatively stable aspects of conceptual knowledge that are represented in the learner’s memory and accessed in certain contexts. Other researchers have suggested that learners’ ideas elicited in research are often better understood as labile constructions formed in response to probes and generated from more elementary conceptual resources (e.g. phenomenological primitives or ‘p‐prims’). This ‘knowledge‐in‐pieces perspective’ (largely developed from studies of student thinking about physics topics), and the ‘alternative conceptions perspective’, suggests different pedagogic approaches. The present paper discusses issues raised by this area of work. Firstly, a model of cognition is considered within which the ‘knowledge‐in‐pieces’ and ‘alternative conceptions’ perspectives co‐exist. Secondly, this model is explored in terms of whether such a synthesis could offer fruitful insights by considering some candidate p‐prims from chemistry education. Finally, areas for developing testable predictions are outlined, to show how such a model can be a ‘refutable variant’ of a progressive research programme in learning science.  相似文献   

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