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传统的防毒软件,并无法阻挡黑客通过一些攻击程序入侵个人计算机。然而新型态的计算机病毒并不是破坏或瘫痪计算机系统那么单纯而已,它们已经改采主动攻击模式,有可能在感染的同时,开启后门程序让黑客轻松入侵该计算机系统,窃取资料或进行破坏。虽然企业网络多数在防火墙的阻绝与保护之下,然而个人用户,暴露在危险的互联网中,已成为黑客虎视眈眈的目标。人们对黑客的恐惧心理也与日俱增,根据趋势科技的调查显示,高达85%的人担心日后会遭黑客攻击。  相似文献   

潘磊 《大观周刊》2012,(38):139-139
目前计算机网络面临着很大的威胁.其构成的因素是多方面的。这种威胁将不断给社会带来了巨大的损失。随着计算机网络的不断发展,全球信息化已成为人类发展的大趋势.但由于计算机网络具有联结形式多样性、终端分布不均匀性和网络的开放性、互连性等特征,致使网络易受黑客、病毒、恶意软件和其他不轨的攻击,所以网上信息的安全和保密足一个至关重要的问题。为了确保信息的安全与畅通,研究计算机网络的安全以及防范措施己迫在眉睫。本文就进行初步探讨个人计算机网络安全的管理及其技术措施。用网安全主要包含下面几个方面:  相似文献   

无线通信成为个人计算机发展新趋势余鸿便携机中加上无线通信的功能,已成为便携机发展的一个新趋势。目前,具有无线通信功能的个人计算机已经上市英国一家公司新近推出一和叫“个人活动中心”的ACERPAC150型计算机,就属于这一类型的个人计算机该计算机是内装...  相似文献   

信不信由你,当今世界平均每20秒钟就有一起黑客事件发生,网络圣地早已变成硝烟弥漫的高科技战场。黑客的杀伤力骇人听闻。在美国,一年因黑客事件造成的损失超过100亿美元。美国政府痛下决心要跟各路黑客决一胜负。 计算机专家推测,因特网上目前至少有3万个黑客网站。  相似文献   

上月,国内三家电子商务网站相继受到同一黑客袭击。另一家电子商务网站因被怀疑与黑客事件有关系而面临诉讼。如果对簿公堂,将是国内第一起针对黑客的诉讼案。此黑客一旦被发现,有可能被判5年徒刑。  相似文献   

2007年,专业级的电脑黑客们在火热的"网络战争"上开拓一片新战场,袭击目标涵盖了所有互联网上能够获取利益的每个角落。当人们开始警惕电子邮件骗局,黑客们将更多目光放在了病毒和木马的更新换代上。2007年的黑客,自我保护意识和散播病毒行为呈明显上升趋势,有近四成以上的黑客正  相似文献   

黑客“老鹰”:愿与政府共舞 广东省长卢瑞华提出了“高薪养黑客”的构想。一石激起千层浪。中国鹰派联盟的领军人物老鹰通过电子邮件向媒体表示,愿意为中国的网络安全服务。老鹰作了表态,无异于听到了黑客界最有代表意义的声音。 中国鹰派联盟是老鹰和几位志同道合者联手创办的,在去年由撞机事件引发的中美黑客大战中表现不俗,如今已拥有注册会员7000余名。在老鹰看来,大多数中国黑客其实并  相似文献   

网络“客文化”传播与群体过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏冬梅 《新闻窗》2009,(2):92-93
“客文化”发端于黑客。黑客是最早出现并用来指代网络群体的称呼,也是最早引进中国的网络群体概念。黑客原指那些对电脑程序有极大兴趣且乐于追根究底的年轻人,他们凭借独立的思维模式为计算机技术的发展做出了巨大贡献,而且也创造出自由、开放、个性化的文化理念。不过,现在有一部分黑客带有较强的攻击色彩。  相似文献   

安全有关国计民生 黑客昨夜闯入了Internet上的Yahoo!站点。——CNET,1997/12/9 来自俄罗斯的黑客闯入了美国花旗银行的网络,造成1,000万美元的损失。英国一家银行平每年有上千万英镑的损失来自网络黑客。目前全球平均每20秒就发生一次网上入侵事件。而大多数受害的企业、商业、金融业,有恐公布黑客造  相似文献   

谈到网络安全问题,就没法不谈黑客(Hacker)。翻开1998年日本出版的《新黑客字典》,可以看到上面对黑客的定义是“喜欢探索软件程序奥秘、并从中增长其个人才干的人。我可不是啊如果做朋友  相似文献   

This study uses the organizational communication survey (OCS) instrument developed by Glaser, Zamanou, and Hacker (1987) to explore culture in a Nigerian organization. The OCS, administered to 71 employees of a Nigerian organization, was used to test two variables (gender and supervision) as predictors of organizational subcultures. Results showed substantial agreement on the cultural dimensions of information flow, meetings, and motivation. Gender, unlike supervision, was found to be somewhat a predictor of organizational subculture.  相似文献   


Being prepared to address an attack on a painting requires considerable input from both scientific and conservation personnel. When tailoring an appropriate and effective incident response, a well-developed knowledge of the collection, the museum layout, and staffing is also essential. This article discusses the nature of attacks on paintings and the materials and techniques used to mitigate the effects of malicious damage. Previous research into response procedures and the testing of attack substances is also summarized. The primary focus of the article traces the redevelopment of the National Gallery incident response grab bag that caters to various types of attack. Discussions center on developing the customized content of the new bag, material testing, and a practice run-through to establish a response procedure. Ultimately, the practicality and efficacy of the grab bag are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) is a popular method for personalizing product recommendations for e-commerce applications. In order to recommend a product to a user and predict that user’s preference, CF utilizes product evaluation ratings of like-minded users. The process of finding like-minded users forms a social network among all users and each link between two users represents an implicit connection between them. Users having more connections with others are the most influential users. Attacking recommender systems is a new issue for these systems. Here, an attacker tries to manipulate a recommender system in order to change the recommendation output according to her wish. If an attacker succeeds, her profile is used over and over again by the recommender system, making her an influential user. In this study, we applied the established attack detection methods to the influential users, instead of the whole user set, to improve their attack detection performance. Experiments were conducted using the same settings previously used to test the established methods. The results showed that the proposed influence-based method had better detection performance and improved the stability of a recommender system for most attack scenarios. It performed considerably better than established detection methods for attacks that inserted low numbers of attack profiles (20–25 %).  相似文献   

A path analysis model was tested that predicted emotional responses to the terrorist attack of 9/11 would influence individuals' visual recall of 9/11 images. Both visual recall and individuals' emotions, in turn, would influence concerns about terrorism. Based on responses from a phone survey conducted 2 months after the terrorist attack, the total number of visuals recalled by individuals and the emotions of sorrow and shock fit the model better than other variables. If individuals reacted to the 9/11 attack with sorrow or shock, they stored several images in their long-term memories, especially the emotional images of people jumping from buildings and depictions of dead bodies. In turn, the total number of images recalled and the ability to recall images of Palestinians dancing or cheering in the streets and of corpses increased respondents' level of concern with terrorism. Concern with terrorism also was influenced by the emotional reactions of respondents to 9/11.  相似文献   

Student plagiarism continues to threaten academic integrity. This investigation assessed whether an inoculation message strategy could combat university plagiarism by protecting student attitudes against pro-plagiarism justification arguments. Additionally, we sought theoretical confirmation of previous findings on involvement and accessibility in inoculation, examined the effects on vested interest, and evaluated matching and mismatching strategies in terms of affect- and rationality-based inoculation treatment messages and subsequent attack messages. A total of 225 students participated in three sessions spanning six weeks. Results indicated that none of the inoculation treatments conferred resistance as measured in attitude toward plagiarism, but all treatments enhanced involvement and attitude accessibility, and the fear- and rationality-based treatments enhanced vested interest. Additionally, fear-based treatments derogated the source of the message. Results also suggest that a matching strategy is superior with both affect- and rationality-based attack messages, such that inoculation treatments are most effective when using the same argument bases (e.g., affective or rational) as the attack message. These results offer guidance for crafting communication campaign strategies to reduce the occurrence of student plagiarism offenses.  相似文献   

Student plagiarism continues to threaten academic integrity. This investigation assessed whether an inoculation message strategy could combat university plagiarism by protecting student attitudes against pro-plagiarism justification arguments. Additionally, we sought theoretical confirmation of previous findings on involvement and accessibility in inoculation, examined the effects on vested interest, and evaluated matching and mismatching strategies in terms of affect- and rationality-based inoculation treatment messages and subsequent attack messages. A total of 225 students participated in three sessions spanning six weeks. Results indicated that none of the inoculation treatments conferred resistance as measured in attitude toward plagiarism, but all treatments enhanced involvement and attitude accessibility, and the fear- and rationality-based treatments enhanced vested interest. Additionally, fear-based treatments derogated the source of the message. Results also suggest that a matching strategy is superior with both affect- and rationality-based attack messages, such that inoculation treatments are most effective when using the same argument bases (e.g., affective or rational) as the attack message. These results offer guidance for crafting communication campaign strategies to reduce the occurrence of student plagiarism offenses.  相似文献   

介绍了CC攻击的原理,并结合图书馆网上服务的特点,探讨了图书馆网站防御CC攻击的方法。  相似文献   

曾维 《贵图学刊》2009,(3):47-48
分析了局域网中ARP病毒入侵的原理,提出了预防ARP病毒攻击的措施,以保障局域网用户的正常使用。  相似文献   

In the wake of its decision to fire veteran political commentator Juan Williams, NPR came under fire from all quarters for its seemingly incongruous decision. Dubbed by conservatives as an unveiled attempt to remove Williams because of his professional role as commentator on the right-wing FOX news network, NPR was unprepared for the vitriolic outpouring of outrage from its listeners and critics. Finding itself under attack, NPR had little choice but to defend its decision and issue forth its own attack on William's work and character as a NPR political commentator. This monograph analyzes the apologetic exchange that ensued in the public arena, an exchange that created its own unique public relations challenges.  相似文献   

由于大数据的多数据性和复杂性,在大数据环境中频繁出现不可预测的攻击行为,且大数据导致的隐私泄露给用户带来了严重危害,错误数据将导致大数据分析结果不正确。为了保障图书馆大数据计算的安全,结合大数据安全的研究和可信云的概念,论文提出一种基于大数据的图书馆个性化服务安全体系。该系统模型可以有效地提升大数据的数据安全性,降低黑客恶意攻击行为有效性,从而提高图书馆大数据的分析效率。  相似文献   

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