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解析worth作后置定语,修饰a topic,worth后接动名词的主动式表示被动含义。上句可改为:Would you please make up a topic which is worth discussing in tomorrow's conference。故选A。  相似文献   

While entering an information society, the humanity how to construct a circumpacific doctmlent information network has become an topic of conmmon interest to nations across the circumpacific. I think the following points are worth discussing:  相似文献   

worth是形容词,意为“值得……”、“有……价值的”。使用worth时应注意以下几点: 1.worth常用于“be worth…”句型,worth作表语时不能单独使用,其后必须接名词或动名词。例如: This book is worth ten yuan. 这本书值十元。  相似文献   

worth是形容词,其基本含义是“值得……的”、“有……的价值”。使用时应注意以下几点: 一、worth常用在be动词后作表语,本身不能单独使用,其后必须跟名词或动名词。例如: This book is worth ten yuan.这本书价值十元。The film is worth seeing.这部电影值得一看。二、be worth后面接动名词(短语)时,动名词(短  相似文献   

In recent years,domestication and foreignization have been discussing heatedly in translation field More outcomes have sprung up.It pushes the topic to a greater depth.Here the common phenomenon of them will be discussed.  相似文献   

闫枫 《学周刊C版》2014,(12):238-239
The mother-daughter issue is a common topic throughout many of Jamaica Kincaid's novels. Annie Potter, Lucy's mother has great influence on Lucy's thoughts and acdon. The author not only uses it to explore the complex tension between mothers and daughters, but also uses it to represent the strained relations between colonized region and colonial power. The image of Lucy's mother is really worth exploring.  相似文献   

一、(a)few与(a)little的区别1.从所修饰的名词来看:(a)few后接可数名词,且要用复数形式;(a)lit- tle后接不可数名词。如:We had little time to do it.我们没什么时间做此事。There is only a little soup left.只剩下一点儿汤了。He has few friends.他朋友很少。  相似文献   

worth,worthy,worthwhile 三个词,不但词形相似而且词义相近,在运用上非常容易混淆。下面就让我们来看一下这三个词的具体用法。一、worth 用作表语:1.表示“有价值”时,后面可接表示价值的名词或相当于“代价”的比喻性名词。①The precision instrument is worth 10,000 yuan. 这台精密仪器值一万元。  相似文献   

up to意义较多,搭配灵活。为便于同学们学习掌握,笔者将其意义和用法归纳如下:一、up to意为“直到;多达”,后接表示数量、程度、时间、地点意义的名词。例如:Ididn tknow the factup to then.一直到那时,我还不知道事实。The three-year-old boy can countup to a hundred.那个三岁男孩能从1数到100。The custom may be traced up to the Tang Dynasty.这种风俗可以追溯到唐朝。二、up to意为“适于;胜任”,通常用于疑问句或否定句中。to后面可接名词、代词或动名词。例如:I don't feel up to a long walk.我今天不宜长途步行。lenIn my…  相似文献   

季尔薇 《海外英语》2012,(4):287-288
With the development of economic globalization,international trade has taken a great part in business.While every negotiation is a trade,people doing business have to pay great attention to negotiation,if they want to be successful in the trading market.In short,negotiation is a bargaining process to achieve coincidence on a problem about every aspect of negotiation for assuring everyone’s needs.This essay’s topic is that time pressure’s influence in negotiation.Since the general introduction of negotiation has been discussed before,now the following will introduce time power in negotiation in detail.  相似文献   

worth和worthy都是形容词,都作“值得……”解,而且作表语时都不可单独使用。现将它们的用法归纳总结如下: 一、be worth+名词 表示“值多少钱”的意思时,worth后面跟表示金钱的名词。例如: 1.The dictionary is worth at least 20 francs.这本字典至少值20法郎。 2.How much is it worth?这东西值多少钱? 3.It isn’t worth what I paid for.这东西我买亏了。 worth后面也可以跟一些含代价意义的名词。例如:  相似文献   

worth 与 worthy 不但词形相似,而且词义也很相似,因此是极其混淆的两个词。然而,它们在用法上是有区别的。下面我们就来看看它们的具体用法吧。worth 表示“有价值”时,后接表示价值的名词或相当于“代价”的比喻姓名词。例如:  相似文献   

刘玉霞 《海外英语》2013,(1):277-278
The first step in speechmaking is choosing a topic,which will decide the success of the speech.In the paper,we are go ing to discuss how to select a topic in public speaking,and we’ll mainly talk about the following:the speaker,the occasion and the audience,selecting a topic,specific methods for choosing a topic and available topics.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the statistical modeling of latent topic hierarchies in text corpora. The height of the topic tree is assumed as fixed, while the number of topics on each level as unknown a priori and to be inferred from data. Taking a nonparametric Bayesian approach to this problem, we propose a new probabilistic generative model based on the nested hierarchical Dirichlet process (nHDP) and present a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm for the inference of the topic tree structure as well as the word distribution of each topic and topic distribution of each document. Our theoretical analysis and experiment results show that this model can produce a more compact hierarchical topic structure and captures more fine-grained topic relationships compared to the hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation model.  相似文献   

【考点1】A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by working with a group.(p.2)【直击中考】I study for a test____working with a group.(2005北京市海淀区) A.in B.by C.at D.to【解析】选B。介词by表示“通过……手段或方式”,后接名词或动名词。【考点2】What about listening to tapes? (p.3)  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.undertake(undertook,undertak-en)【用法】vt.1)着手做;从事(engage in,take steps to perform),后接名词、不定式等。The young solider undertook a dangerous  相似文献   

worth和w orthy这两个词很常见。从拼写、词义到用法,它们都有相似之处。本文拟谈谈二者之间的区别。1.worth作为形容词,意为“值(多少钱)”或“值得”,通常只作表语用,后接表示金钱数额的名词(代词)或v-ing形式。例如:—H ow m uch is the necklace worth?这条项链值多少钱?—Its worth300U S dollars.300美元。H is suggesion is worth considering.他的建议值得考虑。I paid only£300for this used car,but it is w orth m uch m ore.我只花了三百镑买这辆旧车,实际上它比这值钱得多。(2)worth后面通常用v-ing的主动形式表示被动意义…  相似文献   

王选玲 《成才之路》2014,(13):78-78
正英语中大多数介词后面接的都是名词和动词的ing形式,而with这个介词比较特殊,其后还可接动名词之外的结构。我们一起看一下With的复合结构。所谓with复合结构,就是with后面接名词或者代词做宾语,再加上形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词或者过去分词在句中做状语。①With the door open,he went out.②With the light on.I fell asleep.③With a book in his hand,the teacher came in.④With a lot of work to do,I had to stay up.⑤With the work finished,I can sleep now.⑥With him helpingme.Ipassed theexam.  相似文献   

【典型例题1】(北京市)My cousinis very busy with his work.He has__time to read newspapers. A.little B.few C.alittle D.afew错解现象及原因:本题考查a few与a little后接可数名词和不可数名词的区别。一是学生对两个词后接哪种名词概念不清,易误选B或D;二是学生虽然理解了它们之间的区别,却没有读懂上文busy with his work对答案的限定,以及a little与little的区别,而误选C。  相似文献   

be going to结构表示主观上打算做某事,或即将发生某事。学习这种结构须注意以下几点:1.be going to之后既可接动词原形,也可接名词。例如:I am going to have a m eeting tom orrow.明天我有个会议要开。W e’re going to Beijing next m onth.下个月我们将去北京。2.be going to结构中的be动词有人称和数的变化,否定式是在be后加not;疑问式是把be提到主语前面。例如:①The children are going to see a filmtonight.→The children aren’t going to see a filmtonight.(否定句)→A re the children going to see a filmtonight?(一般…  相似文献   

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