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五年一贯制教师教育模式作为自20世纪80年代兴起的一种整合型教师教育模式,经过二十余年的发展与完善,在美国当今的教师教育研究与实践中已占有一席之地。弗吉尼亚大学作为该模式的首创者和成功践行者,其五年一贯制模式得到了多方的高度认可。该模式中一体化的培养体制、高度融合的课程以及密切合作的师资是践行教师教育理论与实践、学科专业教育与教育专业教育有机融合理念的集中体现和重要保障。  相似文献   

本从历史的角度和人类知识发展的轨迹出发对综合课程的形成及其发展作了认识论上的考量,指出新综合课程是人类认识发展、社会进步的必然趋势,是克服分科课程所带来弊端的重要手段之一,并从现实的纬度对综合课程实施过程可能遇到的问题进行了逐一分析。  相似文献   

综合社会课作为综合课程的一种形式,与历史课在中学教育中有着相同的地位。本文从4个方面比较了两者的差异,可以看出,综合课程有助于改变分科课程的某些弊端。  相似文献   

Online learning has been recognised as an effective pedagogical method and tool, and is broadly integrated into various types of teaching and learning strategies in higher education. In practice, the use of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in higher education has become an integral strategy for quality education. The field of design education, however, has not been researched extensively in regard to online learning, delivery and evaluation. This article discusses design education from an online learning perspective. It proposes an integrated framework with three key components for online learning via VLE including an interactive delivery structure, communication channels and learning evaluation. Additionally, the article describes and evaluates how VLE sites for two design units were built based on an integrated framework and student learning experiences. The results indicate that online design education should be integrated with various educational values and functional features in a systematic manner, and requires designing learning evaluation protocols as part of learning activities and communicative forms within online‐based learning sites.  相似文献   

In recent decades, integrated language competence has been highlighted in the language curricula taught in schools and institutions, and the relationship between test-takers’ performance on integrated tasks and comprehension sources has been much studied. The current study employed the frameworks of reading and listening comprehension processes to examine the difference between the effects of reading competence and listening competence on integrated writing performance. A total of 152 Secondary 5 students from five local schools in Hong Kong responded to three tasks, including an independent listening task, an independent reading task and an integrated writing task. The reading cognitive skills contributed more towards the performance of the integrated writing task than the listening cognitive skills did. Furthermore, the interaction between the relationships of reading and listening to the integrated writing performance was significant. Three subskills each for both listening and reading that belong to higher-order thinking skills—Elaborating, Evaluating and Creating—had significant correlation with integrated writing performance. Implications for the teaching of integrated writing were also discussed.  相似文献   

Initially developed from policies implemented under British rule, the integrated programme for children with disabilities has not been widely publicised in the context of early childhood education in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Local communities have responded differently to the integrated programme implemented in mainstream kindergarten-cum-child care centres (Kg-cum-CCCs), which serve children from 2 to 6 years old. This study focuses on the perceived benefits and challenges of the integrated programme implemented in mainstream Kg-cum-CCCs. Thirty stakeholders (18 school personnel and 12 parents of children with and without disabilities) from six integrated Kg-cum-CCCs took part in a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews, providing a comprehensive database for this study. The data were analysed with reference to previous studies on the integrated programme for children with disabilities in the context of the current educational experience in the HKSAR. The findings indicate that the stakeholders believe that the integrated programme can benefit children with and without disabilities, but that it can also cause challenges for these children. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

牵引变电所综合自动化系统是将计算机技术、数字信号处理、集成电路等技术集成于一体的系统,是传统的变电所的二次系统的一场重大变更改革,已经成为目前电力系统的必然发展趋势。文章主要是阐述了牵引变电站综合自动化系统的发展过程,分析了牵引变电所综合自动化系统构成、牵引变电所的综合自动化系统的主要功能以及目前牵引变电所综合自动化系统的应用模式。  相似文献   

2020年新冠疫情引发了线上教学的应急性革命,进入后疫情时期混合式教学成为高等教育变革与创新的热点问题。混合式教学是信息技术与高等教育深度融合的产物,既具有线上教学的便利性、个体性,又兼具线下教学所拥有的互动性。疫情时期混合式教学模式归纳有直播模式、MOOC模式与混合式模式三类。目前混合式教学更多呈现的是“双线交替”,而不是“双线混融”,后疫情时期应着力从建设信息化、智能化的混合式教学设施,发展双边互动的混合式教学方式,打造共时性、多环节的混合式教学流程,筛选丰富而规范的混合式教学内容,构建多层次、开放性的混合式教学评价体系等方面构建融合式的混合式教学模式。  相似文献   

This paper is about the process of developing integrated science curricula at junior secondary schools in the Peoples’ Republic of China in the past 20 years. The history has witnessed two stages of developing integrated science curricula during this period in China: one was at the provincial level in the 1980s/1990s, while the other was at the national level in the new millennium. Using the concept of curriculum emphases, this paper purported to investigate the advocated forms of integration and the reasons and causes behind them in integrated science curriculum during the period under study. Data were collected from two sources: curriculum documents related to the integrated science curricula, and interviews with key informants who were involved in designing the official documents of this kind of science curriculum. Two models of integration have been identified from the two stages respectively: one is ‘integration within science subjects’, while the other ‘integration beyond science subjects’. The social–political roots of the two models of integration have been traced. To meet the goal of scientific literacy, it is suggested in the final part of this paper that the model of ‘integration within science subjects’ should be abandoned while the model of ‘integration beyond science subjects’ should be advocated in the process of developing integrated science curriculum.  相似文献   

Although considerable research has been published concerning learning and cognition in general, little impact has been reported on the design of computer-based instruction (CBI). In addition, CBI designs have been influenced negatively by technocentric perspectives, where technological capabilities dictate lesson activities, rather than a more reflective view on the relationship among learner, learning task and performance requirements, and the selective use of media capabilities. Attempts to extrapolate the relevance of non-CBI research and theory to advance a comprehensive and integrated view of the design of CBI have been rare. An integrated meta-model derived from both CBI and non-CBI research and theory is presented in this article.  相似文献   

Much of the research on social interaction in mainstreamed settings has focused on “reverse mainstreamed” or special environments in contrast, the present study observed 600 social interactions in 19 regular preschools. Three findings emerged: a) retarded children are substantially integrated into the emotional and social life of the peer group, but not fully integrated into peer group verbal life; b) there is an inverse relationship between teachers’ initiation of social interaction with retarded children and the degree to which the latter are integrated into peer group life; and c) teachers provide retarded children with more verbal enrichment and emotional protection than these children receive from their peer group. On balance, these findings are fairly encouraging, suggesting that to a considerable extent mainstreaming is working in preschool classrooms.  相似文献   

数据选择器是中规模集成逻辑电路中的一个重要逻辑部件,其功能是实现从多路数据中选择一路进行传输。除此之外,它还能够实现逻辑函数,方法多样灵活,具有很大的使用价值。  相似文献   

现代客运交通,已由单一自我封闭的客运方式,逐渐转变为各种交通方式既分工又互补合作的模式,发展成为综合交通枢纽。本文结合成都沙河堡综合交通枢纽工程实际就交通枢纽的组织规划问题进行探讨,从规划布局、交通衔接、流线组织等角度对其枢纽布局设计的合理性进行了简要评价。  相似文献   

历史学科中的聚合创新思维能力是创新思维的一种表现形式,与发散思维的方向正好相反,呈现复合性、集中性、时政性的特征。利用知识的迁移、学科间知识的渗透和时政热点问题来提高学生的聚合创新思维能力。与发散思维的培养并不矛盾。  相似文献   

为深入分析城镇化的质量问题,文章提出了具有多维度特征的"融合型城镇化"的概念,同时利用Probit模型,结合河南省18个地级城市2006—2013年的面板数据检验了对其有影响的相关因素。结果发现:在控制其他因素的条件下,民营经济总量对融合型城镇化有显著的积极影响;非国有工业经济比国有工业经济更有利于实现融合型城镇化。这意味着,民营经济的发展更有助于实现融合型城镇化,提高城市化的质量。因此有必要通过重构政府与市场之间的关系等方式来促进民营经济发展,进而实现城乡融合与协调发展。  相似文献   

Engineers often work together with professionals from entirely different areas. Therefore, it is important for the engineers to understand enough of these other areas, where technology is used, to obtain good results. To this aim a term has been developed within the civil engineering curriculum in information technology at Linköpings universitet, where the students work and study together with students from the psychology and economics education programs. The information technology and economics students build companies together and perform a project. The psychology students act as consultants for the different companies. Subjects from six departments are integrated into the project. The students work and study together for different parts of the project, although the learning goals differ between the different programs. The cooperation in the project leads to a transfer of information and knowledge between the students. Experience also suggests that the students obta in a better motivation and an integrated view of technology and the other areas as a result of the integrated project. The learning method also promotes cooperation and understanding between different professional cultures.  相似文献   

无名氏试图吸取墨家文化、道家文化、儒家文化、佛教文化、基督教文化等各种文化精华来进行中国现代文化建构,其不但具有博大内容与很高价值,同时更显示出文化再造的八难悖论:一是面对文化的必然冲突却要努力致力于文化的彼此融和,二是进行文化有限融合时处处面临着文化的时时冲突,三是文化建构者自身有着不可避免的的历史局限,四是建构者不断面临着现实境遇的有意无意折磨,五是建构理论与建构实践始终存在着背离,六是一种文化很难简单地随意像切物体一样地切开分开,七是假设能够随意切开但拿来精华后怎么与另一种文化的精华融合?八是如何在冲突与融合之间找到契合、在民族化与世界化之间找到一个契合点。  相似文献   

融合教育自萨拉曼卡宣言提出之后,越来越受到各国的广泛关注,为特殊教育界提供了新的发展机遇。社会融合教育是专指自闭症儿童的有关社会功能完善的教育和干预模式,在此背景下,文章从自闭症儿童社会融合教育的必要性、基本条件、安置因素三个方面来探讨自闭症儿童的社会融合教育,在此基础上提出自闭症社会融合教育中存在的不足和建议。  相似文献   

谈我国文化创意产业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界,文化创意产业因创意带来的巨大经济效益而受到世界各国的广泛关注。发达国家的众多创意产品、营销、服务,吸引了全世界的目光,形成了一股巨大的创意经济浪潮。文化创意产业在我国是一个新兴的行业.加快具有知识密集型、高附加值、高整合性特征的文化创意产业的发展,对于我国来说具有重要意义。  相似文献   

心理咨询这个“舶来品”自从引进中国高校思想政治教育后,二者迅速结合,最终形成了具有中国特色的思想政治教育心理咨询模式,由此也呈现出有别于一般医学心理咨询模式的特点。  相似文献   

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