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Numerous papers have been published within which physicists present didactically valuable computer programs used in the modern process of student education (Eckstein, 1993; Greenhow and Matthew, 1992; Johnston, 1993; Kozielska, 1996; and Ogborn & Wong, 1984). These publications show that physics teachers think, on the basis of their own experience, that the application of these programs allow students to obtain better results in acquiring knowledge of physics. However, it is now necessary to elucidate experimentally the complex problem to what extent educational computer programs can affect education results and what is their usefulness in the process of learning physics. Therefore, this paper presents experimental research concerning the dependence of the level of students’ cognitive activity in the learning of physics by doing and assisting this process by educational computer programs. Learning by doing is one of the four ways of multilateral learning besides acquiring, discovering and experiencing. Experiments were conducted on students of Poznahe learning of physics by doing and assisting this process by educational computer programs.

De nombreux articles ont été publiés dans lesquels les physiciens présentent des programmes d’ordinateur valables du point de vue didactique et utilisés dans les méthods modernes de l’education des élèves. (Eckstein, 1993; Greenhow & Matthew, 1992; Johnston, 1993; Kozielska, 1996; and Ogborn & Wong, 1984). Ces publications montrent que les professeurs de physique pensent sur la base de leur propre expérience que l’application de ces programmes permettent aux étudiants d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats dans l’apprentissage de la physique. Cependant il est nécessaire maintenant d’élucider expérimentalement le problème complexe de savoir jusqu’où les programmes d’animateurs peuvent affecter les résultats éducatifs et quel est leurs utilité dans l’apprentissage de la physique. Aussi cet article présente les recherches expérimentales concernant la dépendance du niveaude l’activité cognitive de l’élève dans l’apprentissage de physique en l’appuyant par les programmes informatiques. Apprendre en faisant un des 4 piliers d’un apprentissage multilatéral comme l’acquisition des connaissances, la découverte et l’expérience. Ces expériences ont été conduites avec des étudiants de l’université de technologie de Tazman pendant des classes difficils dans le laboratoire de physique.

Erzieherische Computerprogramme Im Unterrichten Der Physik Durch Handlung

Es sind zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen bekannt, in denen Physiker didaktisch wertvolle Computerprogramme vorstellen, wie sie im zeitgemäßen Studium benutzt werden. (Eckstein, 1993; Greenhow & Matthew, 1992; Johnston, 1993; Kozielska, 1996; and Ogborn & Wong, 1984). Sie zeugen davon, dass die Physikdidaktiker auf Grund ihrer eigenen Erfahrungen meinen, dass bei Anwendung dieser Programme von den Studenten bessere Leistungen im Physikwissen erreicht werden können. Ein kompliziertes Problem wartet also auf eine experimentelle Aufklärung: welchen Einfluss haben die pädagogischen Computerprogramme auf die Bildungsergebnisse und inwieweit ist ihre Anwendung zum Studium der Physik nützlich. Deshalb gehören zum Gegenstand dieser Bearbeitung die experimentellen Forschungen zum Thema: welche Abhängigkeit gibt es zwischen dem Maß der Denkaktivität der Studenten im Physiklernen durch Handlung und der Unterstützung dieser Prozesse durch die Computer-Lernprogramme. Learning by doing ist einer der vier Wege des Lernens, neben dem Lernen von Wissen, der Entdeckung und dem Erforschen. Die Untersuchungen wurden an Studenten der Technischen Hochschule Poznaterstützung dieser Prozesse durch die Computer-Lernprogramme. Learning by doing ist einer der view Wege des Lernens, neben dem Lernen von Wissen, der Entdeckung und dem Erforschen. Die Untersuchungen wurden an Studenten der Technischen Hochschule Poznañ während schwieriger Unterrichtsstunden im Physiklabor durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Colin Richards, manager of the Northern Special Education Microelectronics Resource Centre (SEMERC) based at Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic, writes about some of the issues in choosing software for children with mild learning difficulties.  相似文献   

行动学习法简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代教育提倡脱离知识灌输的启发式教学的方法,提倡转向互动和高度参与的方法。[1]行动学习法作为传统教学方法的继承和超越,正是符合这一趋势的有效的学习方法。一、行动学习法的产生、发展及基本理论行动学习法(Action Learning)产生于欧洲,1965  相似文献   

This paper analyses the process of secondary school admission in the District of Thanet in the contexts of consumerism and the functioning of the educational marketplace. It examines tensions between consumers and producers, and juxtaposes educational need with individual gain, arguing that the Local Education Authority's policies, the plethora of admission procedures and the superordinate political positioning of the market over need combine to reinforce educational exclusion. The paper concludes that consumerism strengthens the social advantages enjoyed by some individuals, but does not efficiently meet educational needs or effect equitable access to school places.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical framework for action learning and action research for better understanding and improving university learning and teaching. Action research is conceived as a philosophy, a theory of learning, a methodology and a technique. The philosophy includes theories of action, critical theory and personal construct theory. The learning theory encompasses adult learning, experiential learning and double‐loop learning. The methodology is based in the dialectical epistemology and the non‐positivist paradigm. Examples of action research as a technique are the nominal group technique, the repertory grid technique and other tools aiding reflection and group discussion. It is concluded that action research not only advances knowledge, but also improves practice in higher education by. developing people as professionals and “personal scientists”, and organisations as “learning organisations”.  相似文献   

An affirmative action questionnaire was sent to randomly selected counselor education programs listed in the 1977 Counselor Education Drectory. The questionnaire asked respondents to identify the activities used by their programs to recruit, admit, and support members of four minority groups. This article reports the results of the survey which indicate that in the absence of federal mandates, counselor education programs engage in a limited number of affirmative action activities.  相似文献   

The need to evaluate training programs is indisputable. Measurement can serve a range of purposes, from informing improvements to shaping existing and future courses, to determining the return on training investments. Yet research suggests that evaluation, when accomplished, is most often used to solicit participant reactions. This study examined barriers faced by learning and performance professionals when they attempt to conduct evaluation in their organizations. Lack of access to data in the workplace and reporting data in meaningful and actionable ways are two of the most prominent barriers identified by practitioners. Recommendations for addressing key barriers in the workplace are presented.  相似文献   

Reginald W. Revans, who is widely known as the “father” of action learning, has written numerous books and articles over the years on action learning. They are filled with insights and serve to place the concept in historical perspective. These sketches represent an assembly of such insights excerpted from Revans' writings. The opening sketches were expressly developed by Revans for this issue of Performance Improvement Quarterly. What follows is an array of sketches selectively drawn from Revans' earlier work.  相似文献   

Investigators of early language development have noted that teachers tend to select specific language objectives and teach them didactically, whereas parents are more likely to adopt open-ended objectives and teach them opportunistically. The authors have called the former approach directive, because of its reliance on teacher-controlled precision teaching, and the latter nondirective, because of its reliance on child-centered supportive techniques. This article explores the relative emphasis given these two approaches in early intervention by examining language objectives on Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) drawn from 20 programs in 10 states. It also analyzes the directive versus nondirective nature of language items on eight major developmental inventories that are used both to assess children's language and as the source of language objectives. The primary finding—a preponderant directive orientation on both IEPs and inventories—is discussed in terms of the literature on language development in normal and handicapped preschoolers.  相似文献   

Investigators of early language development have noted that teachers tend to select specific language objectives and teach them didactically, whereas parents are more likely to adopt open-ended objectives and teach them opportunistically. The authors have called the former approach directive, because of its reliance on teacher-controlled precision teaching, and the latter nondirective, because of its reliance on child-centered supportive techniques. This article explores the relative emphasis given these two approaches in early intervention by examining language objectives on Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) drawn from 20 programs in 10 states. It also analyzes the directive versus nondirective nature of language items on eight major developmental inventories that are used both to assess children's language and as the source of language objectives. The primary finding—a preponderant directive orientation on both IEPs and inventories—is discussed in terms of the literature on language development in normal and handicapped preschoolers.  相似文献   

Millions of dollars are spent annually on professional development, and designers of training events recognize they must demonstrate to all stakeholders the value added by these programs. The purpose of this study was to measure the learning that occurred during professional development seminars for community college academic department chairs. The research question was the following: What increases in knowledge and skills did program participants attribute to their training experience? Using Alliger and Janak's model for levels of learning as a conceptual framework, data were collected through a preliminary questionnaire on learning needs, session and overall evaluations, and a retrospective pretest addressing 35 knowledge and skill areas. Statistical analysis of retrospective pretest results for six areas identified by participants as priorities indicated that participants felt learning had occurred as a result of the seminar (significant at .0001 level). The retrospective pretest instrument was deemed an effective tool for evaluating learning in continuing education offerings, higher education professional development events, and similar settings.  相似文献   

对培育适应电网企业发展的学习型员工的作用和措施进行探讨。通过开展培育适应电网企业发展的学习型员工活动,可提高员工的业务能力、执行力和创造力,提升企业软实力。通过制订培育战略、建立健全学习机制、开展群众性科技创新活动、营造良好学习氛围、引导员工树立现代学习理念、搭建学习型团队、利用互联网平台开展培训等积极培育适应电网企业发展的学习型员工,不断提高电网企业核心竞争力和员工综合素质,推动电网企业健康持续发展。  相似文献   

The paper examines how the author has used what he calls action learning to encourage pupils to learn about citizenship in a secondary school. The paper argues that citizenship can be learnt by engaging young people in projects and other activities, which encourage them to develop an understanding of the responsibilities and skills needed to become citizens in society. The paper goes on to describe a small-scale research project which sought to assess the pupils' reactions to action learning. The young people's responses bring to life what they have learnt from their involvement in the action learning projects and how it has helped them to develop as citizens.  相似文献   

This article gives a brief overview of what is happening in action learning in the United Kingdom. In thumbnail sketches, some 20 programs are described, showing the diverse applications and possibilities. The article also explores some questions that practitioners and “users” of action learning are asking and debating: How should projects be decided on? How to determine the make-up of a set? Should the processes in the set be adhered to? Do you need set advisers? Lastly, the article reports on the debate about whether there should be an orthodoxy in action learning.  相似文献   

21世纪处于社会转型期的公办学校面临着诸多发展“瓶颈”,如社会主义市场经济背景下公办学校内部管理机制怎样变革、办学体制如何突破、整体实力怎样提升等。只有解决这些“瓶颈”,公办学校的活力才能得到激发。本课题致力于探索公办学校内部管理机制活力、办学体制活力、高绩效组织建设的活力、构建数字化学校的活力、教育人力资源开发的活力,形成可资参考的行动方案。  相似文献   

行动学习法:促进教师反思的有效方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动学习法为教师提供了团队学习的机会,小组成员间的建设性争议能促进教师反思的有效进行.教师的反思分为行动前的反思、行动中的反思和行动后的反思(对行动的反思)三类.行动学习法通过对行动前的反思与行动后的反思的推动,促进教师形成教育智慧,推动行动中反思的进行.在行动学习小组中,"对话"促进了反思,团队反思促进了个人反思.  相似文献   


Action learning is a central part of many work-based learning programmes, and, to be effective, requires the learner to engage in reflective learning. This article looks at how the reflective learning cycle can be integrated with action learning processes to create the dynamic of enhanced business effectiveness and individual understanding. Through a case study of a university‐corporate partnership, the article explores how a virtual learning environment (web-based materials and interactive forum) can be integrated effectively into the action learning-reflection cycle. It is suggested that the combination of action learning and virtual technology has the potential for enhancing learning, providing data for interactive discussions, and a means of disseminating new knowledge and management best practice within organisations.  相似文献   

行动学习法是值得提倡的学习方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
信息社会是一个终身学习的社会,故学习方法的研究和掌握就显得非常重要。行动学习法以其独特的优势被全球的学校教育、培训机构所接受。本文分析了信息社会对学习的要求,介绍了行动学习法的涵义及其优势,同时论述了行动学习法的重要意义。  相似文献   

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