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醋酸胶片齿孔收缩是胶片保存过程中普遍发生的一种现象,然而对其收缩机理的研究至今没有开展过。本文选择不同温度、湿度作用于正常醋酸胶片和齿孔收缩的胶片,观察胶片齿孔距的变化,分析温度湿度对胶片长度变化的影响。实验研究得出,胶片长期保存在干燥的环境中,会发生程度不同的收缩;高湿对齿孔收缩胶片有一定的恢复作用,湿度越大,恢复程度越高;胶片长度在恢复期间,开始处理时,伸长效果明显,并非出现随着时间延长,胶片不断伸长的现象。本研究在醋酸胶片齿孔收缩的原因方面做了初步探索,对变形胶片的恢复有一定参考作用。  相似文献   

本文讨论了为最大限度避免醋酸片基降解,并对已降解变酸的胶片进行处理,目前国内外使用的几种在微环境中测量胶片酸度及吸收胶片散发出的酸性气体,以控制胶片保存环境,延长胶片寿命的方法。并着重介绍了我们自已研制的两种成果“气敏性影像载体衰变监测试纸”及“复合除酸防酸材料”在微环境中所起的作用。  相似文献   

对于一台专业级底片扫描仪来说,硬件固然很重要,但是软件却是取得最终成像质量的关键。中晶推出的ArtixScan4000t专业胶片扫描仪,同时附带了功能强大的专业胶片扫描软件ScanWizard Pro TX,该软件不仅结合了MICROTEK专业驱动和内建功能强大的CMS色彩管理系统,而且还拥有众多胶片厂家的不同规格的胶片特性文件,能够控制扫描仪对胶片的曝光时间,同时包含多种输入/输出设备色彩特性文件(Profile),提供以输出设备为导向的色彩扫描输出,并且通过  相似文献   

李忠 《贵州档案》2003,(5):28-29
随着档案事业的发展,一种以银盐型缩微胶片、照像底片(以下简称为胶片)等为载体的档案材料的保护问题已成为档案工作者新的工作内容。怎样将这些胶片保护好,使之更好地为党和国家的各项事业服务,已是档案工作者义不容辞的责任。本文将从硫的稳定性及胶片的成像原理来谈一谈硫对银盐胶片影像的影响。  相似文献   

为了保证照排机处理的图文信息能够通过激光点阵准确的在走动胶片上形成清晰影像,胶片的走动和通过声光调制器合成的数据激光在胶片上扫描形成的点阵必须同步,才能完成一幅完整的图文影像。 从激光管发射出来的激光束,经过前方的分光镜分成两路激光,一路是光栅激光,它的主要作用是提供照排机所需要的同步信号。而另一路激光,它将经过声光调制器形成数据激光使胶片暴光形成图文影像。如图所示:  相似文献   

目前,关于有机污染物对胶片档案的影响研究甚少,本是档案库房有机污染物研究课题组在科学分析,测试和研究的基础上,详细地阐述了几种常见有机物对胶片的作用,研究内容包括库内空气中有机污染物的检测,模拟有机污染环境对胶片影响的测定实验,从机理上说明有机污染物对胶片档案的破坏作用,最后提出了保护胶片档案的措施。  相似文献   

发生在缩微文献上的油渍现象是胶片在长期的保存过程中较为普遍的衰变现象.分析油渍现象产生的原因,采取适当的措施加以预防,对胶片的永久性保存具有重要意义.本文对油渍现象进行了分析和研究,简要介绍了有关单位对油渍现象研究的过程,在此基础上对非高温高湿情况下缩微胶片油渍现象的产生提出了见解和具有针对性的保存建议.  相似文献   

孔舒越 《新闻记者》2024,(2):97-112
本研究试图对数字时代胶片摄影的回归这一媒介复古现象进行解读。借鉴社会学家安·斯威德勒的“文化工具箱”理论,本研究将由多种类型媒介构成的集合视为一个可供爱好者们选择和调用的“媒介工具箱”,并由此呈现三类代表性群体的典型实践。研究发现,爱好者们打破了胶片的原初语境,以多元化的方式对其进行创造性的再阐释和调配,从而将其带入当下的社会交往与行动中。旧媒介在其中并非凭借技术特质或功能直接决定爱好者的相关实践,而是作为“工具箱”中的组件,以多样化的方式嵌入不同的传播策略中。媒介通过为爱好者提供“意义资源库”和“技术剧目库”,使他们能够展开差异化的复古行动,同时也将这些行动锚定在特定的范围内。上述发现打破了既有研究关于媒介复古现象单一的怀旧叙事,同时也对既有跨媒介实践研究构成了重要的补充。  相似文献   

本文对胶片档案的结构和化学成分、胶片档案损坏的表现以及保护胶片档案的方法作了阐述.  相似文献   

照相胶片性能简介中国乐凯胶片公司唐志健胶片的照相性能基本上分为三类:影调特性或称感光测定特性,细部特性或称影象结构特性和彩色特性。这三类性能都是相对独立的,但并不是毫无关联。下面对一些经常使用的照相性能作简要说明。感光测定性能:由照相密度对产生此密度...  相似文献   

Cellulose nitrate was widely used as a film base for photography, cinematography, and radiography in the first half of the twentieth century. Its stability is inherently poor and subject to environmental storage conditions. The risk of fire and the cross-infection effect on the cellulose acetate film stored at the same location necessitate that cellulose nitrate is identified within collections and stored separately. Not only medical archives, but also museums using radiography in their research may hold a sizeable amount of historical X-ray films. The Natural History Museum, London has been using film for X-radiography since before World War II. This suggests that some of the X-ray materials in its collections have a cellulose nitrate rather than ‘safety’ (cellulose acetate or polyester) film base. X-ray sheets rarely contain information related to their composition so science-based identification methods must be used. We propose the determination of nitrogen content in the film by organic elemental analysis (OEA) as a reliable method for the identification of films (X-ray, photographic, or cinematographic) with a cellulose nitrate base. Though it is a destructive method, the sample size required is small (<1?mg). This method does not require any sample preparation apart from weighing the samples and wrapping them in tin foil. OEA proved to be more accurate than the ‘float’ test in trichloroethylene and quicker and more straightforward to perform than infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

清华大学图书馆的微电影《爱上图书馆》获得国际图书馆协会联合会颁发的"图书馆国际营销奖",使图书馆界认识到微电影所具有的宣传推广图书馆价值观、规章制度、资源和服务的重要功能。图书馆将微电影作为营销工具,将有助于改善营销的主体结构、迅速扩大营销受众,并更加彰显以人为本的营销理念。开展图书馆微电影营销工作,要从对图书馆的深刻体验中寻求创意,加强对微电影创作和传播的管理,不断丰富微电影营销实践。  相似文献   

Three recent Hollywood films, The Help (2011), Lee Daniels’ The Butler (2013) and Selma (2014), drew attention for depicting the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. While Hollywood has been scrutinized for its role in racial discourse, less attention has been paid to how film critics discuss race in their reviews. This paper examines the critical response to these films, with an emphasis on the reviewers’ reliance on memory and history in forming their opinions. A textual analysis found that critics were reverential toward the movement and the black experience but still distrustful of the Hollywood system doing a credible job in explaining or understanding the events. The reviewers shaped and shared a memory of nightmarish race relations and prescribed corrections for both Hollywood and America. These reviews illustrate that film critics see themselves as arbiters not only of taste but also of history.  相似文献   

蔡骐  梁茜薇 《出版科学》2016,24(4):46-49
当前,媒体融合成为文化经济发展中的新常态。影视与出版这两大文化行业之间的合作,逐渐从图书影视化进阶到影视图书化的新阶段,这一转变彰显了影视对出版创新的反哺作用。从媒介视角看,影视反哺是媒体融合时代的一种文化互利;从受众视角看,影视反哺现象的盛行离不开粉丝型受众的参与,粉丝们在情感逻辑的支配下演绎多样化的趣缘传播行为,以强大的传播力和消费力推动影视向图书顺利转化;从产业视角看,影视反哺现象彰显了 IP 经济的发展潜能,出版行业应围绕图书 IP 进行多维度的产业开发,建设以出版文化为基础的产业融合生态,致力于全民阅读的复兴与书香社会的建设。  相似文献   

This study examines gender constructions of the main characters in Chinese top-grossing feature films, 2002–2011, and the sex of content creators in relation to film content. Content analysis of 332 characters reveals that women are more likely than men to be young, sexualized, and conform to an ideal image. Male characters are older and reflect traditional Chinese norms of masculinity. Women are rarely present among content creators and are most likely to be writers or producers. Findings indicate that Chinese film content reflects the growing Chinese beauty economy.  相似文献   

2019年"一带一路"国际交流研讨活动的主题因为建立在中俄建交70周年的历史背景下,所以展映遴选了2018年最有代表性和研究价值的六部俄罗斯电影。这六部电影从类型到风格、从题材到表现手法都迥然不同,却恰好在另一个层面呈现出俄罗斯电影在好莱坞电影占领市场的背景下逐渐被边缘化并日渐式微的现实情境。俄罗斯所面临的现实困境和其电影中所呈现出的隐秘而又复杂的主流价值形态,非常值得关注和思考。本文以此次展映的六部作品为例,管窥俄罗斯电影作品中国家形象的构建,以期对中国电影的发展带来启示。  相似文献   

霉菌对黑白底片档案的危害研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
馆藏的早期黑白底片霉变严重,已对底片构成严重危害。为了有效治理霉变,通过对霉菌进行的分离、鉴定,分析了霉变产生的原因。并采用环境扫描电镜研究了霉菌对黑白底片影像的影响,通过模拟实验对其霉变前后的物理性能进行了测试,结果表明霉变后,底片的抗张强度、耐折度明显降低。在此基础上,探讨了防止霉菌发生的有效措施。  相似文献   

Various studies report that cultural journalism increasingly focuses on service and entertainment instead of serious arts coverage. The press prioritizes popular culture over traditional high arts to a growing extent. However, this shift in journalistic attention does not necessarily signify a straightforward decline in aesthetic standards, as popular cultural forms like film have developed along the lines of high art principles in the past decades. This article charts trends in American, Dutch, French, and German film journalism between 1955 and 2005. It demonstrates that coverage is typified by a serious aesthetic approach from the 1970s onwards. The principles of art are seen to steer journalists’ attention to an important degree: the review remains the predominant journalistic genre, and newspapers devote more attention to films by prestigious directors than strictly commercial moviemakers. As such, film’s prominence in the press does not seem to indicate a decline in serious cultural journalism but rather a revaluation of a popular cultural form.  相似文献   

I examined the performance of motion pictures released in the United States and Canada between October 1987 and October 1989. Performance was measured by two dependent variables: domestic rentals (RENTs) and the length of run (LOR) of each film. In addition, a new independent variable designed to measure the impact of competition on motion picture performance was hypothesized. LOR was found to be a reliable proxy for RENTs in predicting performance and will allow researchers to expand the base of films that can be included in future studies. Further, the independent variable for competition was found to have a significant negative relation with RENTs as a predictor of performance. That is, as the concentration ratio for a specific film increases, the competition that film faces increases; as a result, the RENTs for that specific film decrease.  相似文献   

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