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This study explored psychosocial experiences of breast cancer survivors involved in dragon boat programs. Twenty women (M(age) = 58.69, SD = 6.85) were interviewed for 45-60 min about their experiences as members of survivor dragon boat teams. Interviews were analyzed using constructivist grounded theory methods. The dragon boat program facilitated social support from women with common challenges and a shared understanding of survivorship. It also provided opportunities to (re)gain a sense of personal control, develop new identities as athletes, and overcome physical challenges. Together these elements contributed to positive psychological growth and linked to the literature on posttraumatic growth. Future physical activity interventions targeting breast cancer survivors may benefit from developing strategies that share key characteristics of dragon boating.  相似文献   

文章运用实践法、文献资料法和访谈法,分析了竞技舞龙运动项目在上海体育学院开展的现状,在阐述其优势的同时,对竞技舞龙队发展过程中存在的一些不足提出了一些发展对策,希望借此能进一步促进竞技舞龙运动项目在上海体育学院的开展。  相似文献   

龙舟文化的起源及发展展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王星辰 《体育科技文献通报》2009,17(12):105-106,119
龙是中华民族的象征,在中国古老文化的漫长发展的历史中,有许多关于龙的传说和由此衍生出许许多多的以龙为主体的活动。龙舟竞渡作为我国土生土长的一项传统的体育活动,具有深厚的历史文化底蕴。随着社会的发展,龙舟竞渡被赋予了新的内涵,形成了包括发展地方经济、弘扬民族文化在内的龙舟文化。本文通过对龙舟文化的起源及其在现代社会的发展的论述,有助于人们加深对龙舟文化的了解。  相似文献   

“人龙舞”起源于雷州半岛,具有中原“龙”文化和海洋文化的双重文化特征.“人龙舞”的价值主要体现在娱乐性、民俗性、凝聚性和经济性等社会文化方面.“人龙舞”的存在和发展应遵循文化自身发展的规律,又要适应市场经济的规律,不断扩大自我的存在空间,加强理论研究力度等.  相似文献   

Participatory sport events have the potential to generate substantial social value in the local community. One important social benefit of such sport events is the development of social capital. However, little is known about the development and outcomes of social capital in the context of participatory sport events, such as running events. Taking a qualitative approach, the authors explored the social capital building among active participants in running events. The findings revealed that bonding capital is developed by all participants in the study while the bridging and linking capital varies by event type and involvement level. Moreover, four positive outcomes of social capital were identified: supportive attitude and behaviors, positive influence on others, prosocial behaviors, and increased everyday socializations. By generating these positive outcomes among the participants of this study, social capital has the potential to contribute to the community development and well-being. This study provides insights as to how social capital that stems from sport event participation can lead to the development of community in the long term. Suggestions are made for future research to test the relationships between social capital, its outcomes, and community development and well-being.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、调查法、数理统计、归纳演绎法等研究方法,对龙狮运动发展的现状和影响因素,以及龙狮运动协会的发展趋势进行长远规划与对策研究.就龙狮运动目前发展而言,政府的重视、群众的参与、社会的支持、赛事活动的频繁举办并逐渐增加的局面已经形成,成为带动全国龙狮运动发展的龙头和杠杆,为龙狮运动的推广和发展发挥了积极的作用.  相似文献   

文章以连城姑田游大龙为研究对象,通过田野调查探析了闽西客家民俗体育的传承内容以及传承模式。研究表明,在传承方式、制作工艺上主要靠言传身教,传承谱系较为单一;从其制作工艺来看,多为手工扎制,工艺流程复杂,制作工艺考究;从传说信仰方面来看,形成原因虽然复杂,但闽西客家民间对于"龙"都有共同的崇拜。通过对客家民俗体育的考察研究,得出闽西客家民俗体育的保护传承模式为:(1)应全面深入开展普查工作,建立资料数据库;(2)以政府为主导,鼓励社会加大资金支持;(3)对客家民俗体育传承人的保护和培养;(4)以旅游发展为契机,发挥产业推动作用。  相似文献   

The study aim was to examine constructs of autonomy support and competence as well as the motivation continuum from the self-determination theory (SDT) as a framework for understanding physical activity (PA) motivation and behavior in breast cancer survivors. Questionnaires assessing demographics, medical factors, PA, motivation continuum, perceived autonomy support, and competence were completed by 558 breast cancer survivors. Results showed that lymphedema (chi2 = 7.9, p < .01) (chi2 = 4.6, p < .05) were associated with meeting PA guidelines. Moreover, survivors meeting PA guidelines reported more identified regulations and intrinsic motivation (p < .01), autonomy support (p < .01), and competence (p < .01). Forced entry hierarchical regression analysis showed that SDT constructs explained 20.2% (p < .01) of the PA variance. Significant independent SDT predictors included identified regulation (Beta = .14, p < .05) and competence (Beta = .23, p < .01), with autonomy support approaching significance (Beta = .9, p = .057). SDT may be a useful model for understanding PA motivation and behavior in breast cancer survivors.  相似文献   

We assessed young adolescent female soccer players' perceptions of their peer group experiences. Data were collected via interviews with 34 girls from two youth soccer teams (M age = 13.0 years). Following inductive discovery analysis, data were subjected to an interpretive theoretical analysis guided by a model of peer experiences (Rubin, Bukowski, & Parker, 2006). Five categories of peer experiences were identified across three levels of social complexity. At the interaction level players integrated new members into the team and learned to interact with different types of people. At the relationship level players learned about managing peer conflict. At the group level a structure of leadership emerged and players learned to work together. Findings demonstrated interfaces between peer interactions, relationships, and group processes while also simplifying some apparently complex systems that characterized peer experiences on the teams studied.  相似文献   

中国舞龙技术的内涵   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章在舞龙运动实践的基础上,结合“龙文化”的有关内容,从舞龙珠、舞龙头和舞龙身三个方面论述了中国舞龙技术的文化内涵,以此来普及中国舞龙的理论知识,唤起人们对中国舞龙的关注、理解和支持,最终使中国舞龙成为世界体坛中一颗璀璨的明珠。  相似文献   

文章对舞龙运动开展现状和促进女子舞龙发展的意义进行了分析探讨,分析了女子舞龙开展的优势、劣势,提出以女子舞龙发展来促使整个舞龙运动进一步发展,必须走一条适合女性自身条件、具有女性特色的舞龙道路。文章针对这个发展方向,对当前《国际舞龙竞赛规则》的补充和完善提出建议。  相似文献   

社会的可持续发展与体育功能的全面实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
倪依克 《体育学刊》2002,9(2):112-114
人的全面发展构成了社会可持续发展的主体内容。人类社会要实现可持续发展必须在发展经济的同时,把社会发展摆在重要位置,实现经济与社会的协调发展。随着体育在社会发展中的位置越来越重要,体育在人类社会实现可持续发展中起到了不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,从幼儿体育活动课程建设的角度出发,以幼儿园的学生为研究对象,贯穿幼儿阶段发展的基本培养目标。认为:舞龙体育课程可促进幼儿全方位成长,多元智力的开发以及道德修养的养成。幼儿舞龙体育课程应遵守循序渐进的教育方法,体育与游戏结合以及营造体育环境氛围三个维度的教育原则,传承和发展民族传统体育舞龙文化活动,促进幼儿的健康和谐成长。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):166-181
The emergence of social media has profoundly impacted the delivery and consumption of sport. In the current review we analysed the existing body of knowledge of social media in the field of sport management from a service-dominant logic perspective, with an emphasis on relationship marketing. We reviewed 70 journal articles published in English-language sport management journals, which investigated new media technologies facilitating interactivity and co-creation that allow for the development and sharing of user-generated content among and between brands and individuals (i.e., social media). Three categories of social media research were identified: strategic, operational, and user-focussed. The findings of the review demonstrate that social media research in sport management aligns with service-dominant logic and illustrates the role of social media in cultivating relationships among and between brands and individuals. Interaction and engagement play a crucial role in cultivating these relationships. Discussion of each category, opportunities for future research as well as suggestions for theoretical approaches, research design and context are advanced.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法,对龙灯扛阁的历史渊源、风格特点以及现代传承等问题进行深入研究,继而提出龙灯扛阁这一传统民俗文化的传承和发展策略以及途径,旨为龙灯扛阁能够更好地发扬光大而提出一些建议和策略。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析等研究方法,对龙的传说由来和社会文化特征以及龙舟竞渡的社会渊源与发展现状进行分析,提出龙舟竞渡的现代化发展对策,从而为龙舟竞渡的继承与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

从经验到科学再到艺术: 体育教学的三种境界   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育教学具有层次性,它包括从经验到科学再到艺术的三种不同境界。体育教学需要建构于现代的科学基础之上,而且需要有教师对教学经验的扬弃,更重要的是,它还需要融入体育教师的教学智慧后方能焕发艺术的魅力和生命的活力。“学会教学”因而也就应成为体育教师专业发展的致力点。  相似文献   

在"文化三因子"理论框架下,运用历史人类学的方法对一个县域龙舟竞渡文化的时空变迁进行考察,并以此个案为基础,进一步探讨中国龙舟竞渡文化的发展趋势和传承动力。研究认为:中国龙舟竞渡文化将呈现以下发展趋势:物质文化将向多样化的社团娱乐工具转变;制度文化将形成多元化的社团龙舟制度;精神文化将形成多元化社团龙舟的礼仪竞技精神。但在其变迁中,礼仪经济始终是中国龙舟竞渡文化共同的经济基础,"礼仪"是贯穿各时期龙舟竞渡文化变迁共同的、核心的文化基因。基于以上认识,进而认为中国传统龙舟即礼仪龙舟,"礼仪竞技"是民间传统龙舟竞渡长盛不衰的内在动力。  相似文献   

在“社会体育”以法的形式被加以确定后,“群众体育”的概念仍然有较高的使用频率,特别是在政府的重要文件中也是如此.二者是异还是同?以概念的重要性与概念研究引入,从以群众体育到社会体育为主线,论述了群众体育概念的演变及其对二者间关系的三种认识:学术研究视野下的互相替代关系、包容关系、工作视野下的群众体育.  相似文献   


Surfing’s popularity has seen substantial growth over the last 50 years, resulting in an increased number of surfers worldwide. With a greater number of individuals in the water, many surf breaks have become overcrowded, thus leading to management issues. At these crowded locations, some local surfers are protective and maintain ownership over a site or break through the practice of localism. Localism may produce aggressive behaviour, including verbal abuse, damage to property and violent confrontations. Previous studies on localism have mainly focused on residents’ perceptions of tourists and newcomers. To further our understanding of the relationships and social interactions between local surfers and outsiders, the following research draws on the experience of 94 foreign participants who travelled to New Zealand with a surfing tour operator. Based on a participant observation and informal interviews conducted from 2011 to 2016, this paper reflects on experiences of outsiders at seven New Zealand surfing locations. The argument draws on the neo-tribal understanding of surfing and localism in reflecting on the concepts of masculinity and intersectionality, as well as in exploring Durkheim’s theory of social organization. This paper concludes that localism is an expression of a coercive social structure belonging to the global, yet heterogeneous, surf community.  相似文献   

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