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The Book Culture Club at Hong Kong Baptist University goes beyond the traditional book talk format. Its vision is to nurture a culture that values reading, writing, and publishing books through a synergistic approach among the library, authors, potential authors, and publishers. Since its inauguration in early 2009, the club has offered eighteen programs and has attracted more than 1,200 attendees by March 2013. In this article, the author will describe how the Book Culture Club was formed, present a series of activities conducted, describe how events are prepared and implemented, discuss successful outcomes and offer reflections thereon, and demonstrate how good outreach initiatives for connecting many various parties can produce a long-lasting impact in an academic setting.  相似文献   

Our study compares the motivations of Australian and German book publishers. The results demonstrate remarkable similarities, but also a significant difference regarding the effects of the publishers’ self-concept. In the German case the publishers with a dominant economic orientation are more proactive than the publishers with a dominant cultural orientation. In the Australian case, this correlation does not exist. The same difference holds for the relationship between the economic orientation and extrinsic motivation. We discuss these results and examine empirical evidence and theoretical suggestions to explain the differing findings. The data stem from surveys conducted in the two countries with responses of 196 (Germany) and 54 publishers (Australia).  相似文献   

美国图书市场的按需出版商   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
按需出版(On-demand Publishing,亦简称POD),是指按照客户需要的时间、地点印刷制作出客户需要的印刷品或出版物.美国是世界上第一个实现按需出版的国家,其标志性事件是1997年闪电印刷公司(LSI)最先使用按需出版技术为一所学校印制了50本急需的已经脱销的教材.  相似文献   

The structure of the Royal Dutch Publishers Association is described, and its activities are detailed. These include promoting reading, book-buying, and the interests of the publishing industry. The protection of copyright is a major part of these activities. He has been active in the book trade for more than thirty years: in bookselling, the import business, and publishing in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, and Switzerland. This article was adapted from a presentation at the seminar “East Meets West: Copyright and the Publisher in a Market Economy”, Hamburg, March 1991.  相似文献   

第八次全国国民阅读调查结果表明数字化阅读大幅度增长,我国已经步入全民阅读的微时代。微博阅读评论被誉为中国数字阅读的领航者,以鲜活的生命力引领全民阅读的潮流风尚,受到社会各界关注。本文阐述微书评引领全民阅读的优势,高校图书馆利用微书评引领全民阅读的方式,做好微书评工作需要注意的问题,阐明微书评将会成为高校图书馆引领全民阅读活动的新贵。  相似文献   

谷歌、百度、读秀三大中文图书搜索引擎比较及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机和网络的普及,尤其是图书搜索引擎的推出,读者的阅读方式发生了变革.本文对谷歌、百度、读秀三大中文图书搜索引擎从首页、高级检索、检索结果显示信息以及提供图书详细信息和获得方式方面进行了分析比较,并探讨了它们的优缺点带给图书馆的启示.  相似文献   

胡美香  谢娜 《出版经济》2002,(12):32-34
由中国大学出版社协会组织,来自北京大学、北京师范大学、北京医科大学、北京理工大学、北京航天航空大学、北京邮电大学、首都师范大学、教育科学、南开大学、辽宁大学、大连海事大学、复旦大学、上海财经大学、第二军医大学、浙江大学、四川大学、华中科技大学、华中师范大学18家出版社,共30人组成的代表团,于2002年10月前往德国参加第54届法兰克福书展,并走访了法国的韦文迪(Vivendi)出版集团、德国的奥登伯格(Oldenbourg)出版集团和德国最大的图书批发商--里伯瑞(Libri)图书发售中心,收获颇丰.  相似文献   

The Brazilian book publishing and bookselling market has been going through changes. To compete with international publishing corporations and to attract consumers—in a country with a very low reading rate—publishers and bookstores have been developing new business models and professional management in order to survive and grow.  相似文献   

作为一家规模不大、只专注某些特定学科出版领域的商业性学术出版社,布瑞尔通过精准的出版定位、战略性的产品布局、灵活多样的销售策略,在当今学术出版日益全球化,数字化和服务个性化的趋势中,走出了一条有自己特色的道路.  相似文献   

夏丹 《图书情报工作》2016,60(22):41-47
[目的/意义]研究以馆社合作的方式进行学术图书出版推广服务,以期提升学术图书的出版质量,促进学术交流与科学传播,推动图书馆与出版社的创新发展。[方法/过程]运用文献调研法、网络调研法,系统分析当前学术图书出版推广所面临的危机与机遇,总结学术图书出版推广国内外图书馆与出版社的合作现状及现有合作中存在的问题,提出馆社合作新模式,并探讨二者在新的合作模式中需解决的问题。[结果/结论]从搭建学术图书出版推广一体化平台、开展学术图书出版素养教育、加强数据合作、制定有效的合作政策、建立长期稳定的资金保障体系、建立良好的沟通协调机制6个方面构建馆社合作模式,使合作更深入、更专业、更高效,能积极促进学术研究成果的产生、传播与共享,推进学科发展与学术繁荣。  相似文献   

The “Mexican moment” is a term created by the international press, reflecting the importance of the economic reforms recently approved by congress. This article explores the facts and figures of the local publishing industry, especially the science, technical and medical or STM publishing, at a time of the industry’s crossroads in Mexico. Starting with a general background of the country and its economy, there is information on reading habits, the challenges of printed book distribution, the professional book market in Mexico, the increasing importance of e-books and finishing with an insight into the most important book fair in Spanish speaking language.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The U.S. Copyright Office and the Register of Copyrights supervise a myriad of major functions, from recording a copyright to providing the U.S. Congress with reports and suggestions regarding the state of the law. Yet this office is part of the Library of Congress, which controls its budget and appoints the Register. Should the book publishing community support the creation of an Office of Copyrights as a separate agency of the U.S. Government? What can or should the book publishing community do to address these issues and questions? This article explores the development of the Copyright Office, the Register of Copyrights, and provides some suggestions and recommendations.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,随着数字出版技术的发展,一种新的出版形式——按需出版在美国发展起来,尽管她帮助解决了传统出版业长期存在的某些问题。但仍然是传统的出版生产模式的一种延伸。  相似文献   

刘卫武  刘亮 《图书馆杂志》2011,(3):88-91,113
明代坊间印书成本包括纸张、墨、胶、匠人工食、版头银等。本文通过对明代坊间印书成本的考察,认为明代坊间印书成本是很低的,每百叶平均综合成本不超过银3分。  相似文献   

《山海经》是我国第一部描述山川、物产、风俗、民情的大型地理著作,又是我国古代第一部神话传说的大汇编,所记内容包罗万象,荒诞离奇,无论是古代的知识分类,还是现代通行的学科体系,都无法将其准确分类。文章介绍了关于该书学科分类的几种观点,并对该书的作者及成书时代作了探讨。  相似文献   

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