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农村信用社省联合社(简称省联社)的存在改变了农村商业银行的公司治理结构,呈现了省联社、大小股东和高级管理人员共同参与的公司治理模式,但鲜有研究对此进行精准刻画并分析其影响。由省联社通过省政府的行政授权获得了原属于农村商业银行股东部分控制权的现象,提炼为农村商业银行股权和控制权非对称配置理论,并通过农村商业银行董事会中省联社委派董事的数量占比,精确衡量非对称配置程度,实证检验股权和控制权非对称配置对农村商业银行开展普惠金融的影响,发现:股权和控制权非对称配置会增强农村商业银行的普惠金融效应,促进涉农贷款和小微贷款的发放。利用农村商业银行IPO引发的股权和控制权非对称配置程度变化这一外生事件,检验其对普惠金融的影响,结果仍然稳健。进一步研究表明,相比于民营企业,当第一大股东为同业农村商业银行时,会强化非对称配置下的普惠金融效应;省联社委派董事是否持股不会影响股权和控制权非对称配置下的普惠金融水平。不同于以往对省联社的批判性研究,结果表明省联社模式对助力农村商业银行开展普惠金融服务具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

清末,处理西藏问题严重失当引起的汉藏隔阂,导致西藏与中央政府的关系恶化,这种不正常的关系一直延续到民国时期。民国政府为了改善与西藏地方的不正常的关系,采取了积极主动的沟通与了解,先后多次组团入藏,在修复中央与西藏地方关系方面发挥了重要的作用,为西藏的稳定和团结,做出了重要的的贡献。  相似文献   

赵复北上燕京的时间历来有诸多争议,书院研究大家邓洪波教授就认为赵复北上在元太宗十二年.公元1240年。本文通过对史料的分析、研究,认为赵复北上当在元太宗七年,公元1235年蒙古南侵,蒙古攻克德安城后。  相似文献   

杜甫入蜀的行动是经过诗人深思熟虑之后的结果。老杜入蜀原因有四:一是仁途失意;二是身处绝境;三是战争威胁;四是“借道他适”。杜 甫在特定的历史条件下,入蜀既是唯一选择,也是明智之举。  相似文献   

2月5日晴下课后,我在教室里坐着不经意地向窗外一看,忽然看到天上的白云像大象一样。于是,我的脑海中开始了天马行空般的想象:天上有一个动物园,里面的动物是各种各样的白云。忽然,一头白云大象跃出了阳光围栏,向天使们住的星星城市冲去。动物园的管理人员立即拨通了警察局的电话,警察局立即派出了几名警察去制止大象。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):225-237
Chile's higher education system has moved a long way from state and professional towards market coordination. Presently, market oriented policies predominate across the system, based on a loosely regulated private provision of higher education and the use of a set of “para market” mechanisms designed to enhance competition between state supported universities. The effects of these policies on the number and differentiation of higher education institutions, on enrollment, on the evolution of professional careers and academic degree programs, and particularly on the funding of the higher education system are here analyzed. A balance is drawn, specifically with respect to the nature and quality of private institutions and their public regulation, and to the competition for funding between state supported universities.  相似文献   

我国企业债券监管的方向和重点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国债券市场长期在计划经济体制的管理模式下运行,其发展受到严重抑制,目前监管部门实际上是把发行企业债券作为为计划内的建设项目筹集资金的一种手段,在这种情况下,政府对企业债券的发行进行了过多的制度约束。针对我国企业债券市场监管面临的主要问题,需要从十个方面进行改革和完善,这些方面对于推动企业债券市场的健康发展、改善目前国内企业债券市场多头监管有着至关重要的作用和现实意义。  相似文献   

资本市场:实现农业产业化跨跃式发展的突破口   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
经济发达国家的农业产业化发展已经进入高级阶段。当前中国农业产业化的关键是培育龙头企业,实现农业生产组织结构的创新。深化资本市场改革,积极培育龙头企业进入资本市场是推动龙头企业创新、实现农业产业化跨跃式发展的突破口。  相似文献   

Shifts in the labor market require adaptive responses on the part of formal organizations. Such organizational responses are shown in changes in recruitment strategies. This study examines how departments in comprehensive colleges and universities formulate their faculty recruitment strategies and set standards for new faculty personnel. Comprehensive institutions are neither research universities nor liberal arts colleges. Even though most offer graduate degrees at the master's level in such areas as teacher training and business programs, they are predominantly devoted to undergraduate education. Lacking strong ties to distinctive beliefs and identities, these institutions have become increasingly vulnerable to environmental changes.Based on extensive fieldwork at four institutions, this paper focuses on twenty faculty searches conducted over a period of substantial changes in academic labor markets. Several common search episodes are identified.The general pattern of recruitment strategies is shaped by the rule of status competition in a prestige hierarchy: less prestigious organizations compete for institutional legitimacy by adopting the norms of more prestigious organizations. Search-related practices in these comprehensive institutions are, therefore, organized around the institutional rituals that conform to the standards of more prestigious research universities and elite liberal arts colleges. Search and recruitment practices often reflect a ritualized form of preoccupation with credentials, specialities, and procedures. Despite their initial emphasis on specific goals, those involved in the search were less concerned about search outcomes than about processes.  相似文献   

我国在新修订的《公司法》中正式确立了公司人格否认制度,引发了学术界对该问题的广泛关注。但由于现行法律规范及相关的论著均忽略了具体诉讼制度的构建,使得这一制度仅流于理论,难以付诸实践。完善相关的诉讼制度是有效的解决公司人格滥用问题十分重要的途径,文章试对公司人格否认之诉相关制度的完善予以分析和论证,以期对该制度的实际操作有所助益。  相似文献   

Reading involves the decoding of written forms into language forms that represent phonological, morphological, and word level units. Thus, orthographies convey not only phonological but also morphological information-the word roots, syntactic inflections, and derivational relations that constitute the minimal semantic and grammatical units of a language. There are many psycholinguistic issues brought to light by the facts about morphology. However, the central one has focused on decomposition-whether and how language users, including readers, decompose morphologically complex words into their constituent morphemes.  相似文献   

This article offers a critical, constructive evaluation of Margaret Carr's and Guy Claxton's paper on the three learning dispositions thought necessary for lifelong learning. The two authors are to be congratulated for initiating a debate on 'learning to learn'; their proposal has real strengths but also some weaknesses. For example, why have the three dispositions of resilience, playfulness and reciprocity been chosen and why only three dispositions? A case in made for the inclusion of a fourth disposition--the need for all citizens in a democracy to develop and use critical intelligence.  相似文献   

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