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首先分析了基于Sakai平台的社会化网络学习要素(包括环境、资源、活动、评价),接下来构建出基于Sakai平台的社会化网络学习模型,进一步对社会化网络学习模型具体过程进行分析,深入探究了具体过程中包含的核心知识的学习、分散的非正式学习和循环流动三个阶段,并开展了社会化网络学习的实证研究。  相似文献   

本研究旨在编制大学生移动社交网络人际交往问卷,用于测量大学生的移动社交网络人际交往行为,并检验其信效度。选取393名大学生进行初测调查,用于项目分析及探索性因素分析;另抽取990名大学生进行正式问卷调查,用于验证性因素分析及考察同质性信度和结构效度。结果显示,大学生移动社交网络人际交往问卷共有17题,包括移动社交网络信息沟通、移动社交网络自我表露、移动社交网络依赖3个因子,解释总方差的56.393%,表明问卷具有良好的结构效度(χ2/df=4.057,GFI=0.944,AGFI=0.926,CFI=0.944,NNFI=0.920,IFI=0.932,RMSEA=0.056);总量表和3个因子的Cronbachα系数为0.7450.855,分半信度为0.7350.855,分半信度为0.7350.880,表明大学生移动社交网络人际交往问卷具有较好的信效度,能有效测量大学生的移动社交网络人际交往行为。  相似文献   

社交网站(SNS)是Web2.0时代一个标志性的网络服务新模式。它以人为核心,以社会关系链为基础,利用诸如网络聊天(IM),交友,开博客、记日志,建相册,参与群组,玩SNS游戏,分享日记等活动在人与人之间传播信息,创造内容,维系关系,培育感情。这不仅改变了人们的社交方式,同时也改变了人们的学习方式。基于关联主义的理论观点,从技术维度、社会维度、知识维度三个方面探讨了学习型社交网站的创建应该遵循和坚守的创建理念和原则,其研究结果对促进社交网站在教育教学中的有效应用具有理论指导价值。  相似文献   

社会比较是一种广泛存在的心理现象。社交网络为用户提供了更多样化的社会比较信息、更便捷的比较途径。与传统的社会比较相比,社交网络中的社会比较具有自发性、比较信息的两极化、比较对象的多样化等特征。现有研究发现了社交网络中社会比较对用户的消极影响与积极影响,探讨了与之相关的个体与文化因素。未来研究应更关注社交网络中的消极信息对用户的影响、重视用户的主体性及进一步深化社交网络中社会比较的个体差异与文化差异研究。  相似文献   

移动学习和移动服务的实践与研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着通信技术的迅猛发展,移动学习正在逐渐兴起,但目前国内大规模的移动学习实践较少.本文分析了当前移动学习和移动服务的需求、特点和可行模式,并通过上海电视大学的探索实践,对移动学习和移动服务作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

The number of educators, administrators, and institutions that utilize social networking has increased dramatically. Many have adopted social networking in order to be up-to-date and connected with their students’ learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom. However, this increase in the use of social networking in academia presents many potential issues. In this paper, we address the growing prevalence of social networking in education and some of the issues. Next, we use social role theory to explore some pitfalls for educators using social networking. Finally, we suggest that foundational ethical principles from the field of psychology can provide a basis for developing guiding principles for use of social networking in education.  相似文献   

A comprehensive meta-analysis of the research following Glass, McGraw, and Smith's (1981) technique integrated findings from twenty-five comparative studies from 1990 to 2003 targeting student achievement and distance education in allied health professions. Student achievement was assessed through course grades and resulted in an overall effect size of 0.15, a very small positive effect for distance learners when compared to traditional students. Several dependent variables—education levels, models of distance education, and instructional design components—related to the effect size. In the distance education setting, working professional students significantly outperformed graduate and undergraduate students. Open learning and synchronous instruction were the most effective distance education models of instruction. Instructional design components implemented into a distance education course resulted in greater student achievement scores.  相似文献   

我要感谢亚洲开放大学协会第18届年会组委会的邀请,给了我今天为大会做主题报告的机会。这已是我第三次来到上海电视大学了。  相似文献   

Social work students have few guidelines to help them evaluate the implication of their posted information on Internet-based social networking sites (SNSs). There is a national trend among employers of human services to cross-check publicly available online information on applicants. Based on data from a survey of 105 baccalaureate and master's social work students at a Midwestern university, this study explored students' perspectives on problematic information on SNSs. The majority reported that they had posted information on SNSs that they would not want their prospective employers to cross-check. Students offered a wide range of opinions, attitudes, and characteristics that contribute to the assessment of the risks that information they post on SNSs pose for their profession. The purpose of this study is to stimulate a conversation among social work educators on how to inculcate awareness and training of students on the ethical implications of SNS participation and to discuss directions for future research.  相似文献   

The article investigates the accessibility of mobile and networking technologies to schoolchildren of different ages living in various areas and how they use these technologies. The author considers the potential ways in which modern technologies can be used in education. The potential benefits of such technologies are particularly promising for rural schools. The article comments on the modern trend to create a seamless educational environment on the basis of e-learning.  相似文献   

移动学习的特征与手机出版   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章描述了移动学习的特征是零散时间、点滴摄入的碎片式阅读,经过一定积累,建立了一个完整的知识拼图,同时分析了这一特征是建立在个体习惯、偏好的个性化学习基础之上。因此以满足移动学习为基本目标的手机出版,便捷、即时性的知识服务是其内容特征,而打破传统纸介出版的线性结构、以非系统、非线性的,即"形散而神不散"的"论语体"为手机出版的内容表现形式。  相似文献   

This paper argues for an approach to mobile learning that leverages students’ informal digital practices as resources for designing mathematics classrooms activities. We briefly describe two exploratory designs along these lines, one featuring the use of photos taken by students outside class and the other centered on their recording and analyzing videos of motion. We then present a case study analysis of two students working through portions of these activities in class and discuss the potential of the approach as well as challenges associated with its implementation.  相似文献   


Computer based communication technologies, or what could be more conveniently called networking, are bringing new possibilities into teacher education in many different ways. As with distance education more generally they can facilitate flexibility in time and place of learning, but the range of persons and resources that they can bring to the teacher's computer screen are also introducing many new scenarios into what is meant by ‘teacher education’. In this review, nine cases of such new scenarios are briefly considered. Issues common to them are also discussed and the paper concludes with a suggestion of a problem area for teacher education in contemporary Europe in which currently available networking could play a particularly important role.  相似文献   

Social Presence Online: Networking Learners at a Distance   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This paper draws on two studies which researched the use of online small group environments where collaborative learning is a central structure for learning. The establishment of social presence is facilitated through the socio-affective aspect of small group interaction which contributed to the effectiveness of learning online. Social presence, the ability of online learners to project themselves into a textual environment which has few visual or contextual cues, will be explored as an important element in facilitating effective online learning. The teacher's role in helping students project their online social presence and in establishing an environment for learning within the larger group computer conference will also be discussed.  相似文献   

移动学习系统及其相关学习模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上海交通大学现代远程教育研究中心自主研发的移动学习系统具有课程点播、课程直播、资源下载以及自动答疑等功能。当前,移动学习系统中存在基于学习工具的多种学习模式、基于资源的学习模式、基于问题的学习模式、以个人为中心的自主学习模式以及以小组为中心的集体学习模式。将多种学习模式合理结合起来会得到优良的移动学习模式。现有移动学习系统存在学生与老师以及学生与学生间的沟通渠道不够通畅、沟通方式不够多样、沟通环境不够有效等问题。针对这些问题,本文提出了可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

微博的社会网络及其教育应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
代表着社会性软件的未来,微博创建了一种全新的社会关系沟通渠道。主动"关注"、"关注"扩散和双向"关注"是微博社会网络建立过程的三个核心环节,其三类最具代表意义的网络社区分别为独立网络社区、多结点联结的网络社区和单结点联结的多网络社区。在分析目前微博及其教育应用现状的基础上,文章提出了聚焦模式、关联模式和发散模式三种微博社会网络教育应用的模式。  相似文献   

手机——未来最普适的移动学习终端   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动学习突破时空的限制,成为远程教育的又一种全新方式。至此,移动学习终端设备的选择也成为教育领域的热门问题。手机作为移动学习诸多终端设备中的一种,已经在教育领域占有一席之地。在对当前手机适用于移动学习的主流技术进行总结和归纳的基础上,以家校通平台、手机上网调用社会性软件以及教育小游戏的应用为例,得出手机将在未来移动学习发展中成为最普适的移动终端的结论。  相似文献   

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