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冬姑娘穿着白裙子,带着钢琴,踏着“风雪轮”悄悄地走来了。 她用轻柔的手指弹出一支和谐的冬之曲。公园里,小溪听了急忙穿上冰衣。  相似文献   

还记得《天使之城》里那甘愿放弃神的身份来人间追求挚爱的天使吗?还记得那美丽、自信,让天使都为之倾倒的女医生吗?还记得他们那得来不易或阴阳相隔的爱恋吗?伴随着这刻骨铭心的爱情,一首Angel给这个故事披上了更加美丽的外衣.  相似文献   

在我过去四十余年的生涯中,冬的情味尝得最深刻的,要算十年前初移居白马湖的时候了。十年以来,白马湖已成了一个小村落,当我移居的时候,还是一片荒野。春晖中学的新建筑巍然矗立于湖的那一面,湖的这一面的山脚下是小小的几间新平屋,住着我和刘君心如两家。此外两三里内没有人烟。一家人于阴历十一月下旬从热闹的杭州移居这荒凉的山野,宛如投身于极带中。  相似文献   

也许是天气的关系,总觉得这个冬天来的格外晚。叶子忽忽悠悠地全都飘下来,冬天的气息也就随之潜入古城。  相似文献   

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”Inmate Mitchell King had a visitor—his wife.King was serving a six-year jail term in Auckland,New Zealand for armed robbery.But his wife didn’t want to be away from him for that long.So they held hands.And they stuck.She’d rubbed her palms with Super Glue.  相似文献   

Sir Isaac Newton(1643-1727) (3)Newton entered his uncle’s old College,Trinity College Cambridge,on 5 June1661.Newton’s aim at Cambridge was a law degree.Despite some evidence that his progress had not been particularly good,Newton was elected a scholar on 28 April 1664 and received his bachelor’sdegree in April 1665.It would appear that his scientific genius had still not  相似文献   

作为《纽约时报》最畅销小说之一,《骏马之选》这部纪实文学(nonfiction)讲述了一匹受伤的赛马Lay Me Down如何帮助主人公恢复对生活的信心的感人故事。因为营养不良而虚脱(Weak from malnutntion)的Lay Me Down忍受着种种身体上的痛苦,但仍保持着一颗开朗宽容(open and generous)的心,就这样她来到苏珊身边(then fate brought her into Susan’s paddock),教会她如何拥抱生命的快乐(embrace the joys of life)。下面这一段描写苏珊在看到Lay Me Down之前,回忆了自己小时候养过的一匹小马,表达了无限的思念之情。  相似文献   

Clara Latimer BaconAugust 23,1866-April 14,1948 Clara Latimer Bacon was born in Hillsgrove,McDonough County,Illinois of a pioneer NewEngland family.She was graduated from Hedding College,Abingdon,Illinois in 1 886.Aftera year of teaching she entered Wellesley College.In 1890 she received her B.A.degree from  相似文献   

试想一下, 生长在一个靠近天文台的地方, 让星星、蓝天、月亮填满你大部分的童年记忆, 会是怎样? 那么再想象一下, 如果一切都被一场巨大的林区火灾毁了……  相似文献   

To get the best out of a man, go to what isbest in him.  相似文献   

Paul," my boss Richard began as he sat on my desk. I always knew there was something up when he sat on my desk, because it meant he was taking me into his confidence. Helen, on the sixth floor, is going back to directly working with clients. We need someone to manage the team of case workers up there. Are you interested?I looked into space for a few seconds. I knew why he wanted me to manage the case workers. Most of them  相似文献   

Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi 数学造就了科学家 科学家改变了世界 Augustin Louis Cauchy Augustin Louis Cauchy Aug 21 1789 - May 23 1857 Cauchy pioneered the study of analysis and the theory of permutation(排列) groups. He also researched in convergence and divergence of infinite series, differential equations, determinants, probability and mathematical physics. Cauchy stated as a military engineer and in 1810 went to Cherbourg to work on Napoleon's English invasion fleet. In 1813 he returned to…  相似文献   

Once upon a time two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of fanning side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch. Then the long collaboration fell apart . It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.  相似文献   

埃博拉病毒疫情自1976年在苏丹南部和旧扎伊尔的埃博拉河地区初次爆发,三年后在苏丹同一地区小规模复发一次后则沉寂了15年。1994年在加蓬地区再次突然复苏,至今在非洲多国已反复爆发15次,造成了4362人感染,2659人死亡。2014年,西非几内亚、利比里亚、尼日利亚和塞拉利昂爆发了历史上最严重和情况最复杂的疫情,局面失控。埃博拉病毒流行无明显的季节性,人群普遍易感且无性别差异,其天然宿主仍不确定。近四十年,疫情在一个地区消散后不知何时会在另一个地区突然暴发,被形容为像光的波粒二象性一般难以理解。由于埃博拉病毒对人体多器官普遍攻击而防范困难,加之开发病毒防治药物项目资金匮乏,人类至今没有找到能有效对抗埃博拉疫情的预防及治疗措施。  相似文献   

亦舒,金庸与倪匡并称为"香港文坛之三大奇迹"。亦舒创作的小说数量多,流行性广且多以香港商业社会为背景来展示都市女性情感。该文对亦舒及其小说作品做一简要介绍并对在其作品中的语言描述特点和对话特点的独特性做了简要分析。  相似文献   

一篇有关节水的英文习作,用词规范,文笔流畅,论述详尽,难得的佳作。  相似文献   

有效的阅读需要运用不同的阅读技巧。在阅读过程中,确切的理解每一个单词是不大可能的,但通过提高猜词技能,读者们就能通篇理解句子、段落或是文章。在该文中,笔者将就如何根据语境猜词进行简单的探讨。  相似文献   

An international team of scientists has officially crowned the Arctic tern(燕鸥)the king of long-distance migration(迁徙).Every year,the tiny bird flies nearly 45,000 miles on its trip from the northern tip of Greenland to the shores of Antarctica and back again.That’s equal to 60 trips around the Earth in the bird’s lifetime.  相似文献   

Singapore or Singapura, which means "Lion City", was once called Temasek. Do you know how the country got its name?Sang Nila Utama was a "raja" (king) from Sumatra, Indonesia. One day, he set out on a voyage with thirty men to explore some islands. He was looking for a suitable place to build a city.He first landed on Riau Island. The chieftain of the island gave him and his party a warm welcome. They enjoyed the chieftain's hospitality for several days. One day, they went out hunting. They saw a queer animal and Sang Nila Utama ran after it. Chasing it for some time, he came to a huge rock. Standing on it, he looked across the sea. He was delighted to see an island not far away. One of his followers told him that it was called Temasek.  相似文献   

曾经,有个好单纯好单纯的孩子在第一次真正流泪之后说她好喜欢白白的雪,喜欢独自走在雪地里沉思。我于是司自己,该不该喜欢雪,该不该让雪成为生命的一部分,为旨这一最简单的答题,我如圣僧般坐禅于冬之穹窿中,谛悟即将结束又将开始的冬的含义,谛悟雪的性格。冬太冷酷太凝重,冬是一个没有确切主题的季节。  相似文献   

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