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England has a two-sector system of higher education and further education. Shaped by legislation in 1988 and 1992, the architecture of this system was intended to concentrate each type of education in separate institutions and separate sectors. In recognition of these different missions, each territory came under different funding and regulatory regimes, with little or no movement of institutions anticipated between sectors. These arrangements continue, although Government policy is now to support and expand higher education in further education colleges. This policy turnaround is part of a larger strategy or experiment to change the future pattern of demand for, and supply of, undergraduate education. However, the college contribution to this new higher education is neither co-ordinated nor protected. Rather, further education colleges compete as well as collaborate with institutions in the higher education sector, under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and dependency.  相似文献   

从以人为本角度论述新形势下高等教育的价值观,指出要通过具体教学管理过程、教学评价实践、人才培养计划及就业指导来体现以人为本。  相似文献   

This paper reports on research into the operation of English further/higher education, with a focus on the role of partnerships in supporting the massification of higher education. The research draws on the bottom‐up policy implementation tradition to provide analysis of the effects on partnerships of a quasi‐marketised environment. The rationale and effects of market orientated policy are discussed with reference to empirical data from college staff and partnership managers. In employing the concept of the ‘street‐level bureaucrat’ as an agent of policy implementation, this research contributes to the interpretation of policy and partnership which has previously been unexplored within the further/higher education context. Conclusions are drawn with implications for the development of college higher education delivered in partnership.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This article explores the principal methods in which higher education careers services around the world are addressing the needs of an increasing proportion of...  相似文献   

This article explores the principal methods in which higher education careers services around the world are addressing the needs of an increasing proportion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. This study is based on data drawn from focus groups with students and interviews with key personnel and employers. The research demonstrates that higher education careers services are beginning to address the needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds in a number of key ways. In particular, they are becoming more integrated both with the full range of student services and with the academic curriculum and, as in many other examples of widening participation, limited resources are optimised by effective targeting of specific groups. Arguably, too, higher education careers services are well placed to provide the interface between the academy and employers in order to promote diversity outside academia.  相似文献   

浅析美国高等教育市场化——以营利性高校为视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国高等教育市场化的内涵主要体现为高等院校的自治、竞争、交换和效益。其中营利性高等院校的发展过程,以及它们“顾客至上”的经营理念和服务方式最具代表性,特别是凤凰城大学的具体运作规程为我们解读美国高等教育的市场机制提供了最佳的实践视角。  相似文献   

高等教育质量观与优质高等教育的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国高等教育向大众化过渡的过程中,大众质量观、全面质量观和评估质量观受到了理论界和实践界的高度重视。高等教育迈过大众化的门槛以后,发展优质高等教育成为各级各类高校面临的首要任务。树立科学的质量观,以现代高等教育理念为指导,重视高等教育质量的生成过程,完善高等教育评估制度,是现在和未来我国高等教育改革与发展必须要解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

对高职英语教学实践中的问题还需要从教师的语言能力观和教学现方面去追根溯源。正是因为对英语应用能力内涵的片面认识导致了当前高职英语教学改革中教师普遍面临的困惑。文章分析了构建科学的高职英语能力观的语言学理据和语用需求,提出高职英语能力应以交际能力为主,包含语言能力、信息能力和学习能力的综合语言应用能力。  相似文献   

A sample of public universities and private colleges are compared in terms of their enrolments, costs, facilities and quality of provision. The purpose is to illuminate an important policy issue for Malaysia and to contribute to the general debate on the role of the private sector in the provision of higher education. The general findings are that public universities appear to be more efficient in satisfying public demand in terms of quality of provision.  相似文献   

我国研究生教育自1978年高校恢复招生以来,已经有了20多年的发展。面临新时期下的新形势,向何处发展,怎样发展,成为我国研究生教育急待回答的问题。本文试从高等教育哲学的一些基本理论出发,探讨对今后我国研究生教育发展之路的看法。  相似文献   


Full-time lecturers in further education colleges in England form an occupational group which has been subject to many varied and demanding changes, particularly since the incorporation of colleges in 1993. Prior to 1993 lecturers were employees of local education authorities and, as such, were part of an often remote local authority personnel administration framework. Since 1993 full-time lecturers have become employees of college corporations. Most corporations have introduced human resource management practices which have changed the distant employment relationship lecturers had with LEAs. At the same time, the consequence of financial constraints and increasing competition in the further education sector has emphasised the already existing core-periphery organisational model in colleges which has now led to fewer full-time lecturers (core) and more part-time lecturers (periphery). The question of the professional status of lecturers has also been raised by, for example, College Employers Forum rhetoric in the early post-incorporation phase to encourage contractual change; the development of Qualified Teacher Status for primary and secondary teachers only; the debate about further education membership of a General Teaching Council for England, and the expansion of a new vocational curricula which seemed to dilute the educational experience of students. This article considers the views that a sample of full-time lecturers have about their employment experience and is an initial report of a research study which looks at the employment relationship between full-time lecturers and their college corporations. Views and perceptions of 687 full-time lecturers' responses to a postal questionnaire are presented and reviewed. This initial report suggests that, unlike the picture nationally for the UK workforce (as presented in a recent Institute of Personnel and Development report - Guest & Conway, 1998), full-time lecturers in further education colleges may be experiencing a violated psychological contract with the consequences for their employment relationship of loss of trust and a significant, depressing effect on commitment, job satisfaction and work performance.  相似文献   

走向多元化的大学教育——从高校推展博雅教育谈起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从解构和消除二元对立的思维范式得以成立的逻辑和判断的立场出发,以当前我国大学教育面临的挑战与机遇为研究对象,深入探讨应试教育和素质教育之间的辩证关系,可以肯定大学教育的发展方向应是多元化的,而博雅教育则是必由之路,它所倡导的大知识观的教育思想是多元思维方式在教育领域的典范,表现出广泛的包容性与创新性。  相似文献   

作为一名高校教育工作者,必须时时刻刻不忘从自身教学实践中提炼科学的教育观,并及时应用到教学活动中去,同时予以修改、补充、完善。结合实践提出并阐述了由德高业精的事业观、亦师亦友的师生关系观、积极互动的课堂角色观、辩证全面的学生观四部分组成的新教育观。  相似文献   

对我国高等教育公平问题的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高等教育向大众化阶段的迈进,高等教育公平问题日益成为社会广泛关注的焦点.笔者围绕高等教育公平的内涵、现状进行了思考,并就解决高等教育不公平现状的途径作了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

针对我国现有高等教育中介组织的发展困境,引入治理理念这一新的社会管理理念,指出随着政府职能的转变和公民社会的迅速发展,我国迫切需要在治理理念下建立和发展高等教育第三部门组织,推动高等教育中介组织"第三部门化"转制。同时,政府、社会、大学及高等教育第三部门要加强合作,协同共治。其中,政府要转变职能,完善相关法律制度,加强监管;社会要广泛关注,有效监督;大学要加强与第三部门的沟通与合作,相互尊重;高等教育第三部门要优化内部管理,加强队伍建设和道德诚信建设,建立合理的筹资保障机制和科学的信息交流反馈机制等。  相似文献   

高等教育哲学视野下的普通教育与专业教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
普通教育和专业教育在现代大学中的关系问题是近代高等教育发展史上的重要问题.本文拟从高等教育哲学视野来探讨普通教育与专业教育的对立与融合,并试图从中阐明21世纪大学教育的目标和立足点.  相似文献   

Many initiatives relating to young people's sexual health have focused on under 16s. Yet, most young people become sexually active between the ages of 16 and 19 and 80 per cent of under-18 conceptions are to 16- and 17-year-olds. The shift from school to further education marks a time of transition in young people's lives. It is a time when information and support with sexual health issues is particularly relevant.
Reforms to the further education sector invite a fresh look at how every young person's health and well-being can best be supported. This is in the context of the government teenage pregnancy strategy, which aims to reduce under-18 conceptions. This paper reports on research conducted by the Sex Education Forum with young people and staff in further education settings across England. This research was used to write guidance on the provision of sexual health services for young people in further education settings, which was published by the Department for Education and Skills and with support from the Department of Health and ministerial backing in June 2007.  相似文献   

本文从湖北省及长江职业学院的专业结构分析入手,指出高职院校专业设置过程中出现了盲目设置、同质化严重、市场适应性不强以及管理机制不完善等现象,从明确专业建设理念、明晰专业建设思路、完善建设评价体系、构建专业培训平台、探索中高衔接等五个方面提出了对策。以使高职院校的专业设置与结构调整机制逐渐适应区域产业升级和结构调整需要。  相似文献   

我国现行的普通高等教育与高等职业教育体系,从根本说是一种认识与实践的关系,这种内在联系提供了二者相互渗透的可能。普通高等教育"职业化"和高等职业教育"普通化"的发展趋势,决定了其互渗的必要。在实现两种教育体系优势互补方面,对高职院校来说既要着眼于拓展受教育者的发展空间,也要注重其专业技能的提升,即在强化公共基础课和专业基础课教学的同时,还应注意与专业技能课的结合;对普通高校而言,一是利用"小学期制"充实实践教学的内容,二是把专业实习变成真正的职业训练,解决理论与实践脱节及学生动手能力不强的问题。  相似文献   

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