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<正>[英语原文]Policeman:Why didn't you shout for help when you were robbed of your watch?Man:If I had opened my mouth,they'd have found my four gold teeth.That would be much worse.[汉语翻译]警察:有人抢你的手表时,你为什么不呼救呢?男子:要是我张口的话,他们就会发现我的四颗金牙,那就更糟了。[留言板]男子被人抢劫,却不敢开口呼救,这是为什么呢?原来,他的嘴里镶有四颗金牙。他担心歹徒发现他的金牙后会拔掉他的金牙,因此他才保持沉默,不敢呼救。  相似文献   

Peter押Would they send me to school?Wendy押Yes.Peter押Then——to an office?Wendy押I suppose so.Peter押Soon I should be a man——You can't catch me and make me a man!Wendy押Peter——Peter押I want always to be a boy and have fun.Wendy押You say so, but I think it is your biggest pretend.彼得:他们会送我去学校吗?温迪:会的。彼得:然后,会把我叫到办公室吗?温迪:我想会的。彼得:那么我很快将成为一个男人——你不能捉住我,把我变成一个男人!温迪:彼得——彼得:我想永远做一个男孩,开心快乐!温迪:你虽这样说,但…  相似文献   

Hello! My name is Wang Jianing. I' m a lovely girl. I' m twelve years old. And I live in Harbin. I love English. I like eating apples. Everyday I' m busy with my lessons. I have a happy family: farther, mother and me. I love my family.  相似文献   

I find out...     
How long have you been studying English? Do you get good grades all the time? If not, please look for a good way to study. And here are my suggestions: First of all, we should listen to the teacher carefully. After class, we ought to learn by ourselves, then do more exercise. If you are really tired, you should have a good rest.T he w ay is w orth studying.A m an said押“T hem ore a m an know s,the m ore he discovers hisignorance.”A nother m an also said押“C hoose a lifeof action,not one…  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
CoughPatient押Doctor熏I’vehadabadcough.Doctor押Howoldareyou芽Patient押I’mseventy-eight.Doctor押Didyoucoughinyourtwenties芽Patient押No.Doctor押Didyoucoughinyourforties芽Patient押No.Doctor押Ifyoustilldon’tcoughnow熏whenwillyoucough芽咳嗽患者:大夫,我咳嗽得很厉害。医生:你多大年纪了?患者:我78岁了。医生:你20多岁的时候咳嗽过吗?患者:没有。医生:40多岁时呢?患者:也没有。医生:那你现在再不咳嗽,什么时候咳嗽呢?BeefandFishTom押IhavebeeneatingbeefallmylifeandnowI’mjustasstrongasanox.Jim押That’sfunny.I’vebeeneatingfishallmylifebutstillIcan’tswim选牛肉和鱼汤姆:我经常吃牛肉,所以现在我像牛一样强壮。吉姆:太有意思了。我一辈子吃鱼,可我至今还不会游泳。4-4=?Oneday熏thet...  相似文献   

N am e押X ing H uina姓名:邢慧娜D ate of birth押Feb.25熏1984生日:1984,2,25Birth place押Shandong Province出生地:山东省H eight押166cm身高:166厘米W eight押50kg体重:50公斤Item押Long-distance running项目:长跑X ing H uina was born on February25熏1984in Shandong Province.She is now a senior stu鄄dent in Shandong U niversity.X ing H uina w as the cham pion of W om an10000鄄m eter race in the28th O lym pic G am es.H aving failed in the5000鄄m eter race熏shedidn’t give up.She went torunw ay穴跑…  相似文献   

They call m e a m an熏but I ll never have ’a wife. I w as given a body熏but not given life. They m ade m e a m outh熏 but didn t give ’m e breath. W ater gives m e life and sun gives m edeath. W hat am I芽谜语一则(英文)@颜萍  相似文献   

Ai I saw him eat the box of chocolates. All I saw him eating the box of chocolates.Bi I had the class learn a poem by heart.Bii I had the class laughing at my funnystories.Biii I once had a student call me an oldfogey.ci I wont have people behave like thatin my home.Cii I won't have people behaving likethat in my home.Ciii I won't have my children treatedlike this!  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
CoughPatient押Doctor熏I’vehadabadcough.Doctor押Howoldareyou芽Patient押I’mseventy-eight.Doctor押Didyoucoughinyourtwenties芽Patient押No.Doctor押Didyoucoughinyourforties芽Patient押No.Doctor押Ifyoustilldon’tcoughnow熏whenwillyoucough芽咳嗽患者:大夫,我咳嗽得很厉害。医生:你多大年纪了?患者:我78岁了。医生:你20多岁的时候咳嗽过吗?患者:没有。医生:40多岁时呢?患者:也没有。医生:那你现在再不咳嗽,什么时候咳嗽呢?BeefandFishTom押IhavebeeneatingbeefallmylifeandnowI’mjustasstrongasanox.Jim押That’sfun…  相似文献   

Hello!I'm a happy girl.I'm twelve.I have e very nice Family.There’re my Father,my moth-er and me.My mother is an accountant and my father is  相似文献   

Hello! My name is Chen Jianing. I am a girl. I am eleven years old, I have a family, In my family there are three people; my father, my mother and h My father is an engineer. He is friendly. He has a lot of friends, He likes watching TV and reading newspapers at night. My mother is a good cook. She can cook well.  相似文献   

My name is Yang Xizhou.I’m a Chinese boy.I am thirteen.This isa picture of my family at home.It’s an old photo of my family.You cansee my father,my mother,my sister and I.We all look young because wetake①it five years ago.I was eight years old that year.  相似文献   

Once,there was an old tiger that could no longer hunt.One morning,he stood by a lake and held a gold bracelet~2 in one paw~3.He was shouting,"Ladies and Gentlemen!A gold bracelet for my kindness."曾经一只老虎,它老了,不能抓捕猎物了。一天早上,它站在湖边,一个爪子拿着一只金手镯,喊道:"女士们,先生们,为表善意,我献出一只金手镯。"A traveler,passing by,liked the gold bracelet.However,he was scared of the tiger.一个旅行者刚好经过,他很喜欢这个金手镯,但是他怕老虎。  相似文献   

Catch What? Catch 22! One day I talked with a new college graduate here in Beijing.A diploma from one of the top universities in hand,my young friend was eager to earn his first bucket of gold in the bustling China market,but his parents urged him to continue his education abroad.After telling his story,my young friend sighed and added,"This is really a catch-22!"Well,it is a fancy term—I mean that of catch-22.But,are you sure you are in a situation of catch-22?  相似文献   

I say shake the world with my laughter, and shake everything back to the right place!I remember an article called "English is a crazy language", and I totally agreewith that! Never have I been a fan of this crazy language, yet I should say, it did,in some way, change my thinking pattern. Or probably I should say it is the culture  相似文献   

Humor and Jokes     
R elativesD avid押D o you know we are related芽John押H ow can that be芽D avid押Y our dog and m ine are brothers.Tips押relative n.亲戚relate v.有关系亲戚大卫:我们有亲戚关系,你知道吗?约翰:怎么可能呢?大卫:你的狗和我的狗是两兄弟呢。中学生英语N ounsT eacher押A noun is the nam e of a person or athing.N ow熏who can give m e onenow芽P upil A押A cow.T eacher押V ery good.A nother noun芽P upil B押A nother cow.名词老师:名词是人或事物的名称。谁能举个例子?学生A:牛。老师:很好。另外一个名词呢?学生B:另…  相似文献   

Be Much Worse Policeman:Why didn't you shout for help when you were robbed of your watch? Man: If I had opened my mouth,they'd have found my four gold teeth.That would be much worse. 译文: 可能更糟警察:当你的手表被抢的时候,你为什么不大声喊叫呢? 男士:如果我张嘴喊叫,他们就会发现我的四颗金牙。那样情况就更糟了!  相似文献   

Chinese shooter Yi Siling got a score of 502.9 points and became the first gold medal winner of the London 2012 Olympics. Yi Siling,speaking after receiving her medal from International Olympic Committee Chairman Jacques Rogge,said:"I'm very excited and happy.I want to say thanks to China,to my mother and father.I have been away from home for more than a year and now I miss my family a lot."  相似文献   

许多人都喜欢看小说,但小说究竟是什么呢? A long,im aginary prose story about peo- ple is usually called a novel. It can be about any kind of m an, wom - an, or child. It can be about kings, or Chicago new sboys, or housewives. The Frenchm an,V ictor H ugo(雨果 ),wrote his novelLes M iserables (《悲惨世界》) abouta poor m an w ho stole a loaf of bread to keep from starving. The A m erican, ErnestH em ingway (海明威), w rote A farewell to A rm s(《永别 了,武器 》)about a young A m erican w it…  相似文献   

他们认为我疯了,因为我不肯拿我的光阴去换金钱;我认为是他们疯了,因为他们以为我的光阴是可以估价的。(供稿)They deem m e m ad,because I w illnotsell m y days for gold;A nd I deem them m ad,because they think m y days have a price.沙子和泡沫!河南@徐梦迪  相似文献   

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