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历来的作文教学都强调读书,总把"多读"与"多写"并提,没有不提读书而只讲写文章的.这道理在于不读别人的文章就不知道文章是怎么回事,就不可能写文章;不读别人的文章,不用别人的思想内容修养和提高自己,作文就难有话讲,更难写出好文章.  相似文献   

历来的作文教学都强调读书,总把"多读"与"多写"并提,没有不提读书而只讲写文章的.这道理在于不读别人的文章就不知道文章是怎么回事,就不可能写文章;不读别人的文章,不用别人的思想内容修养和提高自己,作文就难有话讲,更难写出好文章.  相似文献   

一 作文教学教什么?传统观点认为作文能力来自阅读,是多读书的自然结果.杜甫说"读书破万卷,下笔如有神".经验格言曰"熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟".叶圣陶说"阅读是吸收,写作是倾吐".巴金回忆说,自己从熟读<古文观止>中,"慢慢地摸到了文章的调子".周作人说"作文还用教吗?你只要选择30至50篇优秀的古文,让他去背,他背熟了,自然就会写了".传统主张读写结合,要想会作文,就要读范文,通过阅读典范文章,从中汲取思想情感营养,感悟文章写作方法,进而转化为写作能力.  相似文献   

旧话说,"读书贵有心得,作文贵有新意"。文章以有"新意"为贵,有新意便是好文章,否则文章就不好,就是人云亦云,老一套。什么叫有"新意"?就是文章有新鲜的思想内容,比如有新鲜的思想认识,新鲜的情感、态度等。这"新",自然是比较而言,跟别人的文章比,跟人们通常特有的思想感情比。如有篇题为《痛苦是一所学校》的作文,单看题目就给人新鲜的感  相似文献   

关于作文,叶圣陶说:"思想是有一条路的,一句一句,一段一段都是有路的,好文章的作者是决不乱走的。"写出作文的深刻,一方面取决于见识,另一方面取决于构思。下面结合《引路人》阐释作文的构思之"路"。  相似文献   

孔子是我国古代伟大的教育家和伦理学家,在他一生长达几十年的道德教育实践中,形成了以"仁"为核心的道德教育思想。文章通过对孔子道德教育思想内容的概括、阐释和评析,以期能加强现代道德教育的实效性。  相似文献   

所谓"读书得间",说的是古人在读书的时候,能从书的字里行间找到新意,读有所得,写成文章。这是古人读书、作文的经验之谈。 大家知道,写文章是要有新  相似文献   

小学基础作文是启蒙作文。基础作文的过程是师生共同的成功体验、充满情趣、发展生命的过程,是小学生听、说、读、写、观察体验、情感思维等综合技能形成的过程,是"以激情为本、以设趣为经、以导窍为技"的三位一体的、综合系统的、开放式的练习过程。启蒙作文,贵在开窍。小学基础作文以科学的发展观为指导,弹奏"引趣、激情、导窍"课堂教学的和谐三部曲。生活体验是作文的基础和源泉,开放阅读是作  相似文献   

教材分析:本课的作文内容是根据本校大队部为庆祝4月23日"世界读书日"举办"让读书成为习惯"主题墙报设计活动而确立的。根据活动的具体要求,我设计了这节"我来设计新墙报"作文课,旨在让学生利用网络资源,结合自己的想法为班级设计一期读书主题墙报,并用语言阐述设计方案和意图。学情分析:六年级的学生已经具备一定的作文能力,但有一部分学生还存在着不同程度"怕"作文的思想,对作文的兴趣不  相似文献   

考场作文技法大全、考场作文宝典等类作文指导书,注重模式化写作,考生奉为圭臬,造成考场作文"新八股"之风盛行。这种文章是思维僵化、感情虚假的伪文章。"新八股"之风有两个主要表现:一是选材古代化;二是表意虚泛化。很多学生在作文指导书的引导下,作文选材紧盯古人、古文、古事,造成选材的古代化。如关于"意气",有学生写道:  相似文献   

How do children reason about academic performance across development? A classic view suggests children’s intuitive theories in this domain undergo qualitative changes. According to this view, older children and adults consider both effort and skill as sources of performance (i.e., a “performance = effort + skill” theory), but younger children can only consider effort (i.e., a “performance = effort” theory). Results from two studies (N = 240 children aged 4–9) contradict the claim of theory change, suggesting instead that children as young as 4 operate with an intuitive theory of academic performance that incorporates both effort and skill as explanatory concepts. This work reveals that children’s understanding of academic performance is more continuous across development than previously assumed.  相似文献   

由于内外部因素的制约,尤其是科举制度对骈文的依赖和支持,唐代古文运动在韩柳之后迅速跌入低谷。孙樵在古文衰落的时代大力提倡古文。在理论方面,针对晚唐破碎细巧的文风,孙樵系统地提出了从审美理想到创作方法的文论主张,特别强调史与文的关系,认为史是文的最高境界。在创作方面,孙樵的古文关注社会现实,兼具奇崛与平易两种风格。尽管孙樵多方努力,但是他并没有成功地从自己的时代突围。孙樵是古文运动中奇崛一派的最后一位代表,他结束了古文向奇崛风格的发展,为后来者暗示了新的方向。  相似文献   

Writing is a critical skill for success in all areas of life, but it is one of the least taught skills in school. Teachers consistently report being unprepared to teach writing. In this study, set in a Southern U.S. boomtown, teachers received two days of practice-based professional development for a ten-week implementation of self-regulated strategy development (SRSD), an evidence-based writing intervention, to support student persuasive and informational writing as well as performance on the state standardized writing exam. This multi-site cluster randomized controlled study evaluated the effectiveness of SRSD on student writing outcomes including prompt adherence, elements, and holistic quality. Multilevel modeling analysis was used to evaluate data from 418 fourth -grade students (256 treatment, 162 control) nested across 33 classes (n = 17 treatment taught by 8 departmentalized teachers; 16 control, 9 departmentalized teachers) within 11 schools randomly assigned to condition. Teachers implemented SRSD with high fidelity (M = 92%; range 91–100%). SRSD had a statistically significant and large effect on prompt adherence (p < .001; Hedges’ g = 1.87), elements (p < .001; Hedges’ g = 0.84) and holistic scores (p < .001; Hedges’ g = 0.87), while holding gender and pretest scores constant. Effects of SRSD on all writing measures were not significantly moderated by students’ gender, students’ pretest scores, or schools’ pretest scores. There were complications with teacher observations, especially related to technology. Limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

晚唐最后一位古文家孙樵在唐代古文运动中的独特地位,首先表现在对韩愈古文理论的继承和创新上。孙樵的古文理论主要包括:一、缘实求善的明道观;二、取者深,其身必穷;三、辞高、意深、尚奇;四、“立实录”、“存警训”的史学主张。孙樵的古文理论体现出鲜明而强烈的现实主义特色,对他的古文创作产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

张丽 《长治学院学报》2012,29(3):102-106
写作是英语学习过程中的一项重要输出技能,它直接反映学习者的思维组织能力和语言表达能力。文章以交际理论为基础,着重探讨读写循环教学法在大学英语写作教学中的应用,目的是为了能开展有效的写作课堂教学,培养和提高学生的英语写作能力和语用能力。  相似文献   

This study explored the effect of fine motor skill activities on the development of attention in kindergarteners (n = 68) in five classes at a suburban public school in the Intermountain West through a pretest/posttest experimental group (n = 36) control group (n = 32) design. All children received the regular curriculum which included typical fine motor activities such as painting, coloring, writing, and play activities with small items. The treatment was a series of supplemental fine motor activities in which children used tongs, tweezers, and spoons to move small items. The assessment was the attention subtest of the Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) (Naglieri, J. A., & Das, J. P. (1997a). Cognitive assessment system. Itasca, IL: Riverside). A significant group × sex interaction with females positively responding to the treatment was found, suggesting that fine motor skill activities are effective in increasing female kindergartners’ attention. Further studies exploring effective materials for males and factors such as student choice and interest are needed.  相似文献   

Few studies have explored how general skills in both reading and writing influence performance on integrated, source-based writing. The goal of the present study was to consider the relative contributions of reading and writing ability on multiple-document integrative reading and writing tasks. Students in the U.S. (n = 94) completed two tasks in which they read text sets about a socioscientific issue, generated constructed responses while reading, and then composed integrated essays. They also completed individual difference measures (general knowledge, reading skill, reading strategy use) and wrote independent essays to assess their writing ability. Mixed effect models revealed that general knowledge and reading skills contributed to integrated essay performance, but that once general writing ability was entered into the model, it became the strongest predictor of integrated writing scores. These results suggest the need for deeper consideration of the role of writing skills in integrated reading and writing tasks.  相似文献   

In this study, 114 preschoolers (M age = 53 months) completed a battery of literacy assessments to explore the interplay between name writing and letter knowledge in early literacy learners. Name writing was significantly related to children's letter knowledge, and the relationships were moderate to high. However, many children exhibited an incongruity in name writing and name-specific letter-recognition skills (i.e., they could write their names but not recognize the letters in their names, or recognize the letters in their names but not write them). When these two groups were contrasted statistically, the children with superior name-specific letter recognition (but poorer name writing scores) had significantly higher letter knowledge scores than the children with superior name writing scores (but poor name-specific letter-recognition scores). Writing one's name, in itself, did not appear to correspond to a literacy advantage. Thus, with regard to the recommendation that name writing be used as a literacy assessment tool in preschool, the results from this study suggest that name writing should be used as a measure of mechanical skill only and should not be used as a means to assess children's conceptual knowledge (of letter names, letter sounds, or the alphabetic principle).  相似文献   

英语写作是"听、说、读、写"四项技能中较难掌握的一项,同时也是大学英语教学中最为薄弱的环节,英语写作水平直接反映了一个人的英语学习水平。如何提高英语写作水平成为当前研究的热点和难点。"体验式英语写作"教学法经过教学实践证明对高职学生的英语写作水平有较好的促进作用。  相似文献   

新世纪要求教师不仅能上课,而且能科研。而培养一线教师的科研能力,起码要从其是准教师——师范生开始。笔者的教学实践证明,在《小学数学教学论》教学中培养师范生的科研能力是行之有效的。具体表现在:于教学原理的学习、教材的分析中渗透科研意识;于技能训练中培养科研能力;于实习与撰写毕业论文中指导科研方案的实施。  相似文献   

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