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The articles in this special issue review the impressive bodies of research that have been generated from achievement motivation theories, emphasizing developments over the past 20 years. In this commentary, I first discuss some of the most noteworthy contributions that have emerged from each of the theories. I then discuss the extent to which there are commonalities across theories; I point out that whereas there is some overlap, this overlap allows for precision in research, but also at times leads to confusion for practitioners and policymakers. Finally, I discuss the degree of alignment between current motivation theory and contemporary education policy and practice. Motivation researchers are examining some important contemporary practice- and policy-related issues; nevertheless, this research has not been systematic across theories.  相似文献   

Research on situated motivation and emotion in education has made substantial progress, as documented in the contributions to this special issue. We discuss how this field can make further headway. First, we address the ambiguous meaning of the term situation and propose a 2 × 2 model of situational variation across time and context. From this model, it follows that we should consider study designs that address not only variation over time and single settings, but also across broader socio-cultural contexts. We then explain the need to overcome the current fragmentation of theoretical models by integrating constructs and theoretical propositions. Next, we discuss strategies to improve methodology, including further development of empirical paradigms, analyzing the equivalence of effects across levels and persons, and use of dynamic modeling of data from different sources. Finally, we argue that we need to broaden research perspectives by developing formalized micro- and macro-theories; considering motivation and emotion beyond the achievement domain; including samples from non-WEIRD countries; and investigating the generalizability of principles and practices across persons, cultural contexts, and historical times.  相似文献   

Quickly after its introduction in the early 1980′s, achievement goal theory blossomed into one of the most popular frameworks in motivation research. Over three plus decades, the theory evolved in a number of ways. Some of these developments brought about much-needed conceptual and methodological clarity; but, they also involved a shift away from questions of complexity and contextualism that marked the earlier research on achievement goals. In this paper, we consider the original focus of achievement goal theory, several ways in which the theory has changed, and what we have learned from intervention research and examinations of achievement goals among diverse populations. The paper concludes with suggestions for future directions in achievement goal research to increase focus on complexity, educational contexts, and issues of ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity.  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷调查法探索学业效能在成就目标与情感反应关系中的中介作用,成就目标取向采用三维结构即掌握目标,成绩接近目标和成绩回避目标。结果表明:学业效能在不同目标取向和情感反应间的中介作用不一致。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how materialism, or the focus on acquiring money and material possessions, is associated with students’ academic engagement and achievement via their motivational regulation (amotivation, controlled motivation, and autonomous motivation). Study 1 (n = 606 secondary students) was a cross-sectional study which found that materialism was negatively associated with engagement. This association was partially mediated by amotivation. Study 2 (n = 404 secondary students) was a longitudinal study which found that Time 1 materialism was negatively associated with Time 2 engagement and Time 3 academic achievement via amotivation. Results of the two studies provide converging lines of evidence that materialism is negatively associated with key indicators of learning. Students with high levels of materialism have lower levels of engagement and achievement, and these associations are partially mediated by amotivation. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

学业延迟满足是指学生在学习情境中甘愿为更有价值的长远结果而放弃即时满足的抉择倾向,以及在等待过程中展示出的自我控制和调节能力。通过调查分析,本研究探讨了初中生学业延迟满足与成就目标定向的关系。主要研究结果如下:不同学业延迟满足能力水平的初中生的成就目标存在显著差异;掌握接近目标和掌握回避目标对学业延迟满足有促进作用,而成绩回避目标对学业延迟满足有负向影响,其中掌握接近目标对学业延迟满足的正向预测作用最大。  相似文献   

Can controlled motivation contribute to desired educational outcomes such as academic achievement over and above autonomous motivation? No, According to Self-Determination Theory. Yet, some recent findings have shown that controlled motivation may not fully undermine motivated behavior when autonomous motivation remains high. In this study, we tested this possibility through two different samples of more than 3000 Turkish adolescent students. Through polynomial regression and response surface analyses we found only slim evidence that high controlled motivation can predict higher grades. Instead, a consistent finding that emerged was that higher grades were expected when high levels of autonomous motivation coincided with low levels of controlled motivation rather than high levels of controlled motivation. These findings highlight the usefulness of polynomial regressions and response surface analyses to examine pertinent questions which challenge the view that controlled motivation may not be as much detrimental as self-determination theory claims to be.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study focuses on narratives that undergraduates tell about pivotal moments (i.e., turning points) in their prior history with math. A key objective was to examine whether these turning points would be associated with participants’ current math affect, math motivation, and future plans with math. Undergraduate participants (N = 210) completed quantitative measures assessing math anxiety, math self-expectancy, and math value, and also wrote narratives about a turning point with math and their future math plans. Thematic analysis revealed four themes in the math turning point narratives: (1) redemption, (2) contamination, (3) consistently positive, and (4) consistently negative. Quantitative analyses indicated that participants who wrote consistently positive narratives reported significantly lower math anxiety and higher math self-expectancy and math value relative to participants who wrote other types of narratives. Further, participants who wrote consistently negative turning point narratives were more likely to indicate that they would avoid math in the future. These results suggest that an individual’s memory of their early math experiences can color their math affect, math motivation, and plans for pursuing math in the future, even years after the experience has occurred. Implications for math education are discussed.  相似文献   

Online education has grown exponentially over the past two decades, in large part due to its promise of flexibility and connectivity for students. However, this approach to pedagogy has remained relatively unexamined in regard to issues of motivation and intellectual thriving. Using self-determination theory as a foundation, we assessed the degree to which course modality (namely online vs. face-to-face) led to psychological need satisfaction and quality motivation. Our survey of 240 (n = 240) college students confirmed previous research in which higher quality motivation predicted the satisfaction of autonomy, competence and relatedness, which in turn predicted course and instructor approval. However, in a series of matched-pairs t-tests, students reported lower levels of quality motivation, autonomy support, competence and relatedness in online courses than they did for face-to-face courses.  相似文献   

The papers in this special issue provide a comprehensive examination of the prevalence and implications of positive biases in perceived academic competence at different ages in different countries. Main results showed that marked positive biases were rare, were associated with performance goals, were more adaptive than negative biases, but were not necessarily less adaptive than realistic self-views. I discuss the papers within an analysis of theoretical shifts from early emphases on the benefits of veridical self-appraisal, through emphases on the benefits of positive illusions, to recent inquiry into the possibility that positive biases have both benefits and costs. I suggest how the functions and consequences of positive versus accurate self-appraisals might differ among high and low achievers, and in different learning contexts.  相似文献   

According to self-determination theory (SDT), the extent to which students’ motivation is self-determined is critical for academic performance. SDT also proposes that self-determined academic motivation is facilitated when the learning environment supports the basic psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence. This model of social support → needs satisfaction → motivation → learning outcomes is termed the general SDT model. Current evidence regarding this general SDT model is limited, in that, to date, no study has examined it in full using within-individual methods, which are critical for understanding inner psychological processes and mechanisms. Using a large and comprehensive college student dataset (total N of responses = 30,765), the current study aims to apply a within-individual analytical approach to the general SDT model. Specifically, we apply a cross-classified path model to account for both the between-student level and between-classroom level nesting structure. This model enables us to explain the relationships between the variables in the general SDT model on three levels: situational (within-student and within-classroom), between-student, and between-classroom.The results generally support the predictions on all three levels. For a student, a classroom, or a student’s specific experience within a classroom, the general SDT model received support. Most importantly, when the same student in the same classroom experiences higher levels of autonomy support, she or he is more likely to have her or his psychological needs satisfied and to study for self-determined reasons, which are associated with higher perceived learning performance. Various unexpected results, such as the direct effects of learning climate and the predominance of the competence need, are also reported. Overall, the current research provides a comprehensive and multilevel understanding of the role of self-determination in college classrooms.  相似文献   

In this study, the hierarchical model of achievement motivation [Elliot, A. J. (1997). Integrating the “classic” and “contemporary” approaches to achievement motivation: A hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation. In P. Pintrich & M. Maehr (Eds.), Advances in motivation and achievement (Vol. 10, pp. 143–179). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press] is used to investigate the motivational mechanism behind the relationship between fear of failure and self-handicapping adoption. A cross-sectional design was employed. The participants were 691 college students enrolled in physical education in Taiwan. Students completed the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PEAI-S; Conroy, D. E., Willow, J. P., & Metzler, J. N. (2002). Multidimensional measurement of fear of failure: The performance failure appraisal inventory. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 14, 76–90), the Chinese 2 × 2 Achievement Goal Questionnaire for Physical Education (CAGQ-PE; Chen, L. H. (2007). Construct validity of Chinese 2 × 2 achievement goal questionnaire in physical education: Evidence from collectivistic culture. Paper presented at the 5th conference of the Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology. Bangkok, Thailand) and the Self-Handicapping Scale (SHS; Wu, C. H., Wang, C. H., & Lin, Y. C. (2004). The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of self-handicap scale for sport. Journal of Higher Education in Physical Education, 6(1), 139–148). Structural equation modeling was conducted. Generally, the results showed that mastery-avoidance and performance-avoidance goals partially mediated the relationship between fear of failure and self-handicapping. The results are discussed in terms of the hierarchical model of achievement motivation, and its implications for physical education are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Immediate Knowledge of Results (KR) feedback at the task level may motivate test takers by showing that their answers matter. Appealing feedback cues may help to prevent negative emotions in lower performers who receive a higher amount of negative feedback. In this experiment, we varied the presence of KR feedback and the feedback delivery mode in a 1 × 5 between-subjects design (i.e., no feedback vs. text, color, sound, or animation feedback) to investigate effects on learning outcomes and affective-motivational measures. Our sample included 661 fifth and sixth graders who solved two computer-based multiple-choice science tests. First, students worked on an 18-item treatment test (with experimental feedback manipulation). Students repeatedly rated their effort, enjoyment, pride, and boredom during the test, as well as their expectancy of success and attainment value after the test. Subsequently, they worked on a posttest (without feedback) that assessed recall and near-transfer learning. All KR feedback conditions significantly increased recall, but there was no evidence for near-transfer learning. Feedback had a significant, negative effect on attainment value, whereas significant interactions between the feedback conditions and students’ treatment performance revealed that feedback effects on several affective-motivational dimensions (i.e., expectancy of success, enjoyment, pride, and boredom) were performance-dependent. Feedback benefited higher performers’ motivation and affect but showed negative effects on some affective-motivational measures for lower performers. The pattern of results indicated that color/sound/animation feedback may have reduced the effect of performance on emotional feedback perception to some extent. However, none of the feedback conditions improved affective-motivational outcomes independent of students’ performance.  相似文献   

Eccles and colleagues’ expectancy-value theory of achievement choice has guided much research over the last 40+ years. In this article, we discuss five “macro” level issues concerning the theory. Our broad purposes in taking this approach are to clarify some issues regarding the current status of the theory, make suggestions for next steps for research based in the theory, and justify our decision to call the theory Situated Expectancy-Value Theory (SEVT). First, we note how visual representations of the model make it appear static, linear, and monolithic, something that was not intended from its inception. Second, we discuss definitions of the major psychological constructs in the model, focusing on our and others’ elaboration of the task value component, particularly the “cost” component. In this section we also discuss research on the development of expectancies and values. Third, we discuss the often-neglected middle part of the model focused on how individuals understand and interpret their own performance as well as the many messages they receive from different socializers regarding their activity participation and performance. In the fourth section we discuss the situative and culturally-focused aspects of the model, stressing the impact of the situation and cultural background on children’s developing expectancy and value hierarchies. The fifth issue (one that we mention in several of the previous sections) concerns the importance of understanding the development of individuals’ hierarchies of expectancies of success and subjective task values and how they relate to performance, choice, and engagement.  相似文献   

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