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Debate around the use of ability grouping in schools, resonates across national boundaries as concerns rise around the possible negative impact on young people, particularly those in already disadvantaged groups. In this paper, a survey focussing on primary schools in Scotland established the extent to which some form of ability grouping has emerged within classes dealing with children from 5 to 12 years of age, the rationale behind the decisions made and the issues and challenges faced by schools.  相似文献   

近几年安徽省的中考数学命题一直以新课程标准的评价理念为指导,依据《安徽省课改 实验年级初中毕业学业考试纲要》,综合历年安徽中考数学命题改革的成功经验,命制出许多耳目 一新的新型试题。其中“多选题型”试题,以其考查容量大、解题思路广、数学思想丰富,越来越受到 广大命题专家的喜爱和青睐。因此,教学中只有认真研究中考试题,才能了解多选题型的命题特点, 把握多选题型的测试功能,帮助学生总结复习方法,提升应试水平。  相似文献   

Ability grouping or tracking during secondary schooling is widespread. Previous research shows academic track schools are more successful than non-academic track schools in teaching mathematics, reading and foreign languages. Reasons include a more favorable student composition and higher instructional quality. However, there is less evidence that between track differences are even large enough to differentially affect the students' cognitive development. We used data from a large Hamburg panel study to test this hypothesis (N = 8628). By employing several propensity score matching algorithms we formed parallelized samples of academic track and either non-academic track students or comprehensive school students. After four years of tracking, academic track students showed considerably higher intelligence scores than their counterparts at the non-academic tracks and slightly higher scores than students at the comprehensive schools. Our results underline the importance of a cognitively stimulating learning environment in school to support students' cognitive development.  相似文献   

从理论上说,课程标准指导下的高中语文教学与高考应该是完全合拍的幕系。然而,现实中,由于教育者对二者关系的曲解、异化以及高考命题者在命题时存在的盲区,导致高中语文教学与高考之间存在部分脱节现象。摆脱现状的出路在于:打造科学高考试卷,让评价引领课堂;建设理想语文课堂,用教学赢得高考。  相似文献   

对口单招作为中等职业教育对接高等职业教育的有效通道,已成为职业教育界乃至社会关注的一个热点。但目前招生工作中存在着生源质量下降、招生宣传工作不规范、填报志愿缺乏科学性及科目设置不合理等问题。在高校招生总量控制下应进一步加大中等职业生的招生规模以适当降低单招录取率,招生宣传工作要做到真实性、合法性,填报志愿要有科学的组织与管理,继续整合和优化科目设置。  相似文献   

北京市新中考改革将史、地、政、生4个学科纳入中考范围,这对初中史、地、政、生"教非所学"教师的角色调整和适应提出了挑战。为了更好地迎接这一挑战,在劳动力市场供求理论的指导下分析了"教非所学"教师产生的原因并提出了应对之策。分析发现,"教非所学"教师产生的原因是史、地、政、生教师的刚性需求和有效供给不足,其中,刚性需求是根本原因。解决这一现象要根据各类原因,坚持标本兼治,增加有效供给,逐步消除史、地、政、生教师"教非所学"的现象。  相似文献   

随着我市基础教育的稳步发展和"两基"攻坚的基本完成,全面推进素质教育、全面提高初中教育教学质量.其中的一个核心问题是教育评价制度.现阶段传统教育评价制度的矛盾日益凸现,如何建立客观、科学、准确、全面的初中教育教学质量评价体系,对巩固"两基"成果,全面推进基础教育课程改革,坚持教育创新,具有全局性的意义.  相似文献   


The impact of self-fulfilling prophecy in education, and of attainment grouping on pupil self-perception, remain topics of longstanding debate, with important consequences for social in/justice. Focusing on self-confidence, this article draws on survey responses from 9,059 12-13 year olds who were tracked by subject (‘setting’). They provided survey responses when placed in ‘ability’ sets at the start of their secondary schooling, and again late the following year; enabling analysis of impact over time. After controlling for prior attainment, the gap in general self-confidence between students in the top and bottom sets for mathematics is shown to widen over time, and high set students’ self-confidence in English had also grown significantly; although there was not further widening in the cases of self-confidence in mathematics or in general self-confidence between students in the top and bottom sets for English. Implications of these findings for interventions directed at addressing educational disadvantage are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了胜利油田在中考加试理化生实验操作技能考试方面的具体做法、主要成效、存在问题、建议及对策。  相似文献   

通过近五年来兰州市中考化学试卷中计算题所占平均权重及相关情况的深入分析研究,针对性的提出了加强初中化学计算教学的新思路,以期对这一模块的教学有所启示.  相似文献   

综合素质评价是新一轮考试招生制度改革的重要举措,它对推进学生全面发展与个性发展、高中学校特色发展、落实素质教育具有重要意义。然而,综合素质评价结果纳入高中招生录取时困难重重:责任方遭遇评价指标科学性不够、操作困难,评价结果可靠性、公平性备受质疑的困境;使用方遭遇综合素质评价在招生录取中发挥作用有限的困境;管理方遭遇政策实施者偏离政策原本意图,综合素质评价制度体系失衡、合法地位未确立的困境。为此,应转变传统考试评价观念,确立综合素质评价育人新理念;转换传统评价思路,基于学生的不同背景进行整体评价;明晰政策规定,让综合素质评价与中考招生录取“硬挂钩”;加快综合素质评价配套制度建设,加强对政策的解释宣传。  相似文献   

In the last two decades, China's education has experienced significant transformations and restructuring on account of privatization and marketization. Unlike the Mao era when the state assumed the major responsibilities in financing and providing education, individuals and families have now to bear increasing financial burdens in paying for education. The marketization and privatization of education has undoubtedly intensified educational inequalities and widened regional disparities between the economically developed areas in the eastern coast and the less economically developed areas in the middle and north-western parts of the country. The growing inequalities in education and the increasing financial burdens presented by education have been a source of social discontentment, which have in turn prompted the central government to revisit its approaches to educational development. This article sets out to examine, how in this wider policy context, China's education has been transformed following the adoption of more pro-competition and market-oriented reform measures. This article is based on intensive secondary data analysis, fieldwork observations, and findings from a household survey conducted in eight different Chinese cities about people's perceived education hardship. The article concludes by considering how the Chinese government has attempted to address the problems of educational inequalities that have intensified on account of two decades of education marketization.  相似文献   

本文通过分析美国的中考试题,阐述了试题中的几个特点并提出了对中国中考改革的几点启示.  相似文献   

Similar to the relation between the inflows of immigrants and educational outcomes that are found in immigration studies, the spatial distribution of internal migrants within a given country also may influence educational outcomes, at least in the short run. This could be particularly true in Turkey, where inter-provincial mobility is high and where striking differences in educational resources and therefore educational success across regions persist. Using the 1990 and 2000 Turkish Censuses, this study exploits variations over time in the inflow of internal migrants across provinces to identify the causal effect of internal migration on natives’ educational outcomes. The evidence suggests that the inflow of migrants lowers natives’ completion rates for middle school and high school. Evidence also indicates that while the negative effects appear to be greater among native children from low-SES households, native high-SES households are able to mitigate these adverse effects for their children. Furthermore, the estimated effects exhibit some differences by children's gender and migrant status.  相似文献   

文理分科,在当前环境中有现实的合理性与可行性。造成综合素质偏低、创新能力不足、大师越来越少等危机的根源是多方面的,不能进行单一归因,试图通过文理不分科来解决这些问题,只能是一厢情愿。  相似文献   

国际教育成绩评估项目是自20世纪中期逐渐兴起的众多中小学教育成绩评估项目的总称。从IMSAA、ICCS到PISA的国际教育成绩评估项目的实施,不仅是为了比较各国学生的学业成绩,更是为了各国教育改革政策提供事实性依据。特别是国际教育成绩评估项目增加了CIPP模式背景评价环节的背景测试,通过对学生社会经济、文化阶层的因素的考量来分析教育的改进之道。在我国"中考"体制改革过程中,借鉴国际教育成绩评估项目的背景测试环节可以帮助改革者通过考试内容了解学生的认知规律,进一步通过考试成绩的分配方案测量学生的发展度,抑或通过考试政策的设计为弱势人群子女提供教育机会均等的制度性保障,以促进教育的合理、均衡发展。  相似文献   

近年来,体育中考作为我国检验青少年体质健康状况的检测标准和方法,取得了很好的效果,但也反映出了一些问题,本文以"学生获得优秀的体育中考成绩"与"全面发展学生身体素质,培养学生体育锻炼的兴趣"为研究,分析其相互之间的关系,为体育中考制度不断完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article argues that resource expansion can fail to improve actual student performance because it might cause educators to soften grading standards (i.e., induce grade inflation). Our theoretical model shows that, depending on schools’ and students’ reactions to resource changes, the overall effect of resources on education outcomes is ambiguous. Schools, however, have an incentive to adjust their grading structure following resource shifts, such that grade inflation is likely to accompany resource-driven policies. Exploiting a quasi-experimental policy intervention in the Netherlands, we find that additional resources may indeed induce grade inflation, particularly when the resource increase is limited.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国高中课程改革与高考改革关系演变经历了创立与政治化、改革与错位、深化与协同三个发展阶段。高中课程育才与高考选才是两种不同性质的活动,高考科目仅是全部高中课程科目的一部分,高中课程标准也只是选择高考内容的依据之一,这导致二者形成错综复杂的关系。为了加快推进教育现代化、建设教育强国,建议健全高中课程实施的督查机制、增强高中学业水平考试功能与作用、优化高考科目设置、深化高考内容改革,以提升高中课程改革与高考改革的协同育人成效。  相似文献   

《History of education》2012,41(1):77-103

In the modern world, festivals and commemorative ceremonies, national pledges, songs are all used to help students connect to each other and their wider society, particularly to the nation state and its ideals. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how such rituals were used to different ends in terms of nation-building in the Republic of Turkey. The Western-oriented identity of the Turkish Republic began to take shape during the Ottoman era, and education played a very significant role in this. This paper first introduces the educational rituals of the Otoman state to set the scene for the main discussion, which centres on the development of new rituals in the Turkish Republic. Religious and sultanic rituals were replaced by new rituals which fostered Turkish identity and promoted secular nationhood. To this end, the most effective educational rituals – national festivals, flag-raising ceremonies and Turkey’s student pledge – are examined in detail.  相似文献   

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