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14岁出道,15岁出专缉,16岁开始拍偶像剧。Sweety 在17岁推出新专辑《17岁不温柔》,打败众多成年歌手,成为多个排行榜的冠军。最近刘品言的偶像剧《绿光森林》也在热播中,想起《西街少年》、《仙剑奇侠传》、《格斗天王》中的她们,相信18岁的甜蜜格斗记会更加精彩。  相似文献   

曾之乔:我觉得现在的自己嘴巴变得很坏,或许不能这样讲吧,应该是变得有话直说,比较敢表达自己的想法吧。以前身边的工作人员说什么,我都会很听话地完全照做,现在觉得身旁遇见的人都很好,所以自己有什么意见,也敢清楚明白地说出来,因此演唱的歌中也加入了许多自己的想法,我很喜欢自己这样的改变。  相似文献   

《尊严》这张专辑是希拉里·达芙在2007年与“狂野夏洛特”乐队的主唱乔尔·马登分手之后推出的。该专辑显示,19岁的希拉里·达芙已经从早前专辑中那个青涩的流行摇滚歌手成长为一名音乐风格更为成熟的电音流行舞曲歌手。  相似文献   

6岁,立志进军演艺圈;10岁,在电视剧《真正的女人》中出演了第一个角色;12岁,因电视剧《灵魂收集者》中的精彩表演而被授予“年轻艺术家”奖;15岁,出演各国热播、好评如潮的《新成长的烦恼》。她就是当今国际娱乐圈里的又一颗耀眼新星,有着“新小甜甜”之称的希拉里·达芙。  相似文献   

Name:Hilary Duff 姓名:希拉里·达芙 Age:20 年龄:20 岁 Birthday:September 28th, 1987 出生日期:1987 年 9 月 28 日 Nickname:Hil 昵称:希尔 Country:the U.S.A. 国家:美国 Some Works:  相似文献   

American Music     
American Music!考评  相似文献   

American Family     
张琪 《初中生》2004,(28):36
美国家庭流传着这么一句话:如果你有了家庭,天天都应该是感恩节。为什么单单提到“感恩节”呢?因  相似文献   

American Music     
PopularmusicinAmericaiswhateverystudentlikes.Studentscarrysmallradioswithearphonesandlistentomusicbeforeclass,afterclass,andatlunch.Stu鄄dentswithcarsbuylargespeakersandplaythemusicloudlyastheydriveonthestreet.Adult(成年的)driverslistentomusiconthecarradioastheydrivetowork.Theyalsolistentothenewsaboutsports,theweather,andthelifeofAmericanpeople.Mostoftheradiopro鄄grammesaremusic.Poporpopularmusicsingersmakemuchmoney.TheymakeaCDortapewhichradiostationsuseinmanyplaces.Oncethepopularsingerish…  相似文献   

American Pet     
美国人很爱宠物,而且这不只是一种短暂的爱。很多宠物的主人把这些毛茸茸的朋友当作家庭的一部分,有时候还为宠物准备娱乐用的录像和玩具来增添它们生活的乐趣,如果宠物的主人具有流行的眼光,还会让他们的宠物穿上时髦的衣服,在特殊的场合里,甚至为宠物喷上狗儿专用的香水,让他  相似文献   

American Slang     
1.babe宝贝,梦中情人Who is your idea of a total babe?谁是你心中完全理想的梦中情人?  相似文献   

In almost every big university in the United States football is a favourite sport. American football is not like soccer.  相似文献   

I recently read an article in a Chinese student paper about the typical American classroom. The article made it seem as if the classrooms were  相似文献   

1.American students are on time! It is rude to be late,and being late bothers ( 打扰) other students. If someone has to come in late, he or she will do it quietly. Students  相似文献   

An American Girl     
Lucy is 1 girl. She is now inBeijing 2 her parents. Lucy doesn't 3 Chinese, but she is studying Chinese.She often 4 Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don't understand(理解) her, 5 she can't speak Chinese well.It's Sunday morning.She has 6 lessons. She goes out. She is 7 in the street. She is going to the zoo to 8 the elephants and monkeys. But she doesn't know how to get 9 .She asks a Chinese boy, but the boy 10 understand her.Then she 11 a pen and a piece of paper.She draws a monkey 12 it and shows the picture to the boy.Now the boy understands, and shows Lucy the way 13 the zoo.  相似文献   

同学们,读完精彩的侦探小故事后,请你先猜猜看,Jerry探长的推断正确吗?按故事情节将每幅图片的顺序排列好。  相似文献   

American boys love to play basketball, and most of them collect basketball cards. They subscribe to a monthly magazine about basketball card collecting. There are a lot of illustrations in it. Every month it gives the latest information about basketball cards. For example, it tells what kind of new cards has just come out, what cards' value has gone up or dropped, etc.  相似文献   

The education system(教育体制) in the United States is controlled by state and local governments.So the Federal Government(联邦政府) has no power to establish a national educational system.Federal agencies(机构) do not make education policies.These decisions are made at the state or local levels.  相似文献   

My American Life     
I went to America two months ago. The first city that I went to was Detroit. The air there was very clear, and had no noise nor pollution. I lived in a family. My host familys name is Charade Whitson. She is a very lovely girl. She is thirteen years old. Her family has five people; her father, her mother, her two brothers and her. We lived in a villa (别墅) . The house was very big, and had two floors. I have lived there for two weeks. In these weeks, I had a good time. They often took me to everywhere that I wanted  相似文献   

Theodore Dreiser is now regarded as one of the pre-eminent American realistic novelists of the first half of the twentieth century.an anatomist of the American Dream.In his great work An American Tragedy,Dreis- er exposes and criticizes mercilessly the corruption and black side of American society.The disillusionment of the American Dream is an important theme of the fiction.This paper illustrates "An American Tragedy" is the re- flection of disillusionment of the American Dream in the perspectives of the tragedy of a mortal,the tragedy of American society,and the tragedy of the American Dream.  相似文献   

There are 100 cents in a dollar.Coins come in the following denomina-tions(铸造):$.01 or 1 cent (a penny,a cent,one cent),$.05 or 5 cents(anickel,five cents),$.1 or 10 cents(a dime,ten cents),$.25 or 25 cents(a quarter,two bits,twenty-five cents),and $.50 or 50 cents(a fifty-cent  相似文献   

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