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(A) More than seven hundred years ago,the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog called Gelert. One day the Prince wanted to go hunting with his men.He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son.The baby was in a wooden cradle(摇篮),which was like a small bed. When the Prince came back from hunting,Gelert ran out to meet his  相似文献   

A cradle on the gate of an Italian convent gives desperate mothers a safe place to abandon a baby.意大利女修道院大门上的摇篮为绝望的妈妈们而设,给她们抛弃的婴儿们提供了一个安全的庇护所.……  相似文献   

青青的山上,白白的羊群,白白的羊群。风儿静静不再吹荡,你们伫立在山上。当风儿轻轻荡漾,你们慢慢徜徉。白白的羊群,白白的羊群。你们去向何方?(山东王全红供稿)W hite sheep,w hite sheep,O n a blue hill.W hen the wind stops,Y ou will stand still.W hen the wind blows,Y ou walk away slow.W hite sheep,w hite sheep,W here do you go?云朵!山东@王全红…  相似文献   

A People used to say,“The hand that rocksthe cradle(摇篮)rules the world”and“Be-hind every successful man there’s a woman.”Both of these sayings mean the same thing.Men rule the world,but their wives rule them.Most of the American women like makingth  相似文献   

JUNIOR reader who enjoy crime and mystery stories will doubtless find it easy to fill the missing words in the following sentences. To jog your memory, we've included a list of 20 words for you to choose from.1. The thugs w ere arrested for w hen the police saw them dem anding m oney from a schoolboy. 2.The m aid reported the cruelem ployer to the police w hen she could nottolerate the any longer. 3. Even the seasoned policem an w as shocked to see the at the riot. 4. The crim inaltried to …  相似文献   

1. Ken has a cat, a hen and a bag of rice. Ken wants to carry (送) them across (过) a river. He can only carry one of themeach time (每次). 2. If (如果) he carries the rice first, the cat will (将) eat the hen. If he carries the cat first, the hen will eat the rice. 3. So Ken carries (1) across the river first. Next, if he carries (2) to the other side (对岸), the hen will eat the rice. If he carries (3) , the cat will eat the hen. 4. 怎样才能让这三者到达对岸, 并且谁也不吃掉谁呢? How can Ke…  相似文献   

我们知道,作为人称代词的it,最基本的用法是用来代替除人以外的一切生物和事物。但是在下面两种情况下it可以用来指人。一、在性别不详或性别无关紧要的情况下,it可以用来指婴孩。例如:The baby is crying again.Give it somemore milk.娃娃又哭了,再给他些牛奶喝。A baby is lying in the cradle,and it wasborn three months ago.一个婴儿躺在摇蓝里,是三个月前出生的。  相似文献   

Tony marries Lucy.Tony娶了LucyHave a lovely baby.生了个可爱的宝贝From now on,they won’tlonely.从此他们不再孤寂Everyday they get upearly.每日早起Do their duty.尽职尽责To keep the baby healthy.让宝贝健康成长No matter it’s sunny,rainy or windy.无论风雨还是晴天To look after a baby isnot easy.照顾宝贝可真不容易  相似文献   

M oney m akes the m are go.有钱能使鬼推磨。Its outofdate.过时了。M onkey see,m onkey do.机械模仿。Titfor tat.以牙还牙,针锋相对。Exam ple is better than precept.身教胜于言教。The sooner,the better.越快越好。Tim e and tide waitfor no m an.岁月不待人。Facts speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。Like father,like son.有其父必有其子。W here there s a will,there s a way.功夫不负有心人。/有志者,事竞成。Practice m akes perfect.熟能生巧。W hen in R om …  相似文献   

Itwasawindyday.那是个有风的天。The m ailm an barely m ade itto the frontdoor.W hen the dooropened,M rs.Pennington said"hello",but,beforeshehad achancetosay"thank you",them ailblew outofthe m ailm an'shands,into the houseand the frontdoorslam m ed.M rs.Pen  相似文献   

Deciding to do som e back-yard landscaping,m y father-in-law wentto the brickyard to buy a quantity ofbricks.W hen he asked the salesclerkabout the cost,the m an replied,“The m ore you buy,the cheaper theyare.”“Is that so,”said m y fahter-in-law.“Then just keep loading them onm y truck untilthey are free.”The More,the Cheaper…  相似文献   

A m onkey is a kind of m am m als(哺乳动物).M onkeys like to range(漫游) through the forests. They are clever and can help each other.Som e m onkeys are too old to walk out for food.The young m onkeys alw ays help them and givethem som e food to eat. If an old m onkey dies ofillness,the young ones will place(放置)the deadbody in the ground and pray(祈祷)for him ,justas a hum an often does. W hen the thorns (刺 )prick (扎痛) a m onkey s finger, the other willpick(取去)the thorns from its finge…  相似文献   

教学内容等略(编者注)教学过程( Teaching procedures)Step O ne(第一步)1. Greetings(.师生问候)2. Show the students a video about Snow W hite andtheseven dwarfs.Then ask the students:W ho are they?Are they friends? Are they happy? And say:W hen wehave friends,we are always happy. Then get students tothink:But if your friend is in trouble,will you be happy?W hat will you do?(给学生观看一段关于七个小矮人与白雪公主开心开对派的 VCD ,引起学生对“朋友”这一话题的关注。开心时朋友们能一起欢度,在朋友…  相似文献   

A mother elephant takes good care of her baby. But she even punishes(惩罚) the baby when he is bad. Once a baby elephant was walking along the bank of a river and he was very near the edge(边缘). The other elephants were not far away.The baby s m other cr…  相似文献   

用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空:1.H e w illbe a doctor when he(grow)up.2.W hen I saw her,she(wait)for the bus.3.It(rain)hard when he gothom e.4.W hen I w ent to the room,he(not,be)in.5.Please w rite to m e when you(reach)the school.6.(can)she sw im w hen she was five years old?7.It(be)5:30when schoolis over every day.8.W hen the lights are red,the traffic m ust(stop).9.H e asked m e another question before I could(answ er)the firsone.10.W ould you please call m e up if they(fly)to B eijing?…  相似文献   

kilom etres long and one kilom etre across. W hen you are there,you alm ostthink you are in the countryside.M ost Londoners can't tell you w here one park stops and the other starts. B ut there is a difference. W hen H yde Park holds a pop m usic concert …  相似文献   

1.Last Saturday afternoon Mr.Chen Left home early to go fishing.2.Very soon he got to the river. He sat on the riverside and began to fish.3.The sun was shining brightly over his head,but he was unlucky because he caughtnothing.4.W hen the sun went down,h…  相似文献   

Teacher:W hen is the besttim e topick thefruitfrom thetrees?Student:W hen the watchm an isnotthere.老师:从树上摘水果的最佳时间是在什么时候?学生:当看守人不在的时候。最佳时间@小非  相似文献   

“Fingers w ere m ade before forks. ” W hen a person gives up goodm anners, puts aside knife and fork, and dives into his food, som eone is likelyto repeatthatsaying. The fork w as an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no onethoughtofeating w ith it. N ot untilthe eleventh century, w hen a young ladyfrom C onstantinople broughther fork to Italy,did the custom reach E urope. By the fifteenth century the use ofthe fork w as w ide spread in Italy. TheEnglish explanation w as th…  相似文献   

Friendship m ay be the nicestthing in the world. Everybody has it.Butm ostpeople don蒺tunderstand whatfriendship is.In fact,Idon蒺tknowit,either.ButIcan feelit.W hatgood does friendship do to us?W hen you are sad,itm akes you happy.W hen you are happy,itm akes you happier.W hen you cry,itm akes you laugh.Itis notbeauti鄄ful,butitcan m ake ourlives becom e beautiful.Itis ordinary,butitcanm ake our lives becom e great.Itisn蒺tgreat,butifyou feelitwith yourheart,it蒺llbe the greatestand nices…  相似文献   

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