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It is the foundation of English leaming to master a certainnumber of words. In fact, whether an English learner has alarge vocabularit it becomes one of the measurements to judge the level of his learning. As for teachers, it is a problemto be considered when they organize vocabulary teaching in middleschools. But how to use scientific methods to make the vocabularyteaching helpful and effective?  相似文献   

The Hare and the Wolf 一、故事内容 In the forest,there are a lot of animals. All the animals are afraid of the wolf. One day the wolf says to other animals, "I must eat one of you every day."  相似文献   

从汉字教学看对外汉语教学中的本位问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses word-based and character-based teaching methods in teaching Chinese characters.It also makes a historical review and rational reflection of the origin,development and influence of base study in teaching Chinese as a second language.The writer thinks that in teaching Chinese as a second lan-guage,we should follow the important principle of attaching importance to Chinese characters,morphemes and vocabularies and set up a model of teaching Chinese as a second language which is different from the western model of second language teaching.  相似文献   

Task-based language teaching(TBLT)is a new teaching method.?"Task"is a special term in language teaching and it's different from language exercise.It has its specific features,forms and teaching steps.There are varieties of tasks in English teaching,but the focus of every task is on solving a communicative problem,?which has some connections with a real world of learners'lives and learning experience,and which can arouse learners'interest,participation and sense of responsibility.The development of process of TBLT represents a change of focus a revolution in syllabus design.It starts from the learners'needs and emphasizes learning language by doing things.The basic principles for task-based syllabus design are authenticity,form-function integration and task dependency.The aim of this project is to introduce TBLT and it also seeks to carry out the method of TBLT in English classes.  相似文献   

HPS是History of Science、Philosophy of Science、Sociology of Science的简称,指科学史、科学哲学与科学社会学.HPS教育理念在化学教学中展现的内容主要包括化学史、化学知识的本质、科学事业、化学对社会的影响等.核心素养教育与国际目前研究的HPS教育理念有很多相似...  相似文献   

张诚灵 《中学文科》2006,(12):81-81
误区一:不慎“穿新鞋,走老路”。把任务步骤等同 案例 1:(SEFC Book1B Unit18 New Zealand)Period 一、Warming up & listening Task 1 Lead in: T:Where were you born? Ss:I was born in Beihai. T:Can you tell us the position of Beihai? Ss:Beihai lies in the south of Guangxi. T:Have you ever been to Baise? Ss:Yes, I have. T: Can you tell me the position of Baise? Ss:Yes, it lies in the west of Guangxi.  相似文献   

The way of teaching in the early stages has been the question of discussion for years. Here I will limit myself to five points: (1) to help the students form good habits of learning; (2) to teach the students the perfection of the English sound system; (3) to help the students form good habits of reading; (4) to teach grammar in speech, not by constructing sentences according to rules; (5) to reduce to a minimum the use of translation by the learning of vocabulary. My aim is to put the question for further discussion.  相似文献   

Theme selection and design is the primary step in editing journals on education and teaching like action plan or construction plan in editing work.Regarded as precondition for accurate positioning and characteristics creating as well as the soul of innovation,it is the key to success of a journal.Theme selection of high quality is the result of investigating markets,making communications,inventing new ways,editing with skill and ease,making best use of advantages and bypassing disadvantages,acting according to one's capability,focusing on hot issues of the society,and advancing with the situation.The competition of journals is actually the competition in theme selection and in quality.  相似文献   

一、双语教学概述1.双语教学定义双语教学在《朗文应用语言学词典》中所给出的定义为:The use of a second or foreign language in school for the teaching of content subjects意思是在学校里使用第二语言或外语进行学科内容的教学;Wikipedia对双语教育的定义是:在学校中使  相似文献   

Translation activities are an effective means of language teaching.They help to improve students′ vocabulary study,grammar learning,reading and writing proficiency and cross-cultural sensitivity.On the basis of a discussion and analysis of feasibility as well as practice in intensive reading class for English majors of the first two years,the paper points out that a multiplier effect will be achieved with proper employment of translation activities.  相似文献   

Many problems can be seen in the practical listening class, such as a distorted listening motivation, a lack of sufficient and authentic input and a corresponding neglect of metacognitive awareness of learning in actual teaching. In fact, what we are doing in the listening class is to test rather than to teach, to foster the passive receiver rather than the active learner. This article analyzes these problems from theoretical perspective, speculating on the limitations in terms of the comprehensible input, the affective filter and metacognitive awareness. Then, based on the author teaching experience, it provides some suggestions to solve the present problems. It suggests what is needed in teaching listening is careful consideration of pre-,during and post- listening tasks incorporating both the top-down and bottom-up processes.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted by taking some students in Minzu University of China as subjects and two selective courses of "Human Recourse Development " and "Management and Career Planning"as sample projects.Afterwards,a factor analysis of students’satisfaction with teaching was made in 17 items,which revealed three common factors: knowledge transmission,instruction support and classroom atmosphere.A regression analysis showed that students’overall evaluation of a teacher is influenced by all the three factors,and that their learning effect is influenced by both instruction support and classroom atmosphere,whereas their enthusiasm is influenced by neither of the three.  相似文献   

案例教学方法(case methods of teaching)是一种教与学两方直接参与,共同对案例或疑难问题进行讨论的教学方法。虽然许多教师已经在使用案例教学去有效地解  相似文献   

Based on current studies on language sense teaching models,this paper further discusses specific module designs of language sense teaching with a focus on teaching language sense in elementary education.This paper designs modules of language sense teaching through three dimensions: language unit,students’learning behavior and their psychological development.The purpose is to realize operability of language sense teaching and establish a vertical schema of training language ability and quality through the medium of language sense.  相似文献   

语音在师范英语专业基础阶段教学中占有举足轻重的地位。桂灿昆指出“要学好英语,最重要的基本功是语音。”A.C.Gimson说“To speak anylanguage a person must know nearly 100% of its phonetics,while only 50-90% of its grammarand 1% of the vocabulary may be sufficient。  相似文献   

In different aspects of linguistic competence,proponents and opponents of the CPH also share different views.In terms of pronunciation(native-like accent) competence,proponents of the CPH argue that younger starters are better than older starters;while opponents of the CPH hold that some older starters have reached high levels of native-like accent proficiency after puberty.With regard to morphology and syntax(grammar) competence,proponents of the CPH believe that universal grammar is accessible for younger starters at a critical period while older starters seem to gradually lose this innate language-acquisition device,which causes them to be less successful in the acquisition of grammar.However,opponents of CPH claim that there is no strong empirical evidence which indicates that older starters do not have access to universal grammar after puberty.Therefore,it is still uncertain whether younger starters do have better grammatical competence than older starters,since whether or not universal grammar continues to be available as a support for language acquisition after puberty is still doubtful.  相似文献   

According to the requirements of the New English Curriculum Standard, the teaching activities in primary school emphasis on how to arouse the students' interest in learning English, develop self-learning capability and the spirit of cooperation. Objectives include enabling students to develop certain integrated language ability and helping them to understand the world and western cultural differences, with the goal of forming the ability of communicating in English in daily life. This lesson is about the United Nations. Let the students understand the UN wants to make peace in the world... Keep the students to form the ability of operating language.  相似文献   

徊接?56-57古诗鉴赏答题方法例析张志坚;饶晔;安徽凤阳县二中,安徽凤阳县二中 233100,2331000语文教学通讯The Communication of Chinese Teaching60-61G634.3H13042H;H130_42张志坚;58-59文言文翻译的五个误区金泽世;安徽望江县鸦滩中学 2462000语文教学通讯The Communication of Chinese Teaching61G63  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的内容。正如苏联符号学家Juri Lotman所说的:“No language can exist unless it is steeped in the context of culture;and no culture can exist which does not have at its comer the structure of natural language.”语言与文化是相互依存的,是缺一不可的。由此可见,加强中学外语教学中的文化背景教学,培养学生对所学语言的文化意识,提高学生的跨文化交际能力,已是当今中学英语教学中的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

杨惠艳 《中小学电教》2010,(10):143-143
<正>教学内容:鲁教版初三上册第三单元:I used to be afraid of the dark.教学材料:Conversation of 3a in Section A Listening material in Section B  相似文献   

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