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与传统内燃机汽车相比,纯电动汽车在环保方面具有显著优势,大力发展电动汽车已经成为汽车产业发展主流趋势.以纯电动汽车自动变速器(Automated Mechanical Transmission, AMT)为研究对象,对其参数换挡协调控制进行了研究.按照控制参数的变化实现换挡,根据电动机特性和汽车行驶动力学方程,应用MATLAB/Simulink搭建车辆模型,进一步制定换挡控制策略,并对其进行仿真模拟验证.仿真结果表明,建立的仿真模型和设计的换挡规律是合理可行的.  相似文献   

仿真技术是研究开发纯电动汽车的关键技术.在深入研究分析汽车仿真软ADVISOR的基础上,利用ADVISOR对纯电动汽车进行动力性能的建模与仿真.以某纯电动汽车为例,主要在典型的道路工况CYC_UDDS进行动力性能的仿真,并且比较两种不同变速器下整车动力性能仿真结果,合理匹配蓄电池组、电机及其控制系统、变速器等参数,使纯电动汽车的动力性能发挥最佳.  相似文献   

在研究永磁同步电动机驱动系统的基础上。建立了永磁同步电动机驱动的电动汽车数学模型,并对拟开发电动汽车进行了计算机仿真,包括电动汽平路稳定转速运行仿真、变车速运行仿真等。仿真结果表明,所开发的永磁同步电动机驱动系统能够很好地满足电动汽车性能要求,永磁同步电动机在电动汽车驱动中具有很大优越性。  相似文献   

电动汽车电池组对于电动汽车的续航及整车性能的影响十分重大,有必要对车辆电池组的电压、电流、温度等重要参数进行监测管理.提出了基于嵌入式微控制器STM32F103的电动汽车电池监测管理终端设计方案,针对电压、电流、温度三个重要参数,设计了相应的检测电路来实现采集,并通过TFTLCD显示数据,应用CANopen通信模块开发了监测信息的数据标准接口,在电动汽车生产与检修等过程都具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

随着能源及环保问题的日益加剧,各国都在大力发展电动汽车。然而电池技术的不成熟,特别是电池成组使用时的不一致性成为制约电动汽车发展的最大瓶颈。为了均衡电池组单体存在的差异性,提高电池组的整体性能,分析了几种常见的电池组均衡电路的优缺点,从中选出一种均衡方案,对电池组进行均衡管理和控制,以达到良好的均衡效果,提高串联电池组的整体性能。  相似文献   

基于Matlab/GUI和Simulink,以层次化、模块化和面向对象的设计思路开发了交互式电动汽车整车性能仿真实验平台。利用该平台,用户能以交互方式进行电动汽车动力系统匹配、整车及核心部件参数值设置、车辆动力性能和经济性能预测、制动能量回收仿真,极大地方便了非专业用户的使用。该平台界面友好、调试方便,可供学生进行自主学习和二次开发,有益于学生更好地掌握理论知识、提高实践创新能力。  相似文献   

按照新标准进行试验数据的收集和分析,是对汽车燃料经济性新评价方法验证的基础。可以从车速、各行驶模式时间比、挡位、有效行驶时间和距离、运转循环单元等方面对新标准与原国家标准进行差异性对比。文中用两种车型验证成都市市区运转循环工况和市郊运转循环工况的百公里燃料消耗量,在新标准和原国家标准条件下,对这两种车型的燃料经济性进行对比计算,验证结果与实际两种车型的燃料经济性好坏具有一致性。  相似文献   

刘仲恕 《闽江学院学报》2013,34(2):54-57,62
开关磁阻电动机与当前广泛使用的车用电动机如感应电动机相比,在成本、效率、功率密度、调速性能及散热性能等方面,具有无可比拟的优越性,因此是一种极具发展潜力的新型车用电动机.分析了一种车用开关磁阻电动机的结构特点及其运行方式并总结其控制策略,最后实现了运行特性仿真.  相似文献   

基于某款纯电动汽车整车性能要求进行了关键部件的参数匹配,通过搭建CRUISE模型在NEDC工况下的仿真验证了参数匹配的合理性。基于ISIGHT和CRUISE联合仿真,以续驶里程为优化目标,以主减速比和动力电池的并联电池组数为优化变量,采用NSGA-II算法进行了优化分析,优化结果显示,此款纯电动汽车续驶里程得到了有效提升,且动力性也满足预定要求。  相似文献   

史小丽 《考试周刊》2010,(8):159-160
混合动力电动汽车的动力系统采用了两种动力装置.兼备了内燃机汽车和电动汽车优点,既能充分发挥燃料发动机持续工作时间长、动力性能好,又能发挥电动机无污染、低噪声的好处。  相似文献   

To solve the low power density issue of hybrid electric vehicular batteries, a combination of batteries and ultra- capacitors (UCs) could be a solution. The high power density feature of UCs can improve the performance of battery/UC hybrid energy storage systems (HESSs). This paper presents a parallel hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) equipped with an internal combus- tion engine and an HESS. An advanced energy management strategy (EMS), mainly based on fuzzy logic, is proposed to improve the fuel economy of the HEV and the endurance of the HESS. The EMS is capable of determining the ideal distribution of output power among the internal combustion engine, battery, and UC according to the propelling power or regenerative braking power of the vehicle. To validate the effectiveness of the EMS, numerical simulation and experimental validations are carried out. The results indicate that EMS can effectively control the power sources to work within their respective efficient areas. The battery load can be mitigated and prolonged battery life can be expected. The electrical energy consumption in the HESS is reduced by 3.91% compared with that in the battery only system. Fuel consumption of the HEV is reduced by 24.3% compared with that of the same class conventional vehicles under Economic Commission of Europe driving cycle.  相似文献   

To fully take advantage of external charging conditions and reduce fuel consumption for extended-range electric vehicles, a charging management-based intelligent control strategy is proposed. The intelligent control strategy is applied to different driving patterns based on the various characteristics of urban roads. When the vehicle is driving on arterial roads, a constant power control strategy is applied. When the driver decides to go to a charging station, the extender-off time can be determined based on the current state of the vehicle and the distance to the charging station. When the vehicle is driving on an expressway, a power follower control strategy is applied. The range-extender engine is controlled to work over a wide variety of regions to obtain optimum fuel economy. The simulation results indicate that as the vehicle arrives at the charging station, the proposed charging management-based intelligent control strategy has made the state of charge reach the lowest permissible level after the driver made the decision to charge at the charging station. Therefore, the driver can charge the vehicle with as much clean electric energy as possible from the charging station.  相似文献   

以提高车辆燃油经济性为目的,对VDS-6120车型的爬坡度、动力因子、行驶加速度、起步换挡时间、驱动力等性能参数以及整车行驶综合工况下经济性能进行验算,结合动力性分析数据对计算结果进行分析.结果表明:VDS-6120车型各项动力性能均达到国家标准要求,个别指标甚至远超市场同类车型,同时车型在模拟综合工况下行驶的经济性也达到了车辆设计初期预设的目标.  相似文献   

相对于目前在规定道路下进行一定条件限制的等速油耗试验,采用底盘测功机进行汽车燃油经济性试验更科学。由于采用计算机模拟道路、气候、风速、湿度等客观试验条件,确保试验的过程更接近真实车辆使用情况,获得的油耗也更接近实际。对底盘测功机台架试验中模拟各种实际行车路况和环境的计算机系统进行开发,并进行车辆在底盘测功机上的燃油经济性试验,利用计算机系统模拟一般道路状况下车辆的等速行驶,并对油耗进行统计。试验结果表明,这种方法具有很强的可操作性,可作为一般企业或检测机构进行油耗试验的首选方法。  相似文献   

对四轮独立驱动、四轮独立转向的电动车进行了电子差速控制转向研究,以电控方式控制各个车轮的转速,使车轮以不同速度转动,满足Ackermann转向模型条件,使电动车实现差速转向控制.针对左右前轮转向由各轮转向电机独立控制、左前轮转向不控制、右前轮转向不控制、左右前轮转向都不控制4种转向电机控制方案,进行整车蛇形行驶试验对比,旨在探索是否能够简化转向机构而实现电动汽车转向控制的可行性.  相似文献   

第十四届中国国际高新成果交易会2012年11月16-21日在深圳会展中心隆重举行。本届高交会的主题为“推进科技创新,提升发展质量”,设有“高新技术成果交易、高新技术专业产品展、中国高新技术论坛、super-SUPER专题活动、高新技术人才与智力交流会、永不落幕的交易会”六大板块活动,参展商近3000家,总展览面积超过11万平方米。全国省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市以及香港、澳门、台湾地区均组团参展。美国、俄罗斯、德国、韩国、新加坡、比利时、匈牙利、印度等20个国家33个外国展团参展,其中伊朗、新西兰、印度等国多个机构首次组团参展。高交会秉持自主创新,转型升级,突出战略性新兴产业的新技术新产品,搭建展示和交易平台。  相似文献   

在我国现有的混合动力客车能耗评价方法——GB/T 19754-2005试验法的基础上,提出了一种新的评价方法——单一工况当量能耗评价方法。即依据客车怠速、匀速、加速、减速不同工况的不同比例分布,求出其不同的能量消耗,再进行各能量消耗叠加,则可求出其总的燃油消耗量。  相似文献   

A K Shukla 《Resonance》2001,6(11):49-62
Road transportation as an important requirement of modern society is presently faced with restrictions in mainly two respects, namely the ever tightening emission legislation as well as the availability of petroleum fuels, and as a consequence the fuel cost. But in any review of power sources for future road transport vehicles, the performance of the existing internal combustion engine is likely to be the yardstick against which other power sources will be compared. The power sources most likely to provide favourable comparison are those, which can display comparable range and speed, long and reliable life and manufactured at a cost comparable to petrol engine. A vehicle which fails in any of these requirements is unlikely to achieve anything but a niche market share. This article is an appraisal of a variety of proposed electrochemical systems, viz. rechargeable batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors, for an electric car. It is surmised that a viable electric car could be powered with a fuel cell to provide power for cruising and climbing coupled in parallel with a supercapacitor/battery bank to deliver additional short-term burst-power during acceleration. A K Shukla is a Professor at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. His current research interests are in materials electrochemistry with special emphasis on batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors.  相似文献   

To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of the designed control system used for driving and steering of an electric scooter,a model of differential steering was developed.The function of electronic differential steering was realized by controlling the speed of right or left wheel and the corresponding speed difference.The control system was simulated with MATLAB/SIMULINK and ADAMS.It is found that the motor load torque is proportional to the tire vertical force,so the adhesive capacity is met.The electric scooter can operate stably on the slope road at a speed of more than 1.5m/s and turn stably at yawing velocities of 10°and 90°per second.  相似文献   

设计了四轮驱动混合动力电动汽车的构型,并根据其驱动特性制定了牵引力控制方式和协调控制策略,最后运用Matlab/Simulink对附着系数左右分离的特殊路面进行起步与全负荷加速仿真。仿真结果表明,四轮驱动混合动力电动汽车在牵引力控制系统作用下,其驱动性能得到明显的改善,且各控制器亦能根据不同路面和行车工况进行适当调节,保证了四轮驱动混合动力电动汽车的起步加速性、通过性和车身稳定性。  相似文献   

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