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Dear Big Mouth English readers,There are many rules that help to keep us safe,especially on the road.Today,Peter wants to learn to ride the bike.He must learn to follow the rules,as must we.Remember now,in China,you must be 12 years or older to ride a bike on the street.  相似文献   

易兰 《海外英语》2012,(2):251-252
In China, Warring States Period was imbued with chaos of wars and the whole society was in a state of ferment. The disordered phase in ideological area, as the most direct reflection of the change, was characterized by that all the old ethical standard had been badly weaken, even failed to explain the moral facts. In terms of common people, they were confused and puzzled by the questions as "what is language?" and "what is the standard of speaking and behavior?" Some ancient scholars pinned these problems upon the reversal of "ming" (名) and "shi" (实). As a result, to rectify names and to clarify the name of ethics became a must for reconstructing the old proprieties and system. Among those scholars and thinkers, Xun Zi firstly proposed Zhengming to state the relationship between a name and the thing it represents in a systematical way. This essay only sheds light upon the reason of rectifying names: to distinguish the rank and differentiate the similarities and differences("明贵贱,辨同异")which is the must of "rectifying names".  相似文献   

After the revolution, each of the 66 citizens of a certain country, including the king, has a salary of one dollar. The king can no longer vote, but he does retain the power to suggest changes namely, redistribution of salaries Each person's salary must be a whole number of dollars, and the salaries must sum to 66.  相似文献   

Mark Twain once went to borrow a certain book from a neighbour in Tarry town. "May I borrow a book from you? " he asked politely."Yes,you're more than welcome to it, " the neighbour told him . "But I must ask you to read it here . You know I make a rule n…  相似文献   

When constructing a test there are various factors which must be born in mind. Firstly the purpose of the test. both for the learner and for the teacher, must be clear. For the teacher a test may be a means of evaluating a course, of providing information about what needs to be taught , or about the learningneeds of the students.  相似文献   

I don't know anyone who doesn't want a life filled with love.In order for this to happen,the effort must start within US.Ratherthan waiting for other people to provide the love we desire,wemust be a vision and a source of love.We must tap into(接近)ourown loving-kindness in order to set an example for others to fol-low suit(跟着做)。  相似文献   

Advertisements must bring a certain product to the attention of potential buyers. Further, they must stress its qualities in the most attractive way clearly outline the reason for buying it, and leave a memorable echo of what has been said ringing in the reader's or listener's mind. Therefore, the wording of an advertisement must have immediate impact and rapid persuasion.  相似文献   

science must not be a selfish pleasure.Those who have the good fortune to be able to devote them-selves to scientific pursuits must be the first to place their knowledge at the ser-vice of humanity.科学绝不是一种自私自利的享乐。有幸能够致力于科学研究的人,首先应该拿自己的学识为人类服务。科学@马克思  相似文献   

One famous theory the scientists put forward is"10,000-Hour Rule".The rule says that you need approximately1 10,000 hours of practice to become a world-class expert in a field.There is no other way.If you want to be a world-class expert in your field,you must do your 10,000  相似文献   

Honest Scales 1 The synagogue looked like any other synagogue in Poland.But near the door was a set of scales.Strangers often wondered about them.But the people of the town knew why they were there.2 Years back a drought,had come to the town.For months there had been no rain.Wells were dry.Gardens and farms were scorched.The people suffered thirst,and hunger.Some died.3 The jews of the town looked for help to their rabbi.And the rabbi prayed.But nothing happened. 4 One night the rabbi was alone,praying.He fell asleep.In his sleep he heard a voice say:"Your prayers will bring no help,There is only one man in town who can help.It is Kalman the grocer. You must call all the Jews to the synagogue and Kalman must lead the people in prayer."  相似文献   

李学芹 《海外英语》2012,(20):194-197
At the very beginning of the book-Pride and Prejudice,the author said"It is universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be want of a wife."From this line,we can find that marriage is the most important thing to women.Sometimes it even equals to men’s career at that time.It seems like once a woman married to a rich single man,she succeed in her lifetime"career".The question is what is the standard of that"succeed"? Married to a rich man,or the man you really love,or a man you had a crush on? Everyone keep these questions in mind since very early time,and different people have different opinions.In her short life,Jane Austin,the great novelist,composed six novels and created lot of female characters.Women in her novel had different attitudes toward marriage.Speaking of marriage,Pride and Prejudice must be the most representative work of it,and it is also Jane’s masterpiece.Through the different type of marriage of Mr.Bennet’s daughters,we can find the Jane’s atti tude towards marriage.In this article the author will discuss this issue based on Pride and Prejudice.  相似文献   

The whole world is now referred to as a global village because of the technological revolution is taking place especially in the area of information and communication. In this paper, the author started the discussion with definition of communication, highlighted means of communication and purposes of communication, counselling as a form of communication, conceptual flame work for communication in ODL (open and distance education), component of good communication, media selection and combination for effective counselling process in NOUN. The author in his recommendations, advocated that for a counsellor to be effective in discharging his responsibilities, he or she must attain a certain level of competency in communication skills, select appropriate media, and must be efficient in the use of communication devices especially computer. Also the media of counselling must be readily available to both the counsellor and counselees.  相似文献   

AI was on my way to school when suddenly I found a wallet lying on the ground.I 1 it up,and found there was a lot of money inside.I looked 2 and there were 3 else.I thought the owner must be very 4.But who 5 it belong to?I wondered.I must try my best 6 the owner.I thought the class adviser might tell me7,so I flew to school 8.I was late for  相似文献   

You must take a blow or give one,YOU must risk and you must Iose.Be a man and face the battleThat’S the only way to win.1t takes a little courage,And a Iittle self—control,And some grim dete rminationIf you want to reach the goal!你必须接受打击,或施加打击你必须冒险.也必须付出。做个男子汉去迎接战斗一一那就是取得胜利的唯一途径t需要一点勇气,也需要一点自我克制。还需要几分严峻的决心,倘若你要达到目标卜迎接挑战…  相似文献   

名词或代词。正确地使用动词不定式,会使英语句子简洁。动词不定式作定语常常有以下几种情况: 一、动词不定式作定语有时带有情态意义 1.A good teacher must be the one to put himself in the learner's place. =A good teacher must be the one who is able to put himself in learner's place.好的教师应当能设身处地为学生着想。 2.He has a large family to support=He has a large family that he must support. 他有一大家人要养活。  相似文献   

Once there was a famous builder by the name of Gobborn Seer, and he had a son called Jack.One day Gobborn sent Jack out to sell a sheepskin, saying, "You must bring me back the skin and the value of it as, well."Jack went, but he could not find any one who would leave him  相似文献   

Jack wanted to buy a hat, so he went into a hat shop and said to the assistant, "I 1 a hat, please."he said. "Can I try on 2 ?"Of course, sir,"the assistant answered and he 3 several hats for Jack.Jack 4 one by one but he didn't like__5of them. "This one is too big and this one doesn't 6 very nice and this one must be too cheap.  相似文献   

The Guardian makes rather more of the CBE awarded to Enron's Europe chairman, Ralph Hodge, in the 2001 New Year' s honours list. It also questions Downing Street' s insistence that Tony Blair had never met any Enron executives to discuss the restrictions on gas power stations, pointing out that a document obtained under the Freedom of Information Act in 1999 claimed Mr Blair had intervened personally to "water down" the moratorium.The Mail is not going to let the story go without a fight. " The questions Labour must answer, " it splashes, before its reporter does it for them. Labour' s connections with the accountancy firm Arthur Andersen, which audited Enron' s account, are subjected to some scrutiny-as is Geoffrey Robinson, the Labour MP who, the paper says, is "no doubt grateful" to Andersen for  相似文献   

The period for a new election of acitizen to administer the executive gov-ernment of the United States beingnot far distant, and the time actuallyarrived when your thoughts must beemployed in designating the person whois to be clothed with that importanttrust, it appears to me proper, es-pecially as it may conduce to a moredistinct expression of the public voice,that I should now apprise you of theresolution I have formed, to declinebeing considered among the numberof those out of whom a choic…  相似文献   

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