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Every dog has his day.公元前5世纪,希腊诗人品达罗斯(Pindaros)在他的《哀悼颂》(OdesofCon-dolence)里面写有这样一句诗:thus every dog at last have his day—He who this morn-  相似文献   

Cat Scan     
A man takes his motionless dog to the vet."Doc,I think my dog is dead.”The vet looks the dog over, goes into a backroom,and comes out with a cat.He places the caton the table next to the dog.The cat walks aroundand sniffs at the dog.The dog does not move.The  相似文献   

(A) More than seven hundred years ago,the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog called Gelert. One day the Prince wanted to go hunting with his men.He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son.The baby was in a wooden cradle(摇篮),which was like a small bed. When the Prince came back from hunting,Gelert ran out to meet his  相似文献   

One day a Frenchman went to visit his English friend.When he came up to his friend‘s house,a big dog ran out and began to bark at him.  相似文献   

Every dog has his day.每只狗都有自己的一天。公元前5世纪,希腊诗人品达罗斯(Pindaros)在他的《哀悼颂》(Odes of Condolence)里面有这样一句诗:thus every dog  相似文献   

The Proverb     
Sam and his father are walking on the street.Suddenly a big dog barks at them and Sam is afraid.Father: Don’t be afraid. Don’t you know the proverb:A barking dog doesn’t bite?Sam:Oh, yes. I know the proverb,and you know the proverb.But does the dog kno…  相似文献   

Too Many Chosts     
it was a dark night. Shaggy and his dog Scooby hid (躲藏)behind a tree. "Look! There are two ghosts (鬼) and three witches (女巫) !" said Shaggy.  相似文献   

A Long Dog     
A child covers his eyes and plays with his friend. A dog is sleeping on the road. He steps on the head of the dog. The dog barks. The child steps on the other dog’s tail with a long pace, so this dog barks, too. The注释  相似文献   

Jim, a successful businessman, told the experience of his childhood.When he was 12, his parents died. He was alone and didn't get on well with others. People always laughed at him. No one showed kindness to him.His only friend was a dog named Tige. He gave his dog enough to eat and drink, but sometimes he was not polite to it. He didn't know that an unkind word sometimes could cut one's heart like a knife.O ne day as he w alked dow n the street, ayoung lady w as walking in frontofhim . Sudd…  相似文献   

A George is a young man.He does not have a wife.But he has a very small dog,and he has a small car,too.He likes playing tennis.Last Monday,he played tennis for an hour at his club,and then he ran out and jumped into a car.His dog came after him,but it didn’t jump into the same car,  相似文献   

Do animals have feelings (感情)? Of course they do. They have feelings just like you and me. For example, )your little dog can show you that he is happy or sad or nervous (紧张的 )with his tail. They will show their feelings through their actions(行为).  相似文献   

John Scouler.58,of Lon-don,survived after he had beenhit by a train travelling at morethan 160 kmh at 1:45 p.m.on31st August 2002.Mr,Scoulerwas then walking his dog onthe East Coast main line be-tween Newcastle-upon-Tyneand Edinburgh when he wasstruck.He suffered only mi-nor injuries.  相似文献   

(A) One morning Joyce Andrew made some sausage sandwiches for her husbandJs lunch. There was one sausage left. So she gave the 1 one to Henry, their little dog. Henry ate it up quickly. During the morning the dog got 2 . He wouldnJt stop shaking his head, and couldnJt 3 properly. Joyce thought, “HeJs eaten something that didnJt agree with him. Maybe that sausage was 4 .”She suddenly remembered her husbandJs lunch. She ran to the telephone and 5 Jim at his office. “Jim, I hope you ha…  相似文献   

"Sam," says his father, "put on your cap and let us go for a walk."Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says, "Father, I am ready." Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home. His father says, "Don't be afraid, Sam. Don't you know the proverb:'A barking dog does not biterb?"Does The Dog Know﹖…  相似文献   

A George is a young man.He does not have a wife.But he has a very small dog,and he has a small car,too.He likes playing tennis.Last Monday,he played tennis for an hour at his club,and then he ran out and jumped into a car.His dog came after him,but it didn't jump into the same car,it jumped into the next car.  相似文献   

猜测划线部分词意,切莫望文生意。1.Tom is the apple of his mother’s eye A.笨汉B.苹果C,掌上明珠D.傲慢的年轻人2.Jack is a yellow dog.I don’t like him at all.  相似文献   

A Barking Dog Does not BiteOne day Jack with his father went to see his granny who lived inthe countryside(乡下).At the door,a big dog began to bark.Jackwas afraid of the dog and wanted to run home.But his father said,“Don!t be afraid,my dear son.Don!t you know the proverb(谚语),‘A barking dog does not bite(吠犬不咬人)’?”“Oh,yes.‘said Jack,’I know the proverb,so do you,but doesthe dog know the proverb?”Wait Five MinutesTom came home very late because he had been busy with hisbusi…  相似文献   

Look at these two pictures. The dog and the wolf are looking at a falling leaf. Do the two pictures look the same? No! Them are twelve differences (不同) in the pictures. Can you find all of them?  相似文献   

Seeing Eye Dog 导盲犬A blind man and his seeing eye dog walkinto a grocery store[食品杂货店].The man walks to the middle of the store,picks up the dog by the tail,and starts swinging[摆动,摇摆]the dog  相似文献   

“狗”字在中国不是个好字眼,可是在西方,狗可大受欢迎,它被认为是人类最忠实的朋友。它往往被当成家庭的一名成员,人们喜爱狗,甚至在平时说话也经常提到“狗”字,看看下面的句子吧: 1. I am an old dog.我已是老朽了。(You can't teach an old dog new tricks.) 2. He is a lucky dog.他是个幸运儿。3. He is a gay dog.他是个快乐的人。4. Every dog has his day.凡人都有得意日。5. That new singer is a dog.那名新歌手不爱听众欢迎。6. Nobody but a dog would evict his own mother.  相似文献   

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