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浅谈抢篮板球的技术运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用理论分析的方法,阐述队员冲抢篮板球的重要作用。技术是冲抢篮板球能力的核心;配合是冲抢篮板球能力的保障;基本功训练是冲抢篮板球能力的重要基础。  相似文献   

运用理论分析法,阐述队员冲抢篮板球的重要作用,即技术是冲抢篮板球能力的核心;配合是冲抢篮板球能力的保障;基本功训练是冲抢篮板球能力的重要基础。  相似文献   

冲抢篮板球,是指攻方队员在同队队员投篮不中时,利用准确的判断和虚晃变向、绕前等脚步动作摆脱防守队员的阻截,冲向篮下,抢占有利位置,拼抢篮板球或补篮。下面根据捉抢篮板球的特点和要求,就冲抢篮板球的意识培养和教学训练谈谈自己的几点体会。一、掌握正确的冲抢技术要提高冲抢能力,首先要掌握正确的冲抢技术,只有向队员传授并掌握正  相似文献   

唐拥军 《体育科技》2004,25(1):16-18
抢篮板球是获得控球权的重要来源之一 ,是攻守转换的枢纽。通过理论分析的方法 ,阐述篮球内线队员抢篮板球能力的重要作用 ,以及影响篮球内线队员拼抢篮板的 4个方面 :拼抢意识是抢篮板球能力的首要因素 ;身体对抗能力是拼抢篮板球能力的重要因素 ;技术是拼抢篮板球能力的核心 ;配合是拼抢篮板球能力的保障  相似文献   

抢篮板球重点、难点:进攻者抢篮板球应突出“冲”,防守者抢篮板球要强调“挡”。这两点在训练中如何突破,我的一点心得是:  相似文献   

运用理论分析的方法,阐述了篮球运动员抢篮板球能力的重要作用,以及影响篮球内线队员拼抢篮板球能力的四个方面:拼抢意识是抢篮板球能力的首要因素;身体对抗能力是拼抢篮板球能力的重要基础;技术是拼抢篮板球能力的核心;配合是拼抢篮板球能力的保障。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出篮板球历来是我国球队的一个薄弱环节,在重大的国际比赛中,这一弱点则暴露得更加明显。我国运动员与国际强队运动员相比,虽然在身高上相对较矮,但是在反应、判断以及速度灵活性上具有特长,在抢篮板球上,虽有不利的一面,但也存在着有利的因素,只要我们加强运动员抢篮板球的技术训练和在战术组织上安排好人力去冲抢,尤其是努力提高运动员抢篮板球的意识,培养有投必有抢的强烈意识,这样,我国运动员抢篮板球的能力是大有潜力的。近些年来,国内各球队对抢篮板球的重视程度和拼抢能力有所改善,但仍然是一个突出的薄弱环节,极大地影响我国球  相似文献   

在篮球比赛中抢后场篮板球是防守方着重掌握的重要技能,它是获得后场篮板球的重要手段,是攻守转换的焦点,是发动快攻的重要保证。1抢后场篮板球的基本技术1.1对抢后场篮板球的判断,关键在于对投篮出手后球的判断,它决定了运动员在抢到球之前的一系列动作。投篮者的位置与球篮距离、球飞行的弧度和旋转,决定了球的反弹方向和落点。因此对反弹方向和落点的判断,决定了防守运动员,如何去抢位、挡人以及挡位冲抢的意识。1.2熟练掌握后场篮板球反弹的基本规律,是迅速做出准确  相似文献   

篮板球技术是现代篮球比赛中必不可少的一项技术,是现代篮球技术的重要组成部分,本文通过对篮板球的技术分析、抢篮板球的动作方法、现代抢篮板球技术的发展特点,以及怎样提高篮板球技术水平进行探讨,为提高篮板球争抢能力以及教学与训练提供参考。  相似文献   

本文采用统计法、实验法和文献资料法,对未中3分球的落点进行统计分析,为进攻队员冲抢前场篮板球找出一般规律,在此基础上进行技、战术训练设计.培养冲抢意识,争夺更多的篮板球。  相似文献   

研究速度滑冰运动员的膝关节及髋关节等速肌力与功率自行车及滑板运动的无氧功之间的关系。结果表明,膝关节及髋关节肌力与功率自行车及滑板滑行无氧功之间存在着密切的关系。为提高速滑运动员的竞技能力,除提高膝关节肌力之外,应积极地把髋关节肌力训练采纳到训练计划中是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

在单板U型场地运动训练中,引入核心力量训练方法并使之与该项目自身特点有机结合,不仅能够提高单板滑雪运动员的身体素质,促进其专项能力的发展,而且能够有效防止运动损伤。本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法,以我国单板滑雪项目的四名优秀运动员为研究对象,经过长期、系统的核心力量训练,开发出一套适合U型场地运动员专项体能和技术能力训练的"专项核心训练模式",以期为该项目的科学发展以及培养优秀单板滑雪运动员提供参考。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(4):489-500
Despite the important role governing boards play in organisational life our understanding of their strategic function is limited. This paper embarks on theory development to explain the notion of board strategic capability and to identify the factors and their relationships influencing strategic capability of sport boards. This little-used construct, we argue, can guide future governance research. In reflecting on the extant literature from the nonprofit, for-profit and sport governance domains, we derived six distinct and central factors of board strategic capability: increasing contribution of volunteer board members (‘will and skill’); board operational knowledge; board integrating regional entities into the governing role; board maintaining the monitoring and control function; board co-leading strategy development; and board co-leading integration of strategy into board processes. In considering the relationships between these six factors, we propose a theory of ‘board strategic balance’ that explains these influences in a holistic model. We conclude that the theory of board strategic capability is encapsulated by understanding how creating and maintaining equilibrium in these roles and functions is managed by sport boards.  相似文献   

抢篮板球在篮球比赛中是非常重要的技术。篮板球控制的好坏,对比赛的胜负起着很大的作用。篮球比赛中如果进攻时抢篮板球占优势,不仅可以增加进攻数和篮下得分机会,而且可以增强外线中投的信心和减少对方发动快攻的机会。防守时抢篮板球占优势,不仅可以中断对方连续进攻,造成对方外线中投的顾虑,而且还能为本队发动快攻创造有利的条件。  相似文献   

It is well established that the strategic function is a central role of the non-profit sport board. Little is known, however, about board strategic capability in any context. This study investigated how boards of national sport organisations might develop their strategic capability. “Interpretive” action research focusing on the case of Tennis New Zealand (TNZ) found that the board's strategic role is significantly impacted by its inter-organisational relationships. In particular, the board's ability to enact its strategic priorities could be enhanced by creating a more collaborative partnership with its regional entities and engaging in a power-sharing approach that seeks to develop regional capability.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同速度力量练习手段组合训练的效果,将24名大学体育专业学生进行分组教学和训练,采用等速测力系统测试、数理统计等方法.对试验训练前后的专项运动素质和下肢力量进行讨论分析。结果表明:两组练习手段对提高跳跃能力和下肢快速力量、短距离加速跑能力有显著的影响;单足连续跳栏架、助跑单足5级计时跳远和斜板3步起跳等跳跃练习可以有效提高下肢离心收缩能力。  相似文献   

肖洪杨 《体育科技》2004,25(4):20-21
通过对跳远起跳犯规多种原因的研究 ,指出良好的意识支配能力是提高踏板起跳准确性的关键 ,为提高运动员的起跳成功率提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

剖析单板U型场地滑雪运动的制胜特征,有助于完善训练方法提升竞技实力。运用文献资料、专家访谈等研究方法从单板滑雪项目运动特征入手,探寻该项目制胜的关键。结果表明:虽然我国已有专家、学者概括了单板U型场地滑雪运动"高、稳、难、新、美"的制胜因素,但从运动员参赛过程来看"难度、难稳和难美"更明确了制胜的特征与关键。这些制胜特征与运动员技术储备、运动过程控制和动作编排息息相关,因此提出提高技术储备、强化运动控制和优化动作组合等对策,以此不断提升我国单板U型场地滑雪运动竞技实力。  相似文献   

运用多刚体模型及现代计算机仿真技术,探讨人体在不同姿势下踏板所引起的跳远远度的变化特征,以寻找最佳的起跳着板姿势。结果表明:着板时小腿的姿态角、膝关节角不同组合可以使人体获得相同的远度,故仅凭着板角的大小来衡量着板技术的优劣显然是不合理的;跳远踏跳着板时刻、人体各环节姿态角对跳远距离的影响作用大小并不一致,其重要性排序依次为踏跳腿小腿的姿态角最重要,其次是踏跳腿的膝角,而躯干斜角、大腿夹角及摆动腿的膝角对跳远距离的影响相对较小;运动员在跳远踏跳着板时刻,一定存在一个最佳的踏跳腿膝关节角和小腿与地面的夹角,以这种方式上板,可获得最大的跳远距离。  相似文献   

Gymnastics vaulting relies on a specialized take‐off board for propulsion during the take‐off phase of the vault. There is little information on the vault board and its behaviour. The aim of this study was to characterize the behaviour of the vault board during handspring drill take‐offs of young male gymnasts (n = 36). The side of the top surface of the vault board and the wooden base were marked with three reflective markers, placed at the end of the vault board nearest the vault table and the centres of the two rearmost coil springs. The vault board surface was divided into two areas, rear and middle, based on marker location. The gymnasts’ groups were determined from the location of the gymnast's lateral malleolus at vault board contact. Landings with the malleolus directly above or behind the rearmost marker were considered rear landings; landings with the malleolus forward of the rearmost marker were considered middle landings. Marker movements were automatically digitized and the right malleolus was hand digitized at 120 Hz. The maximum vertical displacement, vertical deflection time, and vertical velocity at take‐off of the vault board markers did not differ statistically between board contact groups (all p > 0.05). The lateral malleolus velocity components also did not differ between board contact groups. Some low to moderately strong correlations were observed between the various marker displacements, durations and take‐off velocities. Modest correlations were obtained between board markers and right malleolus velocities. The results indicate that foot contact on the vault board, as defined here, did not result in differences in board marker behaviour or right lateral malleolus velocities. This information does not support the idea that vault board contacts at the rear of the vault board are worse than contacts near the middle of the vault board. More research is needed to ascertain the role of the vault board's vibration characteristics to whole body actions that are observed in the subsequent preflight phase.  相似文献   

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