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1.Hello! May I speak to ...? 喂,我可以同……通话吗?2.Is that... speaking? 你是……吗?3.Who's that speaking? / Who am I speaking to?你是谁?  相似文献   

1.常见用语 a.请找某人接电话 Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to…,please? b.问对方是不是某人 Is that…(speaking)? c.问对方是谁 1)Who's speaking(calling)? 2)Who's that(speaking/calling)?  相似文献   

1.I’m....This is...(第1单元)I’m...是向对方介绍自己的用语。如:I am Wang Ling.What’s your name2我是王玲,你叫什么名字?This is...是介绍别人或打电话或敲门后告诉对方自己是谁的用语。例如:Hello6This is Mike here.你好!我是迈克。Hello6This is Mary speaking.Is th  相似文献   

1.喂!你是谁? Hello!Who’s that/it? Hello!Who’s(that)speak-ing/calling? Who am I speaking with? May I have your name? 2.我是汤姆。 This is Tom(speaking). Tom is speaking. 3.请找汤姆接电话。 May/Could/Can I speak toTom?  相似文献   

1)问对方是谁,不说“Who are you?”而要用下列句型: Who is that/it? Who is that calling/speaking, please? Who is calling/speaking,please? May I ask who I am talking to?  相似文献   

I.词汇短语复习1.My teacher demanded that all of US__English every day. A.should practise to speak B.would practise speaking C.could practise speaking D.practise speaking2.During the break she began to sing an Engush song,  相似文献   

所谓"主谓一致",就是指句中的主语和谓语在人称和数上的一致关系。而中考试题对"主谓一致"的考查,通常集中在以下几个方面。【考点聚焦】用"neither...nor...(既不……也不……),notonly...butal-  相似文献   

1)问对方是谁,不说“Whoare you?”而要用下列句型:Who is that/it?Who is that calling/speaking,please?Who is calling/speaking,please?May I ask who I am talk-ing to?May I have your name.please?Would you tell me yourname,please?  相似文献   

1.That’smysister.那位是我妹妹。Thesearemybrothers.这些是我的兄弟们。①this,that既可指代物品,也可以用来指代人。向别人介绍某人时常用句型Thisis...(这位是……)或That’s...(那位是……)。例如:Hi,LiPing,thisismysister,Mary.你好,李平,这是我妹妹,玛丽。②That’s是Thatis的缩写形式,是非常口语化的一种形式,但要特别注意Thisis是不能缩写的,千万不要把Thisis写成This’s。Thisis...(这位是……),Thatis...(那位是……)这两种句型只用于单个的人,当被介绍的人是两个或两个以上时,此句型要作相应变化。This(这位)变为These…  相似文献   

The paper attempts to explore the current situation of English learners’ speaking achievements and their speaking anxiety in Chinese higher education. Through reviewing the previous researches, it is possible to find out that: 1) there is a negative relationship between speaking anxiety and speaking performance; 2) most teachers have noticed the negative impact of speaking anxiety on their students, yet they have not adopted efficient strategies to solve the problem; 3) both teachers and students rely more on academic strategies than cognitive or affective strategies. Then, some proposed suggestions are made to English teachers and learners.  相似文献   

1985年全国人大常委会通过了《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》。该法把外国人在华居留分为"短期居留""长期居留"和"永久居留"三类。旅游、探亲和商务考察均属短期,1年至5年以留学、工作和投资等为居留目的的算长期。其规定的新的签证类别中还有一种"定居签证",持该签证的外国人有权在中国永久居住。2004年8月出台《外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法》,首次采用国际通行做法,实施"永久居留证"制度,也被人  相似文献   

陈瑶瑶 《海外英语》2012,(4):46-47,64
The identification of effective and appropriate speaking skills seems to be a paradox task for the reason that there exist no consistent criteria for evaluating speaking skills in language teaching and testing.It is claimed in the current article that the teaching and assessment of speaking skills would probably be better based on a comprehensive framework of criteria including four aspects,namely,grammatical competence,strategic competence,sociocultural competence and discourse competence.  相似文献   

打电话常用语1.接通电话后找人的用语: Hello!May I speak to…?喂!我可以同……通话吗? 注意:不能说“I want to speakto…。”2.问对方是谁的用语: 1)Is that…speaking?你是……吗? 2)Who’s that speaking?你是谁? 3)Is that you,…?是你吗,……? 注意:不能说“Are you…?”或“Who are you?”  相似文献   

韩彩虹 《海外英语》2012,(24):109-111
According to the speaking anxiety of Chinese EFL learners ,coupled with the relationship of speaking anxiety withother variables, including personality and language achievement, the paper intends to introduce an efficient teaching mode ofOESH, which refers to: O means"objective"; E means"explore"; S means"success"; H means"happy", so as to overcomespeaking anxiety of Chinese EFL learners from a certain degree.  相似文献   

本文谈谈形容词和副词的比较级的使用问题。1.当表示两个人或事在某方面相同时,可用"as...as..."结构(两个as中间接形容词或副词的原级)或"as much/many...as...(much后  相似文献   

In this essay, the author explains and analyses the background and speaking criteria in Chinese senior high schools.This essay aims to put forward a series of pedagogical tasks about one topic that are designed to develop learners’ speaking fluency by implanting lexical chunks and 4/3/2 technique to help learners improve speaking fluency in Chinese senior high schools.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the significance of cultural difference in English speaking communication on the basis of the analysis in IELTS speaking tests and it is concluded that the IELTS speaking tests will influence ELT in China. Therefore, the cultivation of cultural awareness in English speaking communication should be given priority and further enhanced in ELT in China. In addition, effective ways are suggested to cultivate and improve the cultural awareness of students in ELT in China.  相似文献   

任民 《初中生》2007,(4):27-28
1.常见用语 a.请找某人接电话 Hello! May/Could/Can I speak to…,please? b.问对方是不是某人 Is that…(speaking)?  相似文献   

“填句子”补全对话题既考查学生的语言知识,阅读理解能力,又测试学生在语境条件下的语言运用能力,要求学生必须具备一定的词汇基础,掌握常用句型的表达。本文拟结合中考题谈谈该题型的解题方法,希望对同学们的复习有所帮助。一、熟记词汇,掌握常用话题的基本句式和日常用语的表达初中阶段共有30个交际话题,200条左右的习惯用语,理解、记忆、掌握它们是做好补全对话题的基础,如打电话应掌握以下常用句型:1.Hello!May/Could I speakto…?2.This is…(speaking).3.Who is that(speaking)?/Is that…(speaking)?4.Hold on,please.5.Sorry.H…  相似文献   

习惯了"My goodness"或"My God",偶尔听到外国人惊呼"My stars and garters",颇感怪异。由"星星和勋章"组合而成的"天啊"是美国用语,不  相似文献   

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