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Early childhood family literacy programs have great potential to positively influence children and families. This article presents the core values and key components of high quality early childhood family literacy programs. The benefits and cost effectiveness of these programs are also discussed.  相似文献   

情绪能力的强弱影响着幼儿良好心理品质的形成,它对幼儿的成长起着重要的作用。文章运用观察法和访谈法了解幼儿和教师在进行情绪教育实践探索前后的变化,归纳了情绪教育的三个关键点:让幼儿及时感知并正确识别自己的情绪,充分锻炼幼儿的情绪表达和理解能力,教给幼儿调控情绪的方法。  相似文献   


In this article the author outlines the recent increase in initiatives related to young people's emotional and mental health, for example emotional health and well-being. He examines these concepts and ideas, arguing that there are negative as well as positive aspects to their widespread introduction in schools, and that in adopting mental health approaches and terminology care must be taken before programmes are implemented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the School Emotional Environment for Learning Survey, an instrument for evaluating the perceived level of emotional literacy of the school as an organization. It elicits student and staff perceptions of their affective experience of being a part of the school community. It was designed to look at the extent to which a school enables members of its community to interact in a manner that builds an understanding of their own and others' emotions, which can then be used to shape their actions. Emotional literacy is seen here as a potential in everyone that is contingent on the interaction between a person and their social context, rather than a capacity that is either present or absent in the individual.
Qualitative data were collected from an ethnographic case study of two schools using closed- and open-ended questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, a draw-and-write exercise and participant observation. The data were used to generate grounded theory and to build a theoretical framework for organizational emotional literacy. This theoretical framework is described as the CORE framework, addressing the domains of communication, relationships, organization and emotional experience. These domains are then characterized by particular qualities and values that are described in the 'matrix of emotional literacy'. This framework and matrix were then used to develop a questionnaire, which was trialed as a tool to audit the level of emotional literacy in both primary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

《三叶集》大部分篇幅是郭沫若矛盾痛苦心灵的忏悔。其天性放荡不羁,但传统和良知又使它不能尽情迸发。他充满自卑又不能泯灭自负,这成为它接受泛神论的心理基础。一方面浓重的忏悔意识使他企慕完美人格,另一方面其伦理意识仍然屈从自由天性的引导。  相似文献   

This guest editorial reports on the expansion of a program for expectant and new fathers within a local health service on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia. The program, titled “Father-Time: Welcome to the Rest of Your Life,” incorporates, and is an extension to, the all-male discussion forum previously reported in this journal (Spring 2005, Volume 14, No. 2).  相似文献   

Emergent literacy may be nurtured in an early childhood environment that integrates literacy experiences with meaningful music activities in which young children develop skills necessary for success in both areas simultaneously. Early childhood educators can develop the knowledge and skills needed to bring music into the classroom as an engaging and stimulating element of literacy education.  相似文献   

This paper describes a collaborative action research project in one primary school that arose from a mutual interest in applying the concept of “Emotional Intelligence”. It involves an exploratory qualitative study of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) curriculum. This is an approach aimed at promoting emotional competence in children and young people. The PATHS curriculum was chosen because of its clear conceptualisation of emotion, its emphasis upon cognitive and developmental aspects and its research history. One class of 9 and 10 year olds took part in the project. Target children were selected from within this group for closer monitoring. The outcomes suggest that PATHS was rated very positively by class teachers, pupils and other staff involved in the project. Positive emotional, social and behavioural changes at a class and individual level were attributed to the effects of PATHS. Finally, the importance of developing a positive school ethos was highlighted as promoting these effects.  相似文献   

由于生存环境和文化习俗的影响,基诺族社会中存在许多同氏族恋人——“巴什”。为了种族的繁衍,基诺社会形成了“同氏族禁止成婚”的习惯法,由此导致许多巴什悲情。大量的巴什情歌反映的正是这种悲情。通过对巴什情歌的考察,可以看到,在理想与现实的冲突面前,在情与“法”的较量中,在生存与死亡的张力之间,基诺族巴什们选择的是守望生命守望爱,以一种有别于其他民族的方式,凸显民族文化特征和民族精神。  相似文献   


Research has found that reading achievement is strongly associated with opportunities for children to engage actively with print. This article addresses research on a digital initiative called the African Storybook, which provides a website with over 1,000 openly licensed children’s picture storybooks in more than 150 African languages, as well as the official languages of English, French, and Portuguese (africanstorybook.org). The article draws on a 2014 study conducted in Uganda that sought to examine the extent to which teachers and children were invested in the African Storybook stories. Of central interest in this article is the extent to which teachers sought to encourage young children to engage actively with the African Storybook stories. The findings suggest that use of the stories promoted greater ownership of meaning for the young readers, as well as shifts of identity for both students and teachers.  相似文献   

生命科学与情商教育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生命科学是情商(EQ)形成的物质基础和生理基础,生命科学与情商教育密切相关.将生命科学与情商教育有机整合,对促进学生成才和成为社会的栋梁将产生积极而深远的影响.  相似文献   

高启一生对于社会、民生倾注了极大的热情,但元末的动荡与战乱使他的理想难于实现;入明以后,他强烈的自我意识与率性的诗人气质又让他难容于官场;他以社稷民生为念,但他始终无用武之地。他的情感立场决定了他的人生选择;他的选择反过来又影响到他的情感,两者交织,构成了高启始终挥之不去的痛苦。  相似文献   

都市中的忧郁与想象——论戴望舒的情感生活与诗歌创作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同的性格特点和生活观念导致了戴望舒婚姻爱情的失败,而情感生活的悲剧则使得戴望舒的诗歌创作不可避免地带上了瞬间浮华的现代都市色彩和孤独忧郁的情感基质。在戴望舒的诗歌中,“丁香”与“蔷薇”、“夜”与“梦”是两组具有代表性的意象,前者是忧郁的爱情生活的象征,后者则是都市浮华中孤独的人生体验。 学史  相似文献   

Practical applications of multimedia technologies that support early literacy are described and evaluated, including several variations of recorded books and stories, utilizing mainstream audio and video recording appropriate for libraries and schools. Special emphasis is given to the needs of children with disabilities and children who are acquiring a second language.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine preservice teachers’ attitudes using Second Life for multicultural literacy and to explore effective strategies to implement this technology in teacher preparation programs. Participants included thirty-six preserve teachers from early childhood, elementary, and secondary education programs. Participants indicated that interacting with cultural artifacts and diverse populations promoted multiculturalism, 47.5% reported that Second Life supported the development of multicultural attitudes and 50% indicated that Second Life can support multicultural respect. Additionally, 33.4% considered Second Life an effective learning tool for K-12 education while 40% remained undecided. Participants questioned the veracity of certain objects, often failed to communicate with individuals from other cultures, and worried about inappropriate content. Despite these limitations, Second Life could serve as a rich environment to build multicultural knowledge through culturally representative locations, artifacts, and communication. Suggestions for incorporating multicultural experiences via Second Life are presented.  相似文献   

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