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<正>新课标提出:"让学生更多地直面接触语文材料,在大量的语文实践中体会、掌握运用语文的规律。"我们教者在课堂上应将学习语言、习得语言、内化语言作为课堂教学的重要内容落实到实处。小练笔就是一条很好地能让学生习得语言,习得方法的道路。一、练笔,紧扣文章的精彩点叶圣陶先生说:"语文无非是例子,凭这个例子要使学生能够举一反三,练成阅读和写作的熟练技能……"对于文中出现的经  相似文献   

学习是一个主动建构的过程。在这样的过程中,教师应遵循学生的思维,创造性地使用教材,顺应学生的学习需求,并给予学生有效的引导和点拨,促使学生主动地获取新知,积极思考,完成知识建构,从而让知识的习得显得水到渠成。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》在第三学段的阅读要求中,提出在阅读中揣摩文章的表达顺序,体会作者的思想感情,初步领悟文章基本的表达方法。在第二学段的阅读中,体验情感、领悟内容是阅读的主要任务,主要解决的是  相似文献   

张淯凤 《广西教育》2010,(16):29-29
阅读能够让学生深入领悟文章的思想感情,提高他们的语言表达能力。同时阅读也是获取知识的重要手段,是一种较复杂的智力活动,为学生开启了探究过去、现在、未来奥秘的大门。那么,在教学中应该如何提高学生的阅读能力呢?  相似文献   

阅读理解是中学英语教学的重点,其目的是不仅要让学学会语言知识,获取文章提供的信息,领悟文章的内涵,重要的是使学生掌握阅读的方法和技能,成为有独立阅能力的人。从长远角度看,阅读能力决定着学生的学习潜。而阅读能力的培养不是一朝一夕之功。  相似文献   

语文教学虽然花费的时间很多,但效果却不理想,这使我们思考,是否在语文知识的选择上存在问题。引进认知心理学的知识分类观,我们找到了原因:当前的语文教学,陈述性知识介入太多,而程序性知识则引入太少。通过对叶圣陶先生的《文章例话》如何建构程序性知识的分析,我们得到了启示:语文教学必须作更多的静态的程序性规则的总结。  相似文献   

阅读理解是高中英语教学的重点.高中英语教学大纲对高中英语阅读教学提出了明确的要求,指出其目的是让学生在阅读训练中学会语言知识,获取文章提供的信息,领悟文章的内涵,同时通过阅读训练,使学生掌握一定的阅读技巧,成为有独立阅读能力的人.然而,就当前普通高中的现状看,情况并不容乐观.教师和学生都花了不少时间和精力,学生在阅读中还是存在着各种问题,成绩难以提高.  相似文献   

基于解释的协作知识建构过程模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
文章从解释的视角,把协作知识建构看作是学习者在不断进行自我解释和与他人交互解释中建构知识的过程。文章详细描述了协作知识建构过程中各类知识间的转化和传播,并对此过程中知识形态的转化、成员间知识的产生和获取进行了深入分析,最后从计算机支持的角度建立了基于解释的协作知识建构过程模型。  相似文献   

付丽  王星星  宗慧 《教师》2012,(23):35-35
“知识建构”是指学生在原有认知结构或经验的基础上,通过新旧知识的互动(同化和顺应作用),不断充实、丰富和改造自身知识结构网络,使自身知识结构不断完善的过程。“知识建构能力”是指学习者在外部信息的刺激下,通过知识获取和知识加工(同化和顺应)过程,能够稳定、有效地形成新的知识结构,并能对新的知识结构良好应用的个性心理特征。  相似文献   

俄罗斯方块游戏是众所周知的一款游戏,玩游戏时表现为消除一行方块,腾出空间接纳新方块。蕴含的哲理对学生的学习有启迪作用,在学习知识中就体现为新习得知识与原有认知背景的同化,形成稳固的认知结构,知识的记忆上升为技能与方法的习得。文章以高中地理"大规模的海水运动"为案例,从"学科思想引领,明确知识建构目标;运用学科技能,获取新知识;唤醒原有知识,找出新旧知识之间的联系;将新旧知识优化组合,形成新的认知结构"四个方面简述俄罗斯方块游戏对地理教学的启示。  相似文献   

文化背景知识是外语学习中的一个不可或缺的部分,因为语言与文化密不可分。文章通过对文化背景理论的探讨以及在英语阅读课堂上的实践活动,阐述了文化背景的重要性,分析了文化背景知识对阅读能力的影响,探索了加深学生对文化背景的理解的有效途径:通过文化背景的解码提高阅读能力,通过有趣的课堂活动丰富学生的文化背景知识,选取真实的阅读材料加深学生的文化背景知识。  相似文献   

从语言运用和语言知识的关系来讲,语言知识是语言运用能力转化的主要因素。文章主要论述如何克服听说读写脱节三个方面的问题,并从理论和实践方面进行了分析,且提出相关的英语教学方法,希望能给予相关专业人士借鉴。  相似文献   

语言教师的首要任务 ,是将语言相关的背景知识作为一个必不可少的组成部分融入教学实践中。因此 ,就图式理论在阅读教学中的作用和拓宽方式进行探讨。  相似文献   

Reading is fundamental to science and not an adjunct to its practice. In other words, understanding the meaning of the various forms of written discourse employed in the creation, discussion, and communication of scientific knowledge is inherent to how science works. The language used in science, however, sets up a barrier, that in order to be overcome requires all students to have a clear understanding of the features of the multimodal informational texts employed in science and the strategies they can use to decode the scientific concepts communicated in informational texts. We argue that all teachers of science must develop a functional understanding of reading comprehension as part of their professional knowledge and skill. After describing our rationale for including knowledge about reading as a professional knowledge base every teacher of science should have, we outline the knowledge about language teachers must develop, the knowledge about the challenges that reading comprehension of science texts poses for students, and the knowledge about instructional strategies science teachers should know to support their students’ reading comprehension of science texts. Implications regarding the essential role that knowledge about reading should play in the preparation of science teachers are also discussed here.  相似文献   

英语阅读与文化背景知识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强语言学习质量,提高语言规则学习速度,关键在于强化英语阅读。阅读是学好英语的一个重要条件。同时让学习者懂得在对语言材料的词、句和语法大致熟悉的情况下,影响理解深度的关键因素是语言的文化背景知识。  相似文献   

Knowledge foundations for teaching reading and spelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in education policy, the accumulation of research evidence that skilled instruction prevents and ameliorates reading failure, accountability requirements, and a new emphasis on multi-tiered interventions in schools are all causing a growing interest in improving teacher knowledge and skill in reading instruction. Consensus frameworks that explain reading development and individual differences provide an outline for what teachers need to know. The details of that content, however, including the English phonological system, the organization of English orthography, and the language structures that are processed during reading and writing, are challenging for teachers to learn. Recent studies are reviewed that investigate the relationship between teacher knowledge, practice, and student outcomes. The paper argues that teachers must have considerable knowledge of language structure, reading development, and pedagogy to differentiate instruction for diverse learners. Policy mandates for improvement of reading achievement should provide for more effective teacher education, as the knowledge base is not learned casually or easily. Research on how teachers best develop expertise should inform our licensing and professional development programs.  相似文献   

Lee  Kathleen  Chen  Xi 《Reading and writing》2019,32(7):1657-1679

This study investigated an emergent interaction between word reading fluency and vocabulary knowledge in the prediction of reading comprehension among French immersion students in Grades 2 and 3. A group of 66 students were tested on measures of phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, word reading accuracy, vocabulary, word reading fluency and reading comprehension in English and French at both time points. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine whether vocabulary and word reading fluency interact in predicting English and French reading comprehension. Regressions were constructed for each language and grade separately. Results showed that in Grade 2, word reading fluency and vocabulary contributed independently to reading comprehension, though an interaction between these variables was not observed in either language. By Grade 3, an interaction between these constructs emerged and was shown to predict reading comprehension in both English and French. Specifically, vocabulary was positively related to reading comprehension among students with moderate to high levels of fluency, while vocabulary did not uniquely contribute to reading comprehension among those who were less fluent. The emergence of an interaction in Grade 3 suggests that as students’ reading skills become more proficient, reading comprehension outcomes are better explained by taking into account the interaction between reading fluency and vocabulary knowledge.


阅读理解是一种复杂的语言与思维的相互作用过程,理解的层次涉及到语言知识、非语言知识和阅读技能等方面的知识和能力。本文主要从微观结构分析、宏观结构分析和文化背景知识的学习等三个方面论述了教学中如何运用语篇分析提高阅读理解能力的方法和技巧。  相似文献   

为研究不同等级与不同层面的词汇知识对阅读和写作水平的影响,本研究对136名英语专业一年级的学生进行了阅读、写作及各类词汇测试。词汇测试包括认知性词汇测试、产 出性词汇测试和搭配测试,前两项测试包含2000、4000和6000三个词汇等级,搭配测试仅包含2000 一个等级。相关分析及多元回归分析表明,与 阅读最相关的是搭配2000,可以解释36.0%的差异,其次为认知4000,与搭,2000 一起可以解释约41.3%的差异,其他变量对阅读水平均不具预测能力。对写作唯一具有预测力的变量也是搭配2000,可以解释24.8%的差异。文章最后建议对学生强化搭配知识的训练,提升语言运用能力。  相似文献   

Recent studies of elementary teachers’ knowledge about reading have been built on the premise that teachers need thorough knowledge about language and reading processes, but these studies have provided only limited evidence that teachers’ performance on tests of such knowledge contributes to their students’ reading achievement. The present study was designed to examine the contribution of first- through third-grade teachers’ knowledge about early reading to their students’ improvement on tests of word analysis and reading comprehension, controlling for socio-demographic characteristics of students, their prior reading achievement, and teachers’ educational attainment, professional experiences, and socio-demographic characteristics. Preliminary analyses indicated that the test of teachers’ knowledge had adequate psychometric characteristics. However, performance on this measure of teachers’ knowledge did not significantly explain students’ improvement on the two reading subtests. The complexity of the factors that influence teachers’ knowledge acquisition and the context in which the study was carried out offer possible explanations for these results. In addition, teachers’ content knowledge about reading might not be closely associated with the practices they use in reading instruction, and therefore might not be significantly related to their students’ improvement in reading over a year.
Joanne F. CarlisleEmail:

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