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口述历史作为一门科学产生于上世纪40年代的美国,我国于上世纪80年代引进这种方法。分析我国的电视口述历史节目,可知此类节目使用现代化的传播手段,具有一定的新闻性,是对历史的真实、形象、生动、深刻的再现;这类节目的广泛出现与受众的需要、现实生活提供的可能性、传媒人的社会责任感和素质以及传媒问的竞争有密切关系;这类节目在丰富电视的表现形态,补充完善中国当代史,以及传承历史知识方面具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

口述历史既是收集传播史料的方法,又是全部或部分以这种史料为依据的文献,也是一种阐述历史的方式。口述历史方法论的研究主要从采访者、受访者及研究者三个角度进行,在具体的开展上较多运用心理学、社会学等学科方法,有着跨学科的特点。回顾与总结我国口述历史实践中方法论、具体应用方法,提出方法论和具体方法的完善,重视跨学科合作,加强法律意识及法律保障的建议。  相似文献   


This article discusses two projects supported by the Higher Education Active Community Fund, which involved student and staff volunteers in working with local communities and community-based organisations in two London boroughs. Oral history methods were used to investigate and represent the experiences of elderly people living in Borough A and young people who have been in foster care in Borough B and their carers. Both projects involved collecting detailed life stories on video and editing these for exhibition in the public domain. The video for Borough A was to form part of the Council's website, the older people's portal. The video for Borough B was to be used to train people providing professional services to young people in foster care and to involve the young people in filming, editing and producing a soundtrack. The article discusses the aims and context of the two projects and critically reviews the learning experiences involved. It analyses issues raised by volunteering, working with local communities, and attempting to represent marginalised experience. It reflects critically on notions of community and community development and discusses relations between oral history projects and community definition, higher education and society.  相似文献   

现代口述史学作为历史学的一个新领域和新方法,近年来,随着其在我国多个学科的应用,有了长足的发展。一些近代纪念馆也尝试开展了此项工作,有力的推动了它们的基础业务工作。但纵观其在整个近现代纪念馆界的实践,却还略显滞后。因此,本文将从现代口述史学在我国近现代纪念馆实践的积极作用和其所面临的一些问题展开分析,并对其未来的发展提出一些初步的想法。  相似文献   

《历史与社会》新课标指出:该课程不是学科群体的统称,而是基于学生的生活经验,对历史、人文地理等相关学科内容的整合。它力求综合范围适当、融合程度较高、整合形式合理,从而把各学科领域彼此孤立、相互隔离的内容体系,改造成为各学科领域有机联系的课程体系,而不只是形式上的捏合。这要求教师在教学的过程中必须从学生实际的生活经验出发。但学生来自各个家庭,生活经验大不相同,如何利用学生生活经验成为一个棘手的难题。口述史教学给该难题提供了很好的借鉴。以下,笔者将对口述史在历史与社会教学过程中的运用谈一些自己的看法。  相似文献   

This article seeks to exemplify the extent to which oral life history research can enrich existing historiographies of English Religious Education (RE). Findings are reported from interviews undertaken with a sample of key informants involved in designing and/or implementing significant curriculum changes in RE in the 1960s and 1970s. The interviews provided insights into personal narratives and biographies that have been marginal to, or excluded from, the historical record. Thematic analysis of the oral life histories opened a window into the world of RE, specifically in relation to professional identity and practice, curriculum development and professional organisations, thereby exposing the operational dynamics of RE at an (inter-)personal and organisational level. The findings are framed by a series of methodological reflections. Overall, oral life histories are shown to be capable of revealing that which was previously hidden and which can be confirmed and contrasted with knowledge gleaned from primary documentary sources.  相似文献   


Engagement of student-teachers with the community of practice they are entering is central to the formation of their identity as an educator. This paper outlines a teaching and research project that enabled early childhood student-teachers to gain insights into the field through interviewing past teachers and reflecting on their practices. In the process, students became aware of the complexities of their chosen profession, alternative teaching practices and different ways of relating with families. Their responses indicated that the experience had an impact on their identity with the profession, their learning about the nature of history and their understanding of research processes.  相似文献   

In studying the historical development of early years provision, a clear factor in raising its profile was the growth in scientific study of children, especially the reception and interpretation of Piaget's research. For an understanding of how the mediation of new thinking and new discoveries influenced students and teachers, textbooks provide an important documentary source, but evidence is also available through oral history in the living memories of practitioners themselves. This paper draws on the testimony of early years teachers who began their careers between 1927 and 1955 and continued teaching into the 1960s and 1970s. The account below begins with reflections on psychology and education in the early decades of the twentieth century drawn from a 1936 conference organised by the Nursery School Association of Great Britain, and from a widely used textbook that represents the gradual trend towards ‘fragmentation’ of educational theory into a multiplicity of disciplines. Reference is then made to two popular textbooks by prominent Froebelians, Brearley and Hitchfield, and by Ruth Beard illustrating the growing influence of Piaget as a post facto rationale for a pedagogy that was proceeding by instinct. Walkerdine, Lister and Hall are researchers who have investigated from various angles the impact of Piagetian psychology on primary practice, but the process whereby this translation from the laboratory to the classroom takes place is one that demands further investigation. Vital evidence lies in the living memories of early years teachers whose careers spanned the 1930s to the 1970s and a rich quality and personal texture of the data is apparent as retired early years teachers recounted their professional careers. It offers a more complex account than the grand narratives that historians have traditionally compiled from purely documentary evidence centring on great thinkers, key texts and policy initiatives. The role of in‐service education was clearly important in the experiences recalled in this paper. Above all we find evidence of a distinctive shift in teacher–child relationships over that historical period and of the contribution made to this by psychological theory, epitomised in the figure of Piaget and in his focus on the individual learner.  相似文献   

历史是一种先于文本的客观存在,它因时间的不可逆转性而成为"非叙述、非再现"的,任何历史叙述都只能是叙述者立足于现时视野的再创造.在这一创造过程中,叙述者个人的价值立场决定着历史图像的面目.李锐的<银城故事>即是立足于现实对历史进行个人化阐释的典型个案.作家在文本中努力穿透时间的帷幕,从自身作为一个具体的中国人的现实境遇出发,坚持以个人的名义重新叙述历史,完成了对所谓"客观真实的历史"的质疑,将"那些被无情泯灭的生命从历史的谎言中打捞出来",终使个人从历史的重重遮蔽中浮现出来.  相似文献   

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