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Academic Leadership: Prescriptions,Practices and Paradoxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ideas from the new public managementphilosophy infusing higher education oftenstress the need for strong and strategicacademic leadership if successful adaptation toa changing environment is to take place. Byshowing some of the challenges facing academicleaders in Sweden and Norway, this articlequestions the wisdom of employing new publicmanagement ideas on leadership during changeprocesses in higher education. It is arguedthat an academic leadership able to attachmeaning to paradoxical situations and toilluminate challenging dilemmas may be a morepromising option for a sector where change inthe years to come will be more the standardsituation than the exception.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - Leadership of academic units, in the guise of headship of departments, is crucial for the ongoing well-being of academic life and yet it remains a contested...  相似文献   

Counselor educators are well‐equipped to serve as academic leaders, yet little is known about what factors influence their engagement experiences. This grounded theory provides a theoretical model of academic leadership engagement based on interviews with 20 counselor educators with academic leadership experience. Implications for facilitating academic leadership engagement are provided.  相似文献   

在《大学运行模式——大学组织与领导的控制系统》一书中,“大学的领导”是贯穿始末的重要问题。基于大学的组织特性,大学的领导具有不同于其它组织领导的特征。如何使大学的领导趋于有效,可以考虑控制性的领导与管理;领导者的复杂化与正确学习;平衡管理。作者的思想对于我们研究大学的领导问题具有借鉴意义,同时也有其局限性。  相似文献   

艾尔米塔什博物馆与俄罗斯科学院东方学研究所圣彼得堡分所的黑水城藏品中有12幅表现星神的作品.本文第一次全面披露这批珍藏,并从文化、宗教、造像和风格等角度出发,对这些作品进行排比、考察分析其布局和图像的演变,从而揭示出11世纪至14世纪中亚与汉地流行的星宿崇拜的真实面貌.它们以汉式为主体,同时结合了希腊、印度与中亚的创造,呈现为一种"十字交汇文化".  相似文献   

美国大学系主任管理和领导角色探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在美国,系是大学最基本的组成单位。因此,大学系主任几乎负责与教、学、研及向社会提供服务有关的各项活动,通常扮演管理和领导的双重角色。其主要的工作包括开发师资、组织管理本系的各项日常活动和事务、领导本系的整体发展以及从事教学科研工作。显而易见,美国高等教育能够达到今天的水准与系主任的贡献是分不开的。中国高校正在面临、或在不同程度上进行内部结构和职能的调整和重组。尤其是许多大学纷纷成立学院。因而,对系主任管理领导角色进行重新定位具有深远意义。相信了解和借鉴国外的成功经验定有裨益。  相似文献   

大学校长:学术领导力的中世纪起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以校长为核心的领导体制是现代西方大学的普遍特征,但不同国家的大学在校长领导体制上又存在各自的特色和差异,考察大学校长这一职位及其领导力在中世纪的起源和发展,有助于我们正确认识和理解各国大学校长领导体制之间的共同点与差异,对于重视与落实我国大学校长的地位与职权具有重要意义.  相似文献   

西方佛学专家安东尼·托拉巴(AnthonyTribe)的力作"文殊:来历、角色与意义"一文刊登在2004年《西方佛学评论》第一期和第二期,本文选译自文章的第三部分。作者从寺庙的修建、佛经的翻译、文殊与密教的结合等方面阐述了印度密教祖师不空对于提升中国五台山文殊信仰所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

On July 1, 2000, I became the first black dean of Education in the almost 100-year existence of the formidable University of Pretoria, South Africa. This essay offers a set of meditations on being a black dean in a white university at the birth of a post-apartheid democracy. There are many sides to this narrative. It is a story of leading in a young democracy and about black leadership in a conservative white environment. It is about the emotions and politics of change. It is about engaging established patterns of certainty and control, and managing the inevitability of loss and change. It is about race, reconciliation, and restitution—all at the same time.  相似文献   

Teachers and students alike seek frameworks and norm systems that help them sort out how they fit into a school's culture. Cultural frameworks are sources of sense making and meaning that all of us need.  相似文献   

福建地处东南沿海,人们素有移居海外的习俗。在早期的福建海外移民中,妈祖主要起航海保护神的作用,而当福建移民抵达海外移居地时,他们也把妈祖信仰带到了新的地方,并赋予新的使命,使妈祖宫庙成为联络乡谊、增进感情、共谋福祉的新场所。  相似文献   

学术骨干是高校学科建设团队中的骨干力量,是学科实力提升和优势特色形成的关键因素。学术骨干作为学科团队中的引领人,在学科建设中发挥着重要作用,重视团队中学术骨干的领导力,对学科建设的内涵式发展有着至关重要的意义。目前,在学科建设中,学术骨干在学科引领中存在领导力观念滞后、学科内部体制机制不健全、学术骨干能力素质有待加强、学科团队文化建设薄弱等问题。为了提升高校学科团队中学术骨干的领导力,实现学科建设的可持续发展,高校应在加强领导力理论基础、健全学科内部治理体制机制、提升学术骨干自身能力、重视学科团队文化建设等方面进行综合考虑。  相似文献   

Universities have been forced to change their internal management and leadership procedures along with the changing state steering. In Finland, changes in financial steering during last ten years have had the strongest effective impact on internal university management.Budget allocation is a policy instrument that can be used by governments to influence the behaviour of universities. The same applies to the situation within institutions. The way budgets are allocated depends on the relationships between the central university administration and faculties.Finnish universities have started to use the same fund allocation models as are in use at the national level, although the amount of funds to be allocated differs markedly from the national level funding. The increase in external funds, and the increase of state funds to be competed for, create new management procedures inside the university and its faculties. Universities have started to implement entrepreneurial activity models in their management processes.Universities have to find a new way for management to take into account the changing state steering and the increasing external funds, as well as the nature of the academic community. This is a growing challenge for university management and leadership.  相似文献   

信仰、宗教、邪教三者既相互区别又紧密联系。它们分别对个人乃至整个社会都产生了不同程度的影响。信仰最终要从宗教中解放出来 ,而宗教的世俗化却又使现代社会面临着严峻的挑战  相似文献   

一流大学的学术领导力成为了"双一流"建设要关注的核心焦点,一流大学通过由学术所形成的聚合力对其组织中的个体以及组织外的机构和公众产生影响.学术领导力是一种专业主义的影响力,是个体和组织的双重领导力,是教学学术、应用学术、整合学术、发现学术的多维体现.在深化"双一流"建设的进程中,我们要框定大学学术领导力的合理边界,进一步弱化大学与其他组织之间的"界限",让大学成为公共交往的场所,从学术团队的领导力建设入手,改革学术评价制度,实现教师在不同组织间的"交叉聘用",实现教师的合理流动,进一步促进分布式的学术领导力生态格局.  相似文献   

Cult3D是一种新的Web3D实现技术,本文着重介绍了Cult3D在网络三维图形技术上的优越性,并就其在网络课程开发中的运用作了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

跨学科合作是推动新文科建设、促进文科教育创新发展的基本路径,但在面对文科教师"单枪匹马"的传统科研方式、学科交叉融合发展"老大难"问题以及学术虚假合作等学术合作困境时就需要发挥教师学术领导力的关键作用.在新文科建设实践中,骨干教师和领军人物通过价值观引领、目标定位、持续推动、成果提炼四个具有特定运行逻辑的作用环节,对团队成员围绕共同学术目标进行的实质性合作产生影响力,而这些作用环节综合影响力的大小取决于其前后连贯、自成闭环的运行逻辑.  相似文献   

Transformational leadership is well documented in organizational and business literature. Classroom and faith-based applications are more recent phenomena. The authors of this mixed-methods study explored professor behaviors and characteristics perceived as transformational in students' faith and focused on transformational leadership in the classroom at a faith-based institution. Thirty-four undergraduate students completed surveys containing open-ended and forced-choice questions; the findings highlighted the importance of compassion, optimism, encouragement, and openness as behaviors that facilitated faith transformation.  相似文献   

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