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David Reeder was one of the most important conservers of the traditions of urban history scholarship established during the 1960s at the University of Leicester under the leadership of Professor H. J. Dyos. Among Reeder’s major achievements were the application of the skills and objectives of such scholarship to the history of education, and in turn his reminding of urban historians of the importance of the educational dimension within their studies. Reeder was also a key figure in the international diffusion of teaching and research in urban educational history, and in promoting an interdisciplinary perspective that drew together past and present studies of urban educational policy and related social issues. This tribute article places his work in the context of changing attitudes to the history of urban education from the early 1970s to the early 1990s, and focuses by way of illustration on collaborative work between its writer [BM] and David Reeder in national conferences and in contributions to publications on the subject.  相似文献   

Following Scott (this issue), this paper examines how environmental education researchers might intervene to greater effect in the policies and practices of our governments and local and international organizations through individual and collective programmes of research. Suggesting that public scholarship or academic activism can engage a wide spectrum of genres and outcomes of research activity, the paper proposes that what stands out are not the methods employed in seeking to have research ‘be of use’, but instead what can be termed modes of engagement. These can be described as including interpretive critique or ‘speaking truth to power’, public space and collaboration, and the role of research imagination in social life. These three modes are discussed with the hope that researchers will consider their possibilities and implications in working towards more powerful public scholarship in environmental education.  相似文献   

大学从来就是一个社会组织,学术性是它不同于一般社会组织和其他学校组织的个性特征;大学所必须承担的社会角色都是建立在其学术性之上的,大学学术个性的发展是其社会角色完善的前提;大学组织发展的实质即是其学术性发展与社会角色完善的统一;尊重学术发展的内在逻辑,弘扬学术精神是大学组织发展的边界条件。  相似文献   

林纾的人格特征是儒、道、侠三者兼具,而以儒为主。林纾儒者人格的形成与其成长的地域文化氛围、家庭环境以及治学经历有着密不可分的关系。其儒者人格主要体现在人格修养的"内圣"境界、坚持义利之辨、砥砺"浩然"之气、言行举止恪守"礼"的规范、怀抱社会关怀精神等。  相似文献   

This conceptual exploration revisits a key question from earlier work (Greenhow & Gleason, 2014): What is scholarship reconsidered in the age of social media? Social scholarship is a framework that expanded Boyers’ (1990) conceptualization of scholarship to consider how social media affect discovery and research, teaching and learning, integration, and application. This paper critically reflects on how social scholarship continues to evolve in light of changing understandings in the field of educational technology and the role social media play in the academy. We provide recent examples of social scholarship such as altmetrics, interdisciplinary projects, crowdsourced educational technology syllabi and reconsideration of the needs of research participants. Moreover, we share concrete examples of how scholars might enact social scholarship, with what benefits and challenges, and surface new concerns regarding openness, equity, access, literacy, privacy and ethical considerations. Our paper concludes with recommendations for preparing scholars to enact social scholarship while mitigating the challenges it poses.  相似文献   

Graham Nuthall described research findings from his recent classroom studies as educationally transformative, analogous to the shift to a Copernican universe. In honouring this assertion, we focus on two aspects of Graham's work: the role of theory in his scholarship, and the relationship between his scholarship and the pursuit of educational equity. In each case, we speak to why these aspects of his work are important and how each facet of his work is poised to advance the enterprise of education. Finally, we address some of the transformative implications of these two aspects of Graham's work for educational research and teacher education.  相似文献   

This conceptual exploration inquires, what is scholarship reconsidered in the age of social media? How ought we to conceptualize social scholarship—a new set of practices being discussed in various disciplines? The paper offers a critical examination of the practical and policy implications of reconsidering scholarship in light of social media's affordances toward a conceptualization of social scholarship. For each dimension of Boyer's original framework, we explain its epistemologies and practices. Next, we take a critical approach to inquiring how each dimension, reconsidered through the lens of social scholarship values and social media affordances, might be envisioned today. This exploration provides concrete examples of how scholars might enact social scholarship with what benefits and challenges.  相似文献   

Aidan Chambers’ Breaktime (1978) is famous for its unique narrative style and sexual content. This focus has obscured another significant aspect of the novel: the role of social class in Breaktime and Chambers’ working-class background have rarely been explored. Chambers was an example of what Richard Hoggart calls “the scholarship boy,” a working-class boy educated in a grammar school in mid-twentieth-century Britain. In this article, Haru Takiuchi argues that Chambers’ scholarship-boy experiences are crucial for understanding Breaktime. For his analysis of the cultural and psychological aspects of class that concern representations of scholarship boys in British children’s literature of the 1960s and 1970s, he draws on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of class habitus, more focused studies of class in Britain and research into the experiences of scholarship boys. Using material from the author’s archive supplemented with interviews, Haru Takiuchi highlights Chambers’ unique representation of the scholarship boy and social class in the book.  相似文献   

Driven largely by calls for accountability, the use of large‐scale testing is expanding in terms of the number and purposes of testing programmes. At the same time, financial constraints have resulted in attempts to reduce the lengths of such examinations. An examination of the 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 British Columbia Scholarship programme illustrates that differential and unanticipated differences can occur when such changes to the testing programme are made. The removal of a portion of the constructed‐response (CR) and written tasks (WT) items used to identify scholarship recipients resulted in differences in scholarship scores and the identification of scholarship recipients. Further, the differences were found to affect subgroups of students differentially. While there were no differences attributed to gender, higher difference rates were associated with course area (humanities vs. science) or examination session (January vs. June). The results illustrate the complex and contextual impact of changes to examination programmes and the potential consequences of such changes. Test developers and users must make more of an effort to examine the consequences of examination programmes and planned changes upon the students and others who may be affected by the results.  相似文献   

This article opens with an overview of the pressures that have led to heightened calls for accountability in higher education, both in the US and Europe. Noting that doctoral programmes have, to date, drawn minimal attention in the accountability debates, the authors note that these programmes cannot stay forever on the sidelines. Drawing on their knowledge of the American context in particular, the authors go on to outline current efforts to assess the quality of doctoral programmes in the US with attention to how these efforts respond to accountability demands. They urge the higher education community to re-shape the accountability discussion, shifting its centre from government to higher education and the institutions training doctoral students who will become faculty. Crucially, they argue that graduate programmes should train doctoral students to undertake and use discipline-appropriate assessment measurement and scholarship as part of their future work as college and university instructors. If doctoral students emerge as faculty with an understanding of how to conduct assessments for the purpose of improving student learning, they will advance not only their fields, but higher education more generally.  相似文献   


What do teacher educators need to know and do in order to move from espousing to enacting social justice in their own teacher educating practice? This article addresses this question by examining scholarship that focuses on the preparation of preservice teachers for social justice. Using five knowledge domains for teaching (personal, contextual, pedagogical, sociological, social) as an analytic lens, the authors examined teacher education literature published between 2010 and 2016 in three international journals from Australia, the U.K. and the U.S. The study reveals that teacher educators in different contexts seem to highlight personal and contextual knowledge in their preparation of equity-minded preservice teachers and provides insight into how they conceptualise educational equity and social justice. The study illuminates what is likely in place in initial teacher education programmes, and what may be needed or missing if teacher educators are to prepare teachers for today’s diverse classrooms.

Abbreviation ITE: Initial Teacher Education ITE  相似文献   

崔与之“无以学术杀天下后世”语常为时彦所误解,认为这句话反映出他对理学垄断学术、摧残人才、祸害后世的愤然之情。笔者认为,崔与之所说并未抨击理学,其真实含义是:鉴于王安石以其学术危害国家社会,崔与之时时告诫自己,所治学术一定要“正”,不能因为自己的学术不正而危害社会及后世之人。  相似文献   

陈献章儒道兼综的道德文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈献章作为明代社会变化的感受者和见证者,为救人心、救社会、重建道德主体哲学,摆脱束缚,大胆创新,实现了学术文化由理学向心学的转向。在这种转向过程中,透过陈献章对生死、苦乐、名利、仕隐等道德文化问题的阐述,可以看出其儒道兼综的道德文化特色。  相似文献   

Conclusion The University of the Air seems to have been favourably accepted by students after the first term's experience, and it can be assumed that the University activities will be developed in the future. The radio and television programmes broadcast via the University of the Air Foundation broadcasting station are listened to and watched by many people other than students of the University. The potential therefore for the social education of the public at large can be said to be enormous. Acknowledgement: The author expresses his thanks to the staff of the University of the Air Foundation and of the National Centre for the Development of Educational Broadcasting, and also to Professor Donald P. Ely, Syracuse University, for his helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

This article explores theoretical and historical problems associated with representations of gender and race in the Third World. Using a feminist cultural studies approach, the author examines representations associated with the concept of African tradition that have shaped colonial and post-colonial education policy for girls in Tanzania. Archival materials from missionary, colonial, and African sources reveal the multiple and often conflicting views of tradition conveyed through programmes intended to increase African girls' participation in school. The uses of tradition in colonial policy making are compared with its meanings in contemporary educational programmes for girls in an attempt to further feminist scholarship and action around the issue of girls' education.  相似文献   

吴儆是南宁新安理学的重要代表人物之一。其社会政治学说包括“以民为本”的治国思想、“法久必弊、弊极必革”的变革主张、地方政治中的“三害论”和以吏治为核心的“治民理财”观等内容。他的社会政治学说具有关注现实、关注民生两大鲜明的特点。而这两大特点的形成,与新安学派的学术环境以及吴氏的经历密切相关。  相似文献   

This instrumental case study reports on the unique experiences of a secondary school teacher who was a victim of learner cyberbullying. This teacher experienced severe emotional distress, family stress, anxiety, anger, intense humiliation and loss of dignity as a result of cyberbullying. On a professional level he felt unsupported by his teachers’ union, school management team and teaching authorities. Support from his family, his community and the opportunity to share his experience with other teachers influenced his resilience positively while taking action made him feel like a role model for other teachers. This study highlights the effects of aggression in schools and raises concern about school climate and the need for social emotional competence programmes for learners.  相似文献   

王国维在中西思想文化的交流与碰撞中,突破了传统与近代学术思想的拘囿,大胆运用西方学说来阐释中国的文化命题,创造性地提出了自己的学术观,执着地追求学术的“独立”,积极地倡导学术的“自觉”,其学术思想对中国现代学术的创立与发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines an issue of recent Kant scholarship on education: the supposed disconnect between his theory of morals and his theory of character. While the debate is often couched in terms of Kant’s ‘phenomenal–noumenal’ distinction, or the distinction between moral theory and culture, I follow scholarship suggesting the best way to understand Kant’s distinction is by following his account of the ‘conduct of thought.’ Doing so demonstrates the Lectures on Logic and particularly, his account of prejudice, as playing a large role in the articulation of what it is to think subjectively. We also see the importance of conducting our thinking from the subjective standpoint to an objective (moral) one in order to fulfill our obligations to both think and act morally.  相似文献   

西方戏剧美学中,古希腊罗马时期,主张悲剧主角应是上层贵族阶级。艺复兴时期,出现了离经叛道的新观点。启蒙思想家提出以资产阶级作为悲剧主角,打破上层贵族阶级的一统天下。19世纪雨果等进一步论述了资产阶级作为悲剧主角取代王公贵族的历史趋势。黑格尔的戏剧关学博大精深,但他有关悲剧主角社会身份的见解却较保守。  相似文献   

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