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基于现在高职数学教育的实际情况,从高职数学教育与中学数学教育的区别和衔接,针对知识点和学习方法两个方面进行了探讨。并根据一线教师多年的实际经验,给出了一定的解决方案。  相似文献   

Drawing on research investigating the impact of health imperatives around obesity, diet and exercise on the actions of teachers and pupils in schools, this paper offers a reflexive account of the relationships between the ‘noise’ of obesity discourse in the public domain, policies forged to tackle health issues and the realities of teaching in schools. Our analyses suggest that intersections of bio‐policies, body pedagogies and human agents forge assemblages of meaning that frame and regulate but cannot determine either teachers' or young people's lives. Teachers and pupils experience the capriciousness of policies as they flow through specific school contexts and intersect with ‘local’ institutional cultures, expectations and interests. We suggest that Basil Bernstein's concepts and poststructural social theory prove useful when addressing how the aforementioned processes are emplaced, enacted and embodied.  相似文献   

The study examined the experience of communication in the workplace for mathematics graduates with a view to enriching university curriculum. I broaden the work of Burton and Morgan (2000), who investigated the discourse practices of academic mathematicians to examine the discourse used by new mathematics graduates in industry and their perceptions of how they acquired these skills. I describe the different levels of perception of discourse needs and of how they gained the necessary skills. At the lowest level, they learnt through trying out different approaches. At the next level, they were assisted by colleagues or outside situations. At the highest level, a small group viewed communication and interpersonal skills as a scientific process and stood back and used their “mathematical” observation skills to model their behaviour. These graduates did not appear to have systematically studied communication as part of their degree and they were unaware of the power of language choices in the workplace. Those who were working as mathematicians had to come to grips with explaining mathematical concepts to a wide range of people with varying mathematical skills but who generally were considerably less skilled in mathematics. The study revealed that these graduates were seriously underprepared in many aspects for joining the workforce. Many found it difficult to adapt to dealing with colleagues and managers, and developing communication skills was often a matter of trial and error.  相似文献   

Science has an important role to play in advising policymakers on crafting effective responses to social problems that affect the development of children. This article describes lessons learned from a multiyear, working collaboration among neuroscientists, developmental psychologists, pediatricians, economists, and communications researchers who are engaged in the iterative construction of a core story of development, using simplifying models (i.e., metaphors) such as "brain architecture,"toxic stress," and "serve and return" to explain complex scientific concepts to nonscientists. The aim of this article is to stimulate more systematic, empirical approaches to the task of knowledge transfer and to underscore the need to view the translation of science into policy and practice as an important academic endeavor in its own right.  相似文献   

教育的还原与更新--试论教育本身   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前教育的问题,在于偏离教育本体,即教育本身。故教育必须还原与更新,才能重新焕发出生机和活力。教育本身,就是教育之所是。教育是真实的人的教育,是使人尽性,唤醒和铸造人的灵魂的教育。实现教育本身,需要教师用自己的整个生命去感动、解放和提升学生的生命。  相似文献   

Education for work: Reflections towards a theory of vocational education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By integrating aspects of a philosophy of work and a sociology of work, this article draws conclusions relevant to framing a theory of vocational education. Education for work is accepted in this paper as the common central meaning of the term vocational education. The two concepts, education and work, are first examined separately: work is seen to include recreational and occupational work, while occupational work is seen to fall on a continuum ranging from constrained to unconstrained occupational work. Education and training are distinguished. After a discussion of the conceptual links which might be drawn between education and work, recommendations are made about the aims, the place, and the curriculum of vocational education within the general institution of education.
Zusammenfassung Durch die Integration von Aspekten einer Philosophie der Arbeit und einer Soziologie der Arbeit kommt der Verfasser dieses Artikels zu Schlußfolgerungen, die eine Theorie der Berufsbildung entwickeln. Bildung für die Arbeit wird in diesem Artikel als die allgemeine, zentrale Bedeutung des Begriffes Berufsbildung verstanden. Die beiden Begriffe Erziehung, und Arbeit werden zunächst einzeln untersucht: Arbeit umfaßt hier Freizeit- und Berufsarbeit; Berufsarbeit ist ein Kontinuum von mehr oder weniger vorgegebener Tätigkeit. Es wird zwischen Bildung und Ausbildung unterschieden. Im Anschluß an eine Diskussion über begriffliche Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Erziehung und Arbeit werden Vorschläge über Ziele, Einordnung und Curriculum der Berufsbildung innerhalb des allgemeinen Systems der Erziehung unterbreitet.

Résumé En intégrant des aspects d'une philosophie et d'une sociologie du travail, cet article tire des conclusions pertinentes pour l'élaboration d'une théorie de l'éducation professionnelle. L'éducation pour le travail est prise dans cet article au sens commun central du terme éducation professionnelle. Tout d'abord, on examine séparément les deux concepts éducation et travail: on considère que le travail inclut les occupations récréatives et professionnelles alors que le travail professionnel est vu en tant qu'un continuum allant du travail professionnel contraint au travail non contraint. On distingue l'éducation de la formation. Après une discussion sur les liens conceptuels qui pourraient être établis entre l'éducation et le travail, des recommandations sont faites sur les objectifs, la place et le contenu de l'éducation professionnelle au sein de l'institution générale de l'éducation.

The questions this paper attempts to answer are related to the attitudes of student teachers of the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Patras (Greece) towards mathematics, as well as their views on the instruction of mathematics in Early Childhood Education. The research sample included 52 students in the fourth semester of studies, who were invited to answer a questionnaire with respect to mathematics and its instruction. The findings reveal the negative attitude our research subjects adopt towards mathematics. Their epistemological views on mathematics and its instruction do not constitute a single and solid conceptual system. These findings underline the need to improve the mathematical education offered to student teachers of Early Childhood Education.

Les questions posées par la présente recherche concernent les attitudes envers les mathématiques ainsi que les conceptions sur l'enseignement de mathématiques des étudiants—futurs enseignants du Département de l'Education Pré‐scolaire de l'université de Patras. Cinquante‐deux étudiants de la quatrième année de leurs études ont participé à cette recherche en remplissant un questionnaire sur les mathématiques et leur enseignement. L'analyse des réponses a montré que les étudiants ont des attitudes négatives envers les mathématiques et que leurs conceptions épistémologiques sur les mathématiques et leur enseignement ne constituent pas un cadre conceptuel unitaire et cohérent. Ces constatations soulignent la nécessite de reformulation du contenu de l'éducation mathématique adressé aux étudiants—futurs enseignants à l'école maternelle.

La pesquisa actual está intentando responder a cuestiones relacionadas con las actitudes de los estudiantes—futuros institutores—de la Facultad de Pedagogía Preescolar de la Universidad de Patras (Grecia), en relación a la matemática y con sus puntos de vista en relación a la enseñanza de los conceptos matemáticos en la Educación Preescolar. La muestra representativa de la investigación se compone de 52 estudiantes del cuarto semestre de la carrera a quienes se solicitó responder a un cuestionario relacionado con la matemática y su didáctica. El escrutinio del cuestionario indica que los sujetos de la muestra mantienen una actitud negativa ante la matemática y su didáctica. Además, sus convicciones y conjeturas de ellos no componen un sistema de comprensión unificado y conciso acerca de la matemática y su didáctica. Dicho escrutinio subraya que hace falta mejorar la educación de la matemática que se presta en nuestra Facultad de Pedagogía.

Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Einstellung von Studenten—zukünftigen Lehrern—des Fachs Pädagogik am Institut für Frühe Kindheit, Universität Patras, Griechenland, gegenüber der Mathematik. Insbesondere befasst sie sich mit deren Wahrnehmung der Vermittlung von mathematischen Begriffen im Kindergarten. Im Rahmen der Studie wurden 52 Studenten des vierten Semesters aufgefordert, einen Fragebogen zur Mathematikausbildung auszufüllen. Aus den Ergebnissen resultiert eine negative Haltung der Befragten gegenüber der Mathematik und deren Unterricht. Des weiteren bilden ihre Wahrnehmungsweise der Mathematik und des Mathematikunterrichts kein einheitliches und konsistentes konzeptuelles System. Diese Ergebnisse heben die Notwendigkeit einer Verbesserung der angebotenen Mathematikausbildung in unserem Fachbereich Pädagogik hervor.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine aspects of French social theorist, Michel Foucault's work and the contributions these can make to understanding practices in outdoor education. We look specifically at his notions of practice, discourse, power and the self and the lines of questioning that these concepts make possible in relation to outdoor education. We conclude with a discussion of some of the challenges of doing research with Foucauldian tools.  相似文献   

This paper contains an analysis of policy formulations which underlie the work of the ‘Leeds Adult Learners at Work’ project (1991‐93). The overall aim of the project was to assess the contribution that broadly based Employee Development training schemes organized through the workplace can make towards achieving the internationally recognized goal of ‘lifelong learning’. The paper follows Ball (1990) in seeing policy as a contested arena in which different actors struggle to impose their views. This involves an analysis of competing discourses. However, the discourse interfaces with a socio‐economic system in which individual adults find their day‐today lives increasingly constrained. First, an analysis is made of the economic context of education and training policy in terms of the international division of labour, the apparently contradictory processes of deskilling and reskilling, and mass unemployment. A critical analysis follows of the rhetoric which identifies education and training as a panacea for economic crisis, extending into the field of adult education and training for employed people some of the insights gained by policy analysts in the school and further education arenas. It is argued that there are indeed a number of significant interventions in the field (e.g. by educational institutions, employers, trades unions, TECs) but that there is a distinct lack of overarching policy direction. It is concluded that there is a need to develop a policy discourse which locates paid work as an important arena in which lifelong learning can be developed, while recognizing the complex divisions of labour within society and the learning needs of people largely excluded from paid work.  相似文献   

Situative and sociocognitive analyses were combined to examine engagement in high-level collaborative learning and its relationship with individuals’ cognitions. Video footage of 53 science university students’ (nine groups) collaborative learning interactions as they worked through a case-based project was analysed in combination with students’ appraisals and reflections on the activity. Sizeable group differences in amount of high-level discussion of learning content were revealed. Individual high-level contributions were positively correlated with overall unit performance. Motivation at task onset predicted amount but not depth of content-related group discussion. Interviews with participants suggested that groups’ divergent patterns of engagement with content could be related to different perceptions of the notion of collaborative learning. Results are discussed in terms of implications for collaborative learning research and educational practice.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Tutorials for Schools Programme which has recently been piloted and evaluated in a region of Scotland. The Programme is run by university students who take university style tutorials with 15–18 year old pupils in their own school setting. The tutorials are carried out during the post‐preliminary or ‘mock’ examination period so that pupils have learnt as much of their examination syllabus as possible and can discuss topics in some depth. The scheme aims to promote pupils' communication and analytical skills, as well as motivate their interest in their examination subjects, helping their revision. By using university style pedagogy, the Programme aims to stimulate their enthusiasm to continue their study in a new environment and by different means. For less able pupils, the Programme provides an opportunity to practise debating skills, justify opinions and feel confident when answering questions in preparation for job interviews.  相似文献   

This article suggests a new framework for analysing attitude and changes in attitude. After reviewing relevant findings in the field of psychology of emotions, the author will provide a new conceptualisation for attitude. Four different evaluative processes are identified as aspects of attitude: emotions aroused in the situation, emotions associated with the stimuli, expected consequences, and relating the situation to personal values. The usefulness of this analytical framework will be illustrated with an exemplary case study. An ethnographic case study of Rita, a lower secondary school student, will be analysed. The case study will describe her negative attitude towards mathematics, and then examine how negative emotions developed during problem solving situations. Within half a year her attitude towards mathematics changed dramatically to more positive.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to clarify the fact that the effect of attitudes towards school mathematics on mathematical achievement in the classrooms was larger in a group of low intelligence students than in a group of high intelligence students, using the technique of the analysis of covariance. In the study we interpreted the effect as the coefficient of regression of summative test scores on attitudinal scores. The study involved eighth grade students attending three junior high schools in Japan. For the three schools, we obtained the expected inequalities: the regression coefficient of the low intelligence group (> that of the middle intelligence group) > that of the high intelligence group, almost all of which were statistically significant.  相似文献   

阐述了数学素质的内涵和外延,论述了创新教育和数学素质教育的重要性和迫切性,阐明了创新教育和数学素质教育的实施办法和途径。  相似文献   

We discuss contemporary theories in mathematics education in order to do research on research. Our strategy consists of analysing discursively and ideologically recent key publications addressing the role of theory in mathematics education research. We examine how the field fabricates its object of research by deploying Foucault’s notion of bio-politics—mainly to address the object “learning”—and ?i?ek’s ideology critique—to address the object “mathematics”. These theories, which have already been used in the field to research teaching and learning, have a great potential to contribute to a reflexivity of research on its discourses and effects. Furthermore, they enable us to present a clear distinction between what has been called the sociopolitical turn in mathematics education research and what we call a positioning of mathematics education (research) practices in the Political.  相似文献   

Through analyses of Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) data, the following study considers the direct and indirect association between education and workplace task discretion in 30 countries. By focusing on cross-national comparison, it considers the ways in which these findings are dependent on both the overall level and the range of task discretion across occupational sectors within a country. Theoretically, individual-agency and critical-institutional hypotheses are compared, two perspectives that provide divergent explanations for the indirect association between education and task discretion. The findings partially support both perspectives and there is strong evidence of a relative relationship between education and task discretion. That is, in country contexts where overall levels of task discretion are higher and more equal, education operates less strongly as a stratifying force. The originality of this approach showcases empirically how the association between education and task discretion is context dependent and theoretically how individual-agency and critical-institutional perspectives both contribute to understanding this relationship.  相似文献   

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