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This article presents an exploratory study of the relation between academic engagement and academic achievement for Latina/o and non-Latina/o adolescents attending a predominantly low-income, Latina/o urban middle school in Southern California. A sample of 61 students (37 Latinas/os and 24 non-Latinas/os) participated in the study. The Latina/o students’ mean grade point average was lower than the non-Latina/o students’ mean grade point average. The study results revealed a significant interaction between academic engagement and grade point average for Latina/o students but not for non-Latina/o students. Findings are discussed in regard to the promotion of Latina/o adolescent achievement through increased levels of academic engagement.  相似文献   

Latina/o students are one of the least likely populations to access technology and possess the techno-capital necessary to succeed in postsecondary education. This phenomenological qualitative research study used interviews with 20 Latina/o college students in Central Texas to examine how techno-capital and techno-disposition interact in complex ways to influence their college-going processes. Preliminary findings suggest that Latina/o students held varying levels of cognizance about the digital gap that were heavily dependent upon their socioeconomic backgrounds, that techno-disposition could be leveraged to access and attain more techno-capital, and that gender differences exist between how Latina/o students think about, approach, and utilize technology in their college experiences.  相似文献   

Children in public schools challenge people’s conceptions of them by talking about their spiritualities and spiritual practices. Based on a one-year multicultural feminist critical narrative inquiry, this article examines how Black and Latina/o first grade children co-researchers interview family members to think about their beliefs, encourage others, and to acquire more spiritual knowledge. I provide three counterstories in which children choose a mother, an older sister, and a younger brother to interview. These counterstories demonstrate children’s diverse literacies and spiritual practices, and families’ involvement in children’s lives. I discuss implications for educational practices in support of Black and Latina/o children and their families. I highlight ways pedagogical practices can be critiqued and transformed in order to better support children.Dr. Nadjwa E. L. Norton is an Assistant Professor in the Literacy Department at City College, CUNY. Her scholarship focuses on multiple literacies practices, spirituality, teacher education, equity-oriented multicultural education, and collaborative qualitative research designs. Address correspondence to Dr. Nadjwa E. L. Norton, Department of Literacy NAC 6/207, The City College of New York, 138th Street & Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031, USA; e-mail: nnorton@ccny.cuny.edu.  相似文献   

For more than 50 years, college and high school students, families, and community activists have fought for the preservation of ethnic studies. Qualitative research studies consistently have shown positive outcomes, including increased academic engagement and affirmation, for students who take ethnic studies in K-16. In this article, I argue that Latina/o students who enrolled in ethnic studies courses benefited academically and personally from culturally responsive pedagogies. The portraits presented in this article are part of a larger ethnographic study of the schooling experiences of Latina/o students. Data were collected from in-depth, semi-structured interviews, and field notes at two universities. Findings show that the students’ experiences in the courses served as sitio y lengua [a space and a language/discourse] in which they experienced:(1) intersecting sitios of home and school pedagogies; (2) (re)claimed an academic space and identity; and (3) (re)defined and (re)connected the boundaries of community space. Ultimately, this article advocates for the expansion of ethnic studies.  相似文献   

International students experience significant difficulties as they adjust to the dominant culture in the United States. However, there is a substantial gap between the reported academic and sociological distress these students experience and their help‐seeking behaviors. This article reviews international students’ distinctive challenges in seeking professional help and proposes guidelines to effectively support these students by enhancing college counselors’ multicultural counseling competence.  相似文献   

高校学生辅导应该形成“辅导合力”并进行辅导责任分担。高校学生辅导责任分担存在现实、理论与参照依据。根据高校学生辅导责任主客体地位与功能,提出辅导责任分担的概念模型。高校辅导员与教管人员、专任授课教师、校内教辅机构、家庭以及社会媒介分别分担不同的辅导责任。  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenge of diversity in an increasingly multicultural world, and adopts the position that the valuing of diversity can be taught – especially within the context of teacher training and education in general. It gives an overview of major components of diversity training within the context of multicultural counseling, and stresses what counseling can offer teacher training in regard to diversity issues and competencies for the Greek educational setting. Finally, it examines key notions of difference and ‘otherness’ in Greek thought, which can inform contemporary discourse on diversity and multicultural counseling theory and practice.  相似文献   


Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers Union, was and still is involved in a number of social justice causes, including voter participation. Since her days working at the Community Service Organization in the 1950s, she has long advocated for registering and organizing voters as part of a broader strategy to enfranchise Mexican, Mexican American, and other historically marginalized groups. This essay explores a few brief examples of her calls to get out the vote and participate in social movements more broadly to address the deep-seated problems of “citizenship excess” that face Mexican, Mexican American, and other immigrant communities (as well as many others) in the United States. In addition, Huerta has strongly advocated for “people power” as a way to get marginalized people into activism, especially those with intersectional identities related to race, ethnicity, gender, class standing, sexuality, and political orientations.  相似文献   

目的:研究团体心理辅导对高校贫困生心理健康的干预效果,促进高校贫困生心理健康水平的提高。方法:对12名经筛选获得的高校贫困生进行6次团体心理辅导,同时设置对照组。采用SCL-90、SAS、SDS、SES量表,于团体心理辅导前和辅导后对实验组和对照组进行心理测评。结果:团体心理辅导后,实验组在SCL-90的强迫症状、人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、偏执、精神病性因子得分上显著下降(p<0.05或p<0.01);SAS焦虑得分显著降低(p<0.05);SDS抑郁得分显著降低(p<0.01);SES自尊得分显著提高(p<0.05)。结论:团体心理辅导是提高高校贫困生心理健康水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

大学生生命观教育团体辅导效果研究及其反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从大学新生中抽取实验组、对照组各10人,对实验组进行以生命观为主题的团体辅导,以修订后的《生活目的测试》(PIL)量表为评估工具,对实验组和对照组进行前后测,并对实验组进行追踪测试,以探讨有针对性的团体辅导对大学生生命观的影响。结果显示"PIL总分"、"生命热诚"、"自主感"、"对未来期待"4个因子立即性辅导效果显著,"PIL总分"、"生命热诚"、"对未来期待"3个因子持续性辅导效果显著。团体辅导使大学生对生命有了一些全新的感悟,生命观变得更加积极。对团体辅导的方案以及活动安排上的优化可以使效果更佳。  相似文献   

This study provides information about students seeking counseling (N = 3,844) at 9 institutions of higher education. The K-PIRS, an empirically validated measure, was used to assess 7 problem areas (mood difficulties, learning problems, food concerns, interpersonal conflicts, career uncertainties, self-harm indicators, and addiction issues). Forty-two percent of students presented with multiple problems, and most reported that their concerns interfered with their academic (87%) and social (90%) functioning. A majority of students (61%) were in a stage of contemplation when seeking counseling. Only 24% were in a stage of action. There were small differences in problem scores by participants' gender, ethnicity, year in school, type of residence, work status, previous treatment, and use of psychiatric medication. Implications are discussed for counseling practitioners working with college students.  相似文献   

生涯自觉就是个体在人生发展道路上,内在自我发现、外在创新实践的一种主动认识、理性追求及自觉践行。"90后"大学生生涯自觉的主要特征表现为自我探索的主动性、价值观的多元化,外界探索的被动性、择业观的功利化,目标设定的短期性、行动环节的无序化,反馈修正的变通性、生涯辅导需求的专业化。针对"90后"大学生生涯自觉的特点,亟需加强生涯辅导队伍的专业化建设,提升服务的科学性;深入研究生涯辅导的对象,提升服务的针对性;不断完善生涯辅导的方式,提升服务的系统性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate mathematics-related anxiety and attitudes among Latina preservice teachers. Three sections from the Inventory of Mathematics Attitudes, Experience, and Self Awareness were administered to preservice teachers enrolled in a curriculum and instruction mathematics course during the 1st semester of a 2-semester credential program. Pre- and postsurvey data were examined among female students. There were significant differences on 5 statements that suggest positive perceptions about mathematics and 5 statements that suggest negative perceptions about mathematics. We discuss strategies to reduce mathematics anxiety and address attitudes in preservice teachers.  相似文献   

介绍了大学生朋辈辅导的由来及发展。阐述了其在思想政治教育中的优势、是一种双赢的教育模式、是思想政治教育的有效延伸等重要意义。提出构建大学生朋辈辅导体系,应培育优秀群体,开发教育资源,完善组织形式,积极创造条件搭建平台、丰富载体。  相似文献   

正确认识和把握大学生心理健康标准是高校开展学生心理咨询工作取得成效的前提。判断学生心理健康与否应遵循整体性、发展性、主客观相结合、以评促发展、灵活应用等原则。要注意坚持心理健康的相对性,审慎使用心理测量的结果,全面、综合考察学生的心理和行为,关注心理状态持续的时间,区分心理健康标准和道德评价标准,区分应激性的心理问题与人格特质性心理问题,把心理健康的标准看作一种理想尺度。  相似文献   

正确认识和把握大学生心理健康标准是高校开展学生心理咨询工作取得成效的前提。判断学生心理健康与否应遵循整体性、发展性、主客观相结合、以评促发展、灵活应用等原则。要注意坚持心理健康的相对性,审慎使用心理测量的结果,全面、综合考察学生的心理和行为,关注心理状态持续的时间,区分心理健康标准和道德评价标准。区分应激性的心理问题与人格特质性心理问题,把心理健康的标准看作一种理想尺度。  相似文献   

Counseling interventions that support the exploration of ethnocultural concerns are beneficial to the overall well‐being of Black women in college. The authors describe Cultural Connections, a theoretically based and culturally adapted group counseling intervention for Black women in college. Also presented are a case example demonstrating the intervention's utility and recommendations for implementation in college counseling centers.  相似文献   

刘志芳 《成才之路》2020,(6):142-143
离异家庭的日渐增多使得离异家庭孩子的心理问题已经上升到重要的社会问题,关爱和疏导离异家庭的孩子显得尤为重要。教师必须用真心、爱心、耐心和细心引导、鼓励、帮助这些离异家庭的孩子,并要根据学生的不同心理问题合理施教,疏导学生的心理问题,使学生更好地成长。文章对离异家庭学生的心理疏导方法进行论述。  相似文献   

高校的学生心理咨询,无论是从心理咨询存在的前提和基础来看,还是从学校心理咨询的突出特点、党和国家对高校学生心理咨询工作性质的定位、高校学生心理发展的特点、当前我国社会发展的特点以及贯彻心理咨询原则的要求等方面来看,咨询员对来访学生进行价值干预都具有必要性.  相似文献   

团体心理辅导与大学生思想政治教育活动目标一致,领导角色相似,活动对象相近。两者的整合,有助于创造一个和谐与宽松、鼓励与自信的团体氛围;有助于集体凝聚力的形成,促进成员之间的认同感;有助于融洽师生交往,建立朋辈式的师生关系。通过团体心理辅导的方式开展大学生思想政治教育,在实践中要注重选择共性问题,注重保护成员的隐私,注重体验与引导,不能为了活动而活动。  相似文献   

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