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The perception of a human actor performing movements may involve processes related to action execution. This resonance of the motor system may support observational learning and imitation, and could also explain the fact that observers'/actors' movements are disturbed by the observation of a human model making different movements (Kilner et al., 2003). In this study, we tried to specify what information available in the model's behaviour triggers this influence on an observer's behaviour. In two experiments, we had participants make horizontal or vertical arm movements while observing similar movements. In the first experiment, the observers' pattern of behaviour was affected by the observation of a human model making incongruent movements. In the second experiment, similar results were obtained with participants observing a moving dot depicting either biological or non-biological motion. Movement execution was affected differentially by biological and non-biological motion observation. These results show that an observer's behaviour is sensitive to information available in biological motion.  相似文献   

Visual search, anticipation and expertise in soccer goalkeepers   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
We used a novel methodological approach to examine skill-based differences in anticipation and visual search behaviour during the penalty kick in soccer. Expert and novice goalkeepers were required to move a joystick in response to penalty kicks presented on film. The proportion of penalties saved was assessed, as well as the frequency and time of initiation of joystick corrections. Visual search behaviour was examined using an eye movement registration system. Expert goalkeepers were generally more accurate in predicting the direction of the penalty kick, waited longer before initiating a response and made fewer corrective movements with the joystick. The expert goalkeepers used a more efficient search strategy involving fewer fixations of longer duration to less disparate areas of the display. The novices spent longer fixating on the trunk, arms and hips, whereas the experts found the kicking leg, non-kicking leg and ball areas to be more informative, particularly as the moment of foot-ball contact approached. No differences in visual search behaviour were observed between successful and unsuccessful penalties. The results have implications for improving anticipation skill at penalty kicks.  相似文献   

We used a novel methodological approach to examine skill-based differences in anticipation and visual search behaviour during the penalty kick in soccer. Expert and novice goalkeepers were required to move a joystick in response to penalty kicks presented on film. The proportion of penalties saved was assessed, as well as the frequency and time of initiation of joystick corrections. Visual search behaviour was examined using an eye movement registration system. Expert goalkeepers were generally more accurate in predicting the direction of the penalty kick, waited longer before initiating a response and made fewer corrective movements with the joystick. The expert goalkeepers used a more efficient search strategy involving fewer fixations of longer duration to less disparate areas of the display. The novices spent longer fixating on the trunk, arms and hips, whereas the experts found the kicking leg, non-kicking leg and ball areas to be more informative, particularly as the moment of foot-ball contact approached. No differences in visual search behaviour were observed between successful and unsuccessful penalties. The results have implications for improving anticipation skill at penalty kicks.  相似文献   

Considerable research has documented that successful performance in interceptive tasks (such as return of serve in tennis) is based on the performers’ capability to capture appropriate anticipatory information prior to the flight path of the approaching object. Athletes of higher skill tend to fixate on different locations in the playing environment prior to initiation of a skill than their lesser skilled counterparts. The purpose of this study was to examine visual search behaviour strategies of elite (world ranked) tennis players and non-ranked competitive tennis players (n = 43) utilising cluster analysis. The results of hierarchical (Ward’s method) and nonhierarchical (k means) cluster analyses revealed three different clusters. The clustering method distinguished visual behaviour of high, middle-and low-ranked players. Specifically, high-ranked players demonstrated longer mean fixation duration and lower variation of visual search than middle-and low-ranked players. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that cluster analysis is a useful tool for detecting and analysing the areas of interest for use in experimental analysis of expertise and to distinguish visual search variables among participants’.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、文献资料法并结合教学实践,对武汉体育学院网球专选班学生网球肘的认知状况及损伤情况进行调查研究,发现学生网球肘发病率较高,而对网球肘的认知不充分,了解途径单一。研究认为,为了有效预防网球肘的发生,应加强对网球肘的发病机理、症状等知识的教育,并针对教学实践提出预防措施。  相似文献   

Adult overhead athletes without a history of shoulder injury show scapular adaptations. There is a lack of detailed assessment of scapular kinematics in junior overhead athletes. This study aims to investigate three-dimensional scapular kinematics in junior overhead athletes. We recruited a total of 20 junior tennis players and 20 healthy children without participation in any overhead sports in this study. Bilateral scapular kinematic data were recorded using an electromagnetic tracking device for scapular plane glenohumeral elevation. The data were further analysed at 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° and 120° during glenohumeral elevation and lowering. Statistical comparisons of the data between groups (junior overhead athletes and non-overhead athletes) and sides (serve dominant and non-dominant shoulders of the overhead athletes) were analysed with the ANOVA. Comparisons showed that, in general, the scapula was more upwardly rotated and anteriorly tilted in overhead athletes when compared to non-overhead athletes, however there was no side-to-side differences when serve dominant and non-dominant shoulders compared in junior overhead athletes. The serve dominant arm of junior overhead athletes had alternations in scapular kinematics when compared with the non-overhead athletes. These findings provide clinical evaluation implications and the need for clinicians to assess for potential adaptations in junior overhead athletes.  相似文献   

This article uses poetry to show how we might reimagine the body and movement in ways that speak back to and subvert dominant and neoliberal conceptions of health and physical education (HPE). Drawing on the notion of poiesis and Arnold's conceptualisation of physical education as ‘in through and about movement’, I explore possibilities for poetic responses to the body and movement. These responses aim to unearth the emotional and political elements of movement experiences and highlight how much we lose in positioning movement as transactional, and HPE as only justifiable through extrinsic outcomes.  相似文献   


Several researchers have explored the processes underlying perceptual-cognitive expertise, mainly using film-based studies. However, few have compared the extent to which data from film-based settings differ from those obtained through in situ collection. This gap in the literature is a relevant concern, since scientific research is used to provide guidance for designing training programmes. In this paper, eye movement recording and verbal reports of thinking were combined to explore the processes underpinning skilled performance in a representative volleyball task involving both film-based and in situ data collection. Nine volleyball players performed as backcourt defenders while wearing an eye-tracking device and providing verbal reports of thinking after each sequence. A number of significant differences were observed between the data gathered under film-based and in situ conditions. Namely, in the in situ condition participants employed longer fixations (728.11±129.27 ms) than in the film condition (659.57±178.06 ms), and there were differences in the nature of the fixation locations. With respect to verbal reports, participants exhibited superior level of sophistication in the in situ condition (2.57±0.50 vs. 2.30±0.84 in the film condition), while denoting a greater concern with the opponents under this condition (1.00±0.73) than in the film condition (0.59±0.60). These differences emerged despite task design and constraints being highly similar. No differences were apparent in the number of gaze fixations and fixation locations across conditions or in the number of verbalised condition concepts. Although exploratory, our data suggest that the mechanisms underpinning skilled decision-making in sports differ between film-based and in situ conditions.  相似文献   

以webofscience数据库为数据来源库,利用当前最新的信息可视化引文分析软件CitesoaceII对收录在SCI和SSCI中有关网球主题的2466篇文献的引文数据进行分析处理,并以可视化图谱的形式分别展现了文献的时间、国家、机构、期刊分布、主要研究方向和代表作者、分析统计结果显示从2002年到2011年9年间发文量基本呈平滑式下降趋势,研究学科领域涉及到了运动科学、心理学、骨外科、社会科学、医学外科、运动康复、神经学、工程学、内科医学以及计算机科学等,国家分布主要集中在美国、德国、法国、西班牙、加拿大、日本、荷兰、中国,呈现出相对集中与高度离散并存的非均衡性特征,研究机构主要集中在欧美和澳大利亚的大学  相似文献   

注意是体育教学和训练中对运动技能监控和调节及全面提高教学和训练质量的一个值得十分重视的问题.运用实验测试的方法对网球专选班学生和网球运动员在不同运动年限和性别上注意品质的差异进行了研究,并对网球专选班学生和网球运动员的注意品质进行了比较分析.  相似文献   

网球这种交互式对抗的运动,交叉优势类型的运动员占据优势。网球运动中交叉优势意味着正手会占据优势,交叉优势决定了正手时的视野优势,在现代网球中,正手是王道,是最重要的武器。  相似文献   

In search of key-performance predictors in sailing, we examined to what degree visual search, movement behaviour and boat control contribute to skilled performance while rounding the windward mark. To this end, we analysed 62 windward mark roundings sailed without opponents and 40 windward mark roundings sailed with opponents while competing in small regattas. Across conditions, results revealed that better performances were related to gazing more to the tangent point during the actual rounding. More specifically, in the condition without opponents, skilled performance was associated with gazing more outside the dinghy during the actual rounding, while in the condition with opponents, superior performance was related to gazing less outside the dinghy. With respect to movement behaviour, superior performance was associated with the release of the trimming lines close to rounding the mark. In addition, better performances were related to approaching the mark with little heel, yet heeling the boat more to the windward side when being close to the mark. Potential implications for practice are suggested for each phase of the windward mark rounding.  相似文献   

The study investigated differences in the one- (SH) and two-handed (DH) backhands when hit flat, across-court (AC) and down-the-line (DL), and with heavy topspin DL (TDL). The ability to disguise each of these backhands when hitting the above strokes was also assessed. Eighteen college-level male tennis players, identified as having a high performance topspin SH (n = 6) or DH (n = 12) backhand drive, participated in the study. Players were required to hit three AC, DL and TDL backhands from the baseline with their preferred technique, while being filmed with two high-speed video cameras operating at 200 Hz. The highest horizontal velocity backhand for each stroke was analysed. Results indicated that the sequential coordination of five body segments (hips, shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand/racquet rotations) was required for the execution of the SH stroke. The same number of segments were generally coordinated in the DH stroke (hips, shoulders, and varying degrees of upper arm and forearm rotations followed by hand/racquet movement). Mature players produced comparable racquet horizontal velocities 0.005 s prior to impact using either the SH or DH backhand technique. The SH backhand was characterised by a more rotated shoulder alignment than the DH stroke (SH: 119.1 degrees; DH: 83.4 degrees) at the completion of the backswing. At impact the ball was impacted further in front (SH: 0.59 m: DH: 0.40 m) and a similar distance to the side of the body (SH: 0.75 m: DH: 0.70 m). Players using the DH backhand technique delayed the horizontal acceleration of the racquet towards the ball (SH: 0.13 s: DH: 0.08 s prior to impact) and thus were capable of displaying a similar hitting motion closer to impact than players with a SH technique.  相似文献   

Home advantage is a pervasive phenomenon in sport. It has been established in team sports such as basketball, baseball, American football, and European soccer. Attention to home advantage in individual sports has so far been limited. The aim of this study was to examine home advantage in professional tennis. Match-level data are used to measure home advantage. The test used is based on logit models, and consistent specification is addressed explicitly. Depending on the interpretation of home advantage, restrictions on the specification of the model need to be imposed. We find that although significant home advantage exists for men, the performance of women tennis players appears to be unaffected by home advantage.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、访谈、比较分析等方法,对我国竞技网球与乒乓球后备人才的培养模式进行比较研究,针对存在的问题提出合理的建议,旨在为推动我国竞技网球的快速发展提供参考。  相似文献   

通过教学实验并运用心理技能训练的一般原理与方法,结合网球教学实际情况,提出在网球教学中,运用心理训练,可以使身体运动与大脑思维有机结合,强化动作的正确性和有效性,对学习和掌握网球技术动作具有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   


In ball games, players have to pay close attention to visual information in order to predict the movements of both the opponents and the ball. Previous studies have indicated that players primarily utilise cues concerning the ball and opponents' body motion. The information acquired must be effective for observing players to select the subsequent action. The present study evaluated the effects of changes in the video replay speed on the spatial visual search strategy and ability to predict free throw success. We compared eye movements made while observing a basketball free throw by novices and experienced basketball players. Correct response rates were close to chance (50%) at all video speeds for the novices. The correct response rate of experienced players was significantly above chance (and significantly above that of the novices) at the normal speed, but was not different from chance at both slow and fast speeds. Experienced players gazed more on the lower part of the player's body when viewing a normal speed video than the novices. The players likely detected critical visual information to predict shot success by properly moving their gaze according to the shooter's movements. This pattern did not change when the video speed was decreased, but changed when it was increased. These findings suggest that temporal information is important for predicting action outcomes and that such outcomes are sensitive to video speed.  相似文献   

网球双打比赛中的配合策略是双打战术成功与取胜的关键,它包括站位的配合策略、发球的配合策略、接球的配合策略、抢网的配合策略和协同防守的配合策略,只有掌握好这些配合策略才能取得胜利。  相似文献   

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