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目录学研究中若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To build a scientific system of modern bibliography, a thought should be given to its relation to the Traditional one. Bibliography has distinctive national characteristics and also has the features of our age. We should assimilate the essence from the Chinese traditional bibliography and make the qualities of it be merged into the modern one. Thus far, the modern bibliographic system will be of more Chinese features than ever. Brobe, inherit and bring forth new ideas.  相似文献   

The definition of library management can be summed up as follows:It is a kind of activities conducted by the library administrative personnel for the purpose of achieving the optimun goal of a certain activity of library systems, who, by way of several processes of planning, organizing, controlling, etc., optimizes the combination of all the library resources to reach the hight of improving the social benefit of library systems. 6 references.  相似文献   

试论读者参政权   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The readers right of participation is, so to speak, the right to participate in the library management and the library construction. It is contained by the right to make policy decision, the right of management, the right to appraise, the authority to supervise, the right to recommand materials for the library acquisition, the right to purchase on the library s behalf and the right to reject library materials. To give full play to the readers right of participation is a major way for the library to maintain close ties with the readers and an effective measure for the library to overcome difficulties in human resources,etc.,so as to speed up the construction of library undertaking.It is also a significant means for the library to realize its social value and an important way to serve the society wholeheartedly.  相似文献   

The article probes into the feasibility of applying ozone to the sterilization in libraries and information agencies from the aspects of introducing the basic knowledge about ozone, the density and effct of ozone sterilization, the effect that ozone has the writings on the book paper and the ozone sterilization equipments, etc.  相似文献   

On the basis of its actual situation, the Library of Railways has established concrete rules and regulations for applying the collocation methods of the "Classification (?)f Chinese Books and References Materials" to the Library, including aspects of 3 types of collocation functions, 6 items of collocation rules, 2 kinds of collocation methods and 4 kinds of the arrangement of classification numbers.  相似文献   

中国文化发展与图书馆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The history of Chinese library undertaking shows that the development of libraries is subject to the reinforcement of political domination, the need of ideological domination, the rise of education and the development of cultural exchange and the academic research as well. The development of culture breeds and promotes libraries, and libraries in turn, exert an active influence over the development of cultures  相似文献   

图书馆进化初论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Based on the theories of Tao Shuxian s "Three Essential Factors"(1929),Du Dingyou s"Three Essential Factors"(1932), the "Four Essential Factors"(1934) of Liu Guojun and the hbrary systematic theories, the paper, with the combination of the principles and methods of the communication studies, makes a factor decomposition for the library documentary information transfer process and analyses the transfer of factor focal point in the process of libary evolution. Thus it can be seen that the process of library revolution is at the same time also the process of gradual opening.ill.1,3,ref.26  相似文献   

It is the fourth function of libraries to develop intellectual resources. It can be asserted that 80% of knowledge of a man is acquired from the time after school. One of.the major places that offers knowledge to the people is the library. So long as the library exists, this function of it well exist. We should from now on take the problem into consideration and take it seriously. Furthermore, we should make an appeal to the society so as to make this a new social tendency and become a common practice. And this will result in giving an immeasurable effect to "China's rejuvenation by science and technology".  相似文献   

高频词与低频词的界分及词频估算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mr. J.C. Donohue, in 1973, believe that there was a critical value in the demarcation of high-and low-frequency terms used in articles, and at the same time he proposed formulas of calculation. On the basis of adopting maximum value to determine grades of terms, this article brings forth and introduces a new formula of demarcating the high-and low-frequency terms which is not only simple and direct in the process of calculation but also more practical as compared with that of Mr. Donohue. Having made a study of ways of calculating for various kinds of terms with similar frequency,the article also gives a formula of calculation and reveals the inheret law governing the number of frequency of terms ans terms with similar frequency.The author holds that the frequency of terms appeared in the article and the number of terms with similar frequency have something to do with the number of different terms but have nothing to do with the length of the articles.10 formulas.5 tables.4 references.  相似文献   

Bibliographic control—Reviews; Documentation resources—Ways of sharing  相似文献   

论章学诚的目录学知识创新   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
章学诚在目录学理论上的贡献是把目录学的传统和任务总结为“辨章学术、考镜源流”,主张从学术史的角度开展目录工作,认为类例、序文、叙录、互著和别裁是目录工作的主要方法。章学诚在目录学实践上的贡献是编撰了《史籍考》,树立了史学专科目录的典范,制作了《韵览》、《别录》,引领一代索引新风。  相似文献   

梁启超认为目录具有传播知识、传播思想、唤起民众的社会作用,主张目录学为社会服务。他编撰的《西学书目表》,是首创以科学分类为基础的书目分类法。他重视书目的阅读指导功用并把它上升到学者自立和国家自强的高度。他发表《佛家经录在中国目录学之位置》一文,对研究佛经目录卓有成效。他对近代中国目录学的广泛深入研究及其目录学理论和实践的巨大成就,带动了目录学研究,开一代研究之新风。  相似文献   

赵涛 《图书情报工作》2014,58(17):143-148
编纂于清代乾隆时期的《四库全书总目》,在对子部典籍的总结和评介中,系统地表现出诸子学思想和价值判断。其诸子学思想与清代的文化政策有关,和清代前期学术思潮有关,同时也和乾嘉时期学界的学术理念紧密相连,反映了清代前期学术发展的状态,在一定程度上彰显了社会思潮发展的趋向,对推动清代诸子学的复兴起到积极的推扬作用。  相似文献   

本文简述了郑樵的生平事迹、藏书特色,简介其目录学专著《通志·校雠略》,分析了郑樵的藏书和目录学思想,进而指出其对中国藏书事业和目录学的贡献和影响。  相似文献   

《四库全书总目》是我国古代目录学的巅峰之作,代表了传统目录学的最高成就。对《总目》的研究始于民国时期。通过对民国时期《四库全书总目》学研究进展的梳理可以清晰看出,民国的目录学家一方面继承了传统目录学的思想和方法,另一方面积极汲取西方目录学思想的养分,从而使中国目录学的发展迎来了新的高峰。  相似文献   

张舜徽先生是文献学大师,是古典文献学理论的奠基者,在辑佚学思想理论上,他主要讨论了辑佚的定义和产生原因、辑佚的起源、辑佚的取材、辑佚的方法、辑佚的意义等问题,他的思想理论对辑佚学的发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

张潮系清初徽州著名的藏书家、学者,在清代享有盛誉,影响颇大,学界对其颇为关注.刘和文所著《张潮研究》为研究张潮的力作,全书从生平与思想,交游与著术,《虞初新志》研究,《幽梦影》研究,诗作、诗学理论与曲学理论辑考,文献学贡献与影响等方面对张潮进行了系统研究,援引精当,考订翔实;视角多元,独辟蹊径;由点及面,填补了张潮研究的空白.  相似文献   

梁启超先生是近代中国著名的资产阶级思想家、政治家、学者和藏书家,对史学、文学、哲学、佛学、图书馆学及辨伪学的研究多有建树,且著述等身。先生是近代中国报界之巨子,其报刊思想之丰富,报刊实践之广泛,论述之深刻,影响之深远,几乎无人出其右。本文论述了梁先生报刊思想理论与实践发展的三个阶段,对其报刊思想内容和实践活动进行了重温。  相似文献   

王文进著、柳向春标点《文禄堂访书记》作为近代目录学的重要著作之一,一直被学界广泛应用为考镜源流、辨章学术的重要工具书。但该著亦不乏疏谬之处。现以劳权、劳格兄弟校跋本为例,略陈其失,供学界参考。  相似文献   

叶德辉其人不足道,但其学却有可取.其目录学、版本学、校勘学思想对我国近现代目录学、版本学、校勘学的发展产生了深刻的影响.本文主要论述了叶德辉的一些主要校勘思想和校勘方法及对我国校勘学的贡献,特别是他的三大校勘之法,即"死校"法、"活校"法和"避讳"法,在我国校勘学史上起到了承前启后的作用.参考文献4.  相似文献   

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