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Under the combined effects of commercialisation, urbanisation, migration and employment, significant changes are taking place in India’s process of modernisation. One change is the emergence of a population of women with degrees in higher education. These degrees, and the individuals’ desire to pursue professional positions that relate to their education, may influence the ways in which women perceive their identity. This study explores the situations and circumstances of college‐educated Indian females’ identity and illuminates the complexities and consequences of the university‐educated Indian woman’s life. Twenty‐five women from different parts of India were interviewed. The findings, which emerged by marital status, showed identities of single women appeared to be influenced by their interest to maintain a positive attitude about life, develop cognitive intelligence that relates to an interest, and explore the meanings of and learn independence. The identity of married, divorced and widowed women appeared to be affected by their goal to pursue an interest; need to balance personal interests and family responsibilities; and obligation to live in an extended family. The results are discussed in the context of shifting roles of women and the adoption of multifaceted identities.  相似文献   

一般认为,唐代女子家教具有开放活泼的特点,实际上这只是上层社会的情况。而不少敦煌文书资料,从女子家教的重要性、母亲在女子家教中的作用、女子家教的内容等方面反映了唐代下层社会平民女子家教遵从封建社会礼教、维持男尊女卑观念、抹杀女性独立人格、限制女性自主权利的本质,从而说明唐代平民女子家教保守禁锢的一面。  相似文献   

Underrepresented populations such as women, African-Americans, and Latinos/as often come to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers by less traditional paths than White and Asian males. To better understand how and why women might shift toward STEM, particularly computer science, careers, we investigated the education and career direction of afterschool facilitators, primarily women of color in their twenties and thirties, who taught Build IT, an afterschool computer science curriculum for middle school girls. Many of these women indicated that implementing Build IT had influenced their own interest in technology and computer science and in some cases had resulted in their intent to pursue technology and computer science education. We wanted to explore the role that teaching Build IT may have played in activating or reactivating interest in careers in computer science and to see whether in the years following implementation of Build IT, these women pursued STEM education and/or careers. We reached nine facilitators who implemented the program in 2011–12 or shortly after. Many indicated that while facilitating Build IT, they learned along with the participants, increasing their interest in and confidence with technology and computer science. Seven of the nine participants pursued further STEM or computer science learning or modified their career paths to include more of a STEM or computer science focus. Through interviews, we explored what aspects of Build IT influenced these facilitators’ interest and confidence in STEM and when relevant their pursuit of technology and computer science education and careers.  相似文献   

从《世说新语》看魏晋妇女的社会地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉代妇女的地位较低,有种种套在她们头上的枷锁.而魏晋时期,由于玄学风气的影响,对妇女的束缚有所松动.妇女们可以和男性一样受到良好的教育;在婚姻家庭中,她们可以和丈夫有平等的话语权;在政治上,有妇女干政、参政的现象;在经济上,她们又拥有自己的财产.所以,这个时期的妇女的社会地位比汉代要高.  相似文献   

I respond to Pike and Dunne by exploring the utilization of citizen science in science education. Their results indicate that students fail to pursue science beyond the secondary level, in part, because of prior educational experiences with science education. Students lack motivation to pursue degrees and careers in science because they feel science is not relevant to their lives or they are simply not good at science. With this understanding, the science education community now needs to move beyond a discussion of the problem and move forward with continued discourse on possible solutions. Science educators need to focus on developing connections between students’ everyday lives and science so that they will have tangible reasons for continuing with the lifelong learning of science. In this response, I will show that citizen science as an educational context holds much promise, respectively. Participation in citizen science projects moves scientific content from the abstract to the tangible involving students in hands-on, active learning. In addition, if civic projects are centered within their own communities, then the science becomes relevant to their lives because it is focused on topics in their own backyards.  相似文献   

近代徽州乡村妇女在田间劳作之外,走出家门,受雇他人,以获取经济收入,无论从业范围还是层次,都有较大的改变,在家庭中的经济地位有所提高。近代徽州女子教育体系初步形成,男女同校,接受了新教育、新思想的徽州女性努力重塑独立的人格,在成立妇女组织、发起妇女解放运动、追求婚姻自由等方面做出了努力。  相似文献   

讲述离婚故事的是清一色的男士们,在他们的叙述中隐约看出,离婚自由实践中的受益者是男子,那些没有良好教育条件和优越家境的女子在所谓的"妇女解放运动"中不幸承担了"牺牲者"的角色。大多数妇女的主要阵地仍然是家庭,"贤妻良母"作为妇女性别角色的定位,有极大的现实意义。  相似文献   

幸福是个体主客观体验的统一,它与教育有着多方位的关联。女性特殊的生理特征决定了她们的社会角色和责任的复杂性,她们的幸福受这些因素的影响。教育可以增强人们的幸福感受,提高人们追求幸福和创造幸福的能力。而女性教育,较普通教育更贴近女性需要,使女性的幸福追求更为容易。我国的当前的女性教育相对较少,不利于女性的幸福成长,在这方面应该得到重视。  相似文献   

让女性接受教育是消除贫困的有效途径。在决胜全面建成小康社会之际,农村女性继续教育成为我国打赢脱贫攻坚战、阻断贫困代际传递的重要抓手。基于扎根理论,以质性分析软件NVivo 12为辅助工具,对全国妇联妇女发展部主编的《“巾帼脱贫行动”典型案例选编》和“学习强国”平台“巾帼脱贫”专栏所提供的24位农村女性的相关脱贫事迹进行三级编码分析,可将继续教育阻断农村女性贫困代际传递的作用机理概括为:职业技能教育增强农村女性脱贫能力、身心健康教育改善农村女性健康状况、思想文化教育转变农村女性脱贫观念以及家庭亲子教育提升农村女性养育水平。为通过继续教育切实阻断农村女性贫困代际传递,需要注重诊断农村女性教育需求,填补自我发展能力欠缺;把握精神扶贫教育内核,促进农村女性意识觉醒;建构农村女性社会网络,扩展家庭场域教育资源。  相似文献   

Teacher education in Denmark lasts 4 years of which 2.8 years are allocated to a common education while 1.2 years are used for specialization in two subjects, preparing for teaching the two subjects in lower secondary school. Traditionally, the science specialization parts of the education have been heavily influenced by science centered curriculum thinking, but in August 1994 we started a cooperation aimed at improving the physics/chemistry specialization by taking into account recent research in science education. The project was inspired by constructivist thinking emphasizing metacognition, but another major consideration was integration of pedagogical thinking and physics/chemistry thinking. We describe the relevant parts of the Danish educational system as well as our initial considerations and goals and their implementation in the actual teacher education during the first year of the project, i.e. half way through. In connection with the project we developed a ‘teaching/learning cycle’ which is described in detail.  相似文献   

Our study, focused on classroom-based research at the introductory level and using the Phage Genomics course as the model, shows evidence that first-year students doing research learn the process of science as well as how scientists practice science. A preliminary but notable outcome of our work, which is based on a small sample, is the change in student interest in considering different career choices such as graduate education and science in general. This is particularly notable, as previous research has described research internships as clarifying or confirming rather than changing undergraduates' decisions to pursue graduate education. We hypothesize that our results differ from previous studies of the impact of engaging in research because the students in our study are still in the early stages of their undergraduate careers. Our work builds upon the classroom-based research movement and should be viewed as encouraging to the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education movement advocated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Science Foundation, and other undergraduate education stakeholders.  相似文献   

近代教会女学与中国传统女教──兼及中国妇女解放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从教育目的、内容、组织形式以及教育效果等各方面对近代教会女学与中国传统女教进行比较论述,提出:中国传统女教是建立在摧残和压抑女性、牺牲妇女权益的基础之上,导致中国妇女盲从卑弱的性格,进而阻碍了社会的进步和发展。近代教会女学从在上帝面前人人平等的观念出发,以传授西方自然科学知识为主要内容,不仅解放了妇女的思想,而且塑造了中国新一代女性自强自立的个性,为中国的妇女解放作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

Influences on women's entry into male-dominated occupations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article focuses on women's entry into male-dominated occupations in the United States. It looks at the impact of Title IX and related legislation which opened access to colleges and universities to women and examines the effects of initial or pre-enrollment student characteristics, organizational attributes of the college of university, student performance and experiences in higher education and the attributes of employing organizations on women's entry into male-dominated occupations. The article concludes with a model for measuring the relative influence of each.  相似文献   

妇女遭受家庭暴力的现状、成因和对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
妇女遭受家庭暴力是指家庭中的男性成员经常对女性成员人身自由、肉体、精神、性等方面实施侵害的行为或事实.妇女遭受丈夫暴力是妇女遭受家庭暴力的主要方面.它直接侵害妇女人身权利,损害家庭的和睦、稳定和社会的安宁.妇女成为家庭暴力受害者既有经济根源,又有社会、文化根源;既有法制不健全的原因,又有女性自身的原因.因此,要遏制、消除妇女遭受家庭暴力,必须提高妇女的经济地位和政治地位;必须改善法律制度,加大执法力度,完善执法监督,增强妇女维权意识;必须发挥妇联和社会舆论作用,加强妇女自身修养.  相似文献   

嘉莉和苔丝,文学作品中的两位著名女性,境遇相似,命运却截然不同。比较两人在相同的境遇下对金钱和爱情作出的不同抉择,不难找出导致她们不同命运的直接原因,以此给社会主义市场经济条件下追求物质、寻求爱情的现代女性留下思考的空间。  相似文献   

在西方教育史中,柏拉图和卢梭对女性的教育持不同的观点。柏拉图认为,男女两性的教育不取决于性别,应该为女性提供与男性相同的教育;而卢梭则认为,男女两性是存在性别差异的,因此,应该为女性提供与男性不同的教育。这两种女性教育观都使女性在教育中处于劣势。文章分析这两位西方教育思想史学家关于女性教育的观点及其影响,希望对当今男女两性教育问题有所启示。  相似文献   

The number of women attending institutions of higher education in Iran has been steadily increasing since 1989. Growing enrollment rates for women in colleges and universities have sparked wide social and political debates in that country. The basic question of why young Iranian women might even choose to pursue tertiary education, however, has not been adequately addressed in the critical literature. This study gives voice to young women who explain for themselves why they are interested in higher education. It reveals that college or university studies represent for female students many things: a sphere of hope, a refuge, and a place to experience limited freedom beyond restrictive family environments; an asset that can increase a woman’s value in the marriage market; a right that may make possible financial independence; and a vehicle that can earn respect for women. On the whole, the desire for higher education illuminates the challenges facing women in Muslim nations and the ways in which Muslim women are using this institution to change their social status.  相似文献   

An examination of the statistics indicates that Turkish women have made great strides with respect to their recruitment to positions at all levels in the higher education institutions of their country, particularly in such fields as medicine, the hard sciences, and engineering in which women in very many countries are usually thought to be underrepresented. The author attributes this achievement to the Republican ideology of post‐1923 Turkey, the opportunities which were opened to élite women by the correspondence of the latter with the developmental needs of the country, the availability of domestic service provided by non‐elite women, and the existence of family solidarity networks. Women, however, have not been so well represented in such fields as law and political science which, were traditionally close to the loci of political power. In recent years, however, with the expansion of the higher education system, competition between men and women for posts has greatly increased, and economic change and urbanization have dried up the supply of inexpensive domestic help and have stymied family solidarity networks. Thus academic women are increasingly beset by conflicts between their professional and their family roles. This new situation has caused Turkish women to lose ground with regard to recruitment to prestigious positions in higher education and to seek conservative Islamic solutions to the conflicts in question. Reforms based on a renewed Republican ideal are needed to improve the situation and to enable Turkish women academics to build on their past achievements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to propose and test a motivational model of persistence in science education. The model posits that science teachers’ support of students’ autonomy positively influences students’ self-perceptions of autonomy and competence. These self-perceptions, in turn, have a positive impact on students’ self-determined motivation toward science which leads to their intentions to pursue science education and eventually work in a scientific domain. This model was tested with high school students (n=728). Results from univariate analyses of variance and from structural equation modeling analyses (with LISREL) were found to support the proposed model. In addition, a direct link was obtained between perceptions of competence and intentions to pursue a science education, indicating that higher levels of perceived competence predicted higher levels of persistence intentions. The present findings support Self-Determination Theory and open the way to future research from a motivational approach in this area.  相似文献   

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