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彬彬有礼是文明,M ay I/Could I…开场白。M ay I com e in,please?想进别人屋子里。Could I speak to M r.Lin?请你帮找林先生。注释:1.英语中M ay I/Could I…是常用的开场白,表示谦恭客气的态度。2.M ay I com e in,please?我可以进来吗?———选自《少儿英语歌谣100首》彬彬有May I Could I…?@胡文彬 @胡正桁  相似文献   

May I Borrow It?     
Frank:Are you going to use yourbike today? H enry:Yes,I m afraid Iam . Frank:Good,then you won tneed your ten- nis racket(网球拍).M ay I borrow it?May I Borrow It?  相似文献   

Thelastpatientlefthisoffice.Mr.Southhadalookatthe1onthewall.Itwasaquartertosix.Itmeantthathehadtostaythereforfif-teen2.Afriendofhisaskedhimtodinnerthatevening.Ofcourseheshould3someflowersforher.Hebroughtoutthepurseand4themon-eyinit.Hehadsixtydollarsanditwasenoughtodothat.Andthenhe5heboughtanewspaperonhiswaytothe6afterlunch.Hewastoobusytoreadit.Nowhebroughtitout,butincameaman7fortyatthatmoment.Helookedathimcarefully.Themanlooked8.Hedidn'tknowwhathecamefor.“What…  相似文献   

May I go to the restroom?Sure,you mayI can flush the toilet.  相似文献   

Analysts disagree about whether the Civil Rights/Black Power eras lessened the influence of skin tone on education. The paper finds that, holding family background constant, the educational disadvantages of dark and very dark blacks persisted between younger and older age cohorts. On the other hand, younger medium skin blacks no longer achieved less schooling than their lighter skin counterparts. This paper implies that, without the decline in skin tone effects for medium brown blacks, the racial gap between age cohorts would have remained larger.  相似文献   

Australia’s higher education policy settings have signalled a shift towards marketisation. As a consequence, Australian universities have become increasingly competitive, and as they seek to compete for students in higher education markets, they begin to resemble commercial organisations. This article examines the challenges confronting the leadership team at one of Australia’s fastest growing universities, Australian Catholic University. Specifically, it seeks to address the development of systems to better service future students in an environment where the University is not aware or accepting of the need for change.  相似文献   

May I be excused? Why teachers leave the profession   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Considerable research has been conducted into teacher retention. Less is known of ex-teachers' circumstances: salary, workload, working conditions, “job prestige”. For this study, telephone interviews were used to ask 21 ex-teachers about their journey from teaching, and views on their current working conditions by comparison. This paper focuses on the events surrounding these people's decisions to leave the profession; these ex-teachers are in a privileged position to comment on teaching by comparison with their subsequent work. Few regret their decision to leave the profession. The findings have implications for teacher recruitment, education, provision of working conditions, and for the promotion of teaching.  相似文献   

生命的量度不取决于我们呼吸的次数,而取决于那些给予我们惊奇的时刻。  相似文献   

Do you read this the way I read this?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies were carried out which investigated students' perceptions of, and reactions to, a tutor's comments on written assignments. The method used was based on the Kelly Construct Repertory Grid technique and is referred to as the Kelly Analysis. Study 1 involved the use of a facilitator who helped the students in carrying out the Kelly Analysis. Study 1 demonstrated that this technique was effective in eliciting both the students' and the tutor's perceptions of the comments, and that an examination of matches and mismatches between the two could be carried out. Study 2 focused on the development of a self-administered Kelly Analysis to remove the need for a facilitator. Students had few problems in using the self-administered Kelly Analysis and, again, an examination of matches and mismatches in perception of comments was feasible and useful. The potential value of open-ended questions in exploring students' perceptions was also investigated. It is suggested that the Kelly Analysis coupled with the use of open-ended questions could provide a valuable tool to tutors and students who wish to explore understanding of comments, and one that might aid in creating more reflective practitioners and students. Two relevant theoretical perspectives are also outlined: schema theory within cognitive psychology, and social constructivist theory especially the role of scaffolding learning.  相似文献   

辞旧迎新,新的一年、新的一期《辽宁招生考试》又与广大读者见面了。在这里,我们真诚地问一声:我能为你做些什么?这不是一句简单的寒暄语。而是我们办刊宗旨的体现。  相似文献   

~~I Don't Like you!@林健$广西柳州市柳邕一小四(2)班~~  相似文献   

When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator,and I immediately wanted to paint another one.When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw you feed a stray cat,and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.  相似文献   

I have a great mother. She is not only my mother, but my teacher, too. When I was a little child, my mother told me why and how to be a useful man to our motherland.  相似文献   

网络的普及任某种程度上节省了我的开支,比如说——购买贺卡。往年这个时候我要去挑去选,买回一大堆贺卡,接着苦思冥想一些祝福的话,然后小心翼翼地填写,一直到对方回信说收到了我的贺卡,才放下心来。现在好了,网络上有成千上万、各种各样的电子贺卡,免费使用,爽呆了!  相似文献   

“闻堰美食节开幕啦……”一阵阵清脆悦耳的声音从大街上传出,诱人的美食吸引了许许多多中外游客。我也被吸引了,便加入了“美食小队”。“哇!人真多呀。”大家都惊奇地大叫,这里可谓是人山人海啊!人群像滔滔江水连绵不绝,又像一群小蚂蚁,在地面上蠕动着,还不时发出欢笑声、嬉戏声、喝彩声……真是热闹非凡!这里人多、声音多,美食更多,而且还有被称为“人间极品”的美食。它们也有“皇宫”。镜头一:美丽非凡的国王和皇后。美食节中的国王和皇后,也就是那里的“大哥大”,它们是叔叔、阿姨们精工细做的冰激凌。国王:巧克力冰激凌,一个五颜六色…  相似文献   

"ARE you hungry?"还是"DO you hungry?",在课堂上我无数次看到同学们为此而凌乱. 首先要告诉大家正确的是:Are you hungry?!(强烈建议感觉凌乱的同学大声读该句3~5遍."以正压邪"永远都是改正错误的最佳方法.)接着是个令大家更凌乱的问题: "为什么用'Are'?"  相似文献   

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